Spider-Man 0X

Ch: 12 [Pain]

Ch: 12 [Pain]

One spider bite is alright, but fucking eighteen? Eighteen, man! Do you have any idea what I'm feeling? This pain is not just physical, I have already noticed the changes, and honestly, I am freaking out. It's hard to explain. But it's like thousands of needles are stabbing my muscles all at the same time, and yet I am walking toward God knows where. I rubbed my eyes... Ah! There is the bus. I somehow got in and slumped on the seat before me.

But hey, at least I stole that serum thing.

0X Serum. I remember those lunatics called me Subject 0X in the past life when they were experimenting on my immunity power and how I healed super-fast from all those chemicals, toxins, and drugs they were pumping into me. Maybe it could come in handy.


Who knows? I have no idea what's gonna happen for as long as those damn bites keep affecting my body and mind. And I have no way of knowing if this serum is somehow related to me from this world or if someone just decided to use the same name.

Dang! I can't feel my legs. Must be the poison of those freaking spiders. Should I take the serum? What if it nullifies the genetic mutation? No, I can't let this chance of gaining the spider power go to waste. Need to hold on... Must hold on...

No, this isn't happening. What the fuck is happening? It's like something is crawling under my skin, stretching my arms, and pushing against the surface.

Oh no! No, no, no!

Hallucinations?! Fuck! Why are my eyes hurting like this? I grabbed my temples and groaned loudly.

"Look at this fucker," Flash's voice pulled me out of the weirdness inside my head. "Karma, Parker. Karma is a bitch... You shouldn't have done that to us."

"Atleast he saved us the trouble by getting out of the bathroom," Jake chuckled, "Let's beat him up again. Inside the building we couldn't do much, but here..."

"Let's have some fun with him, boys," Flash sneered as his hand squeezed my throat and I gasped for air. "Payback time, Parker. Just the five of us versus you..."

"Gahhh!" A hard punch hit my abdomen, knocking the wind out of my chest. Then there was another and another. I couldn't even stand up straight or throw a single punch, my arms and legs were paralyzed and felt like jelly. All I could feel was pain, so much pain.

"Why so scared, Parker?" One of them asked, "Feeling helpless, are we? No more fancy words. Look at yourself. You are a mess, boy! What are you, huh? Nothing. You are just an insect."

I could hardly hear a single word coming out of their mouths. My brain was working hard to keep me conscious despite the immense amount of pain I was going through.

"Guess those spiders did their job," Flash said, pulling me back and punching me in the face. "Shouldn't have messed with us, Parker." He threw me back, and I landed on the back seat of the bus, coughing up blood.

This can't be true. This can't be real.

"Hey, man, we got no more time. Strip this motherfucker naked and leave him here. Let everyone see what a fool he was. Let him know what humiliation feels like."

It took me a second to register what they said, and I tried to crawl away, only to get dragged and punched over and over again.

"What are you doing? Trying to get up, huh? Parker, we all know that you're nothing without your little nerd brains. There isn't anyone here to save your ass."

I lay there for a while, watching the sky turn dark and my breathing turning shallow. I wanted to scream, but the sound of my shattered ribcage stopped me. Tears ran down my cheeks, and I knew I couldn't win. I need to get out of here at any cost. The serum!

I didn't think twice as I used my last ounce of strength to throw the small vial I was clenching in my fist into my mouth and broke it with my teeth. The serum coated my throat and spread through my veins quickly, burning and igniting every inch of my body. The glass shards of the vial stabbed me inside my mouth, but I kept swallowing until I saw the blood flowing out of my mouth.

"What the fuck? Glass! Fucker trying to kill himself!" Jake's voice rang out. "Fuck! Let's get out of here, Flash. We will get into trouble if anyone catches us with this fucker."

"Damn you, Parker. Let's go..."

Just before the boys left, they kicked me several times, and my body went numb, unable to move even an inch. I stared up at the bus's ceiling. Everything is red... Red, so red. I can barely breathe.

Buzzzzz. Buzz. Buzz.

