Re:write The Authors Transmigration

Chapter 57: Base raid [1]

Chapter 57: Base raid [1]

[Morris, isn't this the opposite direction where are we going, k thought you said you'll regroup with the others?]

"Jin already has it under control in the meantime, I have a few ways to get some information about those followers," Morris entered a tavern where he was greeted by all of the workers, the entirety of the tavern was empty while a single individual was waiting for his arrival

[An Elf I haven't seen one in ages, the last time I met their race was the time I needed their bodily fluids for a potion]

"I'm not even gonna ask," He walked until he arrived at the table where the Elf resides, while he raises his glass filled wine towards Morris

"It seems that you're having a hard time finding them am I correct? well, I will help you I just need the Insignia badge that you have," Persevis flicked his finger and the table near Morris moved before he even reached it with his hand

[You still have one but you have 5 teams unless your slave became a member by ownership of the player?]

'That's the perks of having a slave their seen as an object, not as a player which made me save one Insignia, I never thought of giving this to Blake. even if he's useful he isn't fit for this kind of mission which ultimately lead to him joining Hugo's team as Yoona's temporary replacement for her absence,'

"Are you a little uncomfortable with how I look? well, I can't help it, the only thing I remember was playing the game and I was sent here with the face of my character while my items are missing," Morris didn't answer his question he only placed the Insignia near his side of the table while he didn't show any signs of giving him the item before he says his demands

'How could I forget the face he was using was an illusion, I remember adding these characters that took the form of their characters. simply put they were sent into this world while they were playing the game, if I remember correctly I called them the Shifted, the players that possess their character's body and stats along with their race's unique ability,'

"I need to borrow some of your followers and I need that piece of information that youre holding on and you'll receive this Insignia without any further requirements do we have a deal or not?"

"Don't worry about any casualties in the district I spread across all of my followers, so you should focus all of your time on clearing this story quest,"

Morris left the tavern after he heard his last words along with Persevis's followers that revealed themselves as the employees of their so-called information network that was disguised as a normal tavern

"It's nice to make your acquaintance, I'm the leader of this group of six people, you've already known me as Park Hyunsu the tactician everyone introduce yourselves,"

They appear in the shadows of the objects that surrounded the two of them without any signs of stealth only an overflowing amount of Mana that was seeping throughout their entrance giving him a shock at how much Persevis's men had grown in the early stages of his book. making him suspicious of their growth, making Hyunsu that noticed his suspicion drag him away from his party members

"Slow down Morris nim their not doing anything sketchy, they're a bunch of Seers (Transmigraters) like us, they're not a threat im sure of it," Hyunsu whispered the classified information in his ears while the others were a little confused with their disappearance

[There's a lot of your people inside this trials]

"No wonder some of you learned how to void walk, If I didn't hear any sort of explanation I would've mistaken them for a couple of Demonic worshipers. I can hear one of their voices let's get back before they get suspicious also don't call me Morris in front of them, I don't want anyone learning my connection with the Grand seer (Author)," The two of them created some coded languages that made even the deities wonder what they're talking about

[Is that guy powerful enough to kill all of you?]

"His kind of a problem," Morris came back to meet the other Transmigaters aside from Hyunsu

"Hello, I'm Yuuko Nakajima, I'm the Aoe Mage on my team and the one responsible for our entrance," She bowed to show some respect for her senior member

'It's the Void walk user I thought she would look a little more threatening compared to what I imagined,'

"Were using our real names? I'm Kang Sei Yeong, I'm the cleric, and I'll introduce the rest since we don't have a lot of time on our hands. this is Grey Williams our Tank, Xiao Fen our Assassin, and our last member Quinton Argyle our Control Mage," The five of them showed a similar manner to Hyunsu they prevailed in the world without any problem which made him conclude his theory of how much his story could help his readers

[Appraisal: All of them are above the average person at best, some are talented while some of them survive the world through various strategies that are not in the range of your skill to appraise]

"Nice to meet all of you that are attending my joint endeavor, if everyone is concerned about their death you're free to leave. I'm not going to risk my life for someone who doesn't have the will to fight for their life if anyone were to fall into this category I suggest you take a hike," He was waiting for one or two of them to leave before he could make his move only for his question to be answered by on person

