Should Have Let Me Die

Chapter 150: Not In The Mood For Jokes

Chapter 150: Not In The Mood For Jokes

"So, Greg, what's going on? Gripton dropped you off here and what? There must be more to the story, scratch that, there had better be more to this story. Talk. Now."

We were all in the massive black gemstone cave, and Greg sat on a huge marble smooth slab. I have made a big comfy couch by sculpting the basic frame from stone and then covered the frame with thread, thick and comfy. If Bhan would have been here, we just would have sat down, and the couch would have caught us, better than anything my magic could make. I missed him, and Kiada's bad jokes, but I had my lovely loves back in my life, so I would make the best of it until we meet again.

I glared at him, but he was being silent, but I could wait. I would prefer him to think about the next word that came out of his mouth. Now that I knew who Thungarda actually was, I was livid, like fucking pissed, and if the girls weren't here right now, soothing my rage, Greg would be dead. 

If anyone in the world had the power to change it for the better, it was the King of the Dragons. Instead, he is up here lording over his brats and teaching them to treat others as less than themselves, like what kind of bullshit was that? And yet, I waited.

"I tried, once, but the humans wanted to fight till the end, and they wanted to drag their entire race down with them. Hyde, I did try, but this was the best I could do, and before you kill me, you need to know that what I did with my children was done for the rest of the world. I had to make them all fear us enough to leave us alone, but I do agree their attitude is not great." Greg explained.

"I'm not going to kill you, I mean I really want to kick the shit out of you, but that is just me being angry. No, but there are going to be some serious changes, and since I did just kill one of you brats on top of maiming and possibly killing four others, I will do this thing for you first. How long since you last walked on two legs?"

"Hmmm? The game before this one actually, the same one I was put out of my misery by your brother twice. I got stuck as the fake harem leader on prime, but he found me in a mini-game long before he should have, and forced me to come to him. You two are a pushy pair when you get worked up, I didn't know until I came to this world that he was even your brother."

"Ditto, Gra likes to do that. I will be having words with him later, many of them. The kid is doing well then if he was strong enough to kill you."

"He was the commander on Xeno," Greg spoke with a bit of pride.

"Shut the fuck up, how? You kidding me right? That's the second of 5 planets, how the fuck is that possible?"

"Are you getting jealous of your brother?" Greg said with a big stupid looking dragon grin.

I was instantly in front of Thungarda/Greg, and I bitchslapped him off the marble slab with my right hand, infusing him with my magic at the same time. He hit the wall before completely changing, so when the light faded, he wasn't hurt. That didn't mean he didn't get my point, I was in no mood for funnies today. 

"Now, we are going to call all the females in here and find my wives, and if they have been hurt in any way, shape, or form, I will have blood."

Greg picked himself off the floor and dusted himself off as nothing had happened. He was no longer a dragon, just a man, in a face I remembered. After dusting off, Greg looked over his body, but then looked back at me.

"Just so we are clear, I'm not a dragon anymore, hell, I don't even think I have any magic. I think you should be the one to go and talk to them, I saw your dragon form, and so have all of them, and what you can do. They will listen to what you ask, you are the Dragon King now," Greg told me.

That made sense, and now that Greg was just Greg and not Thungarda, they wouldn't listen to him, the one that taught them to disrespect anything smaller than them. I was about to turn to the cave entrance when Wendy ran by me and gave Greg a hug. I was surprised for only a second, and Greg even looked at me before moving, so I nodded my head.

Greg hugged Wendy back, and then they broke apart and Wendy came back to stand with me. Nuwari and Tescelle both came to join me and the four of us left the cave to stand on the massive ledge at the mouth of the cave. Greg was still Wendy's grandfather and I had to respect that even if I was pissed off at him, but I also understood where he was coming from. The humans of this world were built to be relentless, and cruel it seems, but were they really all like that? No, I have met good ones besides my wife, there were just a lot of bad apples. One thing at a time Hyde, I thought as I looked up at the sky full of dragons. 

"Girls, wait here with Greg and I will be back."

I walked to the edge and stepped off the edge into nothingness, and fell. I let my body change as it had never been before, I wanted to be more than just a dragon, something Instead of shapeshifting into a dragon, my body expanded to a mind-boggling size. A massive flaming mantle sat on my shoulders and the flame turned into a flowing cape of magma. I was already using planetary magic to protect the girls, but I doubled it again, the heat coming from my cape would incinerate anything close to it. 

I floated with the same magic as the dragon, but now they were like birds to a tree. I sent my command and every male fell back, but as the two dragons rushed me. Glittering gold and silver, they both flew in a spiral corkscrew pattern directly, and my massive heart pounded in my chest, my girls. Tamika, and her twin sister Dalmia, landed in my outstretched massive right hand, both of them flashing.

Two beautiful Dragon-Kin stood in my hand with hands behind their backs with identical faces and bodies. The only thing that separated them was Tamika's gold and Dalmia's silver wings, but they shared the same gorgeous face. I turned, putting my hand up to the ledge for them to hop off my hand and join the other girls. 

Every part of me wanted to ignore the rest of these, but I still had work to do. I turned back to the rest of the dragons and sent my thoughts out to all of them.

'The days of looking down on other races is over. The haughty attitudes and arrogance end, today. Those that wish to continue to look down on the other races and refuse to change their ways will find their sleeves a frozen blood pancake smeared into that giant rock in the sky you see at night. Do I make myself clear?'

To my surprise, every dragon, male and female, bowed their heads to me. Power had its place, but I wasn't using the power to rule and force them to do something unreasonable. I just wanted them to act civilized, was that so much to ask of dragons? But this would be the kicker.

'Lastly, I will expect every one of you to submit to my power and become like my wives, as you have just seen. This will bind you to me, but it will make you strong with time if you truly want to help me fix this world. You all know that no one is blameless, but that doesn't mean we get to ignore the problem. I am sorry to not give you a choice in this, but I cannot have you running under your own discretion anymore, Karstia is now another part of my kingdom, so you will abide by my rules.'

There were no sounds but flapping wings, but then a female voice spoke in my mind, addressing herself first.

'Vialgora, Ruby Red. What will you have us do?' -Vialgora.

'Nothing that you don't want to. There is a war coming, and not just against men the real creator of this world who is trying to destroy it. The part each of you play will be your choice, but I need to know that you will be on my side for the entire battle, I will not have a single one of you fly against me.'

'When?' -Vailgora.

'Tomorrow, I want some time with my wives, but I would still like the females to join me in Thungarda's cave if they would like to. I am not forcing you, I just would like to make sure that another one of my wives isn't among you, but I would also like to talk to you about some things that will be changing after tomorrow that will directly affect you.'

With that I let the magic go and shrunk back down to land on the ledge, where my twin beauties were waiting for me.

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