SpiderGwen: I have a system?!

Chapter 3: Chapter 3

Chapter 3: Chapter 3

[3rd Pov] [Location - Arkham Asylum]

It was the fourth day of Gwen's stay in Arkham Asylum, and she had finished three more books. One of them being the book on the founding of Arkham Asylum, while another one was a book on Superman, and his history, while the last one was a book on Batman and his history.

Besides reading the books, which didn't give her much, besides some history on Batman and Superman, she had also continued to train with her new body every single day. She committed roughly 5-6 hours a day to training. She had mostly adapted to her new body, and her different abilities, but she couldn't train them to a real extent.

Her wall-crawling and webs needed a more open space to be trained. While her senses needed other people/smaller objects, in order to train. Thus, she realized that joining Young Justice would have a lot more positives for her than negatives. The state-of-the-art training could prove incredibly helpful, in developing her martial arts, and her senses.

Currently, however, Gwen was lying in her bed, ready to go to sleep, as it was the end of the fourth day she had been here. But she was stopped as a loud alarm blared. Sitting up, she looked and watched with a frown as a group of men broke into the area.

[Quest Received]

Survive - Survive the coming fight until help arrives.

Reward 1 SL Ticket

Eventually, another man with a wide grin walked in, with green hair, chalk-white skin, and ruby-red lips. 'Fuck...that's definitely the Joker. Hopefully, this reward is good' Gwen thought inwardly groaning, before watching as the man began to speak.

"Hello! Hello! It's party time!" The Joker said as the cell doors began to open. Slowly the different prisoners walked out of their cells. Poison Ivy, The Riddler, and Mister Freeze. "Why let us out?" Ivy asked looking at the clown.

"Well for a party of course!" He said with a wide grin, before walking off. Gwen hearing and seeing this, sighed inwardly. She watched as the group walked off, with the Joker's little goons staying, while staring at her with lecherous grins on their faces.

"The boss said we can have as much fun with you as we want! You aren't supposed to be here, after all ~" The man grinned as the group of five men slowly stalked forward. Hearing this, Gwen scowled, before glancing around, noticing that they were the only ones in the room.

Before any of the goons could react, Gwen webbed three of them in the face in rapid succession. Seeing this, the other two lifted their guns to fire upon her, only to have the guns yanked from their hands.

Launching forward, Gwen punched one of the two non-webbed men directly in the face, launching him backward into the wall, and knocking him unconscious.

Feeling her spider-sense flare up, Gwen rotated her body to the right, dodging a strike from the other man, before grabbing his arm with both hands and throwing him against the wall next to his pall, before webbing him and his friends against the wall.

Seeing the last three finally getting the webbing off of their faces, Gwen dashed and placed a kick into the chest of the leader of the group's chest, causing a *Crack* sound to emanate from it, and launching him back. Webbing him quickly, she blocked the next punch coming towards her, before swiping the assailant's feet from under him, and punching him in the face harshly, knocking him unconscious as well.

As her senses flared again, Gwen webbed to the ceiling as the man began to unload bullets into where she was previously standing. Looking up the man aimed and began to fire while yelling "You fucking bitch!" Gwen launched to the opposite wall, before webbing the man in the chest and pulling him towards her, before kicking him harshly in the chest, launching him back towards the wall with his other friends.

Webbing the final man to the wall, Gwen sighed as she looked at the aftermath of her first fight. Gwen grabbed the fourth man she knocked unconscious, and webbed him together with his friends. Before she grabbed all the guns, took the clips out of them, and webbed them against the wall, before walking back to her cell.

'Stefan and Carlisle are off duty, so they should be okay. And considering the lack of noise, the Bat has already shown up and taken care of it' Gwen thought, as she sat down. 'Now that I've used my senses properly, I understand a lot more about just how overpowered it actually is. Not to mention the fact that my senses activated before they even threw the attack at me, probably due to my Silk Sense side of things'

Gwen stopped her thought process as the door into their cell block was opened, and cops and guards began to pour into the room. "Took you long enough" Gwen said, sitting on her bed, as the cops blinked in surprise at the sight of the joker goons webbed against the wall, with the guns webbed as well.

[Quest Complete]

"Did you do this?" A man with short brown hair, and a mustache asked. Looking at him, Gwen raised an eyebrow 'Commissioner Gordon...'

"Yep. They tried to assault me, so I defended myself. You can look at the feed as well" Gwen said ignoring the notification, while pointing at the camera. She wasn't afraid of showing off her ability, as she knew it wouldn't make much of a difference against someone like Superman, or even Batman. She also didn't show enough for them to get much out of it. "What's your name kid?" Gordon asked, as he knew the names of every person within this cell block, due to them all being the most dangerous criminals in Gotham.

"Gwendolyn Stacy, but I prefer to be called Gwen" Gwen answered, causing Gordon to frown "Gwen..." He whispered, trying to remember her name, but found that he couldn't.

"Who let them out?" Gordon asked, causing Gwen to respond "Some green-haired dude" "...Joker" Gordon growled out with a frown, as he turned to his men "Go and find them! Now!" Hearing this they ran off.

