Spider-Man 0X

Ch: 8 [Bully and Parker]

Ch: 8 [Bully and Parker]


Time to go to school. I left the house, closed the door behind me, and jumped down the stairs. I noticed Mary Jane sitting in the same spot where I had seen her this morning.

I walked over to her. She was lost in her own thoughts, so she didn't notice my approach. I noticed she was shivering because of the cold weather. She isn't wearing her jacket, must have forgotten when she stomped out of the house in anger. Man, I feel kinda bad for her. She had to deal with that drunk of a father all alone. I approached her quietly.

"You know it's cold out here?" I asked softly. She was startled. Her body trembled as she raised her head and saw me standing before her.

"P-Peter?" She stammered.

"Yeah," I smiled at her as I handed out one of the jackets I took before coming outside, just in case. "You might want this,"

She stared at the jacket in my hand, then she looked back at me with a confused expression on her face, "..."

"It's alright," I said as I placed the jacket on her shoulder. "Let's go." I extended my hand to help her up.

"Thank you," She nodded gratefully as she took my hand and stood up. She put on the jacket and took a step forward, and I could hear her sigh heavily.

"Another argument?" I asked as we both walked toward the bus stop.

She nodded her head slowly, "My father is such a pain," She spat with disdain.

"He was drunk again, right?"

"Yup," She shrugged her shoulders, "Drinking like a hog, throwing bottles at me and... forget it. Just another typical morning,"

Damn, that shit sucks...

"By the way, what's up with you? You sound different today," She asked as she examined my face.

Shit! Am I acting too weird? "How so?"

"I dunno. But it's weird," She said as she shook her head, "You usually think three or four times before speaking. Sometimes you look lost trying to strike up a conversation with me, but now... you seem quite different."

"I... umm... I am just having a good day, that's all,"

She stopped abruptly, making me stop as well.

"Are you sick or something?" She asked as she leaned forward and examined my face again. "Do you have a fever or what?"

"What?" I stammered, "No, not at all,"

"Oh, c'mon, Peter." She frowned as she looked into my eyes. "You know I can tell when you are lying."

"Well, I guess I decided to take a step forward... and try to be more open. Does it sound weird? Do I look weird?"

"Not really," She shrugged her shoulders as we started walking again. "You do seem kinda weird. But not that bad. A good weird."

Good to know, MJ...

"Anyway, thanks for the jacket, Pete," She smiled brightly as she rubbed her arms.

"No problem."

[Bus Stop]

We waited for the bus at the bus stop. There were quite a few students at the stop, mostly from the neighborhood. Flash Thompson was also there, waiting for the bus. Man, I hate that fucker...

"Oh, look who it is..." Flash and his three friends walked over to me.


"Parker," Flash placed his arm around my shoulder and tried to mess up with my hair. He's always doing this shit... "Look guys, it's Penis Parker," The others laughed as they surrounded us. Mary Jane frowned at Flash as he harassed me. She looked ready to rip his head off. But it's alright. I'm not 'Peter' but Alex you motherfucker... Although I can't win against him in strength, I still have my intellect.

"Atleast I have one," I smirked confidently. He stared at me wide-eyed.


"You know..." I shrugged his arm off and patted his back mockingly. "Atleast I have a penis."

His goons snickered at his expense.

"You poor soul still bullying others in high school?" I crossed my arms as I taunted him. "Seriously?"

Flash narrowed his eyes at me, "Are you picking up a fight with me, Parker?"

"That's the only thing you are good for... fight and bully me. You must be jealous of me topping class, making a way for my bright future. While you..." I patted his back again and smiled smugly. "It must be frustrating to live without your main part, right? You can't even concentrate on your studies and repeat the same class twice... Thrice I guess. By the way, do you feel anything when you see something good on the net? You know... I heard there are certain surgeries for these types of problems. Maybe you should try."

I was slowly walking toward the lamppost as he continued to take steps forward, boiling in rage. Man, his face is red like a tomato. The nearby people were giggling and gossiping among themselves.

And this is where he will break and throw a straight punch as usual.

"BASTARD!" Flash screamed as he threw a punch toward my face. And as expected, he threw a straight punch like a dumb fuck. I calmly tilted my head to the side, and his fist barely grazed my face, hitting the metal post behind me. The crowd winced in pain as he howled loudly in agony. He fell on his knees and cried. His so-called friends only stood there, holding their laughter...

I patted his head mockingly, "See... this is the reason you have been in a repeating class for two years now."

The bus is here...

"Pete," MJ walked over and patted my back, "We should go."

"Well," I bent down and whispered in Flash's ears. "How long are you going to act like a dumb fuck? Grow up. Oh, and don't forget about the surgery... Humanity has come a long way. Take advantage of it," I winked at him as Mary Jane dragged me to the bus.

The crowd broke into a loud laughter as we entered the bus. MJ was holding her laugh as we took a seat near the window.

"What was that?" She asked. "Are you insane? You can't mess with Flash like that. What if his friends knock you out?"

"Well..." I shrugged my shoulders. "I'm done being a pushover. Besides, all bullies have one weakness,"

"Which is?"

"Being exposed in front of people," I smirked confidently. "Anyway, I might finally have a few days of peace... He won't show his face for atleast a week,"

"I guess..." MJ agreed.

"That was amazing though," She added. "It was the first time I have seen you standing up to that dumb bully."

The rest of the ride to the school was peaceful. Mary Jane seemed lost in her thoughts again. So, I took out my phone and browsed through the news. It's weird that they didn't talk about last night's gunshot incident. Are they probably trying to suppress the matter? Maybe someone big is involved in that shitty mess.

After a ten-minute ride, we reached our school. Midtown High School...

The classes were kinda boring...

I didn't find any interest in studying, but I had to pass this school. That's the only downside to my plan. The exam is near, might as well take them instead of letting them go to waste. Anyway, most of my time was spent with MJ, Gwen, and Harry. I don't see Michelle anywhere though... She must have bunked again or there could be some other things going on with her.

Anyway, time went by quickly...

After school, I left the campus and walked over to the bus stop.

"Hey, Peter," Harry called me as he ran over. "Wanna hang out together? I was planning on hitting the arcade, wanna join?"

"Sorry, man... Can't go,"

"You still doing the job at the Stan's Pizza?"

"Yeah," I sighed. I really don't want to work there, but... "It might snow today and I am on delivery duty today. Need to finish my quota before the snow falls. Plus, I gotta take the groceries home."

"Oh, I see," He scratched his head awkwardly, "Anyway, have you noticed something different about MJ? She looks sad or something..."

"Yeah... Her father got drunk and caused a lot of trouble in the morning. I think she is having a bad day because of that," I replied casually.

"I... I see. I guess we will hang out another time, then." He nodded as he bid his goodbye. "See ya,"


I waved at him as a private sedan pulled over infront of him. Harry entered the car, and it drove away. And I took the bus to Stan's Pizza joint. I have to buy that ticket today...


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