Spider-Man 0X

Ch: 11 [The genetic lab]

Ch: 11 [The genetic lab]

[Omnicent 3rd person POV]

Flash and his four friends were sitting in the gym locker room. Well, the big guy has to get his right fist plastered after he punched the metal light post, trying to hit Peter at the bus stop that morning and to rub salt in the wound, Peter even embarrassed him in front of the public. He has never been humiliated in such a way in his life. He was supposed to be the alpha male around here and Peter was supposed to be the little nerd loser who cowers in fear.

But now, Peter has changed. He stood up to him and humiliated him in front of everyone. Flash couldn't stand it anymore. He hated Peter with every fiber of his being and wished he could beat the crap out of him. But with his broken fist, he knew he couldn't do it physically.

"Fuck! This still hurts like shit!" He yelled, "Peter Parker will fucking pay for this..."

"Chill, dude," His friend patted his back, "We will get him. Just wait and see."

"Yeah, we will teach that little nerd a lesson he will never forget," Another friend added.

"Today is that stupid lab tour, isn't it?" Flash sneered, "I know Parker will be there. That nerd loves science and shit."

"What you got in mind?" The one on his right asked.

"Something he will never forget his entire life. I am gonna put that little shit in bed for the rest of his life..." Flash chuckled evilly.

"Fuck! Man, that's... I don't know about that. I mean, you want to make him vegetable or something?" His friend sounded worried.

"Relax! I am not gonna kill him or anything. He is just gonna get into an accident during the tour. Something life-changing..." Flash grinned, "Why? Got a cold feet, Jake?"

"Nah! I am down for it," Jake shrugged his shoulders, "As long as we don't get caught."

"We won't get caught. Trust me," Flash rubbed his broken fist, "Parker deserves it. That little shit thinks he is better than me. Today, he will realize how weak and pathetic he is compared to me..."

They all laughed evilly...

Peter and MJ arrived at the school where the principal arranged a bus for the students to take to the genetic lab. Flash and his friends were already there waiting for Peter. But they didn't make their move on the bus because there were teachers around. They will wait till the lab tour starts.

[Peter's first person POV]

Weird! These numbnuts aren't saying a word. Usually, they would try to bully me or something. Hmm... Fucker must have learned his lesson. Oh, who am I kidding... He must be saving it for the tour. Whatever...

Inside the bus, I got three options. Where the fuck should I sit? There is Gwen, Michelle, and MJ sitting with a space empty beside them and two of them smiled at me, except for Michelle who just glanced at me and then went back to read whatever she was reading.

"Hey, Pete," Harry came from behind.

"Hey, man," I greeted him back, "You joining the tour too?"

"Yup!" He nodded, "It's in Oscorp, so I thought why not..."

"Cool!" I smiled.

"Come on," He went and took a seat at the back with his friends.

"Peter, what are you waiting for?" Gwen called out, "Save you a seat."

I went and sat next to her. She smiled at me and MJ smirked while Michelle kept reading. God damn it! The more girls you have, the harder it gets...

"So, I heard your little run with Flash," Gwen whispered in my ear, "Way to stand up for yourself..."

"Well, it was like I have had enough of his bullshit. I thought what would you do if you were in my place..." I shrugged my shoulders.

"And..." She narrowed her eyes with a slight smile tugging the corner of her lips.

"And, I just did it. You know, it felt great after standing up for myself. I felt like a huge boulder had been lifted off my chest," I sighed as I looked up at the bus's ceiling. "Hey, Gwen..."

"Yeah?" She looked at me with her beautiful green eyes.

"Thank you for everything. I know you said no thanks or sorry among friends, but still... Thanks for standing up for me all those times. You are truly amazing," I smiled.

She blushed a little and smiled back. Damn! She looks even more beautiful when she smiles. Her blonde hair fell over her face and I wanted to brush it away, but I stopped myself before doing anything stupid.

The ride was smooth and we finally reached Oscorp Genetic Lab. We got off the bus and the guide started the tour. It was really interesting and I was enjoying every moment of it. Flash and his friends haven't tried anything funny yet. After almost 30 minutes of touring the first lab, where they showed some crazy mutated chameleons, capable of insane regeneration... Well, they didn't actually cut them off before us, but the experimented data they showed on the screen showed that the chameleons were regenerating limbs and stuff in the blink of an eye.

We moved to the next lab which was the main attraction of the tour. They called it Spider Biodome. It was a huge dome full of spiders of different sizes and shapes. They were kept inside glass containers and were studied for their unique abilities. The guide explained how they study these spiders and use their DNA to create new formulas and stuff.

Then there is this weird-looking spider whose web if processed properly can become as strong as a Kevlar. Or the one with the blue dots whose webs if woven properly can become elastic and stretchable. And lastly, the one with red and yellow stripes can weave webs that can cut through the strongest metal available on Earth─ The freaking Vibranium!

