Royal Secret: I'm A Princess!

Chapter 819 NEOMA NOONA

"YOU'RE not here to pick a fight with me, are you?" Neoma asked when she saw Phoebe Willows in her chambers after she stepped out of the bath. "I'm not in the mood to fight with you, child."

The security in her bedroom was lax, since she was hiding her presence.

Hence, not even Lewis realized that she was already back in the Imperial Palace.

[But the fact that Pheobe Willows is here only means Goddess Astrid brought her here.]


[I thought I should take a quick nap before I let my presence known, but there's a guest.]

"Why would I pick a fight with Your Imperial Highness when I'm in your territory?" Phoebe Willows said, frowning. "I'm only here to run an errand for Goddess Astrid."

Neoma looked at the box in Phoebe Willows' hands. "A Divine Item, isn't it?"

"Goddess Astrid said this is Your Imperial Highness' payment for listening to her request."

Wasn't it more appropriate to call it a 'bribe?'

The Goddess of Beauty hated Neoma's guts.

But the fact that Astrid brought her a "gift" could only mean that the goddess knew her life would be in danger soon.

[And she needs me alive to fulfill her request, so she's trying to protect me.]

"Well, if the goddess puts it that way, then I cannot not accept her present," Neoma said. Like she said, she had no intention of dying on purpose. Hence, she would accept even the help of her beauty rival. "Please let her know I'll express my gratitude once I find the Divine Item useful."

"Will it kill Your Imperial Highness to say 'thank you' to Goddess Astrid?"

"Child, gods don't give gifts for free," she said, shrugging. "It's not that I'm being ungrateful– I'm just being cautious. Plus, what Goddess Astrid and I have is a mere business transaction. I don't need to worship her just because she gave me a Divine Item, do I?"

Phoebe Willows frowned as if she didn't understand what Neoma was trying to say. "Why are you talking to me like I'm a child, Princess Neoma? I'm older than you."


[That's what she's upset about?]

"Well, let's just say that I'm a sunbae– I mean, a senior who gives her junior an unsolicited advice when it comes to dealing with gods," Neoma said as an excuse. "Lady Phoebe, don't ever get attached to a god. They're not your family or your ally. They can always fuck you up when you least expected it. It's not that they have a bad personality. They just do whatever the fuck they want simply because they were born that way."

Phoebe Willows looked horrified by what she said. "How could Your Imperial Princess speak blasphemy against the gods when you have Lord Yule's blood flowing in your veins?"

"I'm just spitting facts. It's not blasphemy if it's true," she said, looking at the box that the child was holding. "May I open Goddess Astrid's present now?"

The child automatically handed the box to her.

[I hope it's something related to beauty since if I was going to die, I wanted to die beautiful.]

"Goddess Astrid said you'll be in the frontline," Phoebe Willows said. "So, the goddess sent you the armor that she used the first time she participated in a war."


An armor used by the Goddess of Beauty?


Neoma opened the box, then she laughed out loud when she saw the "armor."

[Yep, I'm gonna die as a legendary beauty with this~]


[OF COURSE, even if the world was about to end, Princess Neoma would still take a bath and dress up before going to war.]

Trevor was back in the Imperial Palace with Princess Neoma.

[But in secret, since we don't want to alarm the others.]

He took that as an opportunity to take a quick nap. After that, he took a bath and change clothes as well.

Despite all of that, he still felt tired.

After all, Trevor and Princess Neoma only slept for an hour each day for the past two days that they were "touring" the gods' domains. They couldn't trust the gods despite the contracts they made with them, so naturally, they didn't lower their guard.

"It reeks of blood," Trevor said while standing on the balcony and stretching his arms. "Those damned crows sure are filthy."

But the smell of blood wasn't what bothered him.

It was the sky.

[It's only noon, and yet it looks like nighttime already.]

Fortunately, the "night" was calm.

He could hear the movements of the people in the Imperial Capital. They sounded scared, but they were moving calmly as if someone was leading them properly.

[It looks like His Imperial Majesty is doing a good job protecting the people.]

"Trevor, are you ready?"

