Ruby Rose, Her New Cock, and an Ero System (A LitRPG RWBY AU)

7. Augment

7. Augment

Ruby woke the next morning to a musky smell. A confusingly potent aroma filled the small space, and, blinking sleep out of her eyes, she leaned up and peered around, orienting herself to her surroundings.

Seeing the tiny safe room, last night's events crashed into her.

Wait. Wait. That had been a dream, right?

She hadn't actually jerked off right in front of Yang? Then finished all over them both, and promptly passed out from sheer relief and bliss?

Ruby looked around and confirmed that was definitely what had happened.

Oh, dear.

Probably having felt Ruby stir while waking, Yang followed into the realm of the living. Stretching limbs wide and her eyes opening, she turned and faced Ruby.

She could see the moment Yang's memories of last night returned. The way she froze. How her eyes flicked across Ruby's body, then down at herself. How her nose twitched as she sniffed the musky scent in the air.

There was a brief silence as Yang stared at her with wide eyes, still lying down on her side, frozen halfway through a stretch.

She sat up and finished loosening her muscles.  "Morning, Rubes," she said with a yawn. "Ready to kick more Grimm butt?"

Ruby blinked.

So, they were going to ignore everything?


Great idea. Ruby agreed with the plan wholeheartedly.

What was there to say, anyway, about accidentally cumming on her sister? 'Sorry'? She didn't think that would cut it.

They got up, donned their weapons, cautiously went through the safe room door, and saw the coast was clear. They retraced their steps to the nearest pool of water, which were infrequently dotted throughout the cave system. Neither of them commented on why they had chosen to do so without conversation. No need to state aloud that it was because Ruby's cum was all over both of them. Absolutely no need whatsoever.

Afterward, they returned to their hunting. That provided a salve on Ruby's anxious thoughts. It was much easier to focus on snarling Grimm than how her sister had seen her jerk off, then taken an accidental hot load across her chest and face.

And then went to bed with it still there???

Why had she done that anyway? It didn't even seem like she'd made much of an effort to wipe it all off with her hands, and that would've been the minimum. Yang could've woken Ruby and insisted they went to take a bath, as a more involved task that would have been reasonable.

She'd probably just forgotten?

Or maybe had been too tired, and fallen asleep instantly just like Ruby had?

She didn't think too hard about it.

As they continued through the Rift, Ruby's incredulity grew—why was it so large? Most first-timer Rifts were supposed to be a handful of Grimm encounters. And even those could cause problems depending on the team that had gone in. It was only because she and Yang were…not to sound arrogant or anything…pretty good at what they did, that they kept forging forward without serious injuries.

Each encounter was, at least, simple enough. Low tier Grimm. No spots of red on their bone plating, so the bottom of F-Tier each.

But quantity had a quality of its own. After so many fights the day prior, plus not having found any food, Ruby was wearing out. Aura kept them hearty, but even that wouldn't last forever.

Those worries were cut off, temporarily, by a reward room that came somewhere around Grimm-Number-Forty.

"Oh, shit," Yang said. "Is that what I think it is?"

It was.

When it came to profits claimed from Rifts, there were a number of prizes to be found. Dust, to name one—the most consistently dropped. In normal circumstances, at least. They hadn't gotten a single crystal yet, which was extremely odd.

There was also experience. Not just in the literal sense, honing their abilities as huntresses, but also working toward a higher evolution. After enough fighting, huntsmen leveled up, and upon that movement in progression, they would receive a new semblance to go alongside the natural bonuses that came with a bump up in evolution: strength, speed, constitution, and so on.

There were also augments.

Ruby approached the pedestal. Like the ones holding their weapons, they were simple carved stone, colored as if hewn from the rock around them. Atop lay a gemstone the size of her fist. Bright red—a ruby. She delicately picked up their hard-earned reward, resting it on her palm and mentally inspecting the item as she did so. At the same time, she offered it toward Yang so she could take a look.


Augment: Offensive Power

Rarity: Common

Effect: Increases a weapon's offensive power.


Technically speaking, the augment was one of the least impressive that a huntress could find. But that didn't make it bad. All augments were good.

"Oh, wow," Yang said. "Nice. An augment in our first Rift." She snorted. "I mean, it is a stupid big Rift, so it's about time. But still. Nice."

Offensive Power was the most sought-after common augment. Because duh. A weapon could only take in so many augments per evolution, and its augments determined the shape the weapon would take. Its specialties and function. And weapons were obviously meant to be strong offensively, so it was a common decision to slot in Offensive Power augments.

Though that wasn't universal. Not every huntsman focused on their ability to do damage. Some were utility or defensive focused.

Ruby and Yang looked at each other.

"You can have it," they said at the same time.

They paused.

Yang laughed. Ruby opened her mouth to insist, but Yang spoke over her.

"Seriously," Yang said. "You're the [Reaper], aren't you? Damage is nice on anyone, but more on you than me."

Ruby worried at her lip. To be honest, she agreed with Yang's assessment. But a part of her demanded she offer the reward to her big sister. Yang deserved it. Yang deserved everything!

