Spider-Man 0X

Ch: 7 [An awkward moment]

Ch: 7 [An awkward moment]

After four hours, I finished all the papers, and I got back home with aching legs. Thank God I am done with this part-time shit...

"You look beat up, Peter," May commented as she passed by me, heading toward the kitchen. "How's the weather today? Snow again?"

"Yeah, snow and a bit windy too," I replied as I removed my socks and threw them into the laundry basket. "And I forgot my gloves today. My hands are freezing."

"Oh, Peter," She shook her head, "That's why I told you not to rush."

"My bad," I chuckled as I followed her towards the kitchen.

May placed the cup of hot chocolate and some buttered bread slices in front of me and said, "It should help you warm up,"

"Thanks," I said as I took the cup in my hands and held it, letting the heat radiate against my skin and slowly spreading warmth throughout my hands. Then, I sipped the warm liquid, letting its rich sweetness pervade my tongue and provide some solace for the chill.

I breathed in the delicious aroma of the chocolate drink as a wave of warmth passed throughout my body, starting from the mouth. Haaa... This feels like heaven. I don't even remember the last time I had some chocolate.

As I gulp down the last drops of the soothing hot chocolate, I check out the watch on the wall. Time to take a bath and head out for school...

"So, how are things at school," She asked as she began cleaning up the kitchen.

"Same old," I said, "Just homework and stuff,"

"Have you got some sleep last night? You seemed pretty busy these past few days," She asked in a concerned tone.

"Yeah, the exam is coming up in a few months, so..." I said as I finished off the last slice of bread, "Better do a head start than cram it all in a single week,"

She smiled at me and nodded her head. "But don't forget to take a breather every now and then, alright?"

"Will do," I said, standing up from the chair. Time to take a nice bath, relax a bit, and head off...

I took a relaxing bath and came out of the bathroom feeling like a brand-new person. The tension has melted from my shoulders and the weariness of yesterday's and today's work. I stepped into my room and was about to get ready when I heard a loud voice. Someone's fighting in the neighbor's house. I took a peek out the window and recognized the familiar face.

Yeah, Mary Jane is living just on the opposite side of our apartment. And she is arguing with her father. Great, the day couldn't have started any better. I thought as I heard Mary Jane's father shouting, "Get the fuck out!" Before slamming the door closed.

She sat near the worn-out gate and stared emptily ahead. Her knees joined together as he put her forehead on it. Dang! She's in such a pitiful state. Her fiery red hair is tied into a loose ponytail, and she is wearing her school uniform. I want to kick that drunk fucker's ass right now, but I am not so confident in this weak body of mine. I might get beaten up instead. And who knows if that drunk got a shotgun?

Should I go talk to her? Well, what could go wrong?

I took off the towel and opened the closet, let's see what I've got.

I grabbed a simple pair of jeans, t-shirt, and a pair of socks. Ah! A new pair of underwear. Thank God, Peter just bought it a few days ago. Luckily, I don't have to wear his old underwear. Anyway, there I was happy to find new underwear deciding which one to wear, the blue or red one... The door opened and May entered the room...

"Peter, where's your clothes? I am doing laundry... Huh?" She saw me standing in front of the closet, buck naked, with two pieces of underwear in my hand. Her eyes grew wide, and she stood rooted to the spot. Her cheeks flushed beet-red, and I could see the clothes fall from her hand.

"Oh! May... Erm... You see... Uh..." I babbled incoherently while still holding both pieces of underwear, covering my cock. Shit, this is bad... May was looking at me as if I had grown another head. I forgot to lock the door. Fuck my life.

"Oh! Oh! Sorry Peter, I should have knocked," She shook her head vigorously and quickly closed the door behind her with an awkward smile plastered on her face. "I will be in the you know... Bring your clothes after... Ahem!" She cleared her throat.

Shit! Fuck! She saw me naked. Oh my fucking god, what do I do now? May saw me naked, and my flaccid cock... What is this embarrassing feeling? My heart is beating so fast. I am so damn nervous right now. Fuck it! Face it like a man, Peter!