[My Moon Princess is here~]

Trevor turned around to face Princess Neoma, then he knitted his eyebrows. "My Moon Princess, you're pretty whatever you wear. But shouldn't you wear an armor? Or a breastplate, at least. Our Core is located in our hearts, so we must protect it at all costs."

Princess Neoma chose to wear a dress today.

[Yes, a dress.]

His Moon Princess wore a fancy red hooded dress and a corset little black dress underneath. She also wore black tights and a pair of red-heeled boots.


Trevor whistled in appreciation. "But I must say that you're dressed to kill today, my Moon Princess~"

"That, I am," Princess Neoma said, then she touched the hood covering her head. "This enchanted hooded dress is already my armor. The hood is to protect my head and my face, and the dress itself is to protect my heart and my body."

"That's nice," he said, then he tilted his head to one side. "Where did you get that, though?"

"It's a present from Goddess Astrid," the Imperial Princess said. "It fits me, doesn't it?"

"No doubt at all, my Moon Princess~" Trevor said. "But let me check if it has some hidden spells or curses."

His Moon Princess opened her arms carelessly. "Okay. Go ahead."


Trevor was tempted to run into Princess Neoma's embrace.

But he didn't want to be hated by his Moon Princess, and he wasn't a pervert, so he held it in as always.

"Can I touch your armor, Princess Neoma?"

"Sure, no problem."

Only then did Trevor touch the hood and the hem of Princess Neoma's armor.

Then he released his demonic aura.

If the armor was laced with even the weakest harmful spell, then it would repel his aura since a demon's aura was a bad match against spells and curses.

Thankfully, nothing happened.

"The armor is clear," Trevor said, letting go of the piece of clothing in his hand. "And it's a good armor, Princess Neoma."

"I know, right?" Princess Neoma agreed. "Gods can be useful when they want to be."


"EOMMA, I'm ready!"

Neoma felt a pang in her chest when she saw Greko's bright and excited face.

The reason she returned to the Imperial Palace was to pick up her youngest.

After all, one of Regina's conditions was to bring a Healer with her.

[I could have chosen Paige, but Paige has to look after Duchess Amber now that Mama Boss is busy.]

Her mother hadn't returned from her visit to the Cosmic Tree and the Spirit World yet.

"I'm sorry, Greko," Neoma said, her heart heavy with guilt. "I'm bringing you with me to the most dangerous person out there."

She considered Regina Crowell more dangerous than Calyx.

Calyx was being supported by Helstor and Callisto de Luca, so he was a threat.

But Regina Crowell was dangerous because of her brain and slyness.

[That's more frightening than a little boy using his resources to throw a tantrum.]

"Don't apologize, eomma," Greko said, smiling while shaking his head. "I want to do this. Moreover, I really want to be beside you when you face the most dangerous person in the war because I want to protect you. I'm no longer a child, eomma."


That was so sweet of her youngest.

"Trevor is waiting outside. Go to him and he'll give you some protective device," Neoma said. "I'll just talk to Paige first."

Greko smiled and nodded. "Okay, eomma!"

Then her youngest left the room.

Now only Neoma and Paige were left in the chamber where Duchess Amber Quinzel was currently confined in secret.

Then she didn't beat around the bush.

"Paige, do I just have to snap this?" Neoma asked while pointing at the bracelet around her wrist. "Will Greko be sent to safety once this bracelet snaps?"

All of her children had an Emergency Portal Ticket given by Paige.

But Neoma had a feeling that Greko wouldn't use that ticket and leave her even if she asked him to once things got dangerous. Hence, she asked Paige to make a device that could send Greko back to the empire in an instant.

"That's right, Princess Neoma," Paige said, nodding. "You just have to snap the bracelet and Greko would be sent to where I am immediately."

"That's a relief. Thank you," Neoma said, then she changed the topic since she was running out of time already. "How's the duchess, Paige?"

"Duchess Quinzel remains calm as long as I use my purification spell on her every three hours," Paige explained. "It's a technique that Empress Mona taught to me before she left the palace."

It seemed like her Mama Boss' technique was working.

Neoma tuned to Duchess Amber who was on the bed.

It pained her heart to see the duchess' violet skin and all-black eyes which was very different from the duchess' normal appearance.

However, she was relieved to see the duchess calm.

