Soul Karmas (BL)

Chapter 9: Its Nice To Relax Once In A While.

Chapter 9: Its Nice To Relax Once In A While.

Snow indifferent amber eyes glanced as a set of tea and snacks placed in front of him before briefly glancing at the middle age woman that has served the food and nodding his head in a polite way and staying silent after.

Snow might be acting kind and easy to get along with base with his interaction with Li Chen but that was because of his own personality and not of the original client because Xen still has the pride and disposition of someone who was in current power in the Royal family, a Regent King, second only to the Young Emperor.

Even if Xen was a very kind person even when he belong and grown up into the royal family, there is always that callous way of him handing the life of other people beneath him, turning indifferent and ruthless when it comes to other people lives.

Xen has the disposition of leader, powerful and majestic, it didn't change the fact that Snow was also someone that has been leading people in his original life.

"Enjoy your tea and snacks, I'll leave you alone now."

Autumn just smile, eyes brimming with kindness despite Snow indifferent attitude before quietly leaving the room in order to give Snow his peace of time.

Snow just silently stare at the tea for a second before lifting it with his hand and taking a small sip on it after checking out that nothing harmful was added into it.

Although he might trust Li Chen, it doesn't mean that Snow will trust anyone else, even if Autumn was someone that Li Chen can get along with.

Besides, as Snow places the teacup down the table and reaching over the snacks that look like a donut, Autumn has been acting quite suspicious after Li Chen has helped heal him over the cold Poison on his body.

Oh, Autumn was not acting dangerous or in a threatening way toward him but she has been acting extremely nice and well when it comes toward him, she has been so nice to the point that the reason why she was acting that way was not because of Li Chen alone anymore.

She kept giving him glances that she thought she has hidden very well, which she was not and glancing from time to time to where his heart is, precisely toward the mark on his chest which happens to be the print image of Flake that looks like a birthmark.

Snow couldn't help but wonder why she has been interested in it since he knows for sure that the original Xen doesn't have that mark on his chest before and it only appeared because of his appearance, which is like Snow signature mark when doing his missions.

So he couldn't help but wonder why she was interested in it, anyway as long as it was not something that was against him then he will ignore it for now, but will always be in the back of his mind.

Taking a sip with his tea one more time, Snow stood up while conveniently checking over his appearance, another green garment again, his long ink-black hair was tied low with a simple green ribbon and placed over his left shoulder.

Just a simple appearance, not overly luxurious but not poor looking at the same time.

Well, it's been 9 days since he has been staying with Li Chen, and Snow knew that he will be so busy and troubled when he goes back to the Palace, so for now, he will try to relax in peace, besides Li Chen was out in the town at the moment, buying very important items which Snow doesn't really know about.

It might be really important that Li Chen wasn't ordering Autumn to be the one to get the item he needed.

He is quite curious about what it was but for now, since he is currently free at the moment, its time to go relax and also exercise this body of his, since he needed to entirely be in sync with his vessel.

So now, where was his sword again?

"Here you go, Snow!" Flakes has given the sword to Snow by using his own spiritual energy causing Snow to smile. "Thanks!"

Taking a step, Snow once more has gone out using the window before dashing deeply inside the forest that was a few distances away from where he has been staying at.



A large black bear uses its huge paw to stamp toward a small figure wearing a green garment on its front him, which the small figure nimbly dodge as he steps on the side before jumping up and running on the black bear long arm.

Snow just smile with a calm amber eye as he runs over at the arm of the rampaging large black bear with ease before gripping tightly the sword on his hand, an internal energy wrapping around it before swinging his sword horizontally, cutting the large bear head as it flew high up in the air while large blood spews out from where it was cut down.

Amber eyes blink before he quickly dodges away from the body of the large black bear since he doesn't want to get dirty from the blood.

Snow glance at the sword on his hand that remains spotless despite what he just did for a second before putting the sword back on its scabbard.

They said that a bear paw tastes quite good, he wonders if Li Chen knows how to cook one.

"There you are Little Xen!" a worried voice echoed out, huh, talk about the devil and he will appear.

Snow smile and blink his amber eyes before turning his head and seeing a slender tall figure wearing a simple and spotless white robe along with green bamboo design standing quite a few distances from where he was at.

"Oh... Welcome back, Li Chen."

"... Ah... I'm back little Xen..." Li Chen smiled happily before walking toward to where Snow was standing his black ink eyes glancing up and down on Xen delicate body checking for any injury before turning around and taking out a shorten knife over his waist before squatting down as he began to cut down the dead black bear before him, knowing that Xen has wanted to eat the bear without even being told about it.

A flash of appreciation on Snow amber eyes before disappearing quickly as he walks to the left side of Li Chen, squatting down beside him as Snow watch Li Chen process the large black bear that he has just killed for tonight dinner.

