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Chapter 83: Special Event (3)

Chapter 83: Special Event (3)

"...shit," he cursed at the sight. "If he's here then who else?"

The moment he spotted the blue-haired man by the distance, Shinto became tense as he hurriedly looked around the area, more discreetly than before. The fact that there was a veteran player here meant that his identity would be found out if he made any rash move that made him stand out.

"...besides Tristan... there's also a few more players that are on the unified rankings... just what is this?" he murmured in worry. "...I'm underestimating Lavida by a whole lot..." To be able to get the attention of the rankers, Shinto couldn't help but feel discomfort.

"Huh? Master! Is something wrong?" Noticing the sudden uneasiness of Shinto, Frey asked.

"Ahem... it's nothing," Hearing Frey quickly snapped him out of his dumbfoundedness. Moments later, Shinto quickly shook his head to get back his composure. "A-Anyways... for the being, I think we should just rest for the night. It's been a hectic day."

"Rest for the night? What about the food? There's still quite a lot of courses left..." Frey pondered on the thought.

"You can stay back to continue eating if you want, I'm beat," Shinto stood up as he made his way out of the ballroom.

"Hah... this entire thing is too exhausting to think off," Ethaniel stood up whilst scruffling his hair. "I'll head out too."

"Eh? You too?" Frey asked.

"I don't want to stay here any longer than I have to," he said whilst making his way out.

"Seriously you two? The foods going to waste!!" Frey pouted.

"Pfft... is that all you can think about?" Raina chuckled.

"Well... today's events just makes me hungry..." she said. "Are you leaving too?"

"Nope, I'll stay! What about you Greld?"

"Sigh... I don't know. I'll just stay here for the time being," Greld replied helplessly.


From a distance away from the table that the group sat at, a blue-haired man casually conversed with other players at the front row tables of the ballroom.

"Haha, see, Trist? I told you skipping that match would be worth it!" A player beside Tristan chuckled.

"...I guess," he shrugged. "But the result was that we lost you know."

"Well, the entire guild asked you to represent them for this event today. So they won't blame you."

"We could've clearly won if I was there," he frowned. "...but whatever." He glanced away from the players as he turned towards the entrance of the ballroom.

"Hey, it's just one match! You guys are already guaranteed to go to the out-rounds this season!" The man patted his back. "Anyways, what are you going to do after this?"

"...?" Ignoring the person beside him, Tristan's eyes slightly opened wide as he saw a black-haired man by the distance. "...this is?"

"Hey, Trist! Are you even listening?!"

"What?" Tristan quickly turned back to the player. "Yeah, yeah, whatever you say."

"Argh! You didn't listen at all!" He clicked his tongue. "I said, what are you going to do after this?"


Walking out of the ballroom, Shinto's footsteps rang through the grounds of the sixth floor.

'Hah...' Shinto let out a tired breath. 'Thing's taking a turn unexpectedly... who knew that this quest would lead to such things...'

From a 'save the tavern' quest that led to this point, who would even expect that?

'...I still don't know why Lavida is so persistent in going against Greld...' he sighed. 'Is it just because of his business or... is there an underlying agenda that he's hiding away from us...'

Remembering the conversation with Zavir and Greld, he thought to himself. 'I don't think it's just the business aspect that Zavir was offering... but...'

While lost in thought, Shinto suddenly heard a loud roar from behind him. "Oi! Bastard! Are you even listening to me?!"

"...!" Turning around, he quickly noticed that Ethaniel was right behind him.

"...what do you want?" he raised his brow.

"I've been trying to call you for ages," he clicked his tongue. "I asked: what the shit do we do right now? There's this compensation offer and then that Altric offer. You're not planning on bowing down to them are you?"

"I don't plan too. But... the alternatives aren't really there," he shrugged. "I'll probably think about it after resting for the day."

"Right... are you planning on sleeping here?" he asked. "Wait, do they even have our names on the list?"

"Well, seeing as how we were basically anticipated to come... probably," he sighed. "As for sleeping here, that's the only option for me since... there's really no other places for a good nights rest."

"Bah... so you don't have a place to rest too? Ugh..." he frowned. "Whatever, I'll settle to sleeping here then."

Turning towards the front desk outside of the ballroom, Shinto quickly made his way there, from behind Ethaniel followed after.


"...oh?" At the front desk, the attendant, Amy looked at the two adventurers in front of her curiously. "I see, you're going to be sleeping here?"

"No choice," Ethaniel clicked his tongue.

"Hmm... I see," she nodded her head. "Let's see here... adventurer Shinto and Ethaiel... room 706 on the seventh floor. Here," upon finding their names on the list, Amy provided two keys towards the two players.

"Wait, we're rooming together?" he asked.

"Well, you did barge in here like no one's business together," Amy shrugged. "I had figured two were companions. Do you want to change rooms? I'm sure Lucas would appreciate your company."

"Ugh... nevermind. I'll just stick with this one," Nathaniel clicked his tongue.

"And you, adventurer Shinto?" Amy turned to Shinto. "Are you fine with this?"

"...I guess."

"Very well then," she nodded her head. "May you two enjoy your stay in Lavida. Ah and... what about the offer? Are you going to accept it?"

"Tch, you said we can answer tomorrow right" Ethaniel scoffed.

"...I'll think about it for now," Shinto replied.

"Very well then. I will anticipate your answer tomorrow," nodding her head, she soon followed up. "Though, I will only say one thing regarding this. Take it however as you may."

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