Spider-Man 0X

Ch: 172 [Revelation pt2]

Ch: 172 [Revelation pt2]

AN: New week. Help me get a top 5 ranking. Pls give PowerStones. 


[Bronx] [Leather Factory]

The portal opened before an abandoned leather factory. Peter and the others stepped out of the portal and closed it behind them. The area was too quiet, with only the sound of wind blowing through the empty streets. Peter scanned the building and found two cyborgs inside. The cyborgs had their backs to them and were not aware of their presence.

"Wanda, you always wanted to try out that reality wrap power, right?" Peter asked with a smirk under his mask.

"Wait! You mean... The Ancient One will get angry if I use it." 

"It's not like we are doing anything wrong here, right? So, vaporize the building and everything inside, and just leave the two cyborgs untouched. It's gonna be hard to pull it off, but I can understand if you aren't sure about it. You know, it's hard to control and all..."

Wanda glared at Peter. "Who do you think I am? Just watch and learn. Reality warp power isn't called the strongest power for nothing!"

Wanda summoned her chaos magic as her body began to glow brightly with a red glow. She flew up in the sky, raised both her hands, and unleashed a bright red wave of chaos magic. The power was so intense that Peter and Felicia had to take a few steps backward.

"Chaos magic!" Venom's said as an organic head came out of Felicia's back. "First time experiencing such power. She's strong. I like her."

The red wave of chaotic energy engulfed the entire factory and everyone inside it. Peter watched as the entire building and everything inside it was disappearing slowly. Within seconds, only two cyborgs remained floating in the air.

"See? Nothing to it," Wanda smirked.

"Felicia..." Peter gave her a nod.

"Leave them to me," Felicia threw an organic web at the cyborgs, wrapping them up nicely, and pulling them down on the ground with a loud thud.

Venom completely covered Felicia as he ran toward the cyborgs. He opened his mouth, revealing two rows of sharp as he licked one of the cyborgs' face. The cyborg tried to break free but couldn't move an inch. Their masks were up, so everyone could see their flesh and machine-infused faces. "Merge of machine and human from another timeline. Haaa... What a waste. I can't eat you all..."

Peter walked over to them and without asking anything, ripped out their neural implants, killing them on the spot. Blood and blue liquid frizzled out of the holes in their heads.

"Wow! You killed them?! Why? We could have questioned them," Wanda said with shock written all over her face.

"Killed them? They were never alive, to begin with," He stomped one of the cyborg's heads, crushing it to pieces. Instead of brain and blood splattering, gears and metal parts popped out. "They were machines, running on AI made after their human alter ego, or think of this as memories copied to a computer and run by an AI. The real people died long ago. These... Machines just had their memories uploaded and only had their goal to accomplish, killing Spider-Man."

"They are after you?" Wanda asked. "Why?"

"That we are gonna find out with these neural implants and, they also tried to kidnap Rogue for some reason. The Avengers are away and I doubt the Shield agents would be of much help. The Fantastic Four, well... Let them do whatever they want. As for us... We are gonna hunt every single one of these cyborgs as our first debut mission as a team. But we are missing one member," Peter said while examining the cyborgs and he found two more vials of his blood from their bodies. "Wanda, meet up with Frank at the Mutant Academy. Your mission is to guard Rogue. Since they failed to capture her the first time, they might try again. I want you to bring me their bodies intact."

"Alright, boss!" Wanda opened a portal and went in.

Peter turned toward Felicia, "Come with me." He webbed those dead cyborgs and opened a portal to his basement, dragging them in.

"Why did you send away Wanda?" Felicia asked as soon as the portal closed.

Peter connected the implants to his computer and began deciphering.

"Because I need those implants intact without any damage. If I leave it to those mutants, Jean or Storm would have vaporized them completely, making it impossible to retrieve any data. And without those data, we won't know their reason to target me or Rogue. Besides," He held a vial before her eyes. "I want to know how the fuck did they get a hold of my blood."

"Your blood?!" Felicia's eyes widened in shock. "Ok. I'm pretty confused here. So, why don't you explain things clearly? I'm pretty good at keeping secrets."

Peter sighed and started explaining everything he knew so far to Felicia.


"So, enemies from the future came to kill you? Wow! You, a villain... Hummm... Nope. It's pretty hard to imagine you becoming a villain. Then again, you are not exactly the most stable person around either..." Felicia joked.

"I'm not!" Peter laughed as he connected another implant to his computer.

"You do kill all your enemies, right? You see, I've been following your records for a while now. You brutally beat up goons and then kill big gang members and bosses. You kill too many people. But thanks to that, the crime rate has decreased a lot in New York, making it safer than ever," Felicia sat on the bed, admiring Peter. "But thanks to your hard work, some big guys might have got pissed off and teamed up against you."

"Yeah, that's possible..." Peter nodded. 'Kingpin? Or someone else...?'

Felicia sighed and stood up. She walked over to Peter and hugged him from behind, pressing her breasts against his back. Her fingers traced around his chest, slowly going up toward his mask. She was curious to see Spidey's face and wanted to take off his mask.

"Hey..." Peter grabbed her hand gently. "What are you doing?"

"Hmmm? Can't I hug you?" Felicia asked innocently as she pressed herself harder against Peter's back, rubbing her breasts against him.

"Just ask if you want to see my face," Peter let go of her hand and turned toward her.

Felicia smiled and removed Peter's mask slowly, revealing his face.

"Oh, my the famous Peter Parker... Now it makes sense. The creator of implants... You gave your work to the Baxter Building and Kingpin was also after your implants. Hahaha... You faked your memory loss excuse, right? And if I were to guess, those Cyborgs are designed with your technology," Felicia sat on his lap, putting her arm around his neck.

"Yup. Got it all correct. Pretty smart, huh?" Peter smirked as he placed his hands on her waist.

"You know what else is correct?" Felicia asked as she leaned closer to Peter, pressing her lips against his ear. "Me being wet and horny..."

Peter's body stiffened up as he felt Felicia's warm breath against his skin. He could smell the sweet scent of her perfume.

"Nope. We aren't that close enough to talk about this stuff. So, let's start slowly, and right now, sex is the last thing on my mind," Peter pushed Felicia back slightly as he stood up.

Felicia pouted her lips, "Spoilsport! But fine... I like a man who plays hard to get. It just makes it more exciting."

"Sure! Whatever floats your boat..." Peter put on his mask and turned back to his computer screen.

'He's hard to get... Just my type,' Felicia bit her lower lip as she thought about the future.


After thirty minutes of scanning and arranging the data collected from the neural implants, Peter finally found something interesting.

"Interesting..." Peter mumbled as he tried his best to keep his calm. His past experiences taught him to keep his calm and not do things in anger. He needs to maintain his rationality to figure out the truth behind this matter.

"What's interesting?" Felicia asked curiously as she came closer to Peter. She glanced at the file Peter was currently looking at and her eyes widened in shock. She grabbed his shoulder and gave it a tight squeeze, "You... You alright?"


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⭐Read 16 advance Chapters⭐

Next Ch: 173 [Victor Von Doom]

Ch: 174 [Spidey vs Doom- Immunity at its peak]

Ch: 175 [Thanos, Knull, Galactus- Fuck!]

Ch: 176 [Miles & Morlun]

Ch: 177 [No tingle]

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