Spider-Man 0X

C170 No more holding back

C170 No more holding back

Spiderman wanted to lure them to the Avengers HQ, Stark Tower, or the Mutant Academy, but considering the fact that those Cyborgs came prepared, they must have a backup plan ready in case he led them to those places. They might have others on standby to intercept him on the way. He swung swiftly through the air, his eyes set on the distant outline of the abandoned industrial area.

He could hear the mechanical whirring and the sharp crackle of energy blasts behind him, the cyborgs relentlessly pursuing him. The busy city life passed by in a blur as he tried his best to move fast, hoping to keep the people safe from the fight that was about to happen.

As he approached the industrial area, Spidey fired a webline at the side of a building, swinging around it in a wide arc before releasing the webline and using the momentum to propel himself forward.

The cyborgs moved quickly, thanks to their improved suits that let them match his every move.

Spider-Man navigated the city, using all the skills he had acquired to stay in front. He made quick turns around buildings, jumped over narrow streets, and swung close to the cars on the road, trying to make them miss their target. Even with his best efforts, the red energy blasts kept coming, just barely missing him each time.

The industrial zone was up ahead.

'Almost there...'

Spiderman fired a webline at the side of a building, using it to pull himself into a sharp turn. He released the webline, propelling himself forward as he swung toward the industrial area. He could see the cyborgs in his peripheral vision, hot on his trail. The red energy blasts crackled past him, exploding against the side of buildings and sending debris raining down.

"These motherfuckers!"

The abandoned industrial area was just up ahead, a cluster of empty warehouses and factories on the outskirts of the city. It was the perfect place to confront the cyborgs without risking innocent lives. Spiderman increased his speed, his heart pounding in his chest as he swung toward the industrial area.

With one last burst of speed, he swung over the outer perimeter fence of the industrial zone, landing gracefully on top of an old warehouse roof. The cyborgs landed nearby, their mechanical whirring filling the air as they stalked toward him.

Spiderman stood his ground, ready for battle.

"You know it's an interesting trick..." He clenched his fist, trying to summon his chi. But he couldn't feel or see his aura. "Manipulating my senses and making me think that I can't use chi. Just because I can't see or feel, doesn't mean I can't use it."

Spiderman dashed forward, clenching his fist. He wanted to test his theory through action.

He closed the distance quickly, launching a powerful punch aimed at the cyborg's chest. The cyborg raised its arm to block, but the force of Spidey's chi-infused punch sent it skidding backward, crashing into the wall behind. He didn't waste any time; he followed up with a flurry of punches, his enhanced strength allowing him to strike with devastating force. The cyborg struggled to defend itself, its mechanical body taking a beating as it tried to protect itself from Spidey's relentless attacks.

The other two cyborgs wasted no time, flanking Spiderman from either side.

One fired a barrage of red energy blasts, while the other closed in with its blade arms ready to strike.

Spidey kicked the first one away, then dodged and weaved between the energy blasts, his acrobatics honed to perfection. He leaped into the air, narrowly avoiding a swipe from the blade arms, and fired a webline at the cyborg's face, pulling himself in close. He delivered a powerful punch to the cyborg's head, the force of the impact sending it crashing to the ground.

The other cyborg seized the opportunity, closing in and unleashing a flurry of energy blasts.

Spidey ducked and dodged, his enhanced reflexes allowing him to avoid most of the blasts, but he couldn't avoid them all. The remaining blasts hit him square in the chest, sending him flying backward. The first one flew in. It's body was sparking with electricity due to the damage it suffered, but the nanites were repairing its body fast enough to continue fighting. It jumped up into the air and came down on Spiderman with a powerful kick. Spiderman blocked with his arms, but the force of the impact sent him crashing to the ground.

[Baam! Booom!] The first one continued to rain down endless punches upon Spider-man, each one packing the power to break bones. Spiderman blocked the attack with his arms as his eyes fell on the one attacking him. He noticed that his earlier attacks worked and did enough damage to it. So, he knew that his chi was working just fine. It's just that he can't see or feel it.

"This is the end," The Cyborg's arms turned into two hot red blades that glowed menacingly. "Your death will save billions!" It raised its blade arms high above its head and brought them down in a powerful overhead strike aimed directly at Spiderman's chest. Spidey caught both of its wrists, stopping the cyborg's blades mere inches from his chest.

"You see, I always end a fight before it even begins. So, sometimes I try to enjoy my battle while holding back just a little bit..." Spiderman tightened his grip around the cyborg's wrists, his enhanced strength allowing him to crush the metal with ease. He slowly stood up, covering his body with chi. "Tell me, motherfuckers from whatever reality or timeline you have crawled out from, have you ever seen Spiderman using his 100% power?"

The cyborg struggled to free itself from Spidey's grip, but it was no use. The crushing force of his enhanced strength was too much for the cyborg to handle. It let go of its blades, letting them fall to the ground with a loud clang. The other two rushed in with laser blades and tried to strike him down, but the chi shield covered Spiderman's body like an impenetrable forcefield. Their blades bounced off harmlessly, leaving Spidey completely unscathed.

"So... Let's see what happens when I stop holding back..." Spidey crushed the cyborg's arms before punching it through its chest. With a crushing sound, metal parts scattered as sparks of electricity flew everywhere. But to his surprise, he saw blood oozing out from its chest wound.

'It bleeds?!' He grabbed the cyborg by the throat with one hand and ripped off its mask with the other.

To his shock and horror, he saw a human face underneath.

Spiderman's eyes widened in shock as he stared at the cyborg's face. It was a young man, no older than twenty years old. His body was fused with the suit and he noticed the traces of blue nanites glowing over his face and neck.

"What the fuck?!"

The other cyborgs flew up raining down a barrage of missiles on Spiderman. But to their surprise, Spidey jumped out of the fiery hell without a single scratch and grabbed onto their legs, slamming them to the ground. He didn't give them a chance to recover and just like the first one, Spidey punched through their chests and ripped off their masks.

"What the hell did you guys do to yourselves? Fusing your flesh with machines and turning yourselves into cyborgs?!" Spidey's eyes fell on the cybernetics with Baxter Tower's symbol under their masks. "This cyborg technology... You bastards... How dare you use my own creation against me?!!!" Spiderman roared furiously as he ripped out the core reactor from one of the cyborgs. He watched helplessly as the young man took his last breath and died in front of him. Then he ripped out the neural implants from the other two and watched them scream and convulse in agony as their brains got fried.

Within three minutes they died.

"Finally," Now, Spidey could feel and see his chi around his body. His spider-sense also returned along with his magic. "Now, time to find out who the hell these motherfuckers are and where they came from!" He opened a magic space and stored their bodies, then opened a portal to his room.

With the help of these neural implants, he should be able to analyze the cyborgs and hopefully get some answers. He jumped through the portal and landed in his room.

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Next Ch: 171 [Revelation pt1]

Ch: 172 [Revelation pt2]

Ch: 173 [Victor Von Doom]

Ch: 174 [Spidey vs Doom- Immunity at its peak]

Ch: 175 [Thanos, Knull, Galactus- Fuck!]

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