SpiderGwen: I have a system?!

Chapter 11: Chapter 11

Chapter 11: Chapter 11

Huge thanks to Jack, King, and Marcos for buying my Patreon! It really means a lot to me! anyways, onto the story!

[3rd Pov] [Location - ??????]

Within a large white room, with all sorts of medical machines, Gwen lay on a bed. Her form was no longer sparking or glowing like before, and was seemingly back to normal, not even sweating or anything.

Slowly, her form began to stir, as she began to finally wake up. Eyes fluttering open, Gwen let out a soft groan as she began to sit up, 'Fuck that sucked' Gwen thought, before blinking as she noticed her surroundings, and her new senses. She could feel and see more than before. Not to mention the insane amount of knowledge she now had just sitting in her head.

'Damn...this was worth it' Gwen thought with a grin. She found Baki's knowledge to be arguably the best, with Peter's being good too, primarily for his knowledge on science and mathematics. The sheer amount of martial arts knowledge she had now, outweighed any other person in the world...she thinks at least.

Clenching her fist, she grinned. She noticed that her body as a whole became more toned, and she had seemingly grown to 5'10, from her previous 5'8.

Taking off the different wires connected to her, she slowly got to her feet, and stretched with a satisfied sigh as her bones popped. She walked over to the nearby mirror and looked over her form, before turning her back to it, and grinned at her new back.

The Hanma bloodline had seemingly already given her a gift, in the form of the powerful demon back. Of course, it wasn't nearly as muscular or ripped as Baki's or Yuujirou's, but it was still toned, and noticeable to anyone who looked. Should she flex her back muscles, she was sure the demon face would be much more pronounced.

(Something like this, but not nearly as muscular, and toned. It's also on a female body, so it's smaller too, and a bit less pronounced)

Finishing her inspection of her bodily changes, she decided to test another aspect of her new powers. Slowly a black and red goo covered her form, as the Toxin symbiote came out. Grinning, she messed around with her new symbiote, as she formed blades, spikes, and all sorts of other weapons, with the symbiote.

Clenching her fist, she had the Toxin symbiote recede back into her body. As she decided to test another ability she gained. Holding her hand up, she grinned as electricity sparkled off of it, as she formed the bio-eelectricity into her hand. 'Damn this is going to be helpful in the future' She thought, knowing just how good her new "venom blasts" would be, against different villains that'd be showing up in the future.

As the electricity receded, she smiled. She then decided to try out Moon Knight's powers, as she realized that she could form the suit onto her form, similar to the MCU version. Why? She had no idea, but she wasn't complaining.

She closed her eyes, as a white glow emanated from her, as a white suit began to slowly form over her being.

Gwen breathed in at the power she felt, it wasn't immense or anything but it was weirdly...comforting, like a warm blanket on a coldy day. Gwen looked into the mirror at her form, and whistled in appreciation, liking the suit a lot. 'Damn I look good. I wonder if I can form that dope black suit I saw once?'

After thinking that, Gwen blinked as she watched the suit flash and change again. '...Damn I look dope as hell' Gwen thought, as she appreciated the new suit, that she very much liked. She also noted the small spider symbol that was in the middle circular open area of the moon. 'Definitely gonna be messing around with this suit in the future' Gwen thought, as the suit slowly glowed before disappearing, returning her to her previous clothing.

Looking down at the hospital clothes, she frowned, before using Toxin to get her into some decent clothes, this being her regular jacket + sweats combo.

Opening the door of the room, she walked out, as she had long since realized where she was. 'Looks like I'm in the Watchtower...meaining that Alfred probably found me, and told dad, who freaked out and brought me here after realizing that none of his tests were working' Gwen thought with a sigh, as she rounded a corner, only to bump into someone.

"Sorr-" The woman stopped as she looked at her with wide eyes. While Gwen blinked as she realized who the woman in front of her was 'Wonder Woman...she's hot'

"You-You're awake!" Wonder Woman said in surprise. While Gwen just tilted her head "Yep! So...how long have I been out for?"

Wonder Woman looked at her in confusion "You aren't shocked?"

"Why would I be? This isn't the first time this has happened. Anyways, how long have I been out?" Gwen said, looking to the taller woman, who stood at 6 foot 2 inches.

"You've been asleep for two days now" Wonder Woman replied, causing Gwen to sigh 'Damnit, dad's probably gonna hound me about this...isn't he'

"I've got to find your father, wait here" Wonder Woman said, without even giving Gwen a chance to respond, she briskly walked off. Gwen watched her walk off, while thinking 'hate to see her go, but I don't mind watching her leave' Gwen thought, as she stopped herself from looking at the womans backside.

'Control yourself Gwen. You might be a horny lesbian 17 year old, but you are a respectful horny lesbian 17 year old' Gwen thought, admonishing herself for almost perving on the other woman, even if she was admittedly one of Gwen's fantasies back when she was younger. 'Alright...now I just gotta wait for pops to come a runnin' Gwen thought with a sigh, as she leaned agains the nearby wall.

After waiting for a few minutes, she stopped as she noticed Wonder Woman walking back "Come with me" Wonder woman says. "To where?"

