Royal Secret: I'm A Princess!

Chapter 820 A GOOD DAY TO DIE (1)

"EVERYONE, don't panic," Hanna said in a loud and firm voice while standing in front of the Imperial Palace's open gate. "All of you will be accommodated in the palace."

She was addressing the huge and chaotic crowd in front of her.

There were three lines facing her, and each line had a long queue of people in a hurry to enter the palace for safety. But those people were yelling at each other and pushing forward. As an unfortunate result, the lines were starting to get messy.

The Imperial Knights guiding the citizens had already snapped and were now yelling at the people to keep them in line.

Hence, Hanna was also forced to raise her voice.

"Please don't push or else a stampede might occur!" Hanna yelled, feeling awkward since she didn't like yelling. She was already using a voice-amplifying device. But that didn't seem to work, so she raised her voice as well. "Let the elders, the women, and the children enter first!"

Her voice fell on deaf ears.

[Should I show a little bit of force…]

Hanna's thoughts were cut short when she heard Lewis let out a frustrated sigh…

… then Lewis stomped his foot on the ground.

It was a simple yet powerful move that caused a quake– causing long cracks all over the solid concrete.

The citizens screamed for a different reason this time.

At least, they finally stopped pushing each other.

The earthquake wasn't that bad to harm anyone either.

[Lewis inherited Neoma's temper…]

"The Crown Princess is talking," Lewis said in an irritated tone, his voice amplified by the same device Neoma would use when talking to a crowd. "Shut up or I'll close the gate myself."

It was a mild threat.

But it seemed to be effective.

[Lewis was right, though. We can close the gates if the citizens don't behave properly. But he could have said it in a nicer way. As a commander, he shouldn't threaten our people…]

Hanna made a mental note to slightly scold Lewis later.

Luckily, it seemed like the citizens got the message loud and clear.

The citizens finally stopped pushing each other and tried to fix the lines that they messed up themselves.

Then they started begging.

"Please let us in, Princess Hanna!"

"We're scared!"

"Don't abandon us, please!"

"We will not abandon you. But please cooperate with us," Hanna said calmly this time. "As I said earlier, all of you will be accommodated in the palace. I just need you to calm down and listen to our instructions. I know you're scared of the reanimated corpses that you saw. But I assure you that they can't reach the palace. And even if they did, you will all still be safe."

She pointed both of her hands to Lewis.

"We have Commander Lewis Crevan here and the rest of Princess Neoma's Moonrose Knights," Hanna said proudly. "They will keep us safe."

Fortunately, that was enough to put the citizens at ease.

[They're calm now.]

"Let's proceed," Hanna said firmly, more confident this time. "The elders, the women, and the children will be let in first."


THE IMPERIAL Capital had been turned into an abandoned town.

Most of the citizens (the commoners and the people from the slums) had already been evacuated to the palace.

The Imperial Knights and the Imperial Mages worked together for a quick evacuation. While the mages opened a portal, the knights guided the people to safety. Geoffrey Kinsley, his Paladin, led the operation.

But not everyone wanted to leave their homes.

And the palace couldn't accommodate all the citizens residing in the Imperial Capital. That was exactly why they only evacuated the people whose towns and villages would be affected by the reanimated corpses.

The towns and villages far from the border were heavily guarded by the Imperial Knights. Especially the slums.

[We also deployed troops and the private armies of the nobles to different areas.]

Nikolai instructed the citizens who chose to remain home to lock their doors and windows properly. Then he put two Imperial Knights in each household to protect them.

Of course, he was only talking about the commoners.

[The nobles can protect themselves.]

And the center of the attack wouldn't reach the nobles anyway since they lived in a safe village.

[Nero and his knights caught all the reanimated corpses in House Spencer, so they're safe.]

Hence, Nikolai summoned East– the Azure Dragon– and rode on the Soul Beast's back as they watched over the town.

Fortunately, he didn't see any person outside.

Even the slums were empty.


After making sure that there were no citizens roaming around the capital, Nikolai ordered East to finally land on top of the Moon Tower– the tower located at the entrance of the Imperial Capital.

The Azure Dragon landed on the roof, then Nikolai quickly hopped off and landed on his feet.

Jeanne Audley, who was currently working as a Paladin right now because Mona hadn't returned yet, immediately approached him for a report.

"Your Majesty, we've confirmed the arrival of the reanimated corpses," Jeanne Audley said. "We haven't seen anyone leading the reanimated corpses. It was as if someone just dropped them out of thin air. However, seeing that the reanimated corpses seem to know where they're supposed to go, we're assuming the one controlling them is just hiding. The Fletcher Twins are already looking for them."

