Spider-Man 0X

Ch: 171 [Revelation pt1]

Ch: 171 [Revelation pt1]

Peter attached the brain implants to his computer and started a thorough check to get the information and memories saved inside. The computer screen filled with lines of code, showing the complex details of the implants little by little. While the data was being copied, Peter thought about the young faces of the cyborgs. Who were they? What made them go to such lengths? This was the first time he didn't feel right about killing his enemies.

The scan finished with a little beep, bringing Peter back to reality. He started going through the information, his eyes focusing as he noticed the patterns and structures of his own designs. These implants were undoubtedly based on his work, an advanced version at that.

"Would you look at that..." Peter muttered to himself, the reality of the situation sinking in. "I knew it. Using my own technology against me, huh?! Let's see what you cyborgs are hiding..."

As he explored the data further, he found encrypted files with details and records of the cyborgs' missions. , he broke through the encryption and got to the secret information. The records showed a scary story: the cyborgs came from a future where Spider-Man became a villain.

"...what the fuck?!"

Peter's heart raced as he went over the information.

'So this is what The Ancient One was talking about, huh?! But just how many threats are coming? Red Onslaught, this shit, probably Knull, and all that is left are Thanos and Galactus. Yeah, this is some fucked up reality...'

In this alternate timeline or probably future timeline, something had made him lose control, resulting in a chain of terrible disasters. He had turned against his allies, killing the heroes who once fought by his side. The mutants tried to fight back, but Peter created a virus specifically designed to target and eradicate them. The virus had spread like wildfire, wiping out mutants of all ages, leaving only death and devastation in its wake.

"A mutant killing virus... This is insane!" Peter sighed as he shook his head.

As much as he would like to deny it, the evidence was undeniable. The memories extracted from the neural implants confirmed it all. The cyborgs had been sent back in time to prevent their future from coming to pass, to stop Peter before he could unleash his reign of terror. They believed that by killing him now, they could save billions of lives.

Peter leaned back in his chair, feeling the heavy impact of this new information. The room seemed to get colder, and the air felt dense with the seriousness of his discovery. He had always known that the potential for great power came with the risk of great destruction, but to see it laid out so starkly, to see himself as the villain in this narrative...

He couldn't allow this future to happen. He needed to find a way to stop it, to make sure he never turned into a monster.

"I wonder if this is a canon event... What would happen if I take certain steps to prevent that? I need more information. I need to know what drove me to become a villain," Peter began analyzing the data further, searching for clues about what had driven him to such darkness. He scanned through the cyborgs' memories, looking for any hints or triggers that might explain his descent into tyranny. But there was nothing concrete, just vague theories and speculations.

"Damn it! There's not enough information here. Wait! They said there are more... If so, then if I reverse-track them following this signal and hack into their implants, then I might be able to get more data. That should tell me more about this timeline and the events that led to it," Peter focused on the tracking signal, trying to locate the source. It was faint but traceable.

Using the signal, he was able to pinpoint the location of one of the cyborgs in the Bronx, New York.

"Alright, time to find another one... But..." He opened a portal and pulled out a dead cyborg. "I can't go in just like that without a plan." Last time they blocked his senses and power, so, Peter wanted to check what caused him to lose his power. He ripped apart all the implants from that dead cyborg and placed them on the floor. "Fusion of flesh and nanites... Huh?! What's this?!"

Peter's eyes fell on a small vial that was attached to the cyborg's spinal cord. He picked it up and inspected it closely. The vial contained blood! He quickly pulled out the other two bodies and ripped out the vials from their spine. He scanned the blood samples with his NanoWeave V1 suit. To his surprise, it was his own blood, but the cells were dead now.

"So this is why my power got weak... It seems like they know about my Immunity power. Using my own blood to seal my power... Interesting. Considering the amount, it was only able to suppress a portion of my strength. It's like two Immunity powers working against each other..." Peter smirked. "These cyborgs really have done their homework. Mofos, really want to kill me badly. I wonder how many they sacrificed just to extract this much blood... So, I guess the only way to make sure they don't catch me off guard again is to take precautions beforehand."

Suddenly, his phone rang. It was from Sue.

"Hey," He answered the call.

"Peter! Finally!" Sue sighed. "What happened out there? I saw the footage."

"Some Cyborgs wanted to kill me, that's what happened. What about the Avengers or you guys or the X-Men? I mean, no one came to help me or anything? Not even Tony?"

"About that..." Sue paused for a moment, hesitating before she continued, "Avengers are busy dealing with a threat somewhere in Siberia. And two of those Cyborgs attacked me. Luckily, Ben was there..."

"You alright? Did they hurt you guys?" Peter asked with concern in his voice.

"No, we are fine. From their attack pattern, it looked like a distraction. They even attacked the Mutant Academy and tried to kidnap Rogue for some reason... Jean destroyed them. I couldn't even extract data from them. Anyway, are you alright? Any idea why they are after you?" Sue asked.

"That's what I'm going to find out," Peter couldn't reveal the truth yet. "Anyway, Sue, I'm in the middle of something right now. Call you back later!"


Peter hung up the call before Sue could finish. He then took off the nanite suit and wore his old suit. Since, they managed to disrupt the nanites, wearing a regular one makes sense. After adjusting his gadgets, he opened a portal and was about to go in, but Wanda flew into his room through the window.

She threw a dead cyborg on the floor.

"It seems, we got our first joint team mission. I'm coming this time," Wanda crossed her arms.

"I was about to call you..." Peter said as he turned toward the window. "We got some company..."

Felicia threw a black organic line at the window and landed with a flip, "Gotta say, Venom is really helpful."

"Wow! That's gross," Wanda frowned seeing Felicia coated in Venom.

"And who are you, sweetheart?" Felicia walked over to Peter with a sly smile on her face. "Another girlfriend of Peter? Nice!" She nudged Peter with her elbow.

Wanda's eye twitched hearing that.

"And here I thought we were going to have a little fun together. Oh, well..." Felicia sighed.

Peter rolled his eyes, "Stop joking around. We have work to do."

"Right. So, care to tell me why those Cyborgs attacked me in the penthouse? There I was sleeping and..." Before Felicia could continue...

"I was eating chocolate..." Venom added.

Felicia continued, "When suddenly three cyborgs came crashing through the windows."

"They were just distractions, to prevent you all from coming to my aid," Peter explained. 'Fuck! My penthouse... That new TV better be alright...'

"Distractions? Are you important enough to warrant that kind of attention?" Felicia raised her brow. "Then again, it's you... Don't get me wrong. But you must have done something to piss off some very dangerous people."

Peter sighed.

"So, what's the plan, Spidey?" Venom asked loudly.

"We're going Cyborg hunting. I need answers and one of them out there has them. So, let's go!" Peter opened a portal and they all went inside.

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⭐Read 16 advance Chapters⭐

Next Ch: 172 [Revelation pt2]

Ch: 173 [Victor Von Doom]

Ch: 174 [Spidey vs Doom- Immunity at its peak]

Ch: 175 [Thanos, Knull, Galactus- Fuck!]

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