Re:write The Authors Transmigration

Chapter 74: Inhabitants of the sewers [3]

Chapter 74: Inhabitants of the sewers [3]

[System: the player Christopher Morris has activated the skill Glacial array, every stone around the area upon casting the spell will be turned into Glaciers]

The axe that the King of smoke was swung at full power yet it was blocked by a few layers of Glaciers that acted like a shield, he counters by forming an Ice pillar which he launch at his opponent which was enough for it to knock anyone yet the King remained unfazed. Without a second to react Morris used the Glaciers that surrounded the King as a way to launch one of his spells, which were closed strong enough to affect him yet the floating Glaciers were manipulated after he throws his delayed spell that exploded which he wasn't affected due to his shield

"This isn't enough to kill me!!!" The King threw its axe which made Morris dodge by bending his body which made the axe fly to his back it was caught by none other than the King who swings the axe vertically to tear down his opponent which was countered with three pillars of Ice that stopped his swing which was resumed after Morris escape his dilemma and returned the favor by sending a Chi enhanced punch on its abdomen

[System: Youre reaction speed is improving your martial arts rank remained unchanged]

'I thought I would've been able to raise its rank, Sigh guess I can't take the System as n ally it would make it so that anyone will have to struggle to raise their ranks. Even though Hugo isn't affected by this law, I wish I have his ridiculous luck in any case, I wanted to test the ability that he acquired. Yet on our exchange of blows, he never once used his skill did he get a little cocky or something? Wait it must be that he's'

"Hey, buddy, can you be honest guy to guy re your skills temporary and there's only limited use for every one of them. I'm right aren't I the fact that your trying to overwhelm me with stats alone proved my assumption, so is this kind of like a deal you made with Esther's former deity" Morris boldly assumes his opponent's weak spot yet his attitude shifted the moment he was startled by Esther that appeared before his back without him noticing her presence

"This whole thing is about my former deity?"

"Gaaah, where the hell did you come from I thought I ordered Sun and Moon to watch over you?" Morris instantly created a wall of Ice upon their location before he continues with their conversation

"Those two fell asleep the moment, you left,"

[Would you look at that you can't even tame a few familiars to do your bidding]

'Those two will have a taste of my wrath once im done with this Side quest of mine. Anyway, she looks a little mad about this whole ordeal, I can see it as the day im not in a hurry to leave plus I want to see her development. Kyo was always the one that tries to impress me compared to Quon and Esther so I want to see my own two eyes, you better show me a good fight,'

I'm going to have to ask you to step down. I have a score to settle with my former deity, plus I've heard about the Side quest update it won't be fair if I didn't contribute anything. Just step back and watch I'll show you my growth after we left the cube," He nodded at her request, after he's approval she unsheathed her blade and leaves the Ice chamber in a small opening that he created


Qeulgar LVL 26

Status: affected by a deities wrath

Hp: 500 (+200)

Atk: 95 (+30)

Spd: 100 (+35)

Def: 87 (+34)

Mp: 130 (+40)

Stm: 93 (+28)

Skills: Mist boost, Axe arts, Regeneration, Blink, Outrage, Atrocity, Butcherer, Impact, Empower]

[Thats her kill her and this power you possess will be rightfully yours to take]

Quelgar ignored the deities voice and took a hold of his axe that he lose his grip once he recovered from Morris's punch that placed a hole inside his chest which regenerated time

"Little girl I don't seek any sort of grudge upon you, I only ask of you to stand down and let me kill that monster hiding behind that chamber of Ice. I must take his life, whether I will perish from the process a King is but a ruler of his subject one's no one is left for him to protect that person will become a lost soul. yet I stand here as a warrior to take revenge against my fallen brethren... So this is your answer to my proposal,"

Qeulgar blocked her sword with a single swing of his axe, seeing as her sword won't go through. she slowly pulled it back and tried for a thrust which was repelled by a strong left swing that was enough to slice her body in half which was easily dodged. even with his superior speed, she was able to read his next move and jump before it could strike which resulted in a cut to go through their clash. After she took a deep long breath she broadens their distance

"The two of us have something that the other has, you want my ally and I want to kill you in hopes of humiliating that deity of mine. Either way, we can't reach our goals without killing the other, sorry in advance but I'm not a talkative person we should solve this with our actions,"

