Soul Karmas (BL)

Chapter 10: Chasing the Run Away Bride... Am I in a Story?

Chapter 10: Chasing the Run Away Bride... Am I in a Story?

She was scared, no she felt terrified.

Autumn has known that Li Chen was not at all that kind and gentle person but at the moment, she has never thought that watching Li Chen get mad was terrifying.

She has never saw that side of Li Chen, he can be calm, indifferent, lazy and kind and gentle, but he has never been that kind of a dark person, at least she has never saw it before.

And right now, He was furious beyond reason and the cause of it all was because of a person that has run away three days ago.

Autumn was of course upset to find that the young beautiful boy has run away, but she has never known that he will act this way, leaving without saying good bye properly.

And he, who was the main reason, was no longer here at the moment, running away without a proper farewell and only leaving a letter that was the enough reason that has cause Li Chen to react terrifyingly.

Autumn has never known how dark Li Chen could really get behind those normal and lighter expression that he has been showing for as long as she has known him.

However, she might be terrified and all but she wont fault the little boy for running away, because she knows that he won't be able to run away from Li Chen, ever.


It was all because of that mark on his chest that she has saw before when she was changing his dirty and bloody bandages.

That mark is very special, specially when it comes to Li Chen life.

Once upon a time, her lady, her master has met a very mysterious person, a very special and famous one in the land.

No one know who he was, where he come from, where he was born, which family he belong, but he has been known and famous over the fact that he has been a fair with a special ability that he has awoken, an ability to see what kind of life a person will live their life.

However, it was said that it was just one of the possibility of a person future that he could glimpse of, because it was a known fact that no one could really tell what will happen in every person future, it was not set in stone, the mysterious person can only get a glimpse among the best possibilities that will happen to a person.

The mysterious person, has the power to catch a glimpse of a person possible future.

However, despite it all, he has been very known for his ability to be right most of the entire time because what he sees was what the highest possibility that it will happen to a person.

And what the mysterious person has told them, what he predict to Li Chen future devastated her very gentle and kind lady.

No one has known aside from the two of them of what that mysterious person has predicted.

But because of what they heard, what that person has spoken that they, no, her lady has decided to take away her first child, her very first son, far away from what supposed to be the child home, away from the place that will give her child the future that has been predicted for him, Autumn lady was just a mother wishing to save her child from his destiny, that was full of pain and hardship.

Autumn Master has always been very kind and gentle but also has strong will and determination once she has decided of certain thing.

It has been almost 13 years when it all happened, as Autumn watched her charged, the child that she watch grow up with, the child that she saw as her own son, being extremely furious for the very first time, before glancing at the now ruin house that they have been living for a very long time.

And she knows that Li Chen will leave this place, going back to the place that he was meant to be, because that place is where Li Chen home in the first place, and Autumn knew that the young beautiful boy also live in that place, she can tell just by his bearing alone specially with narrowed amber eyes that turned indifferent to the people beneath his presence.

He has that certain aura around him that show that he belong and was born in a high prestigious background.

And knowing how hard it will be for her charged to meet those kind of people, specially when he has been away from a very long time and has not grown up with his supposed family that will cause him hard to be accepted, especially when there is a high possibility of a higher chance that he has been dead all the years that he has been missing in the long 13 years.

But Autumn will not stop Li Chen because that little young boy, has been the person that will change her young charged life.

Xen is Li Chen savior after all and Li Chen is Xen savior at the same time.

And as she close her eyes, the voice of the mysterious person echoed loudly in her ears, like it happen just yesterday.

The person who has the mark of a snow flake on their body, close to their heart, will be the person that can change this boy fate and destiny.

That person will be the catalyst to change the life of this boy.

I can see the red string of fate, intertwine on each other, it was something very deep but twisted at the same time, something that has been... what this boy has been looking for, a very very long time.

You could say that they are the catalyst on each other fate.

Good or bad... I don't know, but at least, in this life time, on this time and world, it will be a good thing for this boy life.

So, as she open her eyes once again, and look at the brooding charge of hers, then she open her mouth, "Child..."and for the very first time, Autumn can finally tell what she has been meaning to tell him after her lady has sealed her child memories in order for him to forget everything.

And as she close her mouth, finishing what she has wanted to tell all this entire time to her charge, Autumn couldn't help but feel a chill at the darkening obsession and possessiveness that was running on Li Chen black ink eyes.