My phone vibrated on the seat beside me. Damn, this hurts like hell. I can't... I just...

Everything turned dark as my consciousness faded away.

[Oscorp Genetic Research Lab] [Omnicent 3rd person POV]

"Where the hell is that serum?" An old man in a lab coat yelled, his face beet red. "If you lose it he will take our heads... Find it!"

A team of scientists in full hazmat suits searched the place frantically.

"Check everywhere!" A female voice ordered. "Trust me. That Serum is more costly than all of our lives combined."

"Doc, you have to calm down. Let's check the CCTVs. Maybe someone replaced it with or misplaced it..."

"Do whatever you want! Just find the damn serum!" The doctor banged his fists on the desk, scattering papers and equipment. "Fuck! Norman is going to kill us. We were so close... The Captain will be here in a week. We need it to remove the side effects. Fucking retards are all I have here with me..."

[After the lab tour]

The lab tour was over. The students got up on the bus, exhausted and sweaty.

"Harry, have you seen Peter?" Gwen asked, her eyes scanning the bus.

"Huh?" Harry's head jerked up, his face stained with concern. "No... No, I thought he was with you."

"Not that I can tell. Didn't he meet up with you after the lab tour?"

"No! He went to the restroom during the tour, but I thought he'd come back," He sighed, running his fingers through his hair, "Man, this doesn't look good... I will take a look." He dashed out of the bus and ran toward the building. Bad thoughts rampaging in his mind. The earlier incident with Flash and his gang made him extremely worried.

After a while, he came back.

"You find him?" Gwen asked nervously.

"No. I pulled up the cameras. He left early," He sighed in relief, "He was in a hurry. Maybe, going for another part-time job. Let me ring him..." He pulled his cellphone out of his pocket and started calling.

Gwen rubbed her temple, glancing up at Harry and dialing Peter's number, but there was no response from his side. "I wonder what's gotten into him. We can't do anything until we know for sure."

"You worry too much," He shook his head and took a seat. "He will be fine. Don't be paranoid."

'Just hope they didn't do anything to him,' She thought silently as she tried not to think of the worst.

MJ pulled out her phone after hearing about Peter leaving early and called him, but nope. Nothing. She left a couple of text messages asking if everything was alright, but she didn't get a response back. Something was definitely odd.

'Hope he's okay. But this is not like him,' MJ thought anxiously because he always replies almost instantly.

She fidgeted in her seat, clutching her phone in her hand tightly, hoping Peter would call her back soon.

Michelle noticed a little blood stain and a broken glass shard near her seat and picked it up. 'Huh, that's weird. What could've caused this?' she wondered. She touched the blood stain. It's dry. If it was recent the blood should still be wet. She didn't know what to make of it. It couldn't have been Peter's.

[Somewhere in Manhattan] [Alley]

"Eeeepp!" Peter groaned in pain as he came to, his blurry vision becoming clear as he blinked repeatedly. Where the hell am I? It's already dark and snow has started to fall. "Damn it!" He groaned as he stood up, holding the wall for support. He staggered, trying to keep himself balanced and moving. "What happened to me?" He stumbled.

"Hey there, bro," A homeless guy helped him sit, "Easy there. You look like shit, man. Got jumped or something?"

"Thanks," Peter mumbled as his head started spinning, making him groan as the cold wind touched his wounds, "I gotta go..."

"Stay here for a bit," The homeless guy whispered, handing him his blanket. "Let me go get some help."

"Where am I?" He asked, realizing his jacket was open.

"We are directly on the opposite of the Daily Bugle. You live around here?" The homeless guy asked as he lighted a cheap cigarette. "Hope you don't mind..."

"20 Ingram Street," He mumbled, his eyes still hazy.

"Wait a minute. Aren't you that kid who delivers the newspapers almost every morning?" The homeless guy suddenly asked, his eyes wide with interest, "Come on. Let me help you get home. I got a cart. So... Hop in..." He smirked, helping him get up and put him on the cart.

"Thank you..." Peter lost consciousness once again as his savior pulled his cart.

---[Last chapter of this week. See you on Monday]---

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