"The meeting room, the rest of the League wants to make sure you are okay, and some other questions" Wonder Woman said. Hearing this, Gwen blinked before sighing and nodding,

following the woman.

"So...how is it like in Themyscira?" Gwen asked abruptly, after a little bit of awkward silence.

Hearing the question, Wonder Woman blinked in surprise, before responding with a small fond smile "It is...beautiful, a safe haven for all women...it is...home"

"What sort of stuff do you do there? I know you guys are warriors and all, but I don't think I've ever heard about what you do for fun"

"Well...there is the Feast of the Five that we have every year" Wonder Woman replied, causing Gwen to smile and reply "Oh? Tell me more"

Wonder Woman smiled at this, before continuing to talk about her home, and her people.

After walking and talking for a few more minutes, the two eventually made it to the entrance to the meeting room. Wonder Woman turned to Gwen with a small smile on her face "We're here...and thank you, I enjoyed out conversation"

"Me too, Wonder Woman, me too" "Diana" "Huh?" "You may call me Diana" Hearing this, Gwen smiled "Well Diana, thank you, it was interesting to learn more about your people...I wish I could see it in person some day"

Diana hearing this smiled softly "Perhaps some day you will" Diana said, before turning to the door "Now, let's get inside, I believe your father is waiting"

"Ah...he's going to freak isn't he?" Gwen said with a sweatdrop "Most certainly" Diana said with a nod, having remembered the way Bruce was completely and utterly worried for his daughter, and has gotten little sleep over the past two days, due to that.

'Time to face the music' Gwen thought with a sigh, as she slowly walked into the room, with Wonder Woman going in behind her.

Entering into the room, she noted that most of the League members were there, with only a few missing, mainly John Stewart, Captain Atom, and Aquaman. Diana, moved and took her


Looking to Bruce, she sighed at the look he was giving her "So...it's nice to meet you all! I'm Gwen" Gwen said with a smile as she gave them all a wave, with most of the league giving

their own greetings.

"Gwen what happened" Bruce said, cutting into conversation with a serious glint in his eyes.

"Ah, are you talking about the me passing out? Or..." "You know what I am talking about" Bruce said, as the other League members silently listened, realizing that this wasn't something they should interject on.

"Ah that, well...would you believe me if I said I don't have any idea?" Gwen asked.

""No"" Pretty much every member of the League said bluntly. Gwen sighed, before continuing "A girl could hope"

"Gwen, this is serious. You were unconscious for two entire days. During those two days, you

had some sort of alien parasite come out of your body, a powerful sort of magic escape you, and your body rework itself, with your back changing into something new, and superhuman in nature" Superman said, a serious look on his face. "So please, just explain what it is that


"Well...I don't really know entirely to be honest. But, what I do know, is that I am getting more power, or powers in this case. I feel...stronger, faster, and just...better. It's like I'm evolving and growing, getting more powers, and more instincts" Gwen said. "How long has this been happening?" Dinah asked, aka Black Canary. "Hmm, since I appeared in Arkham Asylum. In total? Like 15 times I think? This was the

biggest "evolution" so far, that's why I was out for so long. Usually its only for a couple of hours or so" Gwen explained, hiding as much of her powers as she could. There was no way in hell she was going to tell them about her system, or any of that, as that would forever remain

as her secret, and hers alone.

"And these...evolutions, what exactly have they given you?" Bruce asked seriously. "Hmm, increased strength, senses, speed, instincts, entirely new powers, and some other

stuff" Gwen said with a shrug. All of those things she listed, were easy to be noticed by anyone who looked closely, thus, she was wiling to bring them up.

"And how strong are you now?" Diana asked, remembering Bruce's reveal of Gwen's ability to

lift 20 tons or so.

"Hmm, like 100 tons, I think? Maybe more to be honest, not entirely sure, as I haven't tested

it yet" Gwen said with a shrug. Bruce's eyes wdened slightly "That's an increase of 400%..."

Bruce said in surprise.

The League members looked at her in shock, as that was a massive increase in power, far more than they were expecting. "And do you control these evolutions?" J'onn asked. "No, it just sorta happens" Gwen shrugged, as it was sort of true...to an extent.

"So...is that all, or?" Gwen asked, not really wanting to continue this conversation any longer.

"Hmm, that should be" Superman said, before continuing "We do have another thing to talk to you about, an offer actually"

"Oh? What sort of offer?" Gwen asked with a raised eyebrow, already having an idea what the

offer was.

Looking to Bruce, the man sighed but nodded. Seeing the acceptance, Superman spoke.

"How would you like to join a team?"

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That's the end of the chapter.

Next chapter will be when she starts to interact with a certain team! Should I make Wonder Woman a love interest for Gwen? Or no? She's hot, but sorta overdone.

I wanna give it to more underappreciated characters, like Artemis, M'gann, and them. Speaking of M'gann, I'm pretty sure she's going to be in the harem, as she's cute. I'll change around the whole real form thing into something a bit different. Anyways, hope you enjoyed the chapter! Point out any mistakes! See you tomorrow!

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