SpiderGwen: I have a system?!

Chapter 15: Chapter 15

Chapter 15: Chapter 15

Huge thanks to Jean for buying my Patreon! It really means a lot to me! anyways, onto the story!

[3rd Pov] [Location - ??????]

A few more days had passed, and the whole Mr. Twister incident was already finished. Gwen ended up sitting the fight out, only due to Batman wanting the rest of the team to get the proper experience against a stronger foe, and to learn to work as a team. As he knew that Gwen would both work just fine with the rest of the team, and be overkill against an opponent like Mr. Twister.

During those few days, Gwen hadn't done much, besides take a few trips to Gotham, helping wipe out some more criminals here and there. With the gangs not really going away, which Gwen had realized was a problem.

Besides that, she had also begun to train with M'gann, primarily in team work, and helping the girl with her...underwhelming martial arts. The alien desperatel needed help in martial arts, and Gwen was more than willing to help her out.

Currently, Gwen was in her room, looking over her physique with a grin. 'Damn...no matter how much I look at it, I can't help but think I'm hot'

(Something like above, physique wise)

Shaking off her narcissism in regards to her own appearance, Gwen left the room after getting dressed, knowing that the team was getting a mission today.

"Sorry I'm late" Gwen called out, walking into the mission area, where the entire team, plus Red Tornado and Batman were waiting.

Sighing at his daughters tardiness, Batman began "Isla Santa Prisca. This island nation is the primary source of a dangerous and illegal neurosteroid, a strength enhancing drug sold under the street name venom" Batman said, before the screens blinked and changed, showing some sort of factory.

"Infared heat signatures indicate their factory is still operating at full capacity, but all shipments of venom have been inexplicably cut off. That's where this team comes in" Batman continued, as Wally munched on some chips.

"This is a covert recon mission only. Observe and report. If the Justice League needs to intervene, it will" Batman said, before the screen blinked, showing a map of the island. "The plan requires two drop zones"

"Who's in charge?" Dick asked, as it was a rather important question that needed to be answered. Hearing the question, Batman turned to him, before glancing at Red Tornado, who did the same, before Batman replied "Work that out between you.

"Well...this is going to be interesting" Gwen muttered, as the team continued to talk some more about the plan.

"We're approaching Santa Prisca" M'gann said, as she sat behind and controlled her bio ship. A sort of martian ship that can go invisible, and change it's shape. Sitting on her right, was Gwen.

"Dropzone A in 30" M'gann said, a little later. Hearing this, Aqualad got to his feet, and tapped on the symbol on his belt, causing his suit to go into it's stealth mode, turning it from it's regular orange-ish color, to black.

"Ready" Kaldur said, looking to M'gann. Hearing this, M'gann smiled before speaking "Putting bioship into camouflage mode" After saying this, a soft swishing noise was made, as the bioship went camouflage to the outside world.

Slowly lowering the ship closer to the water, M'gann opened a hole in the middle of the ship. Walking to the hole, Kaldur gave the team a nod, before diving out of it, into the ocean below.

The point of this, was so that Kaldur could patch the heat and motion sensors, so that no one would know that they were on the island. Speaking of "Heat and motion sensors are patched. Data is now on a continuous loop. Move in" Kaldur said through the comms.

Hearing this the team stood up, as they got to their drop zone. "Drop zone B" M'gann said, as the team got to their feat. With Wally doing the same as Kaldur, tapping the flash logo on his chest, causing it to turn the entire suit black, instead of its yellow. While also attaching a sort of clip onto their belts, which would allow them to lower themselves safely.

"How cool is this?" Wally asked M'gann with a smirk on his face. "Very impressive" M'gann said with a smile, before her entire suit changed as well. Going from it's usually white, red, and blue colors, to black and red. With no sort of skin shown besides the hands and face.

"Are you going to change too? You didn't take the stealth suit" Dick asked his older sister, who just smirked, before a black gloop flooded from her, before surrounding her. The symbiote then slowly changed and warped, before revealing her "stealth suit".

