Spider-Man 0X

Ch: 176 [Miles & Morlun]

Ch: 176 [Miles & Morlun]

[Manhattan Rooftops – 2:30 AM]

The city below was a blur as I swung from building to building, the rain making the webs slippery in my hands. The wind was loud in my ears, but it wasn't as strong as the storm in my mind. I could feel it—a dark, unstoppable energy inside me. It's been a while since I had this feeling, this anger... To think I wasn't strong enough to protect what's mine and lost to darkness. Reed's and Victor's death, knowing about the future, the danger we all face—it was all coming together.

These cyborgs... They had to be stopped. No talks, no second chances. They came from a future where I turned into a monster, where I lost everything and became what I hated. I won't let that happen.

I tracked down the next cyborg. It sat on the edge of a tall building, its red eyes sweeping the streets beneath like a hunter poised for its target. It didn't notice me approaching. I landed behind it quietly. The cyborg spun around, but I was quicker. My punch hit its face shield, breaking it in one strike. Electrical wires and sparks scattered, but I didn't pause. I grabbed it by the throat, my super strength crushing the metal as if it were made of paper. It struggled, attempting to break free, but there was no way out. Not this night.

I tore the cyborg's head clean off, tossing it aside like garbage. The body convulsed before going still, a lifeless hunk of metal. But I wasn't done. I ripped the neural implant out of its neck and then ripped apart its armor. Just like the ones before, this one also got a drop of my blood in a vial. Well, it won't work on me anymore. I'll simply crush them with strength without holding back anymore.

I opened the magic space and put its body into it.

One down.

[Back Alleys of Hell's Kitchen – 2:45 AM]

The next one was smarter, hiding in the shadows of Hell's Kitchen, among the scum and criminals who wouldn't think twice about killing someone for a few bucks. But I wasn't looking for a fight with them tonight. No, my prey was the metal beast lurking in the darkness, waiting for the right moment to strike.

I found it in an alleyway. Around it lay twenty dead bodies and from the looks of it these dead bastards are all small-timer criminals. Well, I should thank this tin can for doing some good work cleaning the area, I suppose.

The cyborg noticed me and raised a blaster rifle at me.

"Do yourself a favor and kill yourself, because if you don't, I will tear you to fucking shreds until nothing is left of you but the piss on this pavement!" I clenched my fists as my stingers popped out. The blackish-purple poison gleamed in the moonlight.

"You were like a hero to me. Now, you've become a mistake that we shall correct tonight."

I laughed.

"You fools. You all did time travel without knowing the basic rule... Changing the past won't change your future! Whatever happens tonight won't fix what I'll do in your timeline. It will only create multiple paradoxs in which you cease to exist! Maybe in this timeline, you're safe...but in yours? I doubt that. Anyway, gotta kill some more tin cans, so..." Before the cyborg could even react, I used the basic swap magic and appeared behind it, swapping my place with a broken baseball bat lying a few feet away. Before the cyborg had a chance to understand what was going on, I stabbed it in the back with my stingers, pouring in the corrosive toxin. "I'll make sure the same thing doesn't happen in this reality. Forgive me for everything..."

"Just...let it go," The cyborg pleaded. "Don't go where darkness can't be fought off anymore...you won't be able to save them... We...lost... You must let it go." The last word came out as a dying hiss.

"Let it go, huh?! Only if it was that easy..."

After taking its neural implant and the blood vial, I put it into my magic space.

[Queens Industrial Park – 3:00 AM]

The third cyborg was different. Bigger, stronger, more heavily armed. It wasn't hiding. It was waiting for me, standing in the middle of an abandoned industrial park, its glowing eyes fixed on the spot where I landed. This one was ready for a fight.

I landed a short distance away. In a split second, I registered the grenades on its belt. Exploding sonic, paralysis, and EMP if I remember the list right. It also carried an advanced heavy laser gun capable of causing critical damage in a split second. A blaster on its hip, and a shotgun hanging from a harness strapped to its back. A dagger on the leg.

"Well, since we are about to fight, how about we talk for a moment?" I asked.

"Go on. It's not like anything would change. I'll answer your questions before your death."

"Let me ask you something, where did you all get my blood? You got one too, right? Now, don't tell me you don't know..." I cracked my knuckles.

"Your blood?! What do you mean by your blood?" The cyborg pointed his blaster at me.

I took out a vial that I collected from the others. "Rings a bell?"

"That's Alex Wilson's blood. Our leader whom you killed right before our eyes. Thankfully before his death, he prepared everything required to eliminate you and reforge our timeline."

What the fuck?! Alex Wilson is me, from another reality. I died and woke up as Peter Parker. Wait! Don't tell me...!!

"Alex Wilson survived Norman's experiments?!" I couldn't help but ask.

"Norman's experiments? What are you babbling on about? OCP experimented on Alex. It was Norman who rescued him," The cyborg lowered its gun, surprised by the revelation. "Shit!"

"Yeah, shit! You are in the wrong reality and look at how much chaos you bastards caused. Thanks to you guys, Knull, Thanos, and Galactus will soon show up. Didn't you cyborgs at least gather information before moving?" I asked sarcastically.

"Miles! How could you do this? WHAT IS YOUR PLAN MILES?" The cyborg yelled as he opened a holographic channel. "You lied to us, why?"

The holographic image of a guy in a black suit appeared on the device on the cyborg's right arm.

"Humm... You found out earlier than I expected. Well, whatever, it's not like it changes anything. Overriding controls," Miles said emotionlessly.

The cyborg froze in place.

"Hello, Peter..." Miles greeted me as the nanites retracted from his face revealing his face and cold eyes. "Hope you are doing alright. My apologies for trying to kill you. I wish there was any other way. You were my hero, Peter, but... But... You see, I too have similar power as you. Super strength, super speed, reflexes, healing factor, web-shooters, and more. I also wanted to be just like you, but fate has a cruel sense of humor. The spider that bit me gave me power, but it also made my blood toxic and my body was slowly breaking down. So, in my desperate hours, someone gave me an offer... An offer I couldn't refuse."

Miles paused as if reminiscing about something.

"I accepted their deal and they will cure me if I kill at least ten Spider Totems in exchange. If I succeed, I get cured. If I fail or refuse, I die. I was scared. I didn't want to die, so I agreed. He suppressed the toxin and gave me this new body as a temporary powerup to kill you and many other Spideys. Now, when you decided to go wild in my world and become the big bad villain, I thought, why not use this chance to take over your place? Huh?! I'll become the next good Spiderman who took down the evil Spiderman, but I was running out of time, so, I pulled a little trick and did this time travel shit... The rest, you can imagine. After killing you, and nine others, I'll cure myself and take your place in my reality and live happily ever after. Easy as pie, right?" Miles smirked.

"And this guy of yours... Is his name perhaps Morlun?" I asked.

"How...did you know? Doesn't matter... You won't survive anyway..." Miles replied. "Oh, by the way. I have to kill Gwen too. You see, according to my info, she was supposed to be the totem of this world, but for some reason, you became the spider totem. So, if I only kill you, there's a possibility that Gwen might become the spider totem instead. Can't risk that. Oh, well, my bad. Bye now."

The hologram faded away.

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