SpiderGwen: I have a system?!

Chapter 20: Chapter 20

Chapter 20: Chapter 20

[3rd Pov] [Location - Mount Justice]

A couple of days had passed since defeat of Amazo and the capture of Ivo, and not a ton had happened. For one, Gwen had continued to read and learn new things, primarily science related, currently being on engineering, and electrical engineering.

Gwen during these past two days, had also continued to train her spider sense. The addition of two new spiders into her arsenal, had improve her spider sense even more, increasing it's range, making it react faster, sooner, and more accurately. It still wasn't anywhere near assassin spidermans, but Gwen was hopeful that it would grow to that level soon.

Currently, Gwen was standing besides M'gann, the two being called by Batman for some


Walking to the mission area, Gwen was greeted by a cheerful M'gann "Gwen! How was your morning?" she asked.

"It was good, I was reading on electrical engineering. What about you?" Gwen asked in return.

"Uh well...nothing much" M'gann replied, blushing brightly as she remembered what she was doing earlier. Gwen raised an eyebrow at this, knowing that the girl was very obviously lying.

"Uh huh...any idea why we're here?" Gwen asked, deciding to move away from that conversation.

"Nope! I have no clue!" She replied with a smile, before the holographic screen flickered into vision, Batman being the one on the other end.

"We have received word that the final shipments of Venom that made it off of Santa Prisca, have made it into the wider world, more specifically, Los Angeles. Your mission is simple. Find the ones dealing the venom, and stop their operations, while capturing the leaders" Batman informed them.

"From our reports, there is only one group dealing, but it is a large and seemingly powerful one. If completed successfully, then the two of you will be given tomorrow off, and M'gann will be allowed to enter any one city of your choosing, as long as you make yourself blend in" Batman continued, causing M'gann to grin excitedly.

"Really!? Oh Gwen, where should we go? There's just so many beautiful places! Italy, France, Hawaii" M'gann said, excitement on her face at the idea. As so far, she hadn't been allowed to properly leave the mountain, even if she can shapeshift herself to look human.

"How about Japan? They've got a lot of good food there, and it's quite a bit different than anywhere in America" Gwen replied.

"Japan sounds...perfect! Are you going to come with me?" M'gann asked, a slight blush beginning to form onto her cheeks, realizing that this would sort of be a date.

"Not to interrupt the two of you, but it would be best you begin now, unless you don't want that time out" Batman cut them off, finishing with a slight raise of the eyebrow.

"Ah alright pops, we'll start right away" Gwen replied with a small huff of annoyance.

"Good, Batman out" Bruce said, a small smile gracing his face as he signed off.

"As I was about to say...its a date" Gwen said with a grin, causing M'gann to sputter. "A-a date?"

"Mmhmm, you know, when two people go out together and have fun, an-" "I know what a date is! But...are you sure you want to go with me? I'm an alien, and well...a girl"

Snorting at the reply, Gwen spoke "M'gann, I'm lesbian. And you being an alien does not at all matter to me. Afterall, you are far too adorable for me not to want to go on a date with you" Gwen said with a grin, enjoying the sight of the blushing Martian.

"...Okay, it's a d-date" M'gann said, a slight stutter at the end, as her heart beated out of her chest at the fact that she will be going on a genuine date with her crush.

"Perfect!" Gwen said with a grin, before continuing "Now, let's go beat up some gang members so we can have that date!"

Gwen finished, before walking towards the zeta tube, ready to go to California.

[The next day]

An entire day had passed, and the "gangs" were defeated. Honestly, it was a insult to gangs to call them such. They were basically just a bunch of idiots with drugs, who had no idea what they were selling, or what they were dealing. Safe to say, they didn't last more than a few seconds, before being knocked out cold.

Currently, Gwen was waiting for M'gann. She dressed in casual clothing, as she wasn't the fancy type. Which she also made sure to tell M'gann of.

Gwen blinked as she saw the approaching M'gann. 'Damn...' Gwen thought as she gazed at M'gann's outfit that showed off more than what M'gann probably wanted to show. Including her long legs and plump thighs.

"U-how do I look?" M'gann asked with a soft blush, noticing the look that Gwen was giving her.

"Hot, beautiful, adorable, I could go on" Gwen said with a teasing grin, causing M'gann's blush to deepen.

