Should Have Let Me Die

Chapter 151: If It Wasn't Screwed On

Chapter 151: If It Wasn't Screwed On

I was excited, I knew who was missing still, and finding them both together was a heaven send all on its own. I scooped my girls up and gave them a firm squeeze on their bottoms, which got me slaps from both sides, at the same time. Then they showered me in kisses, almost making me drop them. 

Behind us, Dragons were landing, so I set the girls down and we headed back into the cave to give the ladies room to land. Nuwari, Wendy, and Tescelle joined us and we walked back into where Greg was waiting for us. I let go of the girls and got to work, this would be home for a day or two, so I wanted to make it more comfortable.

I walked to the center of the room and sat down. I crossed my legs and put my hands down cupping my knees, then closing my eyes. I started to slow my breathing, keeping all five girls protected with planetary magic. I took a bit of it to block the noise around me of the great number of dragons coming into the cave. 

I let myself fall, deep inside of my internal well, I took the strongest power of them all and fused it into my tattoos, letting them snake off me like vines. All the female dragons had come, and I had expected no less, so I let the tattoos spread out in the cave, touching each female dragon. Then I tried something, it felt right, so I released Maximus to course through my veins of red and black tattoos that filled the cave.

The flash was like nothing I have ever seen or felt, even the space deep inside of me lit up, the light destroyed all darkness for that brief moment. I didn't plan on stopping, but that did suck a wack load of my energy. It seemed because some of them had scars that it took more of my magic, there was really no other explanation. There were around fifty women, but I had done entire villages with twice as many people, and I do remember feeling drained after giving the first group of female slaves my magic, but I thought that was just me waking up.

Fire, earth, metal, telekinesis, building, fusing, shaping, sewing, paper, ink, I took from them all and poured them into the ground. In response, Small pools of metal started to bubble out of the cracks all over the cave and started to form into bars, and springs. The next was to construct a bed, more couches, chairs, and tables. The parts formed together and fused, making the frames with cotton thread unwinding into padding for the couches, and chairs. Last was thin stone slabs shaped for each table, then I was done.

I let out a long breath and pulled myself back, and then opened my eyes. Wow, that took a lot, but I had taken more of a part in the construction, rather than letting the magic guide itself. I whipped some beads of sweat off my forehead and tried to get up, but my legs were like jelly, but the girls were all there to help me up. Nuwari and Tescelle each went under one arm. They helped me to a new black couch with hot pink pinstripes running along the bottom along with all the treads. 

This was my way of saying that as mighty as I might be, the women were what helped keep everything together in my life. I was backed onto the couch, and the girls sat down with me, the other three Dragon-Kin went and stood behind me. This was the first time I really noticed the herd of Dragon-Kin staring at me and themselves.

Not all wore happy looks, but this was to be expected, I had said I would do it, but I didn't give them any warning. I sighed, I was still just running hog wild, I needed to really reign it in. I was feeling better now, my energy was coming back to me, so I stood to address the women.

"I will start with an apology; I am sorry for not warning you, but I am not sorry for doing it. You almost all had scars from the past, some more embarrassing than others, but those are now gone. The days of mating flights and acid piss are over, for now. Maybe in the future, you will evolve back to dragons or you might not, I will not stop you if you want to partake in mating flights at that time, but no one will be forced. I give you the gift of my magic so you can learn there are other ways to live, it is your choice if you would like to continue in this life like this or as you were. I will not stop you."

A woman with red wings stepped forward, this was the same as before, Vailgora. 

"I think what you have done is fair, but what do we do now? Do we all go with you? Can you provide for us? I don't think I would like eating a cow at this size."

"Yes, you are all welcome to come with me to Dreams, my city where there are more Dragon-Kin. I will provide for you, but you will have to earn your keep, but for now, we shall feast...I just have to go get my cooks and supplies, hehe."

I hadn't really thought of food for almost sixty people, but I was sure Breth wouldn't mind If I got them to make some food for us. I asked the girls to entertain our guests and I zipped back to Dreams, then dropped into the house to see how everyone was doing. Going alone made the trip faster, but that didn't mean it was better. There was something special about the stops and detours we took.

I dropped into the backyard where Kyra, Arrentia, and Xelios were playing with the kids. They looked adorable, but I could come back after to see them. I ran forward, quickly planted kisses on my forehead, and said I would be back as I jogged into the house. 

Inside I cut the corner and went to the kitchen where I figured Breth's wives would be, but I was surprised to find Alex in the kitchen. I wasn't surprised to see her ording around everyone. She spotted me instantly and came running over to me, falling into my open arms. 

"Mmmh, I missed you dearly, but I found The twins, Tamika, and Dalmia! We almost have them all!"

"Stop talking like where are you grand collections!" Alex scolded, but I could tell she wasn't serious as she laid her head on my chest, while I held her.

I kissed her black hair and then looked around the kitchen, which was way busier than normal, but I didn't see any of Breth's wives. Instead, most of the people working were slaves, but they all looked happy. Strange, and Alex was the one in charge here...very strange.

"Where is my wife and what have you done with her!" I joked with Alex tickling her.

"What do you mean?" Alex asked after I had stopped.

"All these people are smiling and they look like they are having a generally good time. So, tell me, where have you taken my drill sergeant of a wife?"

"Don't be like that! I am not that bad!"

"Listen, babe, you can bullshit your friends, and I will bullshit mine, but just between us girls, let's not bullshit each other."

This made her laugh, and I took her into my arms, kissing her deeply. After I finally let her out for air, she turned and looked me in the eyes with a warm smile. 

"Kids can change a woman, and these people don't deserve my scorn, I save it for the chain gang working in the fields."

"What do you mean chain-gangs? Do we have detention centers now, like prisons?"

"Well, not quite a jail, but the slave masters are working on their readjustment into our society."

"Hmmm, I'll just leave that to you for now, so the reason I am back so" But Alex cut me off.

"I have enough food ready for you to feed around one-hundred people."

"What? No, I'm not even going to act surprised."

"You shouldn't buy now, we are here for you, Hyde. Even if you forget, there are more than enough of us to think of the things you forget. I knew you hadn't thought of what you would do with all of them after they were changed. Did I make enough?"

"Yes, my love! You did perfect just like you! I know what I would do without you all, run around like a chicken with my head cut off. Thank you, again, let's get everything in the backyard on serving trays so I can take it back, I will be bringing a big group back after the meal."

"How did it go, with the King?"

"You remember Greg? Ya, that was Thungarda. As for the rest, only killed on and maimed for another, practically a flawless victory for me, and considering what I was doing, I think I did pretty good!"

"Yes you did, now, scoot! I will meet you in the back with the trays, and since you're coming back, I will send some of the helpers with you."

"Can you send for Mesh and a couple single Dragon-Kin?"

"If there are any left, they are a hot commodity, all the women go stupid around them! Most of them just want to have a dragon child, but a good number of them are already married with two wives!"

"Really? How are Mesh and Marly doing?"

"We are doing fine, and it looks like I came at the right time!"

I turned around to the sound of one of my best friends' voices.

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