SpiderGwen: I have a system?!

Chapter 25: Chapter 25

Chapter 25: Chapter 25

Huge thanks to Brie, Daniel, and Sin for buying my Patreon! It really means a lot to me! anyways, onto the story!

[3rd Pov] [Location - Tower of Fate]

After stepping into the tower, the door behind the group closed, and then magically vanished.

"Uh, where'd the door go?" Superboy asked as the group looked around, trying to find the now missing door. Gwen on the otherhand, was inwardly contemplating something. 'Should I take the helmet myself? As in, try and become it's wearer? Chances are, I am more than qualified, it's just, can the system protect me from Nabu? And would Nabu even want me as it's wearer/champion?' Gwen contemplated, wondering whether or not it was a good idea. [The being known as Nabu is far weaker than the system. Thus, the user needs not worry about Nabu forcefully taking control of the users body]

'Well...that answers that' Gwen thought, before continuing her thought process 'I guess the best plan would be to meet with Nabu myself, and see beforehand. If he's willing to allow me to remain in control of my body, while still giving me his power, then I'll be the new Doctor Fate, if not, I guess it'll be collecting dust' Gwen thought, while the rest of the group was more focused on a glowing hologram-like Kent Nelson.

Gwen was cut off from her thoughts, as the floor below them disappeared, revealing boiling lava below. "Agh what the hell!" Gwen screamed out, as she began to fall through the hole.

"Fucking hell Wally!" Gwen scowled out, as she rapidly began to web the rest of the group. "Red Tornado sent us to make sure Kent Nelson and the helmet were safe!" Gwen said, knowing that they didn't actually answer the question, not properly at least.

Hearing this, the tower seemingly responded to the words, as the lava disappeared and was replaced with a simple stone ground.

Dropping to the ground, the rest of the group soon followed, after ripping her webs off of them, with some help.

"Thank you, Ghost" Kaldur said with a nod.

"No problem. Wally, next time, don't lie to the damn magical defense system" Gwen said looking to Wally, who blinked.

"When did this become my fault?" Wally asked in confusion.

"When you lied to the towers defense mechanism. You called yourself a true believer, when you evidently are not one" Gwen continued, as the group looked to him in disbelief, mostly M'gann and Kaldur.

"Wally, you don't believe?" M'gann said, genuinely surprised.

Wally went silent for a second, looking to the group, before sighing and speaking "Fine! Fine! I lied about believing in magic. But magic is the real lie, a major load"

"Wally, I studied for a year at the Conservatory of Sorcery in Atlantis. The mystic arts created the skin icons that power my water bearers" Kaldur said, in disbelief at Wally's attitude.

"Dude, you ever hear of bioelectricity? Hey, in primitive cultures fire was once considered magical, too. Today it's all just a bunch of tricks" Wally said in defense.

"You do realize that a part of my power comes from magic as well, right?" Gwen said looking to him, not really caring to hid this little part of her anymore.

"Wait really?" Artemis said in surprise.

"Mmhmm, I'm what's called a spider totem, it's complicated as shit, but all you need to know, is that I am probably more magical in nature than anyone else in this room" Gwen said, as spider totems and just about every spiderman, was inherently magical and scientific in nature, mostly magical.

"My senses, the spider sense as I call it, is magical in nature, as is a few of my other abilities. Hell, the league alone has like 3 or 4 magic users. Wonder Woman is magical in nature, Shazam, Doctor Fate, Zatara, and plenty of others out there" Gwen said, again, not lying in the least.

She was inherently magical in nature, due to her being a spider totem x5 or whatever, as well as technically being "the bride" or at least the avatar of it. Should she get Kaine, then she'd also be the avatar of "the Other", they were basically spider gods, as far as she knew at least. There were two other "spider gods/spider totems" she knew of that she could become the avatar of, this being "The Scion" and "The Patternmaker". Whether or not it was possible the get the latter out of the system, Gwen wasn't sure.

As the patternmaker could quite literally manipulate the web of life and destiny, not exactly a street level feat. It was something far beyond the current her, and was multiversal in level, due to it being spread throughout the entirety of the Marvel Multiverse. How she was even able to use her spider sense without the web being present? Gwen had no idea, and decided not to even bother thinking about it.

...Annnnyways, hearing what Gwen had said, Artemis decided to add in her two sense.

"You know, you are pretty close-minded, for a guy who can break the sound barrier in his

sneakers" Artemis said.

"Well, to be fair, that is science. He just recreated what made the flash" Gwen commented, causing Wally to nod.

