Spider-Man 0X

Ch: 177 [No Tingle]

Ch: 177 [No Tingle]

Novelbin is fill with cucks. And those who read on novelbin are cucks. Fuckers stealing chs within seconds. 


My heart pounded in my chest as Miles' hologram faded into the night, leaving me alone with the cyborg he’d just overridden. I didn't need a pep talk to know how bad the situation was. My spider-sense was screaming at me, an incessant warning that things were about to get much worse. Gwen was in danger, and I had no idea how much time I had before Miles reached her. But I knew one thing for sure—I couldn’t let this cyborg slow me down.

The cyborg's eyes flickered as it rebooted under Miles' control. Its mechanical joints whirred and clicked, and the red glow in its eyes intensified. Without any warning, it launched itself at me with a speed that defied its bulky frame, aiming a punch straight for my head. I clenched my fist and met the punch head-on. I'm gonna smash it to pieces in a single punch...

Well, that's what I thought. But this guy had pure vibranium armor. Even though I hit it with all my super strength, it barely flinched. This one was different from all the other cyborgs I fought before. Well, ain't that cool? Vibranium is the strongest metal on Earth. It's basically unbreakable. Now, I'm gonna break it.

[Baaam!] The collision sent me flying backward. I smashed through three dumpsters before I managed to stop myself. My hand throbbed with pain. And this guy can also absorb and release kinetic energy just like Black Panther's suit.

The cyborg was glowing with a purple glow as it lunged forward.

"Well, what the fuck!" Infusing my chi into my fists, I punched the cyborg again, making it fly away like a cannonball. It hit the wall and fell to the ground in a heap of broken metal. I dashed in and ripped out the neural implant before it could recover. With a glitchy sound, its head exploded, sending sparks and broken wires everywhere.

I put the body into my magic space and tried to open a portal to Miles' location, but something was interfering with my magic. So, I opened a portal to Gwen's house. She was in her room and the lights were on. I webbed onto the window and saw that she was reading a book, lying on the bed. Humm... She looks kinda different today. I don't know what, but something isn't right. I knocked on the window.

"Peter! What are you doing here? Come inside."

Gwen welcomed me with a bright smile as I climbed into her bedroom. Thank God, she's alright...

"You alright? You look tired and... Is everything alright?" She came close to me as I removed my mask. "Are you hurt? Tell me what happened..."

I hugged her tightly. Gwen was surprised, but she returned my hug.

"I love you, Gwen. No matter what happens, always remember that I love you."

"I love you too, Pete. But you gotta tell me what's going on..."

I kissed Gwen. It was a long, deep kiss. When we parted, we looked into each other's eyes as a sharp pain shot through my chest. I looked down and saw Gwen's hand was covered in blood. Her fist was deep in my chest, right where my heart was. Cough! Cough! Blood began to ooze out of my mouth. Hahaha! Dang! I didn't see that coming. My spider sense didn't even tingle. Weird, huh?! Or, probably because I never saw Gwen as a threat. But why? I guess, I know the reason after all. Man, love does make one blind...

"Pete..." Tears streamed down Gwen's face as my vision blurred.

I didn't say anything. I smiled at her, holding back the pain. I touched her face gently, "Even your alternate version looks so beautiful. Hahah... Cough!" I let out a painful laugh.

"No!! Peter!!" Gwen cried out as she pulled her fist out from my chest. Blood splattered on the floor. I coughed up more blood before falling to the ground. I couldn't even move my limbs anymore."I'm sorry, Peter. I'm really sorry..." She kept apologizing.

"Sorry..." I touched her stomach with my bloody hand, "Our baby... I couldn't save them in your reality, but you could save them in mine... Miles played us all... He'll kill my Gwen next. You must save her..."

"What?! Peter... Don't go... Please stay with me. What do you mean by Miles played us all? Peter..." Gwen was crying loudly as she shook me.

I closed my eyes with a smile on my face. Now, show me the way to Miles. I'll just endure this pain for now... Gwen continued to cry and shook me while apologizing. I took the chance to place a magic tracker on her, and a chi imprint. Sorry, Gwen... But I gotta do this to find Miles and my Gwen is probably in his grasp, so, I need to do this.

Gwen stood up and activated her suit, then she activated her teleportation device. A blue portal opened and she walked into it. As soon as the portal closed, I coughed out more blood. Dang! It hurts like hell... But just as I thought, the hole in my chest healed up. Regeneration, baby. The fun fact is I can control it and stay alive for a few minutes even if my heart is destroyed. It's just like how I control my stingers or toxin... I touched my chest and yup! As good as new. 


[3rd person POV]

Gwen emerged from the portal into a dimly lit warehouse, the air thick with the scent of oil and metal. Her eyes scanned the surroundings, taking in the rows of abandoned machinery and the faint hum of generators in the distance.

Her suit adjusted to the new environment, the familiar interface blinking in her vision. She tapped her wrist, activating a stealth mode to dampen the sounds of her movements. She carefully moved forward. Her mind raced with the information Peter had given her before... before she had killed him. The thought tightened her chest, but she pushed it aside. This wasn’t the time to grieve. She had to save this world’s Gwen—and stop Miles.

Sounds of multiple footsteps echoed in the distance. Gwen darted behind a rusted conveyor belt. She peeked around the corner and saw them—Miles and a small group of his cyborg henchmen. They were gathered around a central console, the dim light casting long shadows on their faces.

'Who are they? They don't belong to the group! What are you up to Miles?' She thought.

Miles stood at the center in his black suit. The nanites still flowed across his body, shifting and moving like a living organism, but his face was visible—cold, focused, and unyielding. His eyes were locked on a holographic screen displaying a countdown timer.

"Thirty minutes," Miles muttered to himself. "Enough time to wrap up things there, then teleport back." He glanced down at the unconscious Gwen, lying on the floor. Miles had injected her with a sleeping agent, ensuring she would remain asleep until the machine was complete. "And, I'm gonna have some fun out there and then I'll dispose of you permanently, Gwen Stacy."

He turned to one of the cyborgs. "Guard this place. Do not let anyone touch this girl until the portal opens, understand?"

The cyborg nodded mechanically.

Gwen clenched her fists. The time to strike was now. She couldn't wait any longer. But as she prepared to move, Miles turned and looked directly at her hiding spot. "You might as well come out, Gwen. I know you’re here," he called out, his voice echoing through the warehouse.

Gwen's heart skipped a beat. 'How did he know?' But she pushed the thought aside and stepped out from behind the conveyor belt, her eyes locking onto Miles.

"I see you’ve finally come to face me," Miles said, a smirk forming on his lips. "I didn’t expect you to arrive so soon. You must have something important to discuss."

Gwen’s voice was cold, controlled. "Why did you betray us, Miles?"

"Betray? Oh no, just, trying to survive here, yeah?" Miles chuckled.

"Survive? Is that what you call this madness?"

"Madness? How ironic coming from you who killed Peter Parker a moment ago. Tell me, Gwen Stacy, how does it feel to kill someone you love? Must be traumatic, huh?! I did tell you to use the new cybernetics. It removes your emotions and helps you take calculated steps."

Gwen gritted her teeth, her hands balling into fists.

Miles continued, "I know it must hurt. But hey, it's nothing personal, Gwen. Just surviving in my own way. Now... What are you gonna do about it? Fight me? Or, join me? The choice is yours."

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