Esther stands in that field as a warrior that's filled with the intent to kill him only for his relations with her former deity, she charged with the momentum she gathered and swings her sword that was infused with her Mana which further increases its power and durability. which Quelgar happily replied by swinging his axe upon using one of his gained skills that teleported him to a nearby location which made her miss her attack along with her opponent appearing at her back,

[System: the monster Qeulgar had activated the skill Blink, which sends him to a nearby location from his previous spot]

She quickly changes her movement with her nimble footwork making her sword reach his opponent, the two of them swing their weapons at the same time. Esther was having a hard time from constantly sending a ton of her Mana upon her sword to repel her opponent's swing. Which was proven to be useless which made her change her tactics, instead of applying her energy to repel she uses the breathing techniques that were passed on by her ancestors, which had the same features as Mana circulation yet their effect was completely different. Instead of increasing one's power, its purpose was to stabilize the body's condition which makes her body strain along with her stamina to be temporarily locked making her apply a ton of devastating blows

[System: the player Esther Lander has activated the skill Household sacred arts Stability Control, which stabilizes her physical condition as long a Mana flows within her body]

Their clash continued to last until one of them was to fall into the other's attack which wasn't to be caught a glimpse of as their weapons started to create a slash from their powerful swings. When the other was closing at each other's distance they'll find a way to halt their attempts, yet she was slowly seeing an opening as their long exchanges of blows were coming to an end. Qeulgar was having a hard time with her nimble footwork that was hard to uncover yet it wasn't enough for him to drop as he activates a series of skills

[System: the monster Qeulgar had activated the skill Outrage, he will now gain the following increase in attack along with speed while his mind slowly broke down from madness]

[System: the monster Qeulgar had activated the skill Impact, every attack he lands will now be amplified]

"Guess I'll have to use it even though I wanted to handle this with my own strength," Esther closed her eyes and channeled the Murderous Aura within her body which activates her Blessing along with her maintaining a state where she's not influenced by its power

[System: the player Esther Lander has activated her blessing Ruthlessness making her tap into her innate power]

Before she could notice her opponent's disappearance reappeared on her right side, she had a stance that channeled a ton of her strength within her sword to neutralize her opponent's attack, along with striking the vital parts of her opponent

[System: the player Esther Lander has activated the skill Critical strike, which increases the damage she afflicted]

She wasn't influenced by the blessing that fell upon her hand. It was a fight between an unskilled fighter against someone who honed their talents and has a better grasp of understanding her skills property. Even with her opponent's overwhelming stats, she wasn't fazed she only has one goal and that was to humiliate her deity. The uncontrollable power that surges within Qeulgar was slowly corrupting his mind degrading him into a monster that has no intellectual property. with every swing of his axe comes with no form only pure power that could have ended her countless moments if it wasn't for the fact that he lost his reasoning that was consumed in the power that he was proud to use

[Side quest: You've completed the third part

Contributions will now be given from the first to the last part of the Side quest

1st place, Christopher Morris, Kyo min soo, Esther Landers

Each of these players scored 50 points, the rewards will be cut in half]

"I did it," Esther was battered after her blessing and her skills wore off she immediately falls to the ground while her deity was trying to make an escape that was stopped by none other than Kishar

"Tsk Tsk Tsk, you must face the consequences of your actions, for interrupting the System, granting a monster your power without the authorization of the System. Lastly, the act of violating the block filter that was placed upon you by the player Esther Landers. if it was me I would have banned you entirely luckily this fine young man who reported the incident was the one that caught you, he will be the one to judge your fate,"

Morris walked into the area where Esther's deity was being held, he didn't take his time and said what he wanted and left carrying Esther in his arm. By the time she woke up she was in her room, along with Morris that was asleep by her side

"Where the hell do you think you're going," He dragged her back to the bed and forced her to sleep after her long and arduous battle

"What's happening?" Esther was confused with her current situation where Morris was sharing a bed with her

[This is the nicest thing you have ever done]

Morris was concerned for her health, her body was at critical condition, and her bones were damaged in the fight along with her organs

"Consider this as my way of gratitude for a job well done, now sleep your body has been injected with some anesthesia. Rest for a bit I'll be here until you're fully recovered,"

'I wish that day wouldn't come,'

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