Humming a little bit, as they stayed quiet for a few minutes in comfortable silence before Li Chen spoke, "I was very worried when I didn't see you back at home after I came back from the town, so I was looking around for you."

Li Chen explained while giving him a worried look from time to time causing Snow to blink his amber eyes before glancing sideways.

While, Snow like the warm emotion he just felt from the man concern, especially when only quite a few people have been worrying about his well being on his original life, while as Xen, he was a person that no longer used about people worrying about his well being since it has only been the Young Emperor that only care about him anymore.

All the people that have loved the original client are dead while he was betrayed by the remaining people that should have been caring about them.

Li Chen observes Xen's reaction at the corner of his black ink eyes, as it narrowed down since he couldn't help but feel distressed over Xen's reaction while secretly making a vow that he will be looking after Xen well being now and in the future.

The two of them will definitely be together for a long time after all, and nothing will stop him from getting what he wants.

Li Chen will remove anyone that gets on his way.

Ah, such a wonderful feeling to experience, it felt bitter but felt so sweet at the same time.

After finishing taking all the delicious part of the black bear for tonight dinner, Li Chen conveniently stored the Black Bear Meats in a small bag on his waist, it was like those with a dimension space but it doesn't have large space on it, but it was still a very rare item to have and only those great nobles families and extremely wealthy people can afford it.

Xen couldn't help but narrow his amber eyes slightly on the small bag before glancing away, he knew that Li Chen was always watching and observing every action that he makes, so showing a very rare item was Li Chen way of telling him that he was not a very simple person despite how he appear to be.

Well, he could understand Li Chen idea, it was not great to hide everything about himself toward him, and if Li Chen ever wants Snow to be able to trust him without being suspicious and in doubt about him all the entire time then, it was a good strategy to start slow at the moment, especially in the long run of them being together as allies, for now.

Give a little bit of trust at the start, if they want to be able to work and, well, be together in the long run, a new start and beginning between the two of them.

And if he wants their relationship to be strong and will last a very long time without any misunderstanding causing them problems, then Li Chen need to be trusted by himself, at least Li Chen needs to start showing what he is capable of and showing all about him slowly from now on is a good start.

Isn't that wonderful? Snow couldn't help but smile in excitement unconsciously.

Li Chen couldn't but sigh inwardly with how he is always handling and interacting with Xen, this will take a bit longer than he thought, who told him that the one he was interested in is a very and extremely complicated person?

At least, for now, Li Chen doesn't want all the secrets that he has, especially his abilities, to be the one to get on his way with his pursuit of the young man beside him.

He will definitely go on a rampage if that ever happens.

So with a kind smile, Li Chen offers his hand toward the beautiful young boy, finding the confused expression on Xen face to be so adorable before joy burst out his chest as Xen with a bit hesitation grab his larger hand with his own small hand.

Li Chen's heart starts beating as the small soft hand fit over his own large hand, he knew that the way he was acting is really sappy but well, he never knew how wonderful it was to have someone that can affect him.

He doesn't find it as a weakness the way he felt toward the young boy, it was very wonderful and special to Li Chen to even experience.

This is something that he really wants.

Deep within his soul, this was something that he has been yearning for.

So that's why as he carefully walks with Xen in the forest, holding hand in hand as they make way to the place he can finally feel and call his home, there was no way that he will be letting go of the hand on his grip.

Possessiveness and obsession glinting deeply over his darkening Black Ink Eyes for a few seconds before it disappears just as fast as it came, the kind and gentleman appearance he has outside not changing one bit.

This person was his, even if the young man doesn't know it yet.


Snow couldn't help but let his amber eyes run up and down in secret on the man perfect body, the muscles not overly large along with those awesome abs of his, long and powerful leg with that handsome appearance that appeared kind and gentle all the time.

When it comes to someone, Snow really doesn't have any preference over a person, as long as she or he doesn't betray him and stay true to himself then, Snow other half could be anything and anyone.

You could say that he will start appreciating that person's entire being, good or bad when he decided who his other half will be.

And right now, as Snow soft-looking tongue licks his lip, feeling his current body being more sensitive than his original one before, well it wasn't really that surprising, he was a fair, after all, one who has a very delicate body with a charming and youthful appearance.

Snow couldn't help but wonder and imagine what kind of body he will be using for the next mission worlds.

Well, it will be interesting to find himself using a female body for once though, since he knew that the client gender is not destined to be entirely male type, after all, look at what he currently residing, a male but not male with a female part added and mix into it.

Anyway, someone might be wondering what was Snow currently doing at the moment, well he is currently sitting behind Li Chen back which was currently naked on his upper body, his small palm feeling the heat radiating on Li Chen skin despite the fact that he was not touching him at all.

