Re:write The Authors Transmigration

Chapter 58: Base raid [2]

Chapter 58: Base raid [2]

A disturbance caught the attention of the guards that were inside the building with their Swords ready and Spears pointed at the entrance, while their Tanks held their shields high and low awaiting as one of them approached the entrance. opening the old and rusted door that had a creaking noise as he pulls the door only to be surprised by a man dressed in their robes injured and bleeding while his life was about to meet its end

*Cough* "Cough*

"I can't believe our forces couldn't handle a small number of players, Bluargh," The robed person vomited blood that spread all over the filthy floor before he gets himself escorted by the guard to the nearest healer in their team

"where's the injured follower, guide me to the room where he's being treated asap, this might be an attack from the institution if so we need to relocate before they find our real base,"

One of the guards guide him to the room where the injured guard was being treated till he felt a chill running through his spine a malicious Aura filled with darkness was engulfing the room. forcing him to enter alone while he ordered his men to gather everyone in the building, he reached for his scabbered revealing a polished sword that had a mysterious glow, before he opened the door to see Morris who's currently disguised as one of his men was loosening up his body on the remains of his men while he eats some mochi waiting for his next victim

[Someone has entered our vicinity]

"Oh, I didn't see you there, want some vanilla-flavored mochi it's delicious you'll love it. if you're wondering why I did this to your men then hear this, they haven't tasted this God-sent sustenance and they refuse my offer so I got a little mad and tear them limb from limb, Hmmm damn this mochi taste so wonderful want some?"

He quickly tilted his head when a certain light suddenly flashed before his eyes, momentarily disrupting his vision before he heard the sound of the guard captain's sword being unsheathed from his scabbered making him dodge at the right time, while he catches the remaining piece of mochi that was cut apart by the opponent's blade

[System: you've been hit by your opponent's weapon Luminescent slash, you'll be blinded for the next 15 seconds]

[This isn't the time to joke around this person isn't your standard Npc attack him right now!?]

"Concurrent flow, hearing enhancement,"

Morris quickly reacted to his opponent's speed, which made him enhance his hearing, to cover up his weaknesses. without his vision, he could only trust his ears to give him the location of his opponent by detecting every sound in his surroundings, each breathing, and every step his opponent took he could see them as he lets a surge of chair flow around his surroundings. he could see a pattern forming in his mind, an image of the entire place, he entered into a new understanding of his newly created skill which made him recreate a skill similar to a danger sense giving him the edge to counter his incoming attack

[System: you've unlocked a special ability of Concurrent flow hearing enhancement, by releasing a surge of Chi making you able to detect nearby invisible objects or prey]

"Radiant footwork, Rising force," He created a series of movements in his legs that created a surge of energy that resembles the flicker of his shock when he released the pent-up energy he received a burst of movement speed making him dodge an attack that was aimed through his chest while he aimed a concentrated Magic orb at his opponent at point-blank range, that sent him flying outside the first aid room

[System: you've successfully recovered from Blind, you'll now gain a little resistance]

[Let's steal his weapons and let's use them to build up some blind resistance, like the time you electrocuted yourself to gain paralysis resistance from Shock]

"It's not the best time to talk about those things, let's just continue this later, shall we? hey, I know you're alive, do you think I'll be stupid enough to approach you and make you have a free hit on me?" A spark later appeared that could've blinded him again was easily dodged when he figured out how long it was charging up for the skill to work

[Appraisal: Lunar bark is a piece of wood that can even conceal the most blinding light]

'So that scabbered worked as some sort of a protective gear if he isn't careful he could blind himself, there is also the fact that he waited for me to finish off my sentence earlier which makes it easier to know that it has a high charging rate in exchange for a powerful debuff,'

"You've dodged that? I'm impressed with how you're holding up, most of my enemies that see my blade would've begged for their lives, the moment they see it," He quickly pulled out his sword when he notices Morris that was changing positions from his usual, one into his close combat along with his daggers

[System: You've activated the effect of your weapon Raven's devouring is now in effect you're daggers will now deal extra damage from hitting an injured part by 20%]

His daggers started from his opponent's abdomen, and through his chest where their blades confronted each other, Morris perfectly devised a plan that worked in his favor. his opponent can't unleash his blinding light if he could have easily been struck by his attack, making him suffer an overwhelming exchange of swordplay which he was struggling to find his opponent's weakness. he neither had form nor skill yet his blade intended to kill, even if he didn't have any form his intentions created a way to create something like a technique, whenever he sees an opening that leads to the joints or its vitals. even if he repelled the attacks Morris wouldn't seize the opportunity to strike, which made him create a deep wound in his opponent whenever he gets denied of his intent

"Where did that confidence go to hmmm?" Morris made a beaming smile toward his opponent, taunting him to attack instead of defending his body, even though he can't attack as the price of his defense left him open to being attacked on his flesh most of his skin was torn up until his body was painted in red until he couldn't muster his remaining strength which made him fall flat to the ground while his bleeding continued

