SpiderGwen: I have a system?!

Chapter 16: Chapter 16

Chapter 16: Chapter 16

Huge thanks to Chelsea, Soulsmsher, Asmodeus, and John for buying my Patreon! It really means a lot to me! anyways, onto the story!

[3rd Pov] [Location - Santa Prisca]

After dealing with the two different groups of goons, the team was standing, contemplating what to do next. Gwen had dealt with a majority of them herself, after realizing that there was a bit more goons than she had originally thought.

"Those uniforms, they're from the cult of the Kobra" Gwen said, looking over a group of goons, webbed to a tree.

"I am certain Batman would have mentioned it if he knew a dangerous extremist was running Santa Prisca's venom operation" Kaldur said, knowing that that was an important piece of information, that Batman would not have left out.

"Meaning he didn't know of them. And considering the way the two groups were fighting, chances are Koba came in and took over the place" Gwen said, with Dick adding on "Which is why the normal supply lines were cut off"

"We get it. Kobra wanted super cultists. Mystery solved. Radio bats, and we'll be home in time-" "These cultists aren't on venom. Kobra's hoarding the stuff. We don't leave. Not until I know why" Dick said, cutting off Wally before he could finish.

Gwen sighed, and stepped back to to M'gann's side. She already knew what was about to break out between the two, and didn't really want any part of it. M'gann glanced at her in slight confusion, before listening as the two boys began to argue.

"Until you know why?" Wally asked in slight disbelief. "This team needs a leader" Dick replied.

"And it's you? Dude, you're a 13-year-old kid who ducked out on us without a word" Wally replied with a scoff. "Ha Ha! And you're a mature 15? You blew our cover the first chance you got" Dick replied with a soft laugh.

"Don't you want to lead?" M'gann asked on the side, knowing now why Gwen backed up from the two. "Nah, leading isn't really my thing. What about you?" Gwen replied. Even if she had all the knowledge required to lead, and technically more experience than anyone in the group combined, she still didn't really want to. Not with what she was planning on doing in the future.

"After the Mr. Twister fiasco?" M'gann replied with her hands up in denial. "I wasn't there, but it sounded like you did alright" Gwen replied with a smile.

M'gann hearing this blushed slightly, and softly played with a strand of her hair, tucking it behind her ear. Gwen smirked at the reaction, before noticing Superboy listening in on a conversation.

"I'm assuming the macho libre over there is planning?" Gwen asked, glancing at Superboy, who nodded. She wasn't the biggest fan of the boy, but she noticed he was getting better, slowly at least.

A chuckle radiated through the area, as Dick and Wally continued to argue "Such clever Ninos. But you only know half the story. Let me show you the rest, get you into my factory via my secret entrance" The macho libre looking man said.

'So that's bane of this universe? He's...underwhelming' Gwen thought looking over the man. Thanks to the memories she has, she knew of the comic version of the man, and knew he was far more threatening and dangerous than this wannabe.

"There is a secret entrance but he's also hiding something" M'gann said, as she crouched in front of the man. Her eyes glowed softly as she tried to read farther into his mind, causing Bane to speak "Ah, ah, ah, chica. Bane is not that easy"

M'gann grunted softly before speaking "He's mentally reciting football scores en Espanol. This could take a while"

"It's not complicated. The enemy of my enemy is my friend" Bane replied with a grin. While Gwen glanced at the man, already having a plan on how to deal with him, as well as most of the others in the factory.

The team all glanced at eachother, with Kaldur giving a small nod.

"Well lead the way, macho libre"

After releasing the weak Bane, the group had trekked through the woods for a while. Before eventually getting to a clif, looking down upon a large factory, where more of Kobra's goons were taking boxes to a small helipad, and stacking them, as if preparing to hand them off to someone else.

"Look at all that product. A buy is going down. But if Kobra's not selling to the usual suspects, then-" "We need to identify that buyer" Kaldur says, cutting off Dick. "Just what I was thinking" Wally said with a nod.

"Yeah, you're the thinker" Dick said sarcastically. "Sarcasm? Dude. A real leader would focus on getting answers" Wally replied with a sigh.