He was currently awakening Li Chen Martial Art abilities using his own inner energy to awaken Li Chen current body potential since the Li Chen in the future memory has never awakened it, not only because Li Chen doesn't really need it from all the abilities that he already has, but because when awakening someone Martial Abilities, you have to trust that someone with your life and your entire well being or else it can be life-threatening and dangerous with just one wrong move.

Especially when Li Chen has been the leader of the rebellion.

That is why their parent or families was the one who awakens the martial abilities when they were still young.

Unfortunately, the original Chen was somehow taken away before he got the chance to awaken his Martial Art potential.

And in the future with the Earth Li Chen, he was not able to trust anyone that much, not enough to let someone awakened it.

Hiding to his trusted and loyal people about showing that he just not have the potential in Martial Art Internal Energy despite how talented he was about fighting.

Li Chen might have to use some type of item to help him with his System Store, but it was not guaranteed that nothing bad will happen since somehow the Black system got more limitation when it comes to awakening the abilities in this world.

So Li Chen didn't use the abilities to use the inner force energy to help him easier during the civil rebellion before, and it was also the cause of the reason why it also took Li Chen a bit longer to be victorious despite being much stronger since he was after all fighting not only one person.

But now that Snow appeared, there was no way that he will be letting it go, he will make sure to make Li Chen stronger because it's going to be more helpful and useful to his use.

Besides, it also parts one of his test to see if Li Chen can trust him enough with his Life.

And well, seeing as he is currently awakening Li Chen Martial Art Abilities then yeah, Snow is liking Li Chen more and more now.

A pink tongue suddenly pass over his lip before licking his small pink lip as he stares deeply at the currently sweating Li Chen, a predatory glint appearing on his amber eyes and Snow was not hiding it since he knew perfectly well that Li Chen has to concentrate 100% during his awakening ability, so he couldn't see his current expression which was different from the Xen that he has been showing.

Black who was watching silently at the side, knowing that he wouldn't be of any help to his Host couldn't help but shudder at Xen's current expression.

'Mommy, not only his Host is scary, but this person is also really scary~ and he can't even tell his Host about it, it's so sad ~'

Snow just glance at the Black system floating in the air while glancing at the twirling Flake next to it, but he knew that the Black system was not able to see his Flake since it was currently invisible to him.

Although, that Black system knew a certain thing about his existence, that he was not a simple person, but that is all, the world Rule is on his side this time around that is why it will stop that Black System to inform Li Chen about Snow existence or every action he will be making this entire time or else that System will find it disappearing without even a chance to tell another words.

"... Urgh..."

Snow quickly got his attention back to Li Chen, watching as Li Chen body sway a bit before falling down toward him, he immediately spread his arm wide open, amber eyes still glinting in a predatory way as he catches Li Chen body, wrapping his arm around him.

Li Chen's naked upper body mostly on his small chest as he felt the heat radiated over his green silky robe, sweaty skin so warm, moist, and hot on his small hands.

Snow couldn't help but swallow a bit hard, this feeling of wanting to feel and entangle his entire body around this person, excite him strongly, it was quite a marvelous thing to feel and experience.

In his original life, Snow was able to be calm and have control over his reaction with Rei since he knew that they will never get the chance to be together but this time, knowing the big possibility of this person being his other half in this life, and yeah his control and reasoning is slightly lesser with his emotions.

Especially now that he was a fair person which was far more sensitive than his original male body ever was.

Large Amber Eyes darkening and glinting dangerously, as his small hand roam on Li Chen's chest softly and to his stomach, hey Snow knew that what he was currently doing is harassment but Snow really doesn't care, this person will be his anyway.

Besides Li Chen has long been unconsciously, even if he has a very strong will, losing consciousness is one of the bad side effects after being able to use his internal energy when he awakens it.

"Ah... such a pity..." Snow sigh, as he comfortably hugs Li Chen tightly from behind for a few more minutes, before turning around and staring at the floating black with a smile on his beautiful and charming face, dangerous-looking amber eyes immediately turning calm.

Now then, "I have work for you."

Black couldn't help but gulp as he finds the calm young man before him far more dangerous than the predatory one he just saw before.


A figure could be seen lying on a bed in a very familiar room before black ink eyes suddenly opening wide in alerts.

Li Chen couldn't help but frown, it has been a very long time since he was really put in a very deep sleep and as he began to move his body, he couldn't help but frown dangerous as he felt the slight stiffness of his movement.

"Li Chen! You're finally awake!" Black voice immediately interrupts Li Chen's thought process about what was going on, before quickly remembering why he was unconscious in the first place.

He tried to gamble his life in order to get that person's trust completely because making Little Xen trust him first is the most very important thing he has to do.

And if it gave him a reason to get that trust faster than all the planning that he got on his mind then it was worth gambling his life.

He has given Little Xen a handle in his life, power over his entire being.