"Thank you! Everything, can be explained with science" Wally said.

"Let us test that theory then" Kaldur said, as he gripped a handle and pulled up what was a secret hatch. The second he did, it revealed a snowy area, cutting off any sort of defense Wally could have made.

"It's snow" M'gann said with a smile, as Gwen let droplets of snow land on her tongue. M'gann giggled at Gwen's face, causing Gwen to look to the girl with a small grin.

M'gann blushed and looked away, while Artemis looked to Wally with a teasing smirk "Do you ever get tired of being wrong?"

After saying this, the group looked to the opened hatch and hopped down, with Gwen coming last.

After dropping through, gravity seemed to rewrite itself, as she flew what seemed to be down, only for her to drop to the ground, as it corrected itself. 'Well that was trippy' Gwen thought, as she noticed the snow beneath her feet.

Grinning, she balled some of it up, before quickly hiding it behind her back.


"Ever heard of string theory? We're in a pocket dimens-oof" Wally was cut off as Gwen threw a snowball straight into the back of his head.

"I was going to get Megan with that, but you deserve it more" Gwen said with a deadpan on her face, while M'gann narrowed her eyes at Gwen, who just looked away with a sweatdrop.

"Hmm? Is this..." Gwen muttered, as she noticed something in front of her. "Is this Nelsons cane?" Gwen muttered, as the group looked to it.

Before anyone could touch it, Gwen gripped the cane in her hand, before looking to the group "Don't worry, you'll find me!" Gwen said, as the cane pulled her to the air, before flashing

away, teleporting off.

The second this happened, Gwen made sure her symbiote on, preparing just in case this got


Reappearing, she looked up, seeing Abra Kadabra, Klarion, and Kent Nelson above her,

standing there. "Well would you look at that" Kent said, as he glowed softly, before flying towards the cane, before gripping it in his bound hands. After doing so, the chains around his hands disappeared.

"In here!" He said, as a door opened on the wall next to Gwen, revealing what looked like an


Hearing this, Gwen didn't waste a moment before moving into the elevator, Kent following soon after. Glancing at probably her favorite magic user in fiction, Gwen couldn't help but

smile slightly.

As the door closed, elevator music began to play, as a number above the door began to change, as if going up floors. "I'm Kent Nelson, by the way"

"Gwen W-Stacy" Gwen said with a smile.

"Well Gwen, we're up against an opponent with tremendous mystic power" Kent said, which

Gwen nodded at.

"The kid with the cat, right? I could sense the power coming off him" Gwen said, causing Kent

to blink in slight surprise.

"That is correct. He is an actual lord of chaos, the ultimate enemy of a Lord of Order like Doctor Fate. How did you know he was the powerful one?" Kent asked in intrigue.

"My senses. They're...rather special in nature" Gwen replied with a smile. Kent looked to her in surprise, understanding the what she was saying. 'Interesting' He thought, looking at the girl. He could tell she was powerful, mystically and physically. He could also tell she was connected to something powerful, as if an avatar of something...or


"You're the host of Fate, right?" Gwen asked, knowing that was the case.

"Mmhmm, I'm just an old coot Fate used to put on until my wife Inza convinced me there could be more to life. Ah, she was a real pistol, Inza. Anyhoo, Klarion's after the helmet. If he gets his sticky little mitts on it he'll turn the planet into his own personal playground of pandemonium" Kent said with a serious look on his face towards the end.

After saying this, the elevator dinged, as they reached their destination. Stepping out, Gwen followed Kent, while surveying the surroundings. The room was similar to the one she was in earlier, with dozens upon dozens of stairs in all sorts of places, floating sideways, upside down, and other ways as well. In the middle of the room, was a large golden bell. Walking up to the bell, Gwen blinked as she heard grunts behind her, as the rest of the team fell through a golden portal like door that was made on the ceiling of the area she was in. "Friends of yours?" Kent asked, before Gwen's spidersense went off. The second it did, she grabbed the older man and pulled him out of the area where a blue beam hit.

"Looks like your friends are here too" Gwen said with a sigh, as Kent walked up to the bell, and tapped it with his cane. The second he did, he walked into the bell, bringing Gwen with

him. Klarion quickly flew after.

Teleporting onto the roof through the bell, Gwen noticed the floating helmet of fate, before her senses went off. Quickly she pulled Kent away, only for several more bolts of red beams to

slam towards them, one of them hitting Kent in the chest.