Gwen at the meantime, was silently watching Bane lift a large boulder, and tossing it to the side with a grunt. "Answers are this way" Bane said, revealing a large hidden tunnel, sort of looking like a mineshaft.

"So now, El luchador is our leader" Wally said sarcasm lacing his tone. Dick just rolled his eyes and elbowed Wally, before following after Bane. Gwen let out a sigh, and followed after them, with M'gann at her side.

After walking for a while, the group finally came to a large metal door, which Bane lifted his thumb, and placed upon a small scanner, causing the door to blink green, and slide open. Walking through the door, they entered a small room, where a single door lay. Seeing this, Dick moved forward and peaked out of the door, as Bane opened it. Seeing nothing but factory equipment, he spoke "all clear"

Hearing this, the team quickly moved out of the door, eventually getting to inbetween large red tubes of some sort. "Has that little fool already been caught?" Bane asked, noticing that Dick had already disappeared.

"No, he just does that...a lot" Gwen replied with a small groan. "Stay put. I'll get our intel and be back before Boy Wonder" Wally said, putting on his goggles, before speeding off, but not

without Kaldur trying to stop him "Wait, Kid!"

"Great chain of command" Bane said sarcastically. The rest of the team just glanced at eachother, while Gwen was inwardly frowning. 'There's more guards here than in canon...a lot more' Gwen thought, realizing that something was different this time.

Moving, the team crouched behind some containers, as they peeked over them "It's a massive shipment"

"Yeah, but they're only taking new product off the line. They're not touching this venom" Superboy replied, while Gwen was taking count of the amount of goons. '82...definitely more than in canon' She thought with a frown, not liking the amount. She was confident that she could take care of them, she just wasn't sure what had changed, to cause so many more goons

to be here.

"It's probably different in some way then. Maybe upgraded or something similar" Gwen said, while keeping track of every goon she could, knowing it would be important.

"That does make sense" Kaldur nodded, before Superboy interjected "Helicopters coming" Causing the entire team to look that way, with Bane doing the same, a frown on his lips.

As the helicopter got closer, Kaldur glanced at M'gann, causing her to nod, knowing what he wanted. Going invisible, she flew off, getting closer to the helicopter as it landed.

Gwen thwipped to the the walkways above, with the team soon following her. After a few moments of waiting, Kaldur frowned "Sportsmasters the buyer? And who is that woman with


This caught Gwen's attention "What woman? Have Miss Martian send me a mental image as well" Gwen said, a serious glint in her eyes. Kaldur nodded, before Gwen felt a slight prick at

her mind, allowing it in.

Her eyes widened as she got a picture of the woman, as she breathed deeply. "This just got a lot more serious" Gwen said out loud, a frown on her face. "What? Who is she?" "Probably the deadliest assassin on the planet, and someone not even Batman can beat in martial arts...Lady Shiva"

"Comms are jammed too" Gwen added, before Kaldur tried to radio Red Tornado. "We need a

plan, then. And now"

"I have a suggestion" Bane said, causing Gwen to breathe in, knowing what he was about to do. After saying these words, Bane grinned before jumping off the walkway, landing on the ground, and hitting two of Kobra's goons, causing their guns to fire off.

"What is he- " Kaldur was cut off as a large beast jumped through the window, causing the walkway to cave under it's weight.

Thwipping to the ceiling, Gwen went silent as she began to crawl alongst it. She trusted Kaldur and Superboy to take care of the goons with them. She had more important targets she

needed to take care of.

Discreetly, she watched as Lady Shiva and Sportsmaster watched the fight, neither interfering. Before noting Bane was trying to sneak off, letting the team fight on their own. Seeing this, she quickly crawled above the man, and before he could escape, she slowly lowerered herself behind him on a web, and *krack* snapped the mans neck. 'Sorry big guy, but there's no chance I'm letting a Bane like in the comics, show up in this world' She thought, as she lifted the guy with ease, and tossed him into a open vat of some sort of acid, burning his body away, as she went back to the ceiling.

