SpiderGwen: I have a system?!

Chapter 2: Chapter 2

Chapter 2: Chapter 2

[3rd Pov] [Location - Arkham Asylum]

Within a small cell, our protagonist lay, sweat was caking her form, as her body was assimilating the new power gained from the character. Her body began to slowly change, slightly at least. Certain aspects of her body were improved, namely her physical capabilities, and even her appearance.

Her fingertips were warped and changed, as a new ability developed on them. Finally, while unconscious, knowledge flooded into her brain. Helpful knowledge from Cindy Moon, which wasn't much that was helpful, but there was still a decent bit that could be of use.

Slowly her unconscious formed stopped sweating, and the girl began to slowly open her eyes with a soft groan. Sitting up slowly, the girl groaned slightly 'That felt a lot worse than I was expecting' she thought, as she looked over her body, noticing only small changes.

The most notable difference she found, was that she now had eidetic memory, and she was fairly certain her webs were now improved, having barbs at the tips, and even having two other types of webs she can shoot from her wrists/fingers. This being the insulated webs, that are insulated from electrical attacks, and the porous webs that are a sort of air-cushioned web, that if her new memories are correct, could safely catch even something as big as a crashing helicopter.

'Hmm, these webs are pretty neat. I would have preferred a character with more martial arts experience, but this is good too. My new silk sense is really good too, I basically just have spider-sense but on a bit of crack. Hopefully, the next character has a bit more experience in martial arts' The girl thought, before stretching, hearing the soft pops as she did so.

'Alright, I guess it's time to look at my status'


| Status |

Name - Gwendolyn "Gwen" Stacy

Species - Enhanced Human

Gender Female

Age - 17

SL Characters Ghost Spider, Silk

Completed Quests - 1

Ongoing Quests - 0

Current Universe - Young Justice (Slight AU)


Multiverse Travel - Unavailable [1/10 Quests]


'So I'm the same age as when I died, huh...' The girl now known as Gwen, hummed, before noticing the slight AU. 'Slight AU?'

[Alternate Universe Changes - Artemis Crock is 17 instead of 15]


'...That's it? Did the system know that Artemis is my favorite female character in Young Justice? Or is this just a coincidence?' Gwen thought as her eyebrow twitched at the rather underwhelming difference. She was expecting something bigger than a slight age increase of 2 years, but she supposed it was better than having everything change.

'So I need 9 more quests that I need to complete in order to travel to a new universe? I should have that done sooner or later' Gwen thought, not minding the amount. She was certain she could have that many done within the first season of Young Justice. But, it all depends on how often quests come around.

Stopping her thought process, she turned and looked at the time, noticing that around an hour and a half had passed. She was snapped out of her staring when a voice caught her attention.

"What is a little thing like you doing here?" A rather seductive voice spoke, looking, she found a green-skinned, red-haired woman. 'Poison Ivy...she's pretty hot' Gwen thought, before answering "I got framed" she said with a shrug, causing Ivy to scoff.

"Everyone says that" Before she returned back to taking care of her little garden she had within her cell. Hearing Ivy, Gwen just shrugged, not really caring what she thought, she was in here for a reason after all.

Gwen continued to sit in silence after that, waiting for her dinner to be brought to her, so she could ask about a book, or something else. After another hour she heard the sound of steps and looked up to find Stefan walking towards her cell, a tray in hand, as well as two books.

"Here kid, I also found a couple of books you might like" Stefan said, causing Gwen to thank him, before asking "Can I get like a punching bag or something? I'm losing my mind here, I need something physical to do"

Stefan raised an eyebrow at the request, before humming "I'll see what I can do, but don't get your hopes up" Stefan said, before giving her a wave, and walking to give the other inmates their meals.

Sitting down, Gwen looked at the meal 'Huh...not as bad as I was expecting' She thought, as she noticed that the trey had some carrots, broccoli, what looked like a burrito, and water. Biting into the burrito, she shrugged at the taste. 'Basically just a school lunch burrito, but a little better' she thought, as she ate the burrito while grabbing the book she was given.

It was a book based on the founding of the Justice League. The other book was a book on the founding of Arkham Asylum. Raising an eyebrow at the choices, she shrugged as she opened the one of the founding of the league, and began to read.

She read the book late into the night, before eventually she went to sleep.

