She Belongs To The Devil

Chapter 386 - The King!

Theodore didn't bother sticking around in Mihir more than what was necessary. He instantly disappeared from the throne hall after almost scaring the soul out of that poor old man and Reginald's guards.

Lord Horace's knees gave out and he fell back on the floor the moment Theodore was carried away by the dark mist of his.

"Chief Advisor!" One of the guards rushed to his aid and helped him get up and sit down on a chair.

Lord Horace was so shocked by that encounter with the Devil that he was grabbing his chest and was coughing violently.

"Bring some water for him!" that guard shouted to the others.

One of the guards instantly ran out of the hall to get water while the others were not sure what they saw and what they were seeing in the hall.

Everyone was too stunned by Theodore's devil form, so much so that they didn't even bother to do something about the horses and carriages that were inside the hall. And they didn't even think that even greater shocking news was waiting for them inside those carriages.

After that vampire returned with a glass of water, Horace gulped down the whole glass to cool down the burning sensation in his heart. And immediately after, he threw that glass on the guard in front of him and screamed, "Open the carriages you fools! Do I have to spell out each and every task to you lot?"

The guards finally rushed to open the doors of both the carriages. And to their horror, they witnessed the dead body of the Princess in one and the piles of bodies of the guards in the other.

At first glance, they thought that all of those who had gone to Wyverndale had been killed and their King had been held as a hostage because he was nowhere to be seen.

They were not used to seeing the dead bodies of their fellow mates because the vampires were pretty much invincible. They were the predators. And no one dared to kill them. So the guards, especially the newly turned ones believed that the Royal Guards were all dead.

Seeing the appalled expression on everyone's face, Lord Horace asked with a trembling voice, "What is it? Why do you all look like you saw something terrible?"

One of the guards stammered while looking at the ash-grey body of Princess Rebekah, "The Princess is dead!"

And another one added in terror, "They have all been murdered!"

Horace forced himself up and rushed to see the carriages for himself. He stood in front of the carriage that had Rebekah's body with a hole in her chest. Her heart was lying in a corner of the carriage.

Horace felt a sharp pain in his heart upon seeing that horrifying state of the Princess' body. And he collapsed to lose his consciousness, unable to bear the sight.

"They are not dead you idiot!" Another guard shouted and hit the guard who said that everyone had been murdered. "Help me take them out of there," he ordered everyone around.

They immediately gathered around and tried to pull the vampires out of the carriage. However, the vampires were crammed in so badly in that small space that it was almost impossible to pull them out without breaking the carriage.

One guard took the initiation to break and pull the wall of the carriage and others also followed immediately after.

Some of the Royal Guards who were on the top fell down to the floor. When they pulled the remaining guards aside, they discovered that their King was lying face down at the very bottom. He was being pressed down and suffocated by the weight of all the guards for all this while.

"The King!" one of the guards shouted and rolled Reginald to lay him flat on his back.

He had bruises on his neck because of the strangling and clawing by Theodore. His light golden clothes were all tattered, bloody, and dusty. His chest had five huge puncture marks which were slowly but surely healing.

The guards who were witnessing the most powerful of the vampires in that pitiful state were all terrified of the Devil that they saw earlier. If he could do that to their King, they knew that they wouldn't stand a chance in front of him.

But what surprised them was that the Devil had just killed one of them and not all. However, they were really thankful that their King had survived.

"We would have to wake up the last King from his slumber if both of his children were dead," one of the pure-blooded guards thought to himself. "Thankfully it looks like His Majesty will heal after some time."

He then carefully carried Reginald in his arms and said to the other guards, "I am going to take His Majesty to his chamber. Help the others." He also pointed his brows at Lord Horace and asked, "And someone take this old man to the witch and get him healed."

That guard carried the King to his bedchamber and lay him on the bed. And he swooshed outside and came back after a few seconds while carrying a maid in his arm.

He lay her down and hastily asked, "Help the King out of his clothes and clean his wounds."

"Sure," that maid replied in a whisper while holding her breath. She was really frightened to see the beaten-up King.

The guard lifted his foot to run but he turned around and suggested that maid, "And try to get out of the room before the King wakes up. I don't think he will be in the best of his mood."

The maid nodded and then instantly began to work. She tore off the King's clothes and pulled them from under him by exerting great effort. She threw the dirty clothes aside and ran to the bathhouse to grab some water and clean towels.

She ran back to Reginald's room and started to clean the wounds ever so lightly. The King was already flinching and was moving his fingers. She was afraid that he would wake up before she would finish cleaning him up.

She finished cleaning the blood on his chest and she slowly moved her hand to clean the blood on his neck.

Suddenly, Reginald flung open his deadly red eyes and grabbed her wrist. She inhaled sharply and stuttered, "Your Majesty, I was just cleaning your wounds. I will take my leave now." She tried pulling her hand away from his grip but he did not leave her.

He glared at her face and in the next seconds, he sank his fangs on that poor maid's wrist.

That maid closed her eyes and tolerated the pain thinking he would stop after drinking for a while.

But he never did.

Reginald's wounds were healing at a faster rate when he drank the human blood. And after nearly a minute, all of his wounds were completely healed. Even then, he didn't stop.

The maid began feeling light-headed and cold. She knew that she would die if that vampire didn't stop any time soon. "Your Majesty…"

Reginald was furious the moment he heard the whisper. He jumped out of his bed and broke that maid's neck before she could even blink. And her body dropped dead on the floor.

He looked down at the dead body and nonchalantly said, "Sorry! You were too loud."

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