And Now that Li Chen was awake and safe, which already has access to his internal energy then he knew that he has won the gamble.

Li Chen lip turning into a smirk with a look of predatory on it.

At least, he already won Little Xen trust in him, just for this move alone.

However, Li Chen couldn't help but frown after remembering what has happened after he awakens his Martial Art abilities, he suddenly felt so very tired, unable to move his entire being with no strength being left on him that he has fallen backward before feeling the very soft and delicate body of Little Xen after catching him and wrapping his small thin arm around him.

Ah, such a wonderful feeling to experience, it felt bitter but sweet at the same time.

Li Chen immediately look around the room for a second, before frowning,

"Little Xen! Where is Little Xen?" Li Chen asked hurriedly since he could not feel Xen presence in the entire house at all when he tried to sense his whereabouts after seeing that Xen was not in the room with him and since he could not sense Autumn aura then there is a high chance that Xen might be together with her at the moment.

Black hesitates for a bit causing Li Chen black ink eyes to quickly turn cold, causing Black to continue speaking in dread.

"Host Chen... Lit... no, Xen has already left three days ago."


Black couldn't help but flinch from his host suspiciously calm voice, knowing that he was getting furious inside despite how calm and serene he appeared at the moment.

"Host! Xen already left when you were in a very deep sleep 3 days ago!"

Black suddenly felt the deep and heavy feeling of his Host energy, knowing how dangerous it was, Black continues to speak since he could not stop talking even if want to at the moment.

"Host... Xen left a letter for you, over your desk before he left."

A few second of silence before Li Chen stood up and calmly walk to where his desk at, seeing the letter placed on top of it, he took a deep breath before reaching over and taking the letter over his hand before he starts reading on very delicate but strong and majestic handwriting.

Dear Li Chen,

Thank you for saving my life. I am very grateful for all that you have done for me.

First, I apologize for leaving you like this without even saying goodbye, especially when you were unconscious but I have to do it this way, you have been so very kind and gentle toward me that I couldn't bear to let yourself be placed in any kind of danger anymore.

I know you don't know who I am, and I have never tried to introduce myself properly but it was all for your sake, I promise, I didn't really want to hide it from you, but I just have to.

So far, even in the shortened time that we have been together when I stayed over, I knew for the fact that you will be offering to help me knowing that I was in danger, it was already proven fact that I was in an extremely bad situation since that is how we met after all.

You save my life, I don't why you have somehow care about me despite not knowing each other for a very long time, and I know that all of it was entirely true now, thank you for trusting me with your life.

You are a very trustworthy person, and I am so very happy to have met you despite the circumstances of how we met.

Li Chen... you see... there is only... currently one person that cares about my well being in this life of mine and knowing that there is another one that cared for me, I felt so bless about it.

So I knew that I couldn't let yourself be placed in any kind of danger.

I couldn't just let you get mix up with my problem, it will threaten your life.

Being with me, even being just associated will be dangerous.

You'll die Li Chen... You will die! And it will all because of me...

It was not worth it, not at all.

So... Please... I know that it is not fair to ask this on you, but Please... Forget All About Me.

... You Have Never Met Me.

I wish you well, please stay safe and take care of yourself.

Be happy and continue to live on just like you use to before we even met.

Thank you and Goodbye.





Crack... Baam!

Black couldn't help but eep, as he saw the now entirely ruin house which has quickly crumble and broken in a mere second, with a deep pit on the ground to where Li Chen was standing at, which was currently dust and injured free after all the damage he just did with the letter crumple on his shaking hands.

Fortunately, Autumn was in the forest currently picking up fresh fruits for Li Chen to eat, knowing that he will be waking up soon.

Black knew that even if Li Chen seemed to trust Autumn, he knew for a fact that Li Chen will not care and hesitate over causing the death of Autumn just base on his power erupting of being extremely furious just now.

Unfortunately, now Black was currently left with a very piss off and furious Li Chen.

But Black knew for sure, that the young man called Xen is far colder, more ruthless and crueler than his current Host was.

And that is saying something.


Far away, in an average carriage being drawn by a horse, Snow delicate figure sitting inside could be seen, a hot tea currently on his hand as he silently watches the scenery passing by over the carriage window, a smile suddenly blooming on his face when he felt a slight chill on his spine.

It has been 3 days when he left Li Chen, he should be awake at the moment and seeing that he was now gone for a long time, Snow delicate body couldn't help but shiver slightly when he felt excitement over the thought of Li Chen reaction with a twinkle on his large amber eyes.

Of course, he will not leave in a normal way and lied about the days he will be staying with Li Chen.

What was the fun with that?

"Well now... I'll wait for you to appear before me again."

And Snow smile wondering how they will meet again.

It will be quite interesting right?

He couldn't wait for it.


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