"That's hardcore!" Wally said as he looked at her new suit, it was pretty badass looking. "Thanks, it was a bit of a pain to come up with it" Gwen said, lying directly to their faces.

"It totally works on you" M'gann said with a slight blush, looking over the suit that made Gwen's abs a bit more noticeable than before. Gwen raised an eyebrow under her mask, but didn't say anything about it.

M'gann looked away realizing what she just said, blushing brightly in embarrassment. "L- let's get down there" M'gann said, as a hole opened in the middle of the ship again, which she promptly jumped from.

"She totally has a crush on you, you know" Dick said, whispering to his sister as Wally went next, still safely strapped into his harness thingy. "Oh I know, I'm just letting her come to that realization" Gwen said with a shrug, before looking to her brother, and saying "See you down there!" Before falling out of the hole backwards with a smile on her face.

Falling to the ground, Gwen landed with relative ease, landing in her signature pose...again. While noting the glance she felt at her butt, that definitely didn't come from Wally. 'Seems someone likes the view' Gwen thought inwardly, glancing at M'gann, who's eyes were straying to her admittedly bubbly ass.

Before Gwen could say anything, Dick landed to the ground next to her. Feeling her spider sense go off, Gwen webbed the three and pulled them back, as Superboy landed to the ground with a loud *BOOM* creating a small crater where he landed.

"Knew I didn't need a line" Superboy said with a small smirk on his face. "Yeah, but you also just made a loud ass sound, that anyone within a few miles would have heard" Gwen said with a scoff, with Dick nodding along with her.

"Aqualad, drop B is go" M'gann said through the comms. "Head for the factory. I'll track your GPS and randevous ASAP" "Roger that" Dick said, as he looked down at a small holographic map of the island, from his wrist.

After saying this, the team began to race through the forest, with Gwen hoping through the branches of the trees, silently.

The group had been traveling through the forest for a while now, having already gone through a few caves, and even under a waterfall. Eventually they got to a small opening,

where Gwen stopped.

"You hear that?" Gwen asked, glancing at Superboy who nodded. "Somethings nearby, a branch just broke" Gwen added, her super hearing helping her immensely in this situation.

"Is this a super hearing thing?" Wally asked, causing Gwen to nod. "Okay Rob, now wha-" Wally stopped when he realized that Dick was nowhere to be seen. ""I hate when he does that"" Gwen and Wally said at the same time, sighs escaping their lips. "Superboy, Kid. Switch to infrared, see if you're being tracked" Kaldur said through the comms. Hearing this, Wally pulled down his infrared goggles, that glowed a soft red, as he began to look around, with Superboy doing the same, but through his Kryptonian vision. "A squad of armed bozos incoming" Wally said, seeing the squad through his infrared goggles. "Two squads, not one" Gwen said, noting the other squad. While her vision wasn't as good as she would hope, she could still see farther and more than a normal person. "They're gonna meet each other before us" Gwen said before gun shots began to go off. "No superhearing required now" Wally said as he began to move forward, but not before shutting off his infrared goggles.

"Swing wide, stear clear!" Kaldur said, still remembering the entire goal of this mission. "Y- yeah, just as soon as I find Rob" Wally said, before hopping over the downed tree he was

hiding behind.

"Wait don't" Gwen said, trying to stop him, only for him to super speed off, causing her to

sigh. "God damnit"

"So much for stealth" Gwen groaned out, before looking to M'gann and Superboy, and


"Lets go help the idiot before he gets himself killed"

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That's the end of the chapter! Next chapter will cover the rest of episode 4, with some changes coming very soon, in the form of a new opponent on the island. Any guesses on who it could


Next chapter will have more of Gwen doing stuff, and not just being quiet, as this chapter was. I couldn't do much about that sadly, as there's certain stuff in the episode that would just naturally still happen, even with Gwen being there.

Next chapter and on, will have a lot more of Gwen changing things. With her even going on some of her own missions and adventures soon. Some of them being a bit special in origin. Anyways, have a good day! Hope you enjoyed the double upload!

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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