SpiderGwen: I have a system?!

Chapter 12: Chapter 12

Chapter 12: Chapter 12

[3rd Pov] [Location - ??????]

Within a large hollowed out area, seemingly within a mountain, or cave of sorts. Dick,

alongside several others stood. One with red hair, one with dark skin, white hair, and unique tattoo's. Another with green skin, and an excited smile on her face, and a final teen that seemingly did not want to be there.

Standing in front of the group, was Batman as well as Dinah, and several others. "You are all wondering what we gathered you for, right?" Dinah asked, causing the group of teens to nod. None of them entirely knew what was happening, except for the green skinned girl, who had a feeling she knew, based off of their emotions.

"You are receiving a new addition to your team" Batman said abruptly, causing the teens to look at him. "Huh? But isn't the team brand new? Why add a new member already?" The red headed teen asked.

"I also would like to know why we are receiving a new member. We have yet to properly get to know one another, which makes a new addition...inopportune" The tattoo'd teen said, having not entirely understood the decision.

"That is why we are adding her. It is early enough that adding another member will not cause issues for your teamwork, while also allowing you to get a new powerful member to your team" Dinah said, a smile on her face, knowing who the member was, and the reaction it would get from Dick.

"She?" The red headed teen said with a smile, he wasn't gonna complain about more girls being on the team...probably.

"One of you knows her very well" Dinah said, as a soft clattering sound resounded throughout the cave. The tall broody teen, with an S on his shirt, began to look around with a frown. "Someone's here" He said, noticing the sound.

"Who is it that knows her?" The white haired older teen asked. Hearing the question, Dinah just simply smiled and glanced at Batman.

"Stop messing with him, Ghost" Batman said with a sigh, causing Dick's eyes to widen as a grin began to spread across his face. "You did it didn't you" He said with a happy grin. "I did" Batman said, causing the other Young Justice members to glance at Dick.

"Mind clueing us in?" The red head asked, seeing the glance grin on his friends face.

Before Dick could reply, a feminine voice resounded throughout the cave. "Man, I was going to have a super secret entrance! Pops always ruining the fun"

Slowly, a figure began to rapple down from the roof, upside down, slowly lowering herself with a web. At the voice, everyone in the room looked to the voice.

"Sup" The figure revealed to be Gwen said, as she looked to her new team members. "I'm Ghost Spider, but you guys can call me Gwen" Gwen said, as she flipped onto the ground. Seeing her brother, she grinned and sped over to his side, causing the group to blink in surprise at her speed.

"My favorite little brother! Have you missed me? Have you?" Gwen said, rubbing her cheek against Dick's, who was blushing in embarrasement at his older sister. "Stop, your embarrassing me!" Dick said, as he tried to pry himself out of her arms, but failed miserably.

The red head and white haired teens both had smirks on their faces, as the red head snapped a pic of the two. "Send me that" The white hair teen whispered to his friend, causing the red head to smirk and nod.

"Are you okay now? You've been gone for like a week" Dick said, as he stopped fighting back against his older sister. "Mhmm, I'm all good! Just a side effect of my powers" Gwen said with a shrug, as she pulled her cheek off of Dicks.

"It won't happen again, promise" Gwen said with a smile, as she rubbed his hair, causing him to huff. Ignoring her brothers grunt of annoyance, she turned to her new team members. "So, you must be my little bro's friends, right?"

"Ah, yes. I'm Aqualad, this is Kid flash" The white haired teen said, as he walked forward and offered her a hand, which she shook with a smile. As she had the mask covering her face slowly trickle off, being made of a certain symbiote.


(Kid Flash)

Kid Flash aka Wally West whistled at her appearance. "Hi! I'm Miss Martian! But you can call me M'gann or Megan!" The green skinned girl said, floating to Gwen's side with a smile.

(Ignore Beast boy)

"It's nice to meet you, Aqualad, Kid, M'gann" Gwen said with a small smile. "Oh, and that's Superboy" Wally added, motioning to the brooding teen in the back.

Gwen glanced at the teen and just gave him a little nod, before blinking at the notification that flared into her vision.

[Hidden Quest Complete]

Join the Young Justice League, officially.

Rewards 1 SL Ticket

Gwen smiled slightly at the reward, before returning to reality.

"So...what now?" Gwen asked, turning to Dinah and Batman. While also noting the other League members, who were seemingly installing something.

Glancing at eachother, Dinah began "We are going to begin testing your new capabilities" Before turning to the seemingly upgraded training area. "Due to your new strength increase, we've had to upgrade all the training gear. What we need you to do now, is to test that gear to make sure it can take your punches properly" Dinah said, as she nodded, as what sorta liked like a training dummy, rose from the ground below.

Raising an eyebrow at the dummy that was definitely not there in canon, Gwen turned to them. "Just punch it as hard as you can" Dinah said.

"With just physical strength? Or all my power?" Gwen asked.

"All your power" Batman said, as he knew it would be best to see what she could do, so that the dummy could be upgraded if needed.

The rest of the Young Justice listened to all of this, slightly confused. "No offense, but how can she hit harder than broody over there?" Wally asked, pointing over his shoulder at the

scowling half krpytonian.

"Gwen is a lot stronger than you'd expect. The little that she has shown in public, within Gotham, was her holding back drastically, and she is now at least 400% stronger than at that point" Batman said simply. Wally went silent at this, as he looked at Gwen in surprise. While Dick's eyes widened dramatically, knowing that Gwen used to be able to lift roughly 20 tons...meaning that she could now lift around 100 tons.

"Go ahead, Gwen" Dinah said with a soft smile, causing Gwen to sigh. "Alright, but don't be surprised when this thing get's destroyed" Gwen said, as she walked in front of the dummy.

Breathing in deeply, she began to clench her back, as bio-electricity began to arch off of her right fist. If one was to look under her suit, they'd get a good proper look at the genuine Demon Face on her back.

Pulling her fist back, she reopened her eyes, as she punched towards the dummy, as hard as she possible could. Without the demon face activated, she'd be punching with anywhere from 100-150 tons of force, but now? It was...several times that number, due to the demon face's ability to multiply all physical capabilities by multiple times.

As her punch landed on the dummy, as loud *KRAKOOM* boomed within Mount Justice, as electricity arched off her fist, and the dummy was launched into the wall, completely oblitered into nothing but small pieces of scrap, as a small gust came from her location, due to the force of the punch, and the bio-electricity.

Pulling her fist back, she looked at the damaged training area, and flinched slightly. Before turning to her gwaking teammates, and the wide eyed Dinah, with Batman....having a weirdly proud look on his face? Seeing the situation she was in, Gwen could only say one thing in this



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That's the end of the chapter! Next chapter will be roughly the same length, with her pulling

her SL. As well as her and M'gann interacting a good bit.

The chapter after that will be episode 3, and the beginning of her adventure with her new

team. The next chapter is basically just a transition chapter, with some character


M'gann is going to be a love interest, probably. If y'all want that at least. I sorta do, as I don't

really see her as a love interest usually, same with Artemis.

Gwen will stop getting so many quests and rewards, and will begin to focus more on growing

on her own, with the System having the occasional quest that'll give some pretty good rewards, but a lot harder than it is now.

Anyways, hope you enjoyed the chapter! Point out any mistakes! See you tomorrow!

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