"You okay?!" Gwen asked, as she continued to dodge and block as many bolts as possible. 'Fucking magic!' Gwen snarled inwardly, knowing now, that she desperately needed magic for herself. Especially when fighting against a literal Lord of Chaos.

Groaning, Kent moved forward before incanting a spell in some language Gwen didn't

understand. A golden barrier soon surrounded the two, causing Klarion to scream out an enraged "NO!"

"Not bad, eh kid?" Kent grunted out, as Kent slowly collapsed, causing Gwen to catch him.

"The bubble'll give you just enough time to do what you need to do" Kent said, as he could feel the end getting closer. Reaching into his pocket, he took out his pocket watch with a picture of his wife Inza within it, looking at it one last time, a singular tear escaped his eye. "I'll do it Kent, I promise" Gwen said softly, as she looked at one of her favorite fictional heroes, pass away within her arms.

Looking to the helmet, she sighed before grabbing it "Hey, dumb kid, you put that on you

may never get it off"

"Yeah well, I tend to defy fate quite a lot" Gwen said with a smile, before slipping the helmet

onto her face.

The second she did, everything went silent, as she was pulled into some sort of mind space. "So...this is inside the helmet, huh? Kinda boring, isn't it?"

"You have no idea" A voice said, causing Gwen to turn, finding Kent standing there with a


"I'm sorry for what happened, Kent" Gwen said with a sigh, knowing that it was pretty much inevitable. Klarion wasn't really something she could fight, not physically at least. Magic was annoying in that way.

"It's alright kid. I'll soon ascend and reunite with my beloved Inza" Kent replied.

"I see...so, is he controlling my body right now?" "That...should be the case, but you seem to be quite the special case, Miss Wayne" Kent said

with a chuckle.

Gwen blinked at him knowing her actual last name before shrugging it off. "So, where's the

Lord of Order then? I'd like to talk to him, even give him an offer"

"What are you?" A deep masculine voice boomed, as what looked to be the helmet, glowed

into the "room" floating in front of Gwen.

"Just your friendly neighborhood Ghost Spider!" Gwen said with a grin.

"You...should not exist" Nabu said, "looking" at Gwen.

"Well that's rude" Gwen said with a pout.

"Your soul is simply...impossible. A mash...no...perfect combination of Order and Chaos"

Nabu boomed, not understanding how such a being could exist.

"Not only that, but I cannot see into that mind of yours, nor look deeper into your soul. It's

as if...something of a higher order is protecting you" Nabu boomed out.

"Just chalk it up to me being unique, will ya?" Gwen said, deciding that messing with Nabu

was fun.

"I shall allow you to take the helm off. You simply cannot be my host...even if you are the most perfect wearer I have ever found...or ever will find" Nabu boomed out,


"And what if I could be your wearer? What if I could be Doctor Fate?" Gwen asked.

"Kid, you do not want that" Kent said, looking at her in shock, knowing what would happen if

she allowed it to happen.

"Silence Nelson. What is it you speak of, child" Nabu asked.

"You always take full possession of those that wear you, correct? Why not change that?" Gwen

said with a small smirk.

"It has always been the way. It is the easiest way in which I can utilize my power. Changing that would risk the Order we as the Lords of Order strive to keep" Nabu replied. "And what if I could still utilize that power, without the risk of the output growing weaker? While still having control over my body? And Order is always changing, just as Chaos is. One cannot exist without the other, not matter how much you desire it to be different, that's just

how it is" Gwen said, looking at the helmet.

"...You are correct, we, the Lords of Order, simply try our hardest to keep the Order we can, no matter how fleeting it may be" Nabu said, before continuing.

"If you could do such a thing, then I'd deny it. You would not be able to properly utilize my

power" Nabu said simply.

"Then teach me, simple as that. You may not know it, and frankly, no one else does, but I am

the greatest martial artist on the planet, hell, the entire universe. Not only that, but I've got a number of other...powers under my belt. Just imagine it, a Doctor Fate with physical power, intelligence, unique abilities, and it's own magical power" Gwen said, acting as if she was a salesmen or something.

"...And what sort of powers do you possess?"

"I'm immortal, or the closest you can be at least. I think that alone is enough, isn't it? You've

always wanted an eternal host, one that would work with you forever, and now you could have

not only that, but someone with the intellect, skill, and powers to back it up" Gwen said, grinning as she knew she had hooked the Lord of Order. "Nothing is truly immortal child, not even the Lords of Order. SHE always comes when it is

time" Nabu said, as Gwen breathed in deeply, knowing who he was speaking of. She didn't

even think of uttering the name, knowing that bringing an Endless to her, was a really really bad idea.