Now and then, Autumn couldn't help but feel grateful that she was not the one who got that slightly crazy interest, infatuated her mind whisper, that she was seeing at the moment.

She has known that Li Chen is not a very normal child from the very start, he was just that good at hiding it and now that he was showing it openly, well, let just say that at least she was not the one getting the attention.

And the person who has run away, she will just give a prayer for him.

But in the end, Autumn mostly care more about Li Chen well being, than the young boy she has just met, despite being the one who will save her charge from his supposed dark future.



Li Chen is currently sitting on one of the ruin part of his house, black ink eyes close, and a scene of image appearing after.

An image of a young boy with delicate and charming appearance with wide nervous amber eyes could be seen with a thin arms wrapping around from behind of a very unconscious young man that is naked on his upper body.

It was little Xen with an unconscious Li Chen after the awakening of his internal energy.

Wide amber eyes, glancing around with a redden face, before taking a deep breath as he carries the unconscious body back to the room and into the bed before living the room and coming back after a few minutes with a bucket of hot water and towels on his hands.

Small soft hands, began to wipe the body of the young man with a pink taint on his cheeks despite carrying a serious expression on his face as he does his work on it before taking a deep breath as he began to change the young man clothes.

Just by looking alone, one could tell that the young boy was not use on taking care of a person with just one glance, it is a person use in being served than serving others.

And with a fluster on his face, looking entirely adorable, specially with that beautiful and charming appearance of him, that looking red eye-drop mark under his left eyes making him look more stunning than ever.

Li Chen couldn't help but swallowed hard, as he continue to watch the image being shown to him by Black, who has a record of everything that happen when he was out of it.

Then the young boy, start to clean the young man face with gentleness like the person was a fragile treasure on his small hand, large amber eyes softening as the young boy look at the sleeping young man, before he began to fix the young man long black hair next despite how clumsy he was doing it.

After clumsily doing his very best to take care of the young man, the young boy couldn't help but sat at the age of the bed, amber eyes looking far away as he just sat down for a few minutes of silent before a small hand reach out to take the young man hand, gripping it tightly.

"It's nice in here..." A soft voice echoed suddenly, amber eyes dimming down, "... I'm very happy, I never really got the chance to relax."

The young boy couldn't help but sigh in a resign way, before moving quickly that he was suddenly kneeling down at the side of the bed, head lower down touching the young man hand on his forehead, face entirely hidden.

"... I don't want to leave." a whimper, a soft whisper, said softly that Li Chen almost unable to hear it out.

"I am... just... so... very tired... Li Chen..."

Li Chen hand couldn't help but close up, gripping it tightly that he can almost hear the sound of his bone cricking at how tight it was, because that exhausted voice of little Xen that he heard, is something that Li Chen doesn't want to ever hear, ever again.

It just was not something that he want Little Xen to be feeling and showing.

Xen should be smiling adorably on his face, going pink and flustered after showing him that he cared, amber eyes lighting up brightly in joy and happiness with certain thing, specially after cooking the food that little Xen really like.

It should not be this exhausted and tired person that he was currently seeing.

"Li Chen..." the young boy voice, woke him up from his thought, causing him to concentrate on the image that has been recorded again, watching as the young boy delicate shoulder shudder from the strong emotion he was currently feeling.

"Li Chen... so very kind... so very gentle... I... don't want you to die..." the last sentence was said in a sad whimper., causing Li Chen heart to shudder.

Then the young boy head raise up, then Li Chen couldn't help but gasp at the despair and loneliness that was brimming on large amber eyes as the young boy stare at the sleeping young man.

"... You'll die... I don't want you to die."

"... You'll leave me... and it all because of me."

"... so I have to go away... you'll be safe."

Little Xen then bend down, and place a soft chaste kiss on the young man forehead with a sad smile on his beautiful and charming face.

"You'll live."

Li Chen eyes quickly open up widely, breaking the record image that he has been watching, his hand raising up to touch over his forehead, to the place where that small pink lip has touch.

He doesn't know what to feel, it was very confusing and complicated, he felt so very happy that Little Xen cared about him enough that he doesn't want to in danger his life, but he felt so mad and depress at the same time that he just want to take Little Xen all by himself, away from all the danger and problem causing him to be so tired in his life, to let little Xen stay by his side every single day and time, making him happy all the time.

