Ruby Rose, Her New Cock, and an Ero System (A LitRPG RWBY AU)

8. Pink Dust

8. Pink Dust


Pink Dust

Tier: 1

Description: A potent, primordial form of Dust, best used as an additive to enhance the effects of other Dust mixtures.


"Uh," Ruby said.

Strangely, she could inspect the strange crystal. Most Dust was considered a regular item—when focusing her attention on it, no magical information would be deposited into her head, like with weapons, augments, concepts, and other items found inside Rifts.

"An additive?" Yang said, perplexed. "So, like, you're supposed to stir it in with other Dust?"

"Seems like it?" Ruby said, equally as befuddled. "I've never heard of something like that." Usually for Dust to get stronger, it needed to be refined—which organizations like the Schnee Dust Company handled—or dropped from higher-evolution Grimm.

"Didn't you say your bullets came with screw caps?" Yang asked.

Ruby blinked in realization. "Oh," she said. "They did. This is probably why, huh?"

Most bullets were manufactured with a sealed payload for obvious reasons. Ruby's, however, had come with caps that could be unscrewed—which meant the Dust inside could be modified or swapped out, assuming she had materials on hand. It had been unusual for Crescent Rose's initial ammunition to have screw caps, but not so weird Ruby had paid particular attention to it.

She, of course, had no delusions that it had been a random quirk, now. Crescent Rose had manifested in that way so she would be able to mix in Pink Dust.

"What's it do, though?" Ruby asked. "There's no way it just makes the mixture stronger. I mean, this has to be the special dust my semblance mentioned. From [Lust Reaper]. So it does something more than just enhance it."

Yang shrugged. "Who knows? Let's find out. Besides, even if it does something weird, you can't just ignore your class and semblance."

Yang was right, of course. Still, Ruby bit her lip as she looked down at the pink crystal in her hand. She would have to grind it up manually—hopefully it was a soft type of Dust—and sprinkle some into a bullet. But what would happen when she fired it?

She guessed there wasn't a zero percent chance it worked as the description told her. That it would amplify the red dust and nothing else.

One way to find out.

The Pink Dust crystal did turn out to be soft. Using the blade of her scythe to chip off a chunk, Ruby was then able to powder the material using her fingers with the help of aura-enhanced strength. She unscrewed one of her seven remaining bullets, having tested a single against a Grimm already, and poured the red dust into her palm. She sprinkled in a generous heaping of pink, and when finished, poured the mixture back in. Screwing the cap on, she had finished making a Pink Dust-enhanced bullet.

Dubious, she and Yang set back off into the Rift to see what would happen.

The upside was that she had an excuse to test out Crescent Rose's sniper-scythe form again. That was the silver lining to this questionable experiment.

Finding the next Grimm-infested cavern, Ruby transformed her weapon. Crescent Rose folded into a bulky sniper rifle, a simple scope popping up to help aim. The scope itself wasn't amazing; she expected it would be one of the first upgrades in future evolutions.

Alongside scythes, Ruby had also always loved precision firearms. Seeing how huntress weapons manifested from the soul, it was no surprise Crescent Rose had an alternative form of one. Then again, Ruby loved all sorts of weapons, so she would have been ecstatic with a number of options. Maybe she was just an easy girl to please.

She leveled her aim, taking a careful second to line up her shot.


Several things happened at once.

Crescent Rose slammed into her shoulder, and even with her prepared stance, nearly threw her off balance. Ruby had known the sniper rifle had serious power to it; this was her second time firing it, and she had been ready for the kickback. She had even mentally adjusted for it to be worse than the first time, thanks to the Pink Dust. But the firepower increase was even greater than she'd calibrated for. Not just a small boost. A huge one.

The bullet rocketed forward, and a chunk of the Grimm's skull disappeared. Poof. Gone. Just like that.

Ruby could only half pay attention, though, because to her side and forward, Yang had charged in. But something had interrupted her.

She had been engulfed in an explosion of pink smoke.

Ruby briefly panicked, thinking, against all logic, that she'd hit Yang. But that wasn't the case. The explosion of pink smoke was just a side-effect.

Yang stumbled clear of the smoke, her momentum not having been arrested, but disoriented and struggling to keep her footing.

Because…she was wearing heels.


A lot more than heels, actually.

From head to toe, Yang had been magically given a new outfit. Not a huntress's. Something else.

The image briefly broke Ruby's brain.


A bunnysuit.

The Pink Dust bullet had, upon being fired, given her sister a bunnysuit.

"What the hell?" Yang exclaimed, looking down her body.

But she forced her attention back upward. Because while Ruby's opening shot had been crippling, shockingly so, there was still a Grimm in the room, and it was only half dead. Even a missing chunk of its skull wasn't a guaranteed kill against those monsters.

Ember Celica was gone, though. Yang's weapon was nowhere to be seen. Whatever had happened, Yang wasn't deterred. She charged forward, and Ruby spurred herself into motion too.

One quick, honestly perfunctory engagement later, the Grimm was dead. It had been on its last legs anyway.