[Unlike the other zombie that was in a hysterical state.]

"Princess Neoma, actually, I think…"

"Where are Hanna and Lewis?"


Neoma and Paige spoke at the same time.

The Light Mage turned red as if she was embarrassed.

"Oh. It's okay, go ahead," Neoma said. "What is it that you want to ask?"

Paige paused for a second, as if she hesitated. And, in the end, she just shook her head. "It's nothing, Princess Neoma," she said hesitantly before she changed the topic. "Princess Hanna and Lewis went to the People's Palace we're going to use an evacuation center. When the alarm rang, the royal knights began evacuating the people in areas that would be affected by the hoards of reanimated corpses. Juri, Jeno, and Xion went with them."

It was a relief that their plan was sailing smoothly.

[It's safer for the people to be at the palace while the Imperial Capital is being attacked.]

"I assume my Papa Boss led the troop to "welcome" the crow bastards?"

Paige nodded in confirmation. "Prince Nero and Lord Ruto are also getting ready. Are you going to meet Regina Crowell now, Princess Neoma?"

"Uh-huh," Neoma said, patting Paige's shoulder when she saw how the Light Mage looked really worried about her. "Don't worry, Paige. I'll join the war soon. Please protect your siblings until I returned."


PAIGE was wondering if she should have told Princess Neoma about her observation.

[Duchess Quinzel is getting better even though we're not doing anything to cure her…]

It may not be obvious to most people.

But Paige could see that Duchess Quinzel's skin was slowly returning to normal. Moreover, she could see the faint glimmer of green in the duchess' black eyes.

At this rate, Her Grace wouldn't need an antidote or any kind of medicine to recover.

And yet, Paige kept her mouth shut.

[I'm not afraid to take responsibility if my observation turned out to be wrong. However, if I stopped Princess Neoma from walking into Regina Crowell's trap and Duchess Quinzel's condition suddenly turned for the worse, then I'm afraid Princess Neoma would blame herself.]

Hence, she was confused whether she did the right thing or not by keeping quiet.

For the first time in her life, she felt lost.

"I don't know anymore," Paige whispered to herself, closing her eyes and clasping her hands together. "Just please don't let anything bad happen to Princess Neoma and Greko…"


"HOW DARE you covet what's not yours, Tara?" Mona asked, smiling at her "friend." "I didn't summon my old Spirits when I returned because I didn't want to disturb their slumber. Hence, I was surprised when I found out that you were keeping my Spirits here."

And she wouldn't have found out about it had she not paid a visit to the Cosmic Tree first.

Even William didn't know that the Queen of the Spirit World had snatched away Mona's sleeping Spirits and hid them in her palace.

[If the Extons didn't find Gale first, then Tara would have stolen her as well.]

Mona was glad that Gale was freed and was now living as Mochi– Neoma's Wind Spirit.

As for the others…

"If you don't give me a proper answer, I'll destroy the Spirit World," Mona said. She was still smiling, but her pale blue eyes were glowing menacingly. "Do you want that to happen to your beloved territory?"

Tara, who was already covered in blood, could only glare at her while barely standing. "You already destroyed half of the Spirit World, Mona!"

"And I can destroy the other half if I want to."

The Spirit World wasn't as big as the human world.

It was only the size of the empire.

Hence, destroying half of the Spirit World during the past two days that she was there was feasible.

[Anyone can do it, right?]

Mona was careful not to hurt the living things there, of course.

She only destroyed the buildings.

"I'll return them," Tara said in a cracked voice. "Just… leave."

"Do you still envy me for gaining the title 'Daughter of Nature' when I'm just a mere human?"

Tara didn't say anything, but the glare she gave Mona was enough answer.

"Maybe you should ask yourself why the Cosmic Tree and the Nature itself chose a "mere" human over the Spirit Queen to be their daughter," Mona said coldly. "This will be my last warning to you as an old friend, Tara: don't covet anything that's MINE– and that includes my children."


Mona didn't come here to pick a fight with the Spirit World. She actually wanted to ask her old friend's help to protect the human world. But she got angry when she found out Tara stole her resting Spirits.

Before she knew it, she had already destroyed half of the Spirit World.

