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Chapter 50: A Tour (3)

Chapter 50: A Tour (3)

"...Is this all to the tour?" Upon hearing that the tour had ended, Shinto was stumped for words. He hadn't expected for the tour to have ended so soon. The two had only visited about four facilities since the start of the tour and that was it? Shinto had thought there would be more to it.

"Yes, that is all to the tour," Amy nodded her head. "The facilities which I have taken you to would be the important places for adventurers. The rest of the facilities in the hotel are miscellaneous things for them."

"So we won't be visiting the other places since it miscellaneous?" Frey asked.

"Yes. That is right," Amy answered. "If you would like to explore the other facilities, then you may do so right after taking up the monthly pass."

"Isn't the tour supposed to tour you around the hotel and show you all of its available facilities?" Shinto raised his brow.

"No, the purpose of this tour was to show new customers such as yourselves the important facilities of the hotel which I have already shown you. The other facilities aren't important to note."

"What are the other facilities we haven't visited then?"

"The banquet hall and the ballroom."

"Those are the only one's we haven't visited?"

"Yes. As I said, those are miscellaneous for adventurers, you would have no need for such facilities unless you're thinking of throwing an event there?"

"No, I am not. Since those two facilities are the only places we haven't visited and with the fact it's miscellaneous for us, I guess it's only right that the tour is done..." Shinto wanted to see all the other available facilities for the monthly passers, but seeing that the only remaining one was the banquet hall and ballroom which many wouldn't care about, it was safe to say he had seen the necessary appealing facilities of the hotel to the players.

"Yes, that is so. Now would that be all?" Amy asked. "May I now have your answer to the monthly pass? Are you interested in it after seeing the facilities?"

"...Well," Now that it is the end of the tour, it was time for Shinto to give his answer. Without any hesitation, he gave his answer.


Within the streets of the Town of Parm, Greld anxiously sat on the small bench situated in the town centre. He looked towards the hotel in front of him with worried eyes.

"...What's taking them so long?" Greld mumbled as he waited for Shinto and Frey to come out of the hotel. "Did something happen there? Can a tour of just viewing the accommodations and facilities really take more than an hour?"

Countless thoughts went through his mind as continued to anxiously look at the entrance of the hotel. "...Did they abandon me? Is that why?" he sighed. "I guess it can't be helped... Why would they bother to help an old man like me huh?"

Countless emotions flushed through Greld's eyes as it went from anxiousness to sadness. "It was a lost cause, the damn people there must have done something again to make them turn against me..." he slowly stood up as looked at the hotel one last time.

Just as he turned to the hotel for the last time, he saw the two familiar faces walk out of the hotel.

"...Ah! It's them! But... Wait..." Upon seeing Shinto and Frey, he narrowed his eyes over to a small band on the hands of Frey. On the band, there was a logo of the hotel on it. "...They did betray me..."

All hope within in eyes shimmered away as Greld slowly began to silently walk away from the bench he had sat. However, just as he was about to walk away, he heard a voice calling him out.

"Mr Greld! Over here!!" The voice, Frey called out as she waved her hand to get the attention of Greld.


Greld turned towards Frey as she called him out. However, his face was showing a sad expression. 'What do they want now after betraying me...? Do they want to tell me the deal is off?'

As the man thought to himself, Frey rushed towards him. "Mr Greld! Can you not hear me from there?"

"What is it...? Do you have something tell me?"

"Huh? Why are you so down all of a sudden? Did the nobles did something to you while we were here?!"

"Nothing of that sort happened or well nothing directly happened to me."

"What? Nothing directly happened to you? What do you mean?" As Frey asked the man, greld pointed his finger over to the band that she was wearing.

"What's the meaning of that?" Greld said in a sad tone.

"Ah, uh, well..." Frey was stumped for words as she realized the reason why he suddenly became like that.

"Frey went for the monthly pass," Shinto answered for her.

"...I see, so it's as I thought huh?" Greld sighed.

"No, nothing of that sort."

"Huh?" Greld raised his brow as he heard Shinto's reply.

"We'll still help you, Greld. This is just apart of the preparations needed for the live show challenge," Shinto explained.


"We need to prepare and find out the info of the one we're facing against right? We wouldn't want to go in blindly and suffer a loss. That would defeat the entire purpose of the live cooking show in the first place," Shinto explained.

"But what does this have to do with taking up the monthly pass?" Greld was at a loss.

"What's better than to know your enemy from the inside?" Shinto said. "Frey will be helping us find out the quality of food that they provide, and... We may be able to turn over some of the customers."

"Yeah," Shinto nodded his head. "Let's head to the tavern, I'll explain more there."

"...Right," Greld let out a sigh of relieve. 'Maybe with these two adventurers... It wouldn't be a lost cause after all huh...?' Greld looked at the backs of Shinto and Frey. '...I can save my tavern.'

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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