Reset: DPS to Support?!

Chapter 82: Special Event (2)

Chapter 82: Special Event (2)

'...what? Altric?' Shinto blinked at the mention from Zavir. 'To hear it all of a sudden...'

"Hmm... it seems that I have caught all of your attention, huh? Good, good. You all must be dying to know what was discovered at the ancient ruins of Altric," Zavir chuckled. "Well, I won't dilly dally any longer. As you all may know, the discovery of this ruin meant that the ancient civilization of Altric existed back then. So, what does this mean? Well, it means the stories that were told throughout the ages seem to be true."

"Tsk... to hear this now of all things..."

"An ancient civilization?"


Murmurs could be heard within the table that Shinto sat in. However, due to the loud voice from Zavir that echoed through the ballroom, he couldn't make out who was saying what clearly.

"Now with that being said, what was discovered at the ruins you may ask? Well, to simply put it, we found many sorts of interesting things. From 'information' to a fascinating fact. However, I will only touch on 'information'," he nodded his head. "Within the mountains of Galven, I and a few executives found many sorts of peculiar details. One of which was the discovery of certain obelisks that seem to tell a tale. A tale in which that correlated to legends."

"...this is..." Hearing the location of where the ruin was discovered, Shinto felt uneasy.

The mountains of Galven were located at the borders of the kingdom of Zemul, leading to the kingdom of Hak. When one needed to head east to Hak from Zemul, they would need to cross the mountain path.

'To know the dungeon where I got this class from... just what is this?' Shinto couldn't help but felt dumbstruck at the sudden turn of events. The last time he was there, he vividly remembered that he was the first player to have discovered the dungeon.

'The ruins were left untouched for a long since before I came there... so it couldn't possibly be that Lavida was the first to find it... so that would mean the discovery was after I was sent to Parm?' He calmly thought of the situation despite his uneasiness.

"The tales of legends... what about them? I'm sure you all know the famous story of the swordsman of elementals, a very famous legend about a man who ventured through the dark trying times of the world, sealing off the demonic beings," Zavir continued. "Or the story about the magician who seeks countless knowledge, one who delves into the realms of enlightenment, learning spells that many could not master."

"..." The more Shinto heard from Zavir, the more he felt uneasy at the situation. 'Why would he reveal this discovery to everyone in the room? Does he not care for any leaks?'

"I could go on and on about these legends, but that would bore you, no? So I'll jump to the chase. At the ruins, we found four obelisks. One about a swordsman, a magician, a huntress and another obelisk in which we couldn't tell who it was."

'...that obelisk should be the one abut the duality between light and dark...' Shinto thought to himself. 'If so... that would mean my class.'

The Shadow Diviner class, one that knows the arts of the shadows and divine light. Though, despite getting the class, he knew nothing of it.

'But then... last I remembered, there were seven obelisks found... the one's not mentioned is the blacksmith, the cursed child and the knight of chivalry... did they purposely left that out?' His thoughts continued. 'Or... did they not find it?'

"Ahem... anyway, you may find yourselves wondering, how do these obelisks about the legends correlate to Altric? Well, it's simple. Through the murals indicated on the obelisks... they all tie to one thing, Altric, the origins of these stories," he explained. "So what does this mean for us? What importance does Altric hold to Lavida?"

"...just what is this guy getting at here?"

"The importance..."

"The origins?"

Murmurs protruded out from within the ballroom upon hearing Zavir's statement. The nobles who sat at the seats within the room were curious at what he was about to say next.

"Yes, yes... the importance. What's so important about Altric for us to the point I'm announcing our discovery in front of all of you? Why am I revealing it to all of you? Well, it's simple. To those who we invited personally over to this event..." he carried on. "You all may know, Lavida's goal in all of this is to expand. Thus, it is in our best interest to garner your support."

"...garnering the support of others," Shinto murmured to himself. "Is this really their goal?"

"Yes, you heard me correctly. To garner your support for our establishment and also to aid us in discovering more about Altric, what better than to show you our full trust by revealing such discovery to all of you. In turn for your support, you will gain prestige and honour through this. The things found there would interest you, no?'

Suddenly a quest prompt appeared in front of all the players within the ballroom.

[ Hand in Hand. ]

Difficulty: ???

Baron Zavir has shared with you, and many others the discovery of Altric. The 'truth' that lays hidden, what could it mean? With the fact that Lavida is first to have discovered the ancient ruin site, they aim to search far and wide for more sites such as this, thus Lavida asks for you help.

The benefits of such a deal? Through aiding Lavida, you may get first-hand knowledge on information, unique items and the like.

You may also gain other bonuses.

Accepting Rewards: Advanced knowledge of Altric.

When The Quest Is Active: Expeditionary Quests will begin at a certain time prior to accepting this quest, by refusing the quest that's been given, this quest will fail.

Quest Penalty Upon Failure: Certain things will occur.

*You may opt-out of the quest at any time, however, there will be a penalty for that, but not as grave as the penalty upon failure.

"...what? Another quest?" Shinto blinked at the sight as he read through the details. "...the incentive of gaining unique things by helping Lavida huh?"

"Argh! Who do they think they are?!" Frey muffled her screaming.

"Hah... the shit?" Ethaniel let out a sigh of disbelief.

"Adventurers and nobles alike, you will not regret joining hands with us," Zavir said calmly. "If you have any interest in this, please do go to the front desk outside of the ballroom to sign up. If you're still considering, you may come back there the next day."

"Psst... master!" Frey whispered to Shinto. "This is a scam too right?"

"Even with the speech that he gave... I'm still lost on Lavida's overall goal. To expand Lavida but to also go out of their way to discover more about Altric... it's too ambiguous," Shinto sighed. "The fact that they're doing this to garner support is suspicious."

"Who will even accept that kind of deal?" Greld frowned.

"Ugh, we haven't gotten a single answer," Ethaniel scoffed. "Adding Altric to the mix just makes it as confusing!"

"Now, this concludes my speech. You may now continue your dinner! Ah, might I also add that if you wish to leave, you may now do so as well. We have prepared each of our guests a room for the night, please get your key from the front desk outside," Zavir said. "Enjoy your stay and I hope that you'll consider our offer!" Ending his speech, he made his way out.

"E-Eh? That's it?" Frey blinked. "So all he went about is this plan thingy of Lavida and the something Altric?"

"Hmm... basically so," Raina said in a confused tone. "Is this the convincing factor to make us accept the compensation deal?"

"I don't know... It probably is seeing as how he asked us to stay till the end," Shinto shrugged. "Though, I'm surprised. None of the guests here seem to be making a fuss over the events that we caused earlier..."

"Huh. You're right, something's up with that..." Ethaniel raised his brow. "Are they ignorant or what?"

"The ruckus we made on the lower floors, it should have caused some people to question due to how chaotic it was," he said. "But now that I think about it... the people that we fought were all those who knew nothing. The more experienced ones seem to have never appeared... so does this mean that throughout this entire situation... we were just dancing in Lavida's palms?"

"Ugh..." he groaned in annoyance. "What the hell do they want?!"

"So... what do we do now?" Frey asked. "Is the plan still on or what?"

"With things becoming like this... I'm not sure anymore," Shinto said. "For all I know, their goal is to garner 'support'. But from what I can see... the nobles here are mostly already supporters and as for the adventurers..." His eyes turned to scrutinize the areas once again. "They all seem to be of newbies to intermediate players... eh?"

His eyes slightly opened wide as he saw a familiar face by the distance. "...Tristan?" he stared dumbfoundedly at a table at the front, where a blue-haired man sat at.

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