"I think you should take it," Ruby said, though she didn't have any logical argument—because yeah, the damage-focused scythe wielder should have it, compared to the brawler.

Yang laughed. She ruffled Ruby's hair, which she shrank away from and pouted at.

"Nope," Yang said. "I'll chuck it into the water if you give it to me. Put it in Crescent Rose."

Ruby hesitated—genuinely hesitated, despite that it was the obvious choice—before reluctantly settling Crescent Rose against the stone plinth that had held the gem. Gripping the square-cut crystal in one hand, she pressed it against her scythe's haft.


Apply [Augment: Offensive Power] to [Crescent Rose]?


With the mental request came a tugging at her mind—a suggested linking between the gem and Crescent Rose. She assented, and the crystal shuddered in her hand, before melting into light and being absorbed into the weapon. A red glow suffused the outline of the scythe, before fading.


Crescent Rose: [1/3] augments applied.


One third of the way to second evolution—which was one of the primary paths to getting stronger as a huntress. The other major ones being, evolution and semblances, alongside aura. And, of course, the mundane one: raw experience. Skill of a human sort. The importance of which couldn't be overstated. As much as power mattered, having the brain to use it, alongside a well-honed body, could be the decider in any given fight.

"There we go," Ruby murmured, looking at Crescent Rose. "Did it."

Nothing had changed, really, though Ruby scoured the surface of the scythe with her eyes anyway. Weapons didn't modify their physical forms until an actual evolution occurred, and even then, the changes weren't usually significant.

She would have to slot two more augments in before Crescent Rose would be a candidate for evolution, and sometimes weapons could be stubborn even when their sockets had been filled. They evolved when they felt like it, with saturated augments merely being a prerequisite.

Common knowledge was that the weapon would wait until it thought its huntress had reached an adequate level of skill, but that was just a theory. Most weapons would always advance if they were an evolution lower than their owner if all augment slots were filled. And on the opposite side, it happened plenty of times that a weapon would evolve above a huntress's current rank too. It depended on a lot of factors, not all of which were clear.

Either way, Crescent Rose had gotten stronger—via offensive power in specific, as the gem indicated—and was one step closer to being ready for evolution. Ruby was practically giddy with excitement, vibrating in place. How much sharper would her blade be now? How much more cleanly would she cut through a Grimm? Not by a small amount. Augments were less potent than evolutions, but they were apparent. She couldn't wait to test it out.

"What's your plan, anyway?" Yang asked. "Full offense? Which augments do you want?"

Ruby's brief reverie, silver eyes running across her weapon, broke. She blinked as she faced her sister and considered the question.

"Um," Ruby said. "I mean, probably whatever's available."

"Fair," Yang laughed. "But assuming you have a choice."

Augments were hard to procure. They couldn't be merely traded; they bound to the party delving the Rift, and vanished upon leaving if unused. So most huntresses applied augments to their weapons as they received them, even if they weren't optimal. The best huntsmen, of course, could clear Rifts with such efficiency that they could leave behind augments if they didn't fit their style. Ruby hoped to be that amazing of a huntress, but also knew she should be smart about things—turning down an augment could be a horrible idea. None of them were bad, just varying levels of great.

"I guess…one offensive per evolution, for sure." That was a common strategy for huntresses focusing on damage. "But I also need to worry about her other form. No ammo now, but I'm sure sniper form will be a big part of my style." Ruby chewed on her lip. "Something like piercing power, range increase, elemental effects. Who knows?"

Yang nodded. "I'd take a defensive augment, if one popped up. Seems like it'd synergize with how I power up the longer a fight goes on."

"If we find one, it's yours," Ruby chirped. That was a given. Ruby had gotten the first augment, so Yang got the second.

But, admittedly, the odds were low Yang would get exactly what she wanted. Augments took all kinds of shapes. Even among the commons, defensives were rarer than offensive power, since weapons were naturally inclined to—well, attacking.

"Ready to keep going?" Yang asked. "Wanna see you put that puppy to use."

Ruby was eager to as well.

The next Grimm, she acquainted herself to Crescent Rose's new strength. As expected of the generalist 'Offensive Power' augment, all forms of attacks had grown stronger. Even bludgeoning, she knew, though Ruby wasn't running around smacking Grimm with the haft of her scythe. That would be rather silly.

But the extra firepower was hugely appreciated. Even cooler, it would carry over to her sniper-rifle form, which she was continuously lamenting she couldn't properly test. She'd used one bullet so far, just to get a feel for it. It had been as amazing as expected, with a serious kick-back when fired. But with limited ammo, she wanted to save it for the final room of the Rift, which was always the hardest.

Ruby had expected this most recent Grimm to be routine, the same as the dozens prior—simply a test dummy for experimenting with Crescent Rose. But something broke the routine.

Because the Grimm dropped Dust.

And not one of the four primary types, as Grimm should. Instead of being red, green, yellow, or blue, when the black smoke of the Grimm's body finished dissipating, the crystal revealed on the floor was…


A Pink Dust crystal?

What in the world was Pink Dust?

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