Ruby and Yang faced each other, now allowed to focus on the strangeness of Yang's circumstances.

Her outfit.

"Okay, first off," Yang said, looking down into her cleavage. "What the hell?"

That summed up Ruby's thoughts as well.

"But also," Yang said. "I can still feel Ember Celica?" She flexed her fingers open and closed, brow furrowed as she looked down at them. Then, surprising Ruby, she tapped closed fists together, and it made a clanking noise, like metal hitting metal.

"It's just a visual effect?" Ruby asked, blinking. "An illusion?"

Yang frowned at her feet; she was wearing heels, the biggest reason she had stumbled in her  initial charge. "Not completely. I can also feel these," she said, tapping the delicate footwear into the floor. "So not entirely visual. But Ember Celica is definitely still here, too. On my hands. We just can't see her."

Then, all at once, Yang seemed to grow outraged.

"Forget that, though! What the hell! Look at this!" She gestured down at her body. "Why am I crammed into some slutty bunnygirl outfit? What is this?" She cupped her breasts and bounced them. "I'm practically falling out of it."

Even worse for Ruby's rapidly melting-down brain, Yang turned around and cupped her ass, next, with a few fingers on each cheek—and bounced that too. Really emphasizing just how amazing the suit looked on her.

"Like, seriously. You seeing this, Ruby?"


Yes, Ruby was seeing it. She was seeing everything. The way Yang's tits barely fit inside delicate red cups. The cute bunny tail sitting on her lower back. The way Yang was holding her ass in her hands, bouncing her assets for Ruby's viewing pleasure. And her thighs, hugged in and spilling over her black thigh-highs. Capped off with heels and bunny ears.

Ruby didn't need to answer her sister's question. Her cock did.

Twelve inches sprung up with record speed, her cock swelling to announce its satisfaction in her sister's new outfit. In less than two seconds it was throbbing-hard, twitching in front of widening lilac eyes as Yang realized, yes, Ruby very much did see, and that honestly, she was a big fan. The bunnysuit was even lewder than Yang being naked, in a way, if only because nudity had been their default for the past day.

Yang froze, staring at Ruby's aching erection, hands still on her ass, before she laughed and faced back forward. She walked over and gently flicked the tip of Ruby's cock, making it bounce—and making Ruby jolt in surprise too.

"Get that thing under control, won't you?" Yang said, sounding, thankfully, only amused and not offended. She rolled her eyes with exaggerated emphasis. "At least you like it, I guess. I wonder how long I'm gonna be stuck in this thing." She bent over and tried to slip her heels off, but something strange happened—it just didn't work. Like they were glued to her. "Yeah," she said. "They're stuck. No getting out of it." Apparently she had already discovered that. Maybe she'd tried to kick them off as soon as they had appeared. "All of it is," Yang said, tugging at the red bra cups, but those didn't budge either. "Guess I'm a bunny now."

"Um," Ruby said, a bit beyond words at the moment.

Yang rolled her eyes again. "Seriously, Rubes. You're gonna have to learn how to not pop a boner every time a girl turns around. When we get back home, having that thing soar up is gonna be a problem. It's not a big deal to me, obviously, but I don't think you wanna be showing off in public." She bit her lip as she glanced at Ruby's cock, which didn't help her predicament. Her cock throbbed in response to Yang's attention being on it, and that only made Yang's eyes widen further.

"B-Back home?" Ruby asked. "You think it's gonna stay?"

Yang blinked, as if she hadn't considered that. "Figured it was part of your class, not the Rift. So yeah, it's gonna stay." She shrugged. "Maybe not, though? Can't say for sure."

Ruby had figured the same.

"Okay, but really, this was the Pink Dust, right?" Yang asked. "That seems pretty obvious." Her brow furrowed. "But, what, Pink Dust makes other Dust stronger, but at the same time causes…mishaps? I assume it'll do more than just change outfits. Is it chaotic? Whatever it feels like, at the time?"

Ruby shrugged helplessly. "If it wasn't so weird," she said, "I'd be interested in testing how it works." In fact, even though it was strange, she found herself growing excited—in a distinctly different way than her sister's body was causing. "Is it chance-based?" Ruby asked. "Or will it be every bullet that causes a mishap? That would make it hard to deal with."

"It freaking blew the Grimm's head off," Yang said. "So maybe a few side effects are worth it." She paused as she looked down at her outfit. "Well. Maybe. Depending on what kind of effects can happen. And how often. Hard to use in public, too. Great in Rifts where we have privacy though."

"Maybe because I put so much in, this happened?" Ruby asked. "I bet if I use a smaller amount, a misfire will be less likely, or maybe what happens will be less extreme."

"Sounds like we need to do some experimenting," Yang said. She tutted. "Shame we have limited ammo. Probably best to put it off till we're home again." A grin slipped onto her lips. "Then again…" she sing-songed. "Think another bullet will give you a matching outfit? I wanna see bunnygirl Ruby. It's not fair only you get the eye candy."

"Y-Yang," Ruby protested, cheeks flaring red. "Stop teasing!"

"But it's so easy," Yang laughed. "I can't help myself."


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