Seeing the team begin to run off, with Mammoth chasing them, Gwen inwardly smiled, happy that she could now deal with the...goons.

As she heard a soft boom, indicating the tunnel had collapsed, she went silent, and invisible,

as she waited. She wanted them all to be close together, so she could take care of all of them at

the same time.

While waiting for the perfect moment, she silently webbed up, and captured as many goons as possible. With her able to take out over 30 of them with relative ease.

While she was sneaking around, she had also found quite the items. 'What sorta idiots leaves perfectly usable c4 just lying around?' Gwen thought with a grin, as she webbed them to her, and began to discreetly lay them around the factory, trigger in hand.

Eventually, they had gotten to the exact spot she wanted them, as they began to get ready to leave. Seeing this, she webbed to the helicopter, as her invisibility ended. Grinning under her

mask, she spoke.

"Man, you guys aren't good at this are you? I mean, leaving around perfectly usable c4 and

all" Gwen said with a grin, as she lifted the trigger, and pressed down on it. The second she did, a loud *BOOOM* shook the area, as the factory behind them, exploded specaculary, with all the goons inside it, also being blown to smithereens.

The explosion also knocked several goons to the ground, including Kobra himself. "Well, that was bigger than I was expecting" Gwen said flinching slightly, before webbing to Kobra. Before the man could utter a word, she electruted him into unconsciousness.

"Exalted one!" A goon said, as he began to open fire upon her, only for every bullet to be dodged, and his face to feel the might of her foot.

Dodging more bullets, Gwen rapidly webbed around the field, taking care of as many goons as

she could, primarily aiming for their heads, knocking them out in a single blow. Every bullet that did manage to land, was harmless, due to her symbiote. "Well...they were a bit boring" Gwen muttered, punching the last goon in the face. Leaving only Sportsmaster, Mammoth (the big monster thing), Shimmer (his twin sister), and Lady Shiva herself.

Looking at the group, Gwen hummed, and decided to take out the weakest links first. Dodging

a blow from the large mammoth, she swung around the creature, wrapping her webs around his throat, and pulling as hard as possible, causing the creature to choke loudly. "NO!" Shimmer yelled, dashing at her, only to get knocked unconscious from one of her symbiote tentacles. 'Damn she's weak' Gwen thought with a sweatdrop.

Pulling harder on the webs, she sighed as he eventually fell to the ground, unconscious. "Well that was impressive" Sportsmaster said, as he began to walk to the helicopter. "But, we've got more important things to do, missy" He said, as he climbed into the helicopter, Lady

Shiva next to him.

"Man, and here I was hoping to fight the Lady Shiva, of the League of Shadows" Gwen said out loud with a pout. Sportsmasters eyes widened ever so slightly, before scoffing, and walking farther into the helicopter. While Lady Shiva looked at her in slight interest, before

also walking into the helicopter.

Watching it take off, Gwen deadpanned at them "Wow, they're kinda dumb aren't they?"

Gwen said, before lifting another trigger, and pressing on it, causing the helicopter to explode. Watching it crash to the ground, Gwen sighed 'They definitley survived that...eh, I should be able to get sportsmaster again in the future' Gwen thought with a shrug, before looking at the mess she made, with a sweatdrop.

"Now...I just need to figure out how to explain this"

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That's the end of the chapter! Sorry for the late upload, my power ended up going out so...that

was fun.

Unique Gamer will be double uploaded today, as I missed the last upload, because the

subscription I use to watch it, ran out, and I had to wait to renew it. The update should come later tonight, as I have to go out of state for this convention thing.

Sorry about it being rushed, but as I said, I have school, so I had to rush at certain parts. Was anyone expecting Lady Shiva? She will be showing up more in the future, that's certain. Just as some other villains not shown in the show, will be appearing sooner or later. Some of them

even being quite the threat for Gwen.

Also, for some reason, when I paste from

My google docs, these weird symbols sometimes appear in the chapters. So if you see them,

just point them out for me, and I'll edit it and get it fixed.

Anyways, have a good day

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