She Belongs To The Devil

Chapter 385 - Dumping The Garbage

Theodore instantly dropped down on his knees and looked at Adeline's pale face. "Did you say something?" he asked with a hope that she would ask him not to leave.

Adeline reached out her hand to gently touch Theodore's face. And she whispered while hanging on to the last bit of her consciousness, "I'm sorry for getting angry."

Theodore looked at her with a guilty look on his face and whispered, "You are allowed to lash out at me and even stab me a few times for what I have done." If Adeline would feel at peace after hitting him or stabbing him then he was even ready to happily accept the pain.

"Mmh!" Adeline winced because she felt something sharp piercing her neck. Theodore glared at the healer who was piercing a sharp needle on the already wounded Adeline. He felt like picking him up and throwing him out of the window.

But Adeline's feeble voice stopped him. "Don't think too much, okay? About whatever I said."

Adeline didn't care about the pain and tried her best to stay conscious. And she pleaded while she still could talk. She could feel that she was going to faint anytime soon. "And don't take me to the fountain. We will talk after I get treated."

"I love…" Her hand dropped from his face and she succumbed to her unconsciousness.

Theodore immediately held Adeline's hand before she fell down on the floor. The guards and the healer also caught her from all sides.

"Lay her flat on the clean area," the healer shouted and ordered everyone.

"I will do it," Theodore didn't want everyone touching his wounded woman and unintentionally causing her pain.

He carefully picked her up in his arms and looked around. The only place that looked somewhat clean and void of all the dust and debris from the fight was the stretcher that the guards had brought after the fight was over.

So, he took her there and carefully placed her down on that stretcher.

The healer was already kneeling beside Adeline and a guard shifted his box full of many tools and medicine.

Theodore had never seen a human healer at action because he never had to. And the way he was approaching Adeline's neck with a needle and some kind of thread in his hand, Theodore felt very anxious.

He grabbed the wrist of that healer before he could pierce Adeline's skin again and asked angrily, "Are you sure poking her with that thing is the right idea? Won't that make the wound even worse?"

The healer didn't know anything about Theodore. So he had nothing to fear. And he shouted back even angrily, "Are you the healer? No! Get away from the Princess and let me do my work before it becomes too late!"

If it was any other damn time then Theodore would have kicked that middle-aged man right on his smug face. But he didn't want to create any fuss, that also when Adeline's life was on the line.

Thus, he let go of that healer's wrist and slid aside to give him space.

Theodore opened his mouth to say something to that healer again but he suppressed his words when he heard a commotion outside.

"What do we do about these monsters? They are starting to wake up!" One of the guards shouted in panic while looking at one of the vampires twitch his hand.

And the other one was also visibly panicking and blabbering, "Shall we take them to the dungeons? But how do we know they won't easily break everything and get out?"

Theodore could hear them from inside the room. He glanced at the roughed-up Reginald who was passed out and was lying in the other corner of the room.

Theodore's blood boiled the moment he lay his eyes on that self-entitled brat. "Had he not interfered today then none of these things would have happened. I should have killed him before father came down to Earth!" Theodore clenched his fists and bit his anger.

Theodore gave a soft glance at Adeline and thought, "But that could have led to even more deaths of humans I care about… Let me just dump everyone back to Mihir real quick."

Theodore got up and then walked to stand beside Rebekah's dead body. He felt sorry that her life was cut short like this. He gently picked her body in his arms and disappeared from the room.

Two of the guards had not seen Theodore in action earlier. And they were surprised to their core. They looked at the other guards but they didn't seem to care as if they had seen more than that already, which they had. So those two decided to keep quiet and not distract the healer by talking.

But they were soon drawn to the other side of the room when Theodore suddenly popped out of the thin air. They watched him gather the vampires into a pile. And again, he vanished along with that pile of unconscious vampires.

Theodore had carefully placed Rebekah's body in one of their carriages. And he dumped all the others in another one. He had already knocked out the coachmen as well and dumped them in the carriage along with the others.

"Okay, let's go back to your filthy nest. But first, let me make sure that the throne hall is empty." Theodore vanished from there and reappeared in Mihir Palace. He roamed around and found the throne hall within a couple of seconds.

"A human. No one else." Theodore took a note and before Horace could notice him, he went back to Wyverndale.

Theodore was closely being watched by the Royal Guards of Wyverndale. They couldn't believe that someone or something like Theodore existed.

Theodore didn't care about the onlookers and dragged the carriage with Rebekah a bit closer to the other one. He was going to teleport both the carriages at once.

He touched both of the carriages and vanished, leaving the guards baffled at what they were seeing. However, none of them were despising Theodore. They were glad that they had a powerful monster on their side who helped fight off those 'less powerful' monsters.

"Holy heaven!" Lord Horace got startled when the carriages appeared inside the throne hall.

He was confused to see a tall man in the middle of those carriages. And got scared to his core when he recognized those carriages.

"Wh-What did you do? What trick are you playing?" he stuttered as that man inched closer to him with a deadly glare. He noticed all the blood on Theodore's body and hastily screamed, "Guards! Intruder!"

In another few seconds, a few of the guards appeared inside the hall. They were equally baffled to see the royal carriages there.

Theodore wanted to scare all of them so he changed into his devil form as he walked closer to Lord Horace.

Everyone saw him slowly transform into a beast like they had never seen before. The guards didn't even dare to stop Theodore or go near him.

Horace instantly put two and two together and knew exactly who Theodore was. He almost lost his balance when Theodore towered in front of him.

Theodore then gave a fiery stare to Horace and said in his resounding voice, "Ask your King not to make the foolish mistake again. None of those from Mihir should step a foot in Wyverndale.. The moment I find that any one of you crossed the border, I will personally drag all of you to Hell."

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