Yes, the Fletcher Twins had already returned to the empire when Glenn and his family (except for the third child) were summoned there.

"Alright," Nikolai said. "Nero and Commander Ruto must be on their way."

As if on cue, the piercing in Nikolai's left ear which was a communication device in disguise vibrated. When he pressed the silver stud, his device was automatically connected to the other line.

<"Your Majesty, this is Commander Ruto speaking.">

"The reanimated corpses will reach the entrance of the Imperial Capital in fifteen minutes, judging by their speed," Nikolai said while observing the hoards of reanimated corpses running at full speed. "How long will it take for you and Nero to get here?"

<"Prince Nero has collapsed, Your Majesty.">

"What did you say?!"

<"Before Prince Nero collapsed, His Imperial Highness mentioned that his connection to Princess Neoma has disappeared.">

Nikolai felt a shiver down his spine.

The first time he felt his connection to Nichole disappear was the moment his twin sister died.

It was physically painful.

He had felt it in his core back then– it was as if the other half of his heart was torn apart.

If Nero was currently experiencing the same pain that Nikolai had gone through when he lost Nichole, then it could only mean one thing…

"Where is Neoma?"

<"Calm down and stay where you are, Your Majesty,"> Ruto said firmly. <"I'll bring the Frost Wyverns and the Holy Knights there in place of Prince Nero. Please take over once we get there. I'll then head out to look for Neoma.">

Nikolai didn't want to admit this, but Ruto's calmness put him at ease.

[Even though I don't want to say this, I can't deny the fact that Commander Ruto is reliable– especially when it concerns Neoma.]

Hence, even though he was terribly worried about Neoma, he didn't lose his mind.

[I'm not just a father– I'm the emperor responsible for the lives of my people.]

In other words, even though he wanted to abandon his task in order to look for Neoma, he couldn't do it.

[I know Neoma would hate me if I abandoned our people that way.]

"How's Nero's condition?"

<"Prince Nero is still unconscious, Your Majesty. The Healer in his group and Dahlia are currently looking after him,"> Ruto reported. <"If Your Imperial Majesty can contact Empress Mona, then please tell Her Imperial Majesty to head towards Prince Nero. His Imperial Highness' hair is turning pink, and I don't know much about how the Roseheart Blood works so I can only do so much for the Crown Prince while he's in that state.">

[You've already done plenty enough for my family.]

Nikolai almost blurted that out.

Fortunately, he was able to stop himself from saying that.

[I don't want Commander Ruto to think I'm acknowledging him as a potential son-in-law.]

"Alright. I'll contact Mona right away," Nikolai said. "And get here fast, Commander Ruto. I'm barely holding in while knowing that both of my children are in danger."

<"I understand, Your Majesty,"> Ruto said. <"We'll be there in ten minutes.">

After that conversation, Nikolai ended the call.

Then he called Mona using the communication device that was only connected to his wife's.

"Love, where are you now?""

<"William and I have just returned to the human realm. We're near the empire. Did something happen?">

Nikolai took a deep breath before he shared the bad news with his wife. "Please go straight to Nero. Apparently, our son fell unconscious after saying that his connection to Neoma has disappeared."


The heavy silence on the other line broke his heart.

[I can tell that Mona is shocked and worried.]

After all, that was exactly how he felt earlier.

"Ruto will guide the Frost Wyverns and the Holy Knights here first, then he'll go and look for Neoma," he said calmly because he wanted to put his wife at ease. "We can trust that punk, love. That's the only reason why I'm still sane."

<"Thank you, love,"> Mona said. She was probably thanking him for putting her at ease despite the situation. <"I'll go and check on Nero now. If you can, please go and follow Ruto as soon as you can.">

"I will, love," Nikolai said, nodding even though Mona can't see him at the moment. "Our family will get through this together."


"EMPRESS Mona will be here soon," Ruto said to Melvin, who was currently guarding Prince Nero's tent with Sanford and Raku, while putting a new stud in his ear. It was a communication device directly connected to Trevor. "The reanimated corpses that attacked the Imperial Capital seemingly arrived without a guide. Hence, it won't be a stretch to say that those things are nothing but a decoy."

"You're saying that the reanimated corpses are just a huge distraction," Melvin said in a serious tone. "And that the crows may end up attacking Prince Nero here."

"Calyx might use this opportunity to abduct Prince Nero," Ruto said. "Don't underestimate his obsession with the Crown Prince."

"I understand, Lord Ruto," the secretary said while nodding. "Lucien is already patrolling the area to make sure that we won't get ambushed."

"Alright. I'll leave Prince Nero to you then."