Walking closer he looked at her with a softer expression on his face, he could tell that this kid was not supposed to be here. Call it his instincts "How did you get here?"

"I have absolutely no clue. The Warden says that I am a metahuman who was trying to break in, but I'm pretty sure I wasn't trying to break in. I don't even remember how I got here. All I know is my name, and some other basic stuff"

"Like how to fight off five of Joker's men at the same time, with little to no difficulty" A deeper voice interjected, causing her to stop and turn. Her eyes widened ever so slightly as standing there, was a tall, dark, imposing figure with a dark grey costume, with a bat symbol over his chest, as well a black cowl with bat-like ears. 'Batman...' She thought in slight


Seeing him in person was an entirely different experience compared to the comics. It also didn't help that while she disliked his no-killing rule, he was one of, if not, her favorite DC


"Uh...yeah a little. But my knowledge in martial arts is not much...which I'm sure you can tell" Batman stared for a few moments before nodding.

"You're an amateur, but your instincts are not" Batman said, causing her to sigh. "I've already looked into your background after a request from a prison guard was sent to me. You do not exist on any file, there are no records of your existence, meaning one of two things. One, an alien, or two, someone did not wish for you to be found under any circumstances" "And what do you believe it to be?" Gwen asked, as the Batman inspected the downed forms of the goons.

"The second. There is no evidence of you being an alien" Gwen sighed at this, while noting that the Bat wasn't actually all that bad, at least not in this universe.

"So...what now?" Gwen asked awkwardly.

The two men glanced at one another, before Gordon spoke "First, we take care of the rest of the inmates. Then, we can get you out of here, and get you a proper background. After that? You'll be put into the system, or adopted"

"Uh, I can help with the inmates if you want. I'm not exactly the best in martial arts, but my instincts make up for that" Gwen replied, causing Batman to look at her for a moment "Fine, however, you will listen to my directions and not make trouble, understand?"

Gwen nodded excitedly at this, as another notification appeared in front of her.

[Quest Received]

Help the Bat - Help Batman capture the Inmates! [0/100]

Reward 1 SL Ticket

'100?! Damn...well time to get started I guess' She thought, as she watched the Bat walk off,

and decided on following him. Gordon sighed, and was ready to interject and stop them, but knew that the Bat wasn't going to get persuaded, and was most likely doing this for a good


[1 hour later]

"How many of these damn dudes are there!?" Gwen huffed out, as she punched another

inmate into unconsciousness. Fighting for an hour on end was getting to her. Batman, hearing this, dodged a strike from an inmate before swiping their feet from under them, and then

punching them in the face.

"That was the last one" Batman said, as a notification appeared in Gwen's eyes.

[Quest Complete]

[Quest Received]

Defeat Ivy! - Fight, and defeat Poison Ivy!

Reward - 1 SL Ticket

'Oh shit!' Gwen thought, as her senses flared and she webbed to the wall on her side. The two

were currently out in the courtyard in the front of the prison. Batman, noticing this, grappled

up to the roof as he noticed Ivy.

"You will not take me away from my babies again!" Ivy yelled out, causing Gwen to blink 'Babies?...oh yeah, plants' Gwen deadpanned slightly, as she dodged another plant. "What do you wanna do, Bats?" Gwen asked. "I will distract her, all you need to do is get close and put this on her" Batman replied handing her power-dampening cuffs, causing Gwen to deadpan at the plan, it didn't have much to it, but she should have expected that from him.

As Batman revealed himself to the enraged Ivy, Gwen slowly hopped off her hiding spot and began to slowly stalk towards Ivy, who was not at all paying attention to her surroundings, focusing entirely on trying to empale Batman with one of her plants.

Slowly getting closer, Gwen saw Batman glance at her, causing her to jump from her spot, and web pull Ivy towards her. "NOO!" Before Ivy could properly attack her, Gwen had her arms webbed together, before snapping the power-dampening cuffs on her wrists.

[Quest Complete]

[Now that the user has completed the starter quests, future quests will come at a much slower

pace, and will be much more difficult]

'...Fucking system' Gwen groaned inwardly, as she webbed Ivy's mouth shut as she began to scream at her. Landing next to her, Batman walked to her and nodded "You did good" Gwen blinked in surprise "Did you just...compliment me?" Gwen asked with overexaggerated shock, causing Batman to sigh and begin to walk off. Gwen grinned as she began to follow after the Bat, ignoring the screaming Ivy as she was hauled into a vehicle made to transport


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That's the end of the chapter.

This chapter was a bit harder to write, as Batman is...not easy to write...like at all. So, tell me if

I did well on him or not, as I'm not really sure how good I did with him. Quests will slow down a bit now, as the first few were basically starter quests made to be a

little easy. Even without her being there, Batman would have taken care of Ivy with a decent amount of ease. Also, this doesn't give her too much power, as they are all street-level characters. So it takes quite a bit of them to actually get real power out of it. It's also based on a random wheel too, so it's even more random on how strong she will be after these next 3 tickets she has. So, she could literally get two or three more Spiderman characters, or she could get someone like Batman, it's all based on my luck in the rolls. Anyways, hope you enjoyed the chapter! Point out any mistakes! See you tomorrow!

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