Spider-Man 0X

Ch: 169 [No time to rest- Cyborgs vs Spidey]

Ch: 169 [No time to rest- Cyborgs vs Spidey]

[3rd Person POV]

As Spiderman approached the penthouse, a sudden and intense pain shot through his head. He felt a jarring impact and found himself plummeting toward the street below. His suit's web shooters reacted instinctively, sending weblines to slow his descent, but the pain in his head disrupted his focus, and he crashed onto the road with a thud.

Groaning, Spidey pushed himself up, his vision blurred as he looked around. He saw people looking down at him from the sidewalks, their voices sounding muffled and distant.

'What the heck is going on?' He wondered. His spider senses didn't warn him of any danger, and with his chi, his senses should be even more enhanced, not to mention his new suit with AI. If it detected any unknown threat, it would activate a countermeasure. So, why did he fall like that? His senses were muddled as he stood up with a groan.

His symbiote suit began to flicker as it deactivated on its own. Luckily, he was wearing his regular suit beneath the symbiote suit, so he wasn't in a compromising situation. Shaking his head, Spidey looked around. He has never faced such a situation before. It was like a powerful force hit him and was suppressing his power. As his vision cleared, he saw that the symbiote suit had retracted into his glasses.

'Did Tony?!' Spiderman thought that Tony might be behind this, but his doubts were cleared soon enough with the arrival of the attacker.

Three figures flew down from the rooftops, landing with a heavy metallic sound. Each wore a custom suit with a spider symbol on their chest. Their armor was a sleek black with red accents, and their eyes shone with a red light like the kill mode. The suits had an almost cyborg appearance, with mechanical components integrated into their designs.

"Now who the fuck are you people? You guys from another timeline or reality? And you guys look pretty edgy to me," Spiderman commented as he studied the three armored spidermen standing in front of him. He clenched his fist, trying to conjure his Chi, but found it difficult. So, he tried to use magic. It was the same. He couldn't use any spell. "And that sneak attack just now, what was that? Some kind of advanced EMP pulse to deactivate the nanites and maybe you placed some talisman around to seal my magic, probably Chi too. No wonder, my senses got shut down for a moment."

Spidey webbed up the container with the white symbiote and put it into his utility belt. Then he readied himself for combat.

"You are a threat to this universe," One of the cyborgs spoke with a robotic voice. "We must eliminate you before it's too late."

"So, no self-introduction or anything around that line? I mean, don't get me wrong, villains always give speeches about who they are and how painfully they are going to kill me and all that. But at least, they introduce themselves first," Spidey complained. "Then we get into the fighting matter. So, once again, who are you guys, and why my spider senses aren't working? Are you guys mutants or Inhumans with powers to mess with my senses? Or something else?"

"Enough!" The center cyborg screamed and dashed toward Spiderman. His hands transformed into two red energy blades, and he slashed at the air.

Spiderman dodged the incoming blade with a fast acrobatic maneuver, leaping into the air and somersaulting over the cyborg's head. He landed on the side of a nearby building, sticking to the wall with ease. The cyborg didn't hesitate; it leaped after him, its blade hands cutting through the air like a hot knife through butter. Spiderman shot a webline at the cyborg, pulling it off balance and sending it crashing into the side of the building.

The other two cyborgs didn't waste time.

One fired a barrage of red energy blasts from its hands, forcing Spiderman to release his hold on the building and swing away. The energy blasts followed him, exploding on impact with the walls and windows of the surrounding buildings. The third cyborg moved with fast speed, racing along the ground and leaping into the air to intercept Spiderman mid-swing.

Spidey twisted in the air, narrowly avoiding a strike from the third cyborg's blade. He fired a web at a streetlight, swinging around it in a wide arc and using the momentum to kick the third cyborg in the chest. The cyborg was knocked back, but quickly recovered as if it didn't take any damage.

Spiderman landed on the ground, panting. The three cyborgs regrouped, forming a triangle around him. He could feel his heart pounding in his chest, his senses still dulled by whatever technology or power they were using. His mind raced as he tried to come up with a plan.

'Damn it! Fighting with civilians around and without my spider-sense, well, why not? Let's give it a try. First thing first, I'll lure them away from here to somewhere isolated. Then who knows, the range of whatever shit they are using might get weak unless they got it infused in those suits somehow.' He planned in his mind.

"Give up. We know your weakness and your strength. And even if you somehow manage to defeat us against all these odds, then more will come after you with more preparation," One cyborg warned. "If you surrender now, we'll kill you instantly. You won't feel any pain. That's the least we could do for you."

"Really? That's a nice offer, but I think I'll pass," Spiderman said as he leaped into the air. He threw a web bomb at the cyborgs, which exploded in a cloud of sticky white fluid, enveloping them. He used the distraction to fire a webline at the nearest streetlight, swinging away from the fight.

As he swung away from the cyborgs, Spidey's mind raced with the possibilities. He needed to lure them away from the crowded streets to minimize civilian casualties. His spider sense was still dulled, making it challenging to anticipate their next moves, but he had to rely on his agility and quick thinking to outmaneuver them.

All the training he did at Kamar-Taj when the Ancient One sealed his power was paying off. At that time, he trained extensively without any power to increase his agility and reflexes. He was also taught hand-to-hand combat skills. Combined with his experience as Spider-Man, it gave him the edge he needed to survive this encounter.

"Let's see if they can keep up," Spidey muttered to himself, glancing back to see the cyborgs breaking free from the web bomb's sticky residue. They were fast, no doubt about it, and they were already in pursuit. Spiderman fired a webline at a nearby rooftop, swinging across the city blocks with practiced ease.

'They are clearly enhanced, and those suits look tough as heck. Fucker took a kick without any damage. Probable Vibranium integrated with other materials. And their energy weapon looks powerful. Might be derived from some alien tech like Chitauri or something else. These guys are definitely trouble,' Spiderman analyzed their abilities while swinging across New York City.

'Their movements are like mine. And they can also swing around using web shooters. My variants? They know I can use magic and chi... It's like those bastards in the mirror dimension. Are they related? Probably not or else they would have used some magic shit on me already. Damn it, they are catching up. Now the problem is, my immunity isn't working against them... Immunity always works. Senses... They attacked my senses first... Huh?! Could it be...?'

Spidey saw the three cyborgs gaining on him as he swung through the streets of New York City.

The sun was casting long shadows across the rooftops, and the sounds of traffic and pedestrians echoed from below.

Spiderman increased his speed, swinging higher and faster, making sharp turns around buildings to throw off their aim. The cyborgs' red energy blasts streaked past him, narrowly missing as they exploded against the sides of buildings and sent debris raining down. He had to be careful; one miscalculation could end badly.

"Be careful. You are here to kill me, not the civilians..." He yelled back.

'Think, Parker, think! Somewhere isolated, somewhere... got it!' He spotted the distant outline of an old industrial area, a cluster of abandoned warehouses and factories on the outskirts of the city. It was the perfect place to confront the cyborgs without risking innocent lives.

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⭐Read 16 advance Chapters⭐

Next Ch: 170 [No more holding back]

Ch: 171 [Revelation pt1]

Ch: 172 [Revelation pt2]

Ch: 173 [Victor Von Doom]

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