"No offense, senior member but we've already seen through your plans, we know that what we're venturing into will might give us a taste of death. were not as fragile think we are if you asked the cult for some backup then surely they'll send upon their best forces to assist thee to his mission," Quinton replied to his answer while the others nodded in agreement with his statement

[He kinda sounds like you when you're making that fake backstory of your Alter ego]

'I like him this guy is my kind of person he sounds and looks like a player in the book, while the rest are oddly similar to Hyunsu. well, beggars can't be choosers I'll have to work with them for now,'

"Glad to hear it you can Spell, or you can call me Thief, either way, it won't change the fact that I won't reveal my true name to you. I'll take the lead the six of you will follow on my back," Morris changed his Black hair and turned it white while his physical appearance to his voice has been unidentifiable when he placed his mask

[System: the item Mask of mysteries has taken its effect, you'll now become a player whose stats, appearance, or voice could be seen through by any optical skills]

They made their way to the Eastern District where every night was the best time for the sinners to pillage, kill, or even molest their victims on this lawless side of the city where every crook would lurk in every corner making their search harder. if not for Persevis's lead they would've been circling the whole area, only to gather a few pieces of information that were not even related to their mission. making them arrive at a certain building that was heavily guarded, with only a few openings to be seen in every corner

[It's too guard down for us to enter that place, even if we could how do you think will escape after alarmed the ones inside?]

"Owner I can sense something inside that place, I'm not sure If it's related to the Alchemist but I can't sense it," Moon appeared from in the opening around his chest while Sun follows him to the outside world

[Sun LVL 4

Title: Familiar

Hp: 50

Atk: 5

Spd: 30

Def: 40

Mp: 28

Stm: 30

Skills: Heal, Taunt, Fortification

Stat points: 0

More skills will be unlocked after it reached a certain level]

[Moon LVL 4

Title: Familiar

Hp: 35

Atk: 40

Spd: 40

Def: 15

Mp: 30

Stm: 29

Skills: Poison fang, Paralyzing slash, Corrosion

Stat points: 0

More skills will be unlocked after it reached a certain level]

[I think they'll unlock a new skill at LVL 5 I'm impressed with your taming skills to think you've grown them to this point of the trials]

'It's a Familiar to think someone could find one in the early stages of the story who is this guy but the fact that they're a bunch of cats make them more useless, It might not even last for a minute at best. I have to ask him where he got them I want to summon my own familiar as well this chosen reader Quinton Argyle will summon forth a powerful beast that even I could tame,'

"Here's the plan I need that two of you to gather every guard that came into your way, Sun I need you to Taunt them and Moon to paralyze them," Sun and Moon jumped off the rooftop and made their way to the building while the others waited for their return

"Are they gonna be okay?" Yuuko replied while a depressing tone could be heard in her voice

"It will be fine if Senior Spell had trained them until they could be ordered to do a complex order. then I would say that they can handle themselves properly that's to be expected," Grey was the only one who could've felt the lingering Aura inside his Familiars that had an absurd Bloodlust that could rival a predator

"Guess you know a few things, stand aside I don't want you guys to get wet there about to arrive," Morris was holding onto a concentrated Wave orb in his right hand while it was flipping through the entirety of their time until he sees the guards that covered with bruises made by his Familiars and Taunted towards their location

[Appraisal: multiple enemies detected Thirty-six LVL 17 Fifteen LVL 13 and Three LVL 19. all of them have been detected with the familiar Aura that was mentioned by Familiar Moon, you can now kill them]

[System: Familiar Sun and Moon have been called back to the player's side]

"1st tier magic combination Wave + Shock, Amplify!!!" Morris threw the orb below their location which created a massive flood that shocked anyone that would come in contact, their bodies weren't able to handle the powerful surge of electricity that was amplified to its highest quality

Morris jumps down from the roof once he deactivated his spell, he was looking through the corpses which made him find a key while he Ignited a few of their clothes which were dried for them to wear as a disguise. while the corpses he left would melt away from the acid that he allowed leaving not a single bone to be found

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