[Even if Prince Nero snaps, Dahlia is there to calm him down.]

Fortunately, even if Prince Nero wouldn't be able to join them, the Frost Wyverns could still supply the amount of ice that they needed.

[And the Holy Knights will take care of the rest.]

His thoughts were interrupted when his call finally got connected to Trevor.

<"Damned chef, I'm sending you the coordinates of Princess Neoma's exact location…">

It was Trevor's voice, but it was clear that the demon was in pain.

He didn't bother asking what happened because he already had a gist of it.

[Regina Crowell outsmarted Neoma this time.]

"Hurry up and give the coordinates to me," Ruto said in a hurry. "I'll be there right away."


[THIS BITCH is really testing my patience.]

Neoma wasn't happy to know that the meeting place Regina Crowell set up for them was the cabin in the woods where Dahlia lived in the first timeline.

It was the place where Nero stabbed her to death.

[I almost forgot that Dahlia lived in the mountain near the empire back then.]

The fact that Regina summoned Neoma there was proof that the crow really remembered her first life.

[But how…?]

"Welcome, Princess Neoma," Regina Crowell greeted her cheerfully. "This place is nostalgic, isn't it?"

Regina appeared to be alone.

[So far, I don't sense the presence of other people here.]

But Neoma didn't let her guard down.

How could she do that when Greko and Trevor were with her?

[I need to protect them.]

"This is the place where I swore on my life that I'd come back to life to drag you and Rubin Drayton to hell," Neoma said indifferently. "Unfortunately, my second life has turned me into a softie. Hence, when I came back as Neoma Roseheart de Moonasterio, I almost forgot about you and Rubin Drayton until you decided to mess with Hanna."

She was spilling some piping hot tea, but she didn't care.

Regina looked confused, and that was exactly what Neoma wanted to see.

[You're not the only one good at mind games, Regina Crowell.]

"You lived a second life?" Regina asked, obviously curious. "Then is this already your third life, Princess Neoma?"

"I'll tell you if you tell me how you remember your first life."

Regina frowned at her. "You really know how to annoy people, Princess Neoma."

"Why, thank you," Neoma said sarcastically. "Are you done with your nostalgia bullshit now? Unlike you, I'm a very much-needed person."


It was Trevor.

Of course, only the demon boy would be able to laugh at that situation.

"I don't think you're in the position to laugh, Trevor Kesser," Regina said, her green eyes glowing as she glared at Trevor. "You're bound to be busy in three, two, one…"


Trevor suddenly cried in pain as he fell to the ground as if he was crushed by an invisible force.

[What the…]



Neoma and Greko both knelt on either side of Trevor.

The two of them tried to reach for the demon boy, but they couldn't. It was as if there was an unseen barrier around Trevor.

But that wasn't the scary part.

Trevor's body quickly turned translucent as if he was getting teleported to a different place.

"That Dilan Crowell bastard seems to be messing with the contract that we made with the gods, Princess Neoma," Trevor reported in an urgent voice, and it was obvious that he was trying not to show his pain. "A piece of my soul is embedded in each contract we signed. So, if the gods break the contracts all at the same time…"

It was not supposed to be possible.

But Dilan Crowell was allegedly Trevor's brother.

[If Dilan is really a Kesser, then that crow bastard might be strong enough to break the contracts that Trevor made.]

Fucking hell.

"I'll fix the contracts right away, my Moon Princess," Trevor promised, already out of breath. "I'm sorry I'm forced to leave your side like this…"

"It's alright," Neoma said. "Just come back to me soon, Trevor."

Trevor could only nod and close his eyes before he completely disappeared.


[I can't believe this…]

"No wonder there were so many gods who wanted to make a contract with us all at the same time," Neoma said as she stood up, her ash-gray eyes turned glowing red in an instant. "Did Helstor force those gods to seek my help only for them to break the contract in order to pluck Trevor from my side?"

"Princess Neoma, if you ask me, I wouldn't say that your arrogance is your biggest flaw," Regina said, her glowing green eyes as dead as her personality. "I'd say it's your savior complex– you think you're great enough to be needed by the gods." The crow then smirked at her. "You're making it easy for me to crush you, our dear Imperial Princess."

[Not gonna lie– Regina is right.]

"Alright, I accept you," Neoma said, removing her hood to comb her fingers through her hair. "From now on, I acknowledge you as my worthy nemesis, Regina Crowell."

"Why, thank you," Regina said sarcastically, mimicking what Neoma said earlier. The damned crow even had the audacity to give a mock curtsy. "It's an honor to be your archenemy in this lifetime, Princess Neoma."

[This is why girls are scary when they fight…]


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