Should Have Let Me Die

Chapter 149: Greg

Chapter 149: Greg

The girls knew the drill, and they all had their eyes squeezed shut without me having to say a word. Well, they were faster learners than I would ever be; My brian flashed the scenes of my flash blinds through my head. Maybe now that I had my memory back, I might not be so stunned about things like closing my eyes after the hundredth flash of evolution light.

In an instant, we were five-thousand meters in the air, overlooking the world. I sent a brief thought to Grip, but I didn't wait for a response; we would be talking later. Instead, I directed my gaze to the mass of mountains stretched out in front of me below.

"Where is he?"

"Who?" Wendy asked without opening her eyes.


"Look for the tallest mountain," Wendy told me, still with her eyes closed.

Silly girl, I think my magic made her forget that she can fly, but it still was cute. The way she scrunched her face up to keep them closed. Nuwari was snuggled into my chest, also being adorable, but Tescelle was the only one that dared to look. That was exactly what it was though, her daring herself to look because her eyes were the size of softballs and ready to fall out of her head. 

"Babe, close your eyes again, hehe, or they might fall out! I happened to think that they look beautiful, in your head."

Tescelle slammed them closed so hard that I heard a small click from the force of them slapping closed. All my wives were undeniably cute, and I wished I didn't need to go off and rescue more people, but that was the way of things. This would be fun though, Nuwari and Tescelle were made of tough stuff and dragons didn't affect them like they did the others, but maybe that had something to do with me being one now.

I looked down and noticed the tall mountain in the distance below. That was where my grandfather-in-law lived, but the real question was if there would be a single male dragon left when I was done with them. Chicken hasn't hatched yet, so no point in overthinking things until it was time to.

With my target in line, a blink was all it took, and we were hovering over the mountain. Immediately roars went up all around us; oh look, we have been spotted, and here I thought I would have to go looking for them. I intensified the planetary magic to block the noise and vibrations it was causing, and Nuwari relaxed in my arms. The roars had made her tense up and Tescelle was clutching my arm.

Okay, so the girls were not impervious to dragon fear, but Wendy had her eyes open and she looked pissed, and I knew why. Because of Kyra's magic, we could all hear what was being shouted, and a lot of it was nasty things being said about my wife, Wendy. I memorized every last voice that shouted an insult; I couldn't see them, but I would know if I met one.

I told the girls it was the last move, but Wendy refused to close her eyes, glaring at the dragons circling us. There were only five and each of them was shouting insults at my wife, so I decided to start the mission: Dragon attitude adjustment, early. I set Nuwari down, letting my hand steal a squeeze of her pillow-soft bum cheeks, which earned me a short kiss. I think the dragons were really starting to get to her and Tescelle.

"Wendy, I am going to go say hello to the locals, please stay here with the girls and keep them safe. My magic protects you all so don't worry about that, just enjoy the show, okay?"

Wendy finally stopped glaring and turned to me with a sinister smile, pointing to the biggest dragon among them. He was big, but not as big as grandma, so there was no way he was Grandpa, but he was the most outspoken of the five. The comment about my wife being a lizard was more than enough to paint a bullseye on his entire body.

I went to snap five rings, but then remembered that I didn't have that yet, but would I get it was the real question? Not that I needed it, I was about to show these dragons who the lord of the sky really was. 

I let myself drop out of the sphere and started to change and all the dragons converged on me, but they had no idea who I was. Black scales covered me and cracks started to form as I grew, but I didn't stop at the normal size, I grew to ten times my size and fire poured out of my cracks. The dragons turned at this, something they were not accustomed to doing, they were the alpha's, the top of the food chain and there was nothing before that could challenge this fact, until now.

They tried to flee, but all five froze in mid-air. None could speak, roar, or even twitch a muscle, I held them in stasis with telekinesis. Now it was time for the first lesson, by far the most important, no one insults my family and gets away unscathed. 

I moved forward and bit the leader in half, leaving a trail of innards to fall with the now lifeless course of the asshat. Then I released the rest of them and I changed back to human, but immediately ignited my mind and body. The Cascades of heat poured from my body, and the fleeing dragons had no chance to flee as I raised my hands and scorched the wings of each of the four, leaving only scared and burnt stubs where their majestic wings were once.

This would not kill them or prevent them from flying, they all used magic for that. No, what I did was turn their insults into a reality for them. They were now no more than giant lizards, and no amount of magic would ever heal them, I made sure of that by fully healing the nubs and they looked nothing more than bumps. 

"What have you done to us!" A red dragon cried looking back at where its massive wings had once been.

"Oh? That? How about I let you know who I am and who you were insulting?"

The dragon was about to say something, but stopped himself and just waited instead. Good, they could learn.

"My name is Hyde Kline and I am the ruler of Hope and now Perdi. The woman you were insulting? Calling a lizard? That's my wife, and I have one rule that stands above all the rest. Don't ever insult my family!"

With that said I threw each of the oversized newts into the closest mountain that wasn't below me. I didn't want to wreck grandpa's home just to make a point, but I tossed the fuckers a bit hard and all four crashed into the mountainside. I waited, but none of them moved, but now the sky was filled with dragons, but none of them moved to help. No, they were all staring at, behind me.

"I have heard that name recently, Hyde, you're quite the celebrity across Bjrothrone."

I turned around and nearly had my socks blown off in surprise. No, fucking, way.

"Greg? What the fuck are you doing here?"

The mountain of a dragon was white with jagged teal stripes that ran from his spine, down and around. There was no way I could forget this fucker, we had a fierce battle on the last world before I went to face Mainframe the first time on the Game World, and he had caught me right at the start. I had only one gate unlocked and no girls with me yet, and after a three-day grueling fight we called it a draw. 

"No, it can't be you, but then again, there isn't a person in the world that could challenge one dragon. Is it really you Hyde?" Thungarda, The Lord of Dragons asked me.

"You fucking bet it is, our buddy sent me here to straighten out this fucking place!

"Gra sent you?"

"Yeah, but here is the real question. What the fuck have you been doing since you got here? Teaching these fuckheads you call your children to treat others with such disrespect?"

"Hyde, it's not that simple"

"Oh? Then oh great sky lord, please explain, or I'm going to give you an ass-whooping that you will never forget! Also, before your bullshit excuses, you will apologize to your granddaughter on behalf of your race for any insults spoken to her, now!"

Thungarda didn't hesitate and apologized profusely, causing the other dragons to become very confused from the bulged eyes they all had. After he was done I told him to tell his little shits to scram and that we would be talking at his place. Not a single word of complaint was uttered, and he did as told. The dragons left, faster than I expected, and then Greg led me to his black gem cave and I brought the girls down with us.

They were all just as shocked as the dragons at this point, none of them had ever met Greg, which they could remember since the other times he was a normal man. Well, maybe normal was the wrong word, he was always something strong, but not always against me. The biggest thing that was bothering me was him.

I knew Greg, and he wasn't an idiot, he was a caring person, and this wasn't like him to let something like these dragons run rampant. The Greg I knew was not someone to let something like honor slide, but he was an NPC of sorts, so he might have changed. Something was fishy here and I was going to get to the bottom of this problem.

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