"You're almost dead, wow I thought you would've lasted longer guess I overestimated you, It didn't even increase my rank in martial arts. dang it what a waste but you are a good exp the only reason why you lose is your to dependable on your blade, you're supposed to wield it not the other way around. well, it's too late for you to do anything about your situation, so do you want to take my offer once again I have a cold vanilla mochi, no? guess you'll die without tasting this," Morris poured down the remains of his acid which slowly melted away the guard captains body giving him a slow and painful death while he, on the other hand, left the room while he was eating the last mochi on his hand

[System: You've killed an Npc, the collected experience will now be given. You've leveled up all of the inflicted damage will be healed. Along with your stamina being restored, you've gained 10 stat points]

[That Npc sure held his ground until his final moments, I wished he would've begged for mercy and eventually will kill him once he got a glimmer of hope, that would've been the most satisfying slaughter that we have committed]

"I wished he could've been a challenge, but my expectations were too high, I need a tremendous stimulant for my skills to grow," He opened his status upon his level up

[Christopher morris LVL 23 equipment on

Title: Goblin slayer, Manipulator of one's body

Class: None

Blessing: God of foresight

Hp: 60 (+10)

Atk: 44

Spd: 55 (+15)

Def: 38 (+10)

Mp: 120 (+10)

Chi: 46

Stm: 36

Unused points: 10

Skills: Mana breathing (F) Magic orb (E) Ignite (E) Shock (E) Haste (F) Mist array (F) Mystic slash (E) Status modifier (F) Heal (F) Wave (E) Nightmare (F) Freeze (E) Drain (F) Dagger arts (E) Earth array (E) Mental fortitude (E) Martial arts (E) Concurrent flow (F) Radiant footwork (F)

Overall ratings: Your mana has reached a point where not even the strongest ranking magician has achieved from a useless trash you've reached the realm of beyond normal best to stay humble you might get yourself killed if you become arrogant]

"Let's put 5 both on Chi and Stamina I haven't had any problems with my other stats,"

[System: you've invested 5 points to increase Chi, 5 points to increase Stm. Overall ratings: your stats have reached a point where a ton of deities are looking at you with the intent to grant you a skill, you have a lot of things to do before you get cocky trash]

After he was finished with his investment he was startled by none other than Yuuko that was annoying him with her questions about his previous spell that killed a ton of Npc

"Senior Spell come on just tell me how you one-shot them so I could copy your methods, come on pretty please with a cherry on top, pleeeease im begging you!!!" Yuuko was amazed by the sight of his spell to the point where he constantly bothered him for an explanation while they were searching for the uses of the mysterious key

[What the hell is she related to a screaming banshee I can't even remember how long she's been asking you, just tell her off it's getting on my nerves]

"She's not going to stop once she gets curious about something," Xiao Fen arrived along with the rest that was finished with their side of the building

"Fine, I'll tell you what happened back then, before it even began I search the most narrow area near the building, you wouldn't know this since it was dark but I place a ton of stone pillars that acted like a wall for all of the water that came from Wave to stay in one place. once that was over I made a small opening that wasn't covered by the pillars where they were led by my Familiars and I closed it when I saw the last person entering,"

"Wait, that doesn't make any sense at all, multiple casting of spells, and the amount you need to amplify to create a flood. I haven't even mentioned how and why they didn't escape from that attack," Yuuko was running her mouth after she heard his explanation

"It's simple, I've guessed how it all turns to his favor Senior Spell took the Npc's armor within his plan in motion. they were tough and durable but heavy at the same time making it hard to move on, so if he created a large pool of water he can drown them without any problems. but we can't avoid that some of them died from being directly hit by Shock that flowed throughout the water, which weakened its power even if they didn't die from Shock the paralysis debuff would make them unable to take their armor in time which resulted in their demise,"

Quinton perfectly pointed out Morris's plan making him amazed by his knowledge and understanding of that one spell that he only witnessed for a second or two

[This kid is a natural to think he saw through that combined attack as if he saw it many times before]

"Ok that's enough chatting, we need to search for the uses of this key I found, look at every room and every floor, we wasted an hour, just to arrive at our current location,"

They began to search for anything, that would be seen as peculiar for an abandoned building, luckily their enemies weren't that clever in hiding their hidden passage that was locked from the inside with only a keyhole to open the reinforced door. they met a terrible sight a ton of corpses dangling from the ceiling attached to a hook they could smell the putrid scent of a rotting corpse along with the unmistakable smell of blood that was haunting the entire room that was designed to preserve the corpses in that cold room that resembles meat fridge

'This might be a little unfair for me to say for all the slaughter I committed, but I can't let you live, even if they weren't real people if you have the determination to kill them without batting an eye, then I can't let you escape from this place, I'll turn this place into a graveyard,'

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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