"Now we will move toward the main attraction of today, the fifteen super spiders that have been genetically modified using multiple species of spiders including the ones we have shown before," The guide announced, "These fifteen spiders are very dangerous and must be handled with utmost care. So, please keep your distance from the containers."

We walked toward the center of the dome where there were five rows of five containers each. Each container had a number plate with the spider species written on it. We slowly started walking among the containers. The guide told us to take pictures and record videos, so I pulled out my phone and started recording.

"Hey, are you sure it's fifteen?" Michelle asked the guide.

"Yes! Why?" The guide seemed confused.

Michelle pointed at container 15 and the guide rushed toward it. My eyes followed her and saw that the spider inside wasn't there. This is it, the scenario, the fucking canon event where the spider bites me and turns me into Spiderman! Where the hell are you? I looked around, but nope, nothing.

"Maybe the scientists took it for testing or something," The guide replied, "Let's move on..."

Oh, no, it's here somewhere...

"Hey, Parker," Flash approached me with his buddies.

Uh oh! Here we go again...

"What the hell do you losers want? Go away, I'm busy," I sighed as I looked around.

"Ah! Don't tell me you are afraid of little spiders?" Flash's friend snorted.

"Come on, Parker," He wrapped his arm around my shoulder, "Don't worry, we are here to protect you."

"Haaa... Your dad needed that protection when he fucked your mom. If he had, it could have saved our planet from another degenerate pussy ass fucker. Get that fapping arm away from me, you sicko. I ain't swing that way," I shoved him away and he fell on the ground.

His friends laughed, while he got back on his feet and wiped the dust from his jeans.

"What's going on, Parker?" Our science teacher walked toward us.

"Oh, I will tell you what's going on here," I turned toward her, "These guys here think they can have some fun with me. Protect me as if I am their chick. I was like what the hell man, get away from me! I don't swing that way. I mean, come on teach, I am trying to concentrate here, but these perverts... I think I will contact the disciplinary committee and take this matter to social media too!"

"You alright, Pete?" Harry came from behind.

"Yeah. I am good, but we need to decide what to do with these sickos," I narrowed my eyes at Flash.

"We should kick them off the tour or something," Gwen suggested.

"First bullying and now this... Get out. I will bring this matter to the principal and the disciplinary committee. Bring your parents to school tomorrow. It's about time you guys learn some manners and Peter, I would request you not to do anything rash or take any matters to social media," The teacher requested.

"But... We... What?" Flash scratched his head, trying to grasp what just happened.

"Leave! Now!" The teacher pointed towards the door.

His friends looked at each other and followed their leader.

The rest of the tour was boring. That fucking spider didn't even bite me... All thanks to that fucker... This is the final lab where they were experimenting with some kind of serum that was supposed to help people with weak metabolism to lead a normal life by strengthening their muscles and bones.

Man, I gotta take a leak, I felt the sudden urge. I asked the teacher and ran to the bathroom. I followed the signs plastered on the wall. It was quite empty. I closed the door and as I was about to do my job, someone kicked my back hard. My head slammed on the wall and everything became dark.

When I woke up, I was lying on the floor, my nose hurt and I tasted the metallic taste of blood inside my mouth. There was also this slight pain in my head. My entire body ached and my eyes felt like they had lost all the color, but only after a few seconds I realized what was happening. Someone beat me up to a pulp.

"Shit!" I tried to stand up after spitting the blood. "I'm gonna kill that Flash fucker and his friends."

I somehow walked up to the basin, washed the blood off my face, and grabbed some tissues to wipe them. There was no sign of dust or anything on my clothes. I pulled up my shirt. Fuck! It hurts! Yup, it's not good. Those bastards took my clothes off and beat the shit out of me when I was unconscious...

Huh?! My arms! There were six bite marks! On both arms! And the rest were all over my body, fucking hard to count how many... I looked on the floor. There were a bunch of dead spiders, but nothing else. And they looked like those freaking super spiders! I counted them... Eighteen spiders in total. Three extra. How the hell did they manage to steal them? Those fuckers were really trying to kill me!

Forget that for now. I have no idea what's gonna happen now. Eighteen spiders bite... Fuck! 

I dragged my feet out of the bathroom and as I was walking through the hallways, something familiar caught my eyes which forced me to forget all my pain and stop in my tracks. I walked over toward the room on my left with a half-open door and looked once again.

"0X Serum!" On the self, there was this vial with the tag 0X Serum written on it, sitting among many other vials. I looked around. Luckily, there weren't any CCTVs or guards. I pushed the door, went in, took the serum, and put it in my pocket. Then I walked out after waiting for those three lab coat guys to pass as if nothing had happened.

I don't know who kept it there or how it was even there, but what I am sure is that this reality's version of me might not be alive anymore.



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