"T-thank you" M'gann stuttered out, as Gwen walked over and offered her her hand.

"Cmon, we don't wanna waste more time, do we? I wanna show you just how beautiful this world is" Gwen said, as M'gann smiled and took her hand, while her skin slowly changed into a human color.

Smiling at this, Gwen led her to the zeta tube, where the two disappeared as they walked through.

After walking through the zeta tube, the two had reappeared within an alley in Japan, through a small nondescript photo booth.

Walking out of the alley, hand in hand, M'gann let out a soft gasp at the surroundings. Bustling streets, cars passing by, it all combined to make a weirdly beautiful atmosphere. "Welcome to Tokyo, M'gann" Gwen said with a soft smile, as an excited grin formed onto M'gann's face.

"It's so beautiful!" M'gann said looking around. Gwen inwardly chuckled, as the atmosphere was, but the area itself wasn't close to the most beautiful area in Japan. Sadly, she couldn't bring her anywhere like that, as the zeta tube was only in Tokyo.

"Wanna get something to eat, and then get some souvenirs?" Gwen asked, causing the girl to

nod instantly.

Seeing this, Gwen's smile deepened, as the two began to walk the streets of Tokyo, before eventually finding a nice restaurant to sit at. It had all sorts of foods, including sushi, tokoyaki, ramen, onigiri, udon, yakitori, gyoza, oyakodon, and all sorts of other foods, deserts, and drinks.

Gwen ended up getting a simple oyakodon dish, with M'gann getting Tokoyaki.



Sitting and eating their meals, they softly conversed. "So, how are you liking earth?" Gwen asked, knowing that M'gann hadn't actually been on Earth for all that long.

"It's amazing, the atmosphere, the people, the food! It's all so...perfect" M'gann replied with a smile, very much enjoying her time on Earth, more so than Mars at least.

"My turn! What's it like being the daughter of you know who?" M'gann asked.

"It's nice. Unlike what you'd expect, he's a good dad, protective at that. He's been taking care

of me only for a couple of months, but he is already the perfect dad a girl could ask for" Gwen replied with a smile, inwardly deciding that she needed to do something with her dad and

brother, a family trip or something.

"And what about you? What's your family back on Mars like?" Gwen asked.

"Well...besides uncle J'onn, I don't really have any other family members, not real ones at

least" M'gann said softly.

"Sorry, I didn't realize" Gwen replied, a apologetic look on her face.

"Oh its okay! I don't mind you knowing. Um, have you been to Japan before?" M'gann asked, deciding to change the subject, which Gwen expertly agreed with.

"Nope. I did my research though. Like how I found out that this is one of the best restaurants in the entirety of Japan, and what dishes are the best here" Gwen replied with a smile. Technically she has been there due to her memories, but that wasn't the same as physically

being there.

The two continued to chat with eachother for nearly an hour, before they left the restaurant, happy and full of yummy food.

Gwen ended up bringing M'gann all over Tokyo, buying her tons of souvenirs, figurines, and

even manga.

Eventually, the two had finished their time in Tokyo, and therefore Japan, and returned to the


"We are definitely doing that again sometime" Gwen said with a smile, having enjoyed the date thoroughly. M'gann smiled at this, nodding, before she looked down for a few moments. Looking back up, M'gann moved forward and softly pecked Gwen on the lips, before running


Gwen sofly touched her lips, a faint pink on her cheeks at the peck. 'Didn't know she had it in her' Gwen thought in shock, as it came out of nowhere.

A smile formed onto Gwen's face, as she thought. 'getting more than a kiss from her next time' Gwen thought with a small grin, before she began to walk to her room, an extra pep in her step.

While a certain alien was in her room, blushing brightly, while inwardly yelling at herself for kissing her crush so abruptly.

Plopping onto her bed, Gwen had one last thought, before Morpheus's embrace took her.

'...Definitely dressing up next time'

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That's the end of the chapter!

And yes, M'gann will be getting with Gwen soon. Considering how fast she had gotten with

Superboy, this isn't that much of a surprise. And as said before, M'gann's true appearance is NOT what was shown in the show, and is something different and not so…whatever the

canon one was.

Sorry about the tail end being rushed, but frankly, I am tired AF right now lol

Next chapter will cover the beginning of the next episode, and the appearance of a certain

archer, and waifu #2.

Anyways, see you tomorrow! Have a good day!

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