Specially with that big regret he was feeling about because of why was he so out of it when little Xen has kiss him, yes even if it was only in the forehead but that was still his first kiss from Xen!

Ahhh, Li Chen lip couldn't help but curve up, looking entirely devilish, so different from his gentleman image that he usually present, a predatory glinting on his black ink eyes.

"Well... its time to catch his run away bride, even if little Xen doesn't know about it yet."

Although, deep down, Li Chen never knows that he will be experiencing the same situation in one of those corny and sappy romance novel that he has once read in his original Life, back on earth, before the end of the world happen.

Maybe, he is in some kind of story at the moment?

Well now that was an interesting idea.

He as the main character chasing his other half, who run away and telling him to forget all about the adorable but beautiful and charming young boy, who made his cold heart beat like crazy?

Like hell, he will be following what little Xen has told him in the letter.

Letting Xen go?

Li Chen eyes couldn't help but darkened as dark emotion brim on his black eyes,

"Run... Run... My little Red... But I'll catch up and you'll never get the chance to leave me ever again."


A very delicate, small body of a young boy, could be seen standing in a center of a very large room, with a beautiful and pretty women mostly around him, one helping him wear a very delicate, beautiful and luxurious robes on his body.

Another person, fixing his long ink silky black hair behind him, before stopping a person with his small hand raise, when he was ask with head low if he prefer to put a make up on his face.

Snow, couldn't help but observe on the people before him, seeing the way they lower their head, not only because of who he was, but because of certain fear they felt toward him, hiding it skillfully.

Well, for a person to be able to live long in this palace, they should also has the ability to hide what they really felt deep down and not show it in the open.

Those fear Snow was seeing, he was not worried about it, to tell the truth he preferred the way they are feeling fear toward him at the moment because the original Xen, only scared them but it was not enough to stop them have the idea of betraying him and the young emperor.

In this palace, that kind of fear that they are currently feeling will let them have a second idea at the thought of trying to harm them.

The original Xen might be talented, having that certain abilities to lead the people, but he was still have that naivety on him, that hesitation that stopping him to fully confront all of his enemies.

Snow could understand it since those enemies were really special to him, but that was something that he doesn't need to have if he want to win the confrontation because there are only one side that will win no matter what and the other has to entirely disappear, despite how he really feel like.

And it showed how the original Xen died because of that hesitation, causing not only his death but also the death of the young emperor.

However, right now, Snow is here, that hesitation needed to disappear, he need to win this fight because if he lose, it only meant that the young emperor will die without his help.

Oh the young Emperor might be in danger even if he was still alive, but it was a sure fact that his nephew will die without his help keeping him safe with all this political problems.

Snow regally wave his hand, making the palace made to bow down their head and leaving the entire room, knowing how the King Regent prefer to be left alone all the entire time.

Turning around and looking his appearance in the wide and large mirror, Snow couldn't help but tilt his head because he currently look entirely different from the time that he has been staying with Li Chen.

Majestic looking which show what he really are, wearing beautiful clothes complimenting his delicate body and charming feature, large amber eyes narrowed all the entire time looking dangerous despite how beautiful he look.

Alright, Snow took a deep breath before his expression turned into the way it was use to, all paralyzed looking, with no emotion on his amber eyes.

He doesn't want to let his enemy get suspicious over his change for now, he was not fighting a one on one fight for this mission after all but fighting those peoples who wanted the throne.

A slight glimpse of smile flash on his dull looking amber eyes, turning hid head as he reach out over a delicate but majestic looking crown place on a desk, taking a hold of it, turning it all around as he stare at the delicate pattern on it.

Facing the large mirror, he watch as his reflection raise his arm and placing the crown on top of his head and as he wear the crown, he could feel the heavy responsibilities that the original Xen has once carried.

And it felt really heavy, but now Snow is here, carrying the heavy responsibilities on his delicate shoulder, it remind him of being the Ciel hidden Ace once again on his original life but this time, he was doing it because it was something that he find interesting rather than responsibility on his family.

And Snow is now Xen, the youngest and the most favorite among the child of the late Emperor.

The 24 years old fair person, which was the first time in the History of the Rong Dynasty to have a Fair Regent King to act for the still Young Emperor, after all of his bothers died.

"Now then... lets the game begin."


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