SpiderGwen: I have a system?!

Chapter 21: Chapter 21

Chapter 21: Chapter 21

Huge thanks to Luck, Jaliyah, Kilzzone07, and Tennyo for buying my Patreon! It really means a lot to me! anyways, onto the story!

[3rd Pov] [Location - Mount Justice]

A few days had passed since the date, and not a lot had happened. Besides M'gann avoiding all conversation involving the kiss, and blushing whenever near Gwen, the only other thing that had happened, was Gwen continuing her training.

She had primarily focused on her spider sense, and the offense spider sense she had developed thanks to having the powers of Ben Reilly. It was basically the same spider sense, except it was used to counterattack such dangers before even being attacked, instead of defending against the attack or dodging it. It was useful, to say the least.

The team had also had a fun time at the beach during this time, with Wally missing out due to his school starting up.

Currently, Gwen was walking to the mission area, as the team was receiving a new member. The rest of the team was already there, and had probably met the new member already. Gwen was only late, because of her training taking precedent in her mind.

Walking to the mission area, she struggled not to smirk at the sight of a certain blonde haired beauty with a bow. 'So she's finally here, huh' Gwen thought with an inward smile.

"Ah, and this is the other girl member of the team, Gwen" Kaldur said, motioning to the approaching girl.

"I had a feeling it was you that stopped Ivo from escaping" Gwen said with a small smile, while Artemis looked slightly confused, before realization set in.

"You're Ghost Spider!" Artemis exclaimed, a slight hint of pink on her cheeks, remembering their previous encounter.

"Mmhmm, and you're Artemis, right?" Gwen asked, walking forward and offering her her hand.

Shaking it, Artemis nodded. "Now we just need to wait for the final member of the team" Bruce said, before the Zeta Tube's computer voice spoke out.

"Kid Flash, B-0-3" The computer voice said, before Wally zeta tube'd in. He had all sorts of beach gear with him, sunscreen on, a cooler, a volleyball, and other beach supplies.

"The wallman is here! Now lets get the party star-" Wally was cut off as he tripped while running forward in excitement. The volleyball flying out of his hands, and bouncing past Bruce, who had a unamused look on his face. While Gwen was trying not to laugh at the look on Wally's face.

"...ted" Wally finished with a defeated voice.

"Wallman, huh? I love the uniform. What exactly are your powers?" Artemis said, sarcasm lacing her tone, and amusement clear on her face.

"Uh, who's this?" Wally asked as he got to his feet.

"Artemis, your new teammate" Artemis said with a small smirk.

"Kid Flash, never heard of you" Wally said unimpressed.

"Uh, she's my new protege" Green Arrow, who was also present, said.

"What happened to your old one?" Wally exclaimed, knowing that his old protege was

Speedy, aka Roy Harper, or he would be, if he wasn't just a clone of the original. Which Gwen realized she'd have to take care of sooner or later.

No one was able to respond, as the computer voice of the Zeta Tube sounded out "Recognized, Speedy, B-0-6"

"Well, for starters, he doesn't go by Speedy anymore. Call me Red Arrow" Roy/Clone Roy said, as he walked out of the Zeta.

"Roy, you look-" Green Arrow was cut off by Roy "Replaceable" He said as he walked forward, glancing at Artemis with a small scowl.

"It's not like that. You told me you were going solo" Green Arrow responded, while Gwen was sitting back and letting the drama unfold, wishing she had some popcorn.

"So why waste time finding a sub? Can she even use that bow?" Roy asked with doubt.

"Yes, she can" Artemis said.

"Who are you?" Wally asked again, as Artemis was confusing the hell out of him, as she sort of came out of nowhere.

"I'm his niece" "She's my niece" Artemis and Green Arrow said at the same time.

"Another niece?" Robin said with a raised eyebrow.

"But she is not your replacement. We have always wanted you on the team and we have no quota on archers" Kaldur said, approaching Roy.

While Gwen muttered "Personally I'd prefer he isn't on the team, he's a prick" Only to get shouldered by M'gann who heard her.

"And if we did, you know who we'd pick" Wally added, showing his desire for Roy to be on the team.

"Whatever, Baywatch. I'm here to stay" Artemis said, placing a singular hand on her hip. Roy turned to her, before turning back to Kaldur, who began to speak again.

"You came to us for a reason"

"Yeah, a reason named Dr. Sterling Roquette" Roy said, looking to Robin, knowing that he would know who she was.

"Nano-robotics genius and claytronics exper at Royal University in Star City. Vanished two weeks ago" Robin explained, pulling up a hologram of the woman, her various technologies, papers, and other info.

"Abducted two weeks ago by the League of Shadows" Roy said, looking to Robin.

"Woah, you want us to rescue her from the Shadows?" Robin said in slight awe, as the League of Shadows was League level stuff.

"Hardcore" Wally said, causing the two to bump fists at the thought.

"I already rescued her. Only one problem, The Shadows had already coerced her into making a weapon" Roy said, as a hologram appeared in front of him, showing a sort of capsule like

machine, before continuing.

"Doc calls it the Fog. Comprised of millions of microscopic robots. Nanotech infiltrators. Capable of infiltrating anything in their path. Concrete, steel, flesh, bone. But it's true purpose isn't mere destruction, It's theft. The infiltrators eat and store raw data from any computer system and deliver the stolen intel to the Shadows" Roy said, before finishing "Providing them access to weapons, strategic defense, cutting edge science and tech"

"Perfect for extortion, manipulation, power broking. Yeah. Sounds like The Shadows" Artemis said, glancing to the side as she said this.

"Like you know anything about The Shadows" Wally said with an eye roll. Artemis hearing this, just gave him a mysterious smirk, causing him to ask once more "Who are you?"

Roy cut them off though "Roquette's working on a virus to render the fog inert" Roy said. "But if The Shadows know she can do that-" "They'll try and kill her" Gwen finished with a


Roy nodded, before continuing "Right now, she's off the grid. I stashed her at the local high school's computer lab"

"You left her alone?" Green Arrow asked, surprised at the fact his protege would do

something like that.

"She's safe enough for now" Roy responded.

"Then let's you and I keep her that way" Green Arrow said, walking forward.

"You and I? Don't you wanna take your new protege?" Roy responded with a scowl.

Bruce stopped Green Arrow as she walked forward, causing him to glance at Bruce, before turning back to Roy "You brought this to the team. It's their mission, which means it's hers

now, too"

Scoffing, Roy began to walk off "Then my job's done" He said, walking to the Zeta Tube,

preparing to zeta out.

"Recognized, Speedy-" "That's Red Arrow, B-0-6. Update" Roy said, as he was Zeta Tubed

out of the Cave.

"Well…he's a prick" Gwen said openly, causing everyone to look at her "What? It's true!"

Artemis cracked a smile at what she said, inwardly agreeing that Roy was a major douche.

Seeing that the mission was about to be underway, Gwen inwardly grinned.

'Misson: Yoink a useful piece of technology, is a go'

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That's the end of the chapter!

Next chapter will cover the rest of the episode, and will have quite a bit more going on.

Anyways, have a good day, see you tomorrow!

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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