I put on the underwear, picked up the clothes she had dropped, and took a deep breath before opening the door.

"Let's do it," I took the dirty clothes and headed for the washing machine in the little laundry room next to the bathroom.

May was inside.

WOW! She is on her fours, trying to do something with the washing machine. Her sexy butt is sticking out, showing its curvature through the morning gown she wore. I couldn't help but stare at her butt for a few seconds before approaching her. She is a real beauty. Too bad she is my aunt... Wait a minute! She is Peter's aunt and I am just another soul inhabiting Peter's body... Then that means she is not technically my aunt... I could make a move on her.

I cleared my throat, "Uh... Everything alright?"

I want to grab her waist and bang her from behind. Damn! This is a very enticing sight. Wait? Isn't this scene kinda...

"Peter, can you lend me a hand here? This blasted washing machine is not turning on," She said as she turned her head around. Our eyes met for a split second before she suddenly turned her head around again.

She's blushing all of a sudden...

"Yeah, let me see," I knelt beside her and took a peek inside the washing machine. Although half my vision was on her cleavage slightly sticking out from her gown.

"Looks fine to me," I said as I tried pressing the 'on' button. Nothing happened...

"Maybe the plug is not inserted properly," I suggested as I pushed the plug, which was a bit loose, inside the socket. Still nothing... "Damn, what is wrong with this thing? I thought it was supposed to be working?" I groaned as I pulled out the plug.

"I thought so too," May sighed.

"Let me check the fuse. Maybe something blew out," I said as I stood up. "Just wait a minute."

The box is in the backyard.

I opened the backyard door and stepped onto the porch. Snow was everywhere. Fuck, this is going to be troublesome... I was lucky it didn't snow when I was delivering pizza. I would have frozen my ass off.

I walked slowly, making sure that I wouldn't slip.

"Peter, be careful," May warned.

"Will do," I waved my hand absentmindedly.

I walked toward the fuse box located just a few feet away. I wiped off the snow covering the top and opened the box. Wow! This looks pretty messy. Wires were sticking out from everywhere. Which one is which? Ah! A loose wire... That could be it.

I turned the current off for a moment, then pulled out the loose wire and plugged it back inside.

"Let's try now," I switched the current on and waited for a few minutes. Aaahhh! That rumbling sound of the old washing machine. It's on. "It's working," I shouted as I closed the box and began heading back.

"Thank you, Peter," She smiled gratefully as I entered the house.

"No problem," I smiled back at her and was about to go back to my room when she called me.

"Peter," She said, "About just a moment ago..."

Oh, crap...

"Uh yeah, about that... It was an accident," I said. I don't want her to be creeped out by me.

"Yeah, I know," She chuckled awkwardly, "But Peter," She said in a serious tone, "You are growing up, and..." She took a deep breath as if hesitating for a moment, then she said, "If there is anything you want to talk about... Then don't hesitate to do so,"

Talk about what? Girls? Sex?

She continued, "I know it's hard to speak your mind since you know I am your aunt and..."

Yeah, that is kind of difficult, but since I am not related to you in any way, May... We could always be more than just aunts and a nephew...

"So..." She said in an awkward tone, "If there is anything you want some guidance about sex or relationships..." She looked down, refusing to meet my eyes.

Wait? Did she just suggest that I could ask her if I had some problem regarding sex?

"I... I am sorry. I must sound like a weirdo. Never mind," she scratched the back of her head and headed towards the kitchen, "I am gonna finish the remaining chores,"

"No don't worry. It's obvious for you to show concern. After all, I am already 18 and I am sure you don't want me to do something wrong in the future and get into trouble. And since you are the only family I have... So of course you want to look out for me," I flashed her a winning smile.

She smiled and nodded her head, "Yes. Exactly, Peter. And if you ever need me then please don't hesitate to ask anything. I will try to answer the best I can,"

Oh! What a lovely woman she is.

"I might just take up that offer," I smiled as I returned to my room.

I closed the door and sat on the chair with a wide grin on my face. So, Peter... Do you have some problem in that area?


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