[Next Morning]

Waking up with a soft yawn, Gwen got up and stretched. Before noticing the entering guards. "Alright, you all know the deal! One by one you'll go and bathe! You've got 10 minutes to clean yourselves! Should you attempt to escape, then the collars around your necks will shock you! Now, we'll start with the new girl!" Stefan said as he opened her cell door, before leading her to the showers.

"Don't worry about anyone entering kid, you got 10 minutes to freshen up" Stefan said, causing Gwen to nod, before entering the showers. She stopped as she finally got a good look at herself, in a mirror. 'Damn...I'm hot' She thought as she looked over her body in the mirror. Nodding in appreciation of the new changes.

After looking over her new form, she stripped and noticed her toned abs, before going and taking a shower. After the shower, she changed into the new set of prison clothing provided to her, before walking out with a sigh. Stefan, who was standing nearby, looked down at his watch, before nodding "Perfect timing. And about your request yesterday, you'll find it in your cell" He finished with a smile, causing Gwen to give a happy grin "Thanks Stefan" "No problem, kid" Stefan replied, before leading her back into her cell. Where a standing punching bag was waiting for her.

Watching as Stefan walked off with the next inmate, who looked to be the Riddler, Gwen turned back to the punching bag. Pulling her fist back, she swung a punch at the bag, while holding back as much strength as possible. The second her punch landed, she threw another


She continued to throw punches and kicks at the bag, slowly getting used to this new body of hers, while trying her best to apply the little amount of martial arts she knew. She continued this for nearly an hour, using her new stamina, and acrobatic capabilities to her advantage. She realized that her body was a lot more flexible than she thought when she began to jump and throw axe kicks like she had seen Gwen/her counterpart, do.

She had also messed around with her wallcrawling a bit, namely when the other inmates weren't looking. Which also made her come to the realization that she landed the exact same

way her counterpart did.

After an hour of messing around with her new body - physically at least - she sat back down

on her bed with a sigh. A slight trickle of sweat went down her forehead. 'About what I expected, the martial arts is definitely the biggest problem. I can almost feel how inexperienced I am. So the chances of me defeating Batman in pure martial arts is literally zero.' Gwen thought with a sigh.

Her martial arts was... disappointing to say the least. In terms of senses/instincts alone, she'd be fine against most foes, but in terms of martial arts? Yeah...she was pretty shit. But, thankfully, the system will be able to help her in that regard. Not to mention her own training, as the knowledge is good and all, but due to her having a different body than the characters she gets the knowledge of, she has to adapt that martial art knowledge, to herself,

which can take time.

For now though, she decided to finish the rest of the Justice League Founding book. She had read most of it the previous night, mainly thanks to her eidetic memory, and already impressive intelligence. Sitting back down, with her back against the wall, she read through

the book.

'About the same as what was explained in the show, but with more detail. Basically, they all came together during the Appellaxian invasion in 2003. The league didn't reveal itself until 2004, which is also when it got slightly bigger, and when their first base, Mount Justice, was found by the Joker, causing them to change bases' Gwen thought.

'The book was actually not bad, besides the obvious bias towards the league. They didn't even

point out the sheer amount of civilian deaths, and damage caused by the league' Gwen sighed. She wasn't the biggest fan of the Justice League, or DC in general, she was more a Marvel and Avengers or X-men kind of gall.

'If I do join Young Justice, as I am already expecting, then I'm definitely going to be butting heads with the league over the no-kill rule. Cause there is no way in hell, someone like the Joker should even be alive right now. Better yet, how has he not gotten the death sentence yet?' Gwen inwardly thought, as she realized that the man had literally killed hundreds if not thousands of people, and yet he still hadn't gotten the death sentence.

'Probably Gotham corruption or the Caped Crusader himself is stopping any sort of execution' she thought, realizing that Batman was entirely against the idea of killing the psycho. 'Well...I guess that'll be a problem when/if I get there' Gwen thought with a shrug, deciding to drop

the subject for now.

'For now, though, I just need to survive until I get out of this shithole'

Grabbing the other book, she slowly opened it, and began her second reading session. Gain access to an

additional chapter early, as well as other bonuses (like exclusive stories) on my patreon for

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That's the end of the chapter. The next chapter will either be the same length or shorter.

Finding a picture for Gwen was a pain in the ass, so I just used two that you can imagine her as

a combination of.

I am absolutely awful at action scenes, so bear with me as I have them show up. This fic is going to have a lot of them, so it'll be like practice for me too.

Anyways, hope you enjoyed the chapter! Point out any mistakes! See you tomorrow!

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