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Chapter 49: A Tour (2)

Chapter 49: A Tour (2)

While Amy was explaining and answering questions regarding the restaurant situated in the hotel, Shinto scrutinized the customers and the interiors of the restaurant through the entrance. Much like any normal noble-like restaurant that he had been to before, there weren't any much differences to the deco.

'Hmm... It's just like your typical restaurant owned by nobles huh?' he thought to himself as he glanced at the interiors of the restaurant. Soon after, he averted his eyes away as he turned towards Amy.

"Before we go, I still have one last question," Shinto said. "What's the portion of food you normally serve to customers?"

Usually, restaurants owned by nobles would serve dishes in small portion due to the usage of expensive ingredients. Though it's served in small portion, it still manages to fill the appetites of the nobles who eat there.

Shinto never really understood how it's possible for them to be full with such small portions of food, but he can't say the same for himself with the fact his appetite is filled just by eating cup noodles for lunch and dinner.

"The portions of food you ask? Well, depending on the food they order, we serve in either a small or normal portion."

"...I see. Are there any restrictions on what monthly pass customers can order versus paying customers?"

"Of course. There are a handful of dishes that monthly pass customers cannot order, due to the ingredients to make such a dish is expensive," Amy explained. "But that is only a handful. The rest of the dishes are available for all to eat. Like I said earlier, we serve a variety of dishes, so there are many options for customers such as you to choose from. So do not fret," Amy said, "Does this answer your question?"

"I guess this suffices," Shinto nodded his head.

"Good. Now let us be on our way," Amy continued walking through the hallways as she gestured to the two follow along.


Amy took the two towards the other various facilities of the hotel. Starting with the accommodations area. The rooms that customers stayed in were at a decent size, it wasn't too spacious nor was it cramped. The furniture in the room followed the same theme as per the other places in the hotel, it was of luxury.

Following that, Amy took the two over towards the training facilities, where one could train their skills and hone them. The instructor in the room would give a quest for the players to do, and upon completion, they would get rewards. However, Shinto and Frey didn't know about the rewards as they were not allowed to view the quest.

Besides the accommodations and training facility, there was also the rest area where many would go to in order to find parties or trade with one another. It was a much calmer place compared to the noisy town's centre.

While the two were viewing the rest area on the second floor of the hotel, Shinto turned towards a small group of players by the corner of the room. They seemed to be in amidst of a discussion.

"Do you guys wanna do some Old Wood Caverns Dungeon? I can't do them solo..." The player with the name of [ Masi ] sulked.

"Oh? You don't have the equipment issued by the hotel yet?" [ Giller ], a player in a full set of what seemed to be expensive armour replied.

"Of course not! The requirements to get them is insane! Earn 7,000 gold before the end of the week and gain a piece of equipment issued by the Lavida? I can barely earn 5,000 gold..." Masi replied.

"Huh? Earning 7,000 gold in a week is easy! Just farm some monsters and sell the loot, you'll get enough by then!" Giller said. "It's easier if you get those rare drops and sell it to the players market. Man, you earn so much gold from that!"

"What? Selling rare drops? Are you insane?" Masi raised his brow. "Why would you sell something so rare?! And I also heard from the forums that the equipment carries you for a long time..."

"Eh, those are old information! Besides, the equipment we get from here is so much better!" Giller cheerfully said. "Have you not seen the equipment yet?"

"...No. I only just got the monthly pass two weeks ago..."

"Ah, here, let me share with you the details of the armour."

"...!!" Masi's eyes opened wide as he saw the details of the item. "Is this... Real?"


The two players in the rest area were loud, thus Frey couldn't help but eave drop. 'Lavida's Equipment...? Requirement?' Hearing their conversation, she turned towards Amy in curiosity. "What's this about equipment you get from the hotel?" she asked.

"We give out good quality equipment to adventurers who have gone over the gold limit for the week. Many may not know this, but, the equipment is manufactured by the very best blacksmith in the region and enhanced by our runic mage. Thus, it is of great quality that rivals many items only dropped by the monsters."

"It's that good?" Shinto raised his brow. "Are we able to see the equipment ourselves to confirm?"

"You may not, sadly. We do not want to leak the details of our equipment to non-paying customers or customers who are not on a monthly pass," Amy said. "However, if you take up the monthly pass, you may view the equipment and may even try it out for the day to see if you like it."

"...Eh? Isn't it unfair that we can't try it out to see if we want to try for the monthly pass?!" Frey blinked at Amy's words.

"Dear customer, you would have to understand that this equipment s a bonus provided by the monthly pass. The main purpose of the monthly pass is to provide with you the accommodations and free usage of the facilities," Amy reasoned. "Thus we are not obligated to show you such items as it is not within the scope of the original purpose of the monthly pass."

"I assume the items are not for sale?" Shinto asked.

"Yes, it is not."

"Then we get to keep them if we get the equipment?"

"Of course, the equipment is given out as a bonus and the adventurers are allowed to keep it."

'...This sounds oddly suspicious...' Shinto thought to himself as he turned towards the group of players once again. 'They would give away free items that rival the rare equipment dropped by the monsters and not sell them? This sounds way too far-fetch for me...'

Before Shinto had a chance to think any further, Amy continued. "Now that we have finished touring the rest area and have reached the end of the tour, what do you think? Would you like to take up the monthly pass now?"

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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