Re:write The Authors Transmigration

Chapter 73: Inhabitants of the sewers [2]

Chapter 73: Inhabitants of the sewers [2]

In the deepest part of the sewers lies the throne made with bones along with a dark figure that remained seated while he hears the cries of his subjects. powerless from the infected they fled to the only place they can pin their hopes the place where it reeks of discarded waste along with its mutated pest that they hunt to prolong their lives

"My liege our commander Ageris that was appointed on procuring our subjects meals are nowhere to be found. the others are suspected of his life being taken away from his own by an individual," The monster kneeled in front of his ruler that remained seated and stayed silent to mourn his fallen subject

"Ageris that fool reached his end, not even bringing a single person for our subjects to feast, the prophecy bestowed upon us is making its way a demon among man will approach our shelter. Ravaging anything in his way leading up to my battle only failure awaits me, gather my subjects take the remains of our rations, and flee. I must stay for I will be his only target, the rest of you are simply a tool for his growth,"

The monster stands up from his throne moving his colossal body into the entrance of their lair holding his gigantic axe he awaits his fate to fall in place

[Do you want power? I can grant you the power to transcend your current abilities. The price will be that player's resting place to be inside this very place you're standing on]

His last nap was interrupted by a voice that asked him if he wishes for power a voice that was filled with malicious intent along with a pressure that could even make the power that he was proud of look comparable with an ant. desperate he was he longed for the power to lead his weak and starving subjects

"If there was such a thing, how can I acquire such power? I beg of you great and powerful deity give this one a sign,"

[Instead of a sign I'll grant you an offer, this power that I will grant you it's only temporary but with this, you can put to an end the suffering of your subjects, I only ask of one thing in return all you have to do is]

The voice whispered in the monster's ears his resolve to obtain a power that could save his subjects was too tempting he took the voice's request and his body received the power it promises. influence by the deity's power his body undergoes a series of changes it's big and slow body shifted to a smaller and agile state along with his weapon that changes over time

"As you wish I'll bring you the head of your former Avatar Esther Landers without any problem. Someone that wields a former contacted deities blessing is unfit to wield It,"

He waits for his victim to reach his lair where he's emitting a powerful Aura that was increased by Esther's former deity. yet the two of them are still traversing the Black smoke that turned a normal tunnel into a maze that was designed to trick anyone that wasn't affiliated with their race

[Morris, can you hear me?]

His deity called for his sleeping Avatar that was dangling on the ceiling where he place the hammock that contains himself alongside Esther who was asleep while her body pressed against his face he felt something soft that was similar to a pillow

[Morris wake up I need to tell you something]

"Fuck off im tired," Once he said those words he fell asleep without a single care in the world

Even with his deities calling him over and over he simply didn't care about his useless warnings that weren't even applicable to his situation. the fact that he placed his hammock at the ceiling and Sun along with Moon guarding their bodies he didn't have any worries about his surroundings

[Morris, I can feel an Aura of a Deity that's overflowing with murderous intent pointed at your direction. Also, the pillow you so love to fondle is the cleavage of your companion]

"Holy shit, you could've told me sooner," Morris woke up from his slumber after his deities message, making him leave his wonderful hammock and woke his familiars that we're guarding them at their most vulnerable moment

'A Deity that's pointing its Murderous Aura at our positions, if it was The Mad Alchemist he would've attacked us without any warnings whatsoever. yet this one has the balls to alert me before it makes a move, aside from that perfectionist I wonder why a Deity is targeting me the only thing I could've offended is him. wait I forgot about her Deity I remember her saying that she was given another contract from her Previous Deity it might be that guy. well I can't miss this chance a monster that's given the power of a Deity will have its exp and stats increased to a certain extent,'

"Sun, Moon I need the two of you to watch over Esther I have some business that I need to deal with," Morris gave his familiar a meat that he purchased in the system shop before he heads in the direction where the Murderous Aura where he encounters a ton of monsters that we're fleeing from the area carrying a ton of bag which contains their rations

[Only a hundred monsters, they took a massive hit once the infected had taken over the entire wilderness]

"Let's kill them for some Experience points," Even with the sight of the monsters suffering from starvation, he never had an ounce of sympathy the only thing he had on his mind is to grow whether he kills or not

[System: the player Christopher Morris has activated the skill Shock]

He shoots a bolt that paralyzed a portion of the monsters and proceeds to unsheathe his sword that leading to the death of a ton of monsters in a single motion. they stood frozen as a ton of their kin fell with a single strike which made the weak protect the children and the ones that were able to fight wielded their weapons and charges against him, the Black smoke enhances their strength along with their movements encircling him before they all thrust their swords at the same time, only for their footing to be disrupted when he shows a child of their own was being held by his arms. they weren't able to stop at the right time which made the child Morris was carrying become his living breathing meat shield the child's body was shredded by their kind, stopping the blades from reaching Morris's body

[System: the player Christopher morris has activated the skill Magic orb, the spell has been amplified by adding 40 mana which increases its range and damage]

The Magic orbs that acted like a bullet penetrated their skin and their cries would be echoed reaching the place where their king was waiting for his opponent only to hear the cries of his subjects that were getting brutally murdered

[Where are you going we had a deal you must do as I say]

"My people are in trouble and you want me to stay and remain seated to await your Avatar?"

He rushed to assist his subjects only for him to meet with his destined end the sight he had foreseen which would end his life alongside his entire clan was standing in front of him a man that he called a Demon that was hiding behind human skin. It smiles when it tortures its men a white hair that was accompanied by a Black robe that was covering most of its body which wielded a weapon that manifests out of nowhere. the future that he deemed to be unavoidable was created by his own choices driving away his subjects which led them to encounter the human and his desire for power that made him wait until he arrived at the time when most of his kin were slaughtered for him to see. he can't control his anger which made him threw his axe at the demon that would take his life was easily repelled with a swing of its blade

[Thats the monster that contains the Aura I have sensed, its power, and the intent it carries out. It's similar to the behavior which you companion displays once she uses her blessing]

"Men and Women, you slaughtered them all, even after that you didn't spare a single child why did you do this? Is it because you lost your own to us monsters or are you just a man that enjoys himself from slaughtering the innocent,"

"Innocent, Dude have you forgotten about the slaughters you have committed after being inside the sewers? Its blood for blood I don't care if I have to commit Genocide if I can summon you without having to worry about walking in that tiring maze you created. And what about it if I enjoyed killing them, would that change anything, the children you labeled as innocent tried to attack me after they smell a hint of my blood that I purposely spilled, it's basic nature all of you have a thirst for human flesh. No matter how much you said you'll change it won't matter once you've smelled it," Morris threw the severed head of the children which engaged him to attack with his all

[Side quest: You've completed the second part

Instead of locating their camp, you massacred everyone yet your mission isn't yet completed. The third part will now commence kill the king of the Smoke dwellers 1/0]

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