"Mona, we should leave now."

It was William.

They moved separately until now because she asked William to evacuate the people that may get hurt by her rampage.

"The crows have arrived," William said in a serious tone. "The war is about to begin."

"Very well," Mona said, then she turned to Tara with cold eyes. "If you're not going to help us, then don't get in my way, Tara."



[Should I knock them out?]

Ruto was annoyed by Manuel and his tribe's loud voices.

It was nice that those punks learned how to fly the Frost Wyverns in just two days, but he couldn't stand the noise.

[What are they so loud for anyway?]

Fortunately, the Northern Lords were quiet.


"So damned loud."

It wasn't Ruto.

This time, it was Prince Nero who complained about the noise.

[But when did Prince Nero start cursing? Is it Neoma's bad influence?]

"Captain Ruto, the crows and the reanimated corpses are near the Imperial Capital now!" Aspen reported in a loud voice. "His Imperial Majesty has already left the palace to activate the traps we set up in the capital. We should head out, too."

"Yes, we should…"

Ruto trailed off when he heard a painful groan from his side, then he caught Prince Nero before he fell to the ground.

In an instant, all of Prince Nero's knights surrounded them.

"Prince Nero?" Ruto called the Crown Prince who had his eyes shut tight while clutching his chest. "What's happening?"

"Neoma…" Nero said in a weak voice, then he opened his now glowing red eyes. "My connection to Neoma is disappearing…"


NEOMA'S arrogance had really caused her downfall this time, huh?

The Kiss of Death.

She felt it as the dagger pierced through her heart– mercilessly shattering her Core.

It was not supposed to happen, at all.

[But here we are now.]

"Ah, it worked," Regina Crowell said while laughing and clapping her hands in joy. "I knew you'd sacrifice yourself for your "son," Princess Neoma!"

Neoma smirked, blood trailing down the side of her mouth. "Do your worst, babe. I'll be back sooner than you think."

Regina just laughed louder. "I won't let your people use me to revive you again."

"Well, that's not up to you."

Neoma wanted to say more, but her consciousness was quickly fading away.

Before she knew it, her back already touched the snow-covered ground. And then she was left staring at the falling snow.

[Am I going to die alone like this again?]



Before Neoma's vision turned blurry, she saw Nero come out of thin air while riding his ice phoenix.

[Am I hallucinating or what?]

Well, at least she got to see Nero's worried and crying face this time.

[The last time I died in front of Nero, he just watched and laughed at my face.]

It was good to see Nero crying for her this time around.

Neoma smiled, her trembling hand trying to reach for her baby twin brother. "Dongsaeng, can you call me 'noona' for the first and last time?"

Nero's face scrunched up as if he was mad, mad that she was already saying her last wishes. "You can't die, Neoma. How dare you die without me?!" he yelled, his voice filled with anguish as he reached his hand out to her desperately. "Don't leave me, noona!"

Ah, finally.

Neoma finally got to hear Nero call her 'noona.'

"That's right– I'm your 'noona,'" Neoma said weakly, closing her eyes as her smile slowly faded away. "Goodnight, Nero…"

And that was the third time Neoma Roseheart de Moonasterio died.

Even if she could turn back time before shit went down just almost an hour ago, she still wouldn't change a thing.

Neoma would still die for Greko.

[And I have no regrets.]


HI! ROYAL SECRET ALTERNATE UNIVERSE: LET'S NOT DIVORCE is now posted on my P/atreon account.

Just copy-paste this link: ( or G0ogle P/atreon sola_cola to find my page. My profile picture is the same as the one I have here on WN. And the background picture says 'SOLAVERSE.'


ROYAL FAMILY TIER (2USD) grants you access to the completed main story + book cover reveal. Total of 24 chapters.

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See you there!

And I hope you enjoy the AU!

You'll get a strong independent Mama Boss, a CRYBABY Papa Boss who calls Rufus 'Hyung', a Nero who "hates" Neoma, and a delinquent Neoma who gets bullied by her schoolmates!


NOTE: And we finally entered the LAST ACT of the Final Arc. Yes, the end is really near. Brace yourselves for the last act and I hope you stay with Neoma until the end. T_T


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