"I said it before didn't I? I tend to break fate's shackles. But since you don't believe me, how about we make a deal, Nabu" Gwen said a small smile forming on her face, as she decided something inwardly.

"I will show you some of my memories, and if after you seem them you still think I wouldn't

be a good host, then I will drop it" Gwen said, knowing that certain memories WILL be locked away, aka the ones involving her past life, the system, and a couple of other things. "...Let me see these memories. I shall not speak of what I see, no matter what it is" Nabu

said, knowing what Gwen was going to ask of him.

Smiling, Gwen inwardly breathed in 'System, let him see what I want him to see'

[As you wish, host]

[Allowing being known as: Nabu, to preview the hosts memories from their various "characters"/"lives"]

The second the system said these words, Nabu began to glow, as it began to shake slightly.

It began to see the memories. The memories of "Gwen's" countless battles, no matter how big or small. He saw the "her" struggles, the wars, the conflicts, the deaths, the mayhem. He saw all that "She" had seen. Her "characters" experiences began to flash in his eyes. Gwen had realized something recently, and that was that she was more than just the "bearer"

of their memories and powers. Everytime she had gotten a "character" her very soul was changed as if...she was them. Realizing this face, Gwen had come to the conclusion that...she was them, she was more than just a wielder of their memories, she was quite literally them. She was more so her previous life's self, and Gwen more than any other. But after every character, her very soul changed slightly, as their soul was fused with her own, making her, them. That was why her soul had both Chaos and Order, as her soul was made to be an equilibrium of what/who she was/is.

Nabu wouldn't be able to see all of this, but the more he saw, the more he knew the reason as

to why Gwen's soul was the way it was. "You...you are an amalgamation of souls...that is why your soul is both full of Chaos, and full of Order"

"Yep!" Gwen said with a smile.

"You are simply...amazing. Never in all my eons of life, have I seen a being such as you" Nabu

said, in genuine, rare, awe.

"Aw you're gonna make me blush" Gwen said with a giggle. "Gwen Wayne, I Nabu, accept your deal. For now, and forever - unless you go against the

Order I am made to protect - you shall be my wearer, you shall be...Doctor Fate! Now use my

power, and the knowledge I shall grant you, and defeat Klarion" Nabu's voice boomed, with a hint of....excitement?

"I shall be watching child, aiding you when needed. But...I have a feeling that will not happen often. Shall you need my advice, we can speak at anytime" Nabu's voice boomed once

more, as Kent began to slowly glow.

"You may move on to whats after, Nelson. I...thank you for the service you have done for

Order. Find peace, with your...spitfire" Nabu boomed, as Kent smiled. "I've got no clue how you did it kid but...thank you. And... put the power to good use! I'm sure

you'll be a better Doctor Fate then I ever was" Kent said with a smile, as he began to fade,

moving on to what comes after.

"Goodbye, Kent, and shall you rest in peace with your spitfire" Gwen said softly, a smile on

her face.

Looking to the helmet, she then grinned "So, shall we do this...partner?"

"...We shall"

[Hidden Quest Complete]

Become Doctor Fate, and become the Avatar/Host/Wearer to the Lord of Order, Nabu

Rewards 3 SL Tickets

[The Helmet of Fate is now bound to you, unless you go against its very being. Due to this,

the Helm, therefore Nabu, will grow more powerful the more magically powerful you grow.

With potential to grow to the same power level as...it's comic counterpart]

After reading this over, Gwen grinned, before blinking as memories flooded into her head. 'Kent...thank you' Gwen thought, as it seemed Kent gave her one final gift, in the form of all his magical knowledge, no matter how small or inconsequential parts of that knowledge may


Reopening her eyes, Gwen looked to Klarion, who was pale. "It would seem you're scared, Klarion" Gwen said with a small chuckle, as the helmet on her head began to glow softly, before it melted, growing smaller as a chain formed onto it, slowly wrapping itself around her neck in the form of a necklace, the necklace itself being the helmet, just smaller, similar to a

cross necklace in size.

"That's cool" Gwen muttered.

'I thought it would be best, the helmet at its full size, would have been more of a detriment

to someone like you. You can still use it's full power as well' Nabu stated, causing Gwen to


"H-how? That Order bastard would never agree to something like this!" Klarion yelled out in confusion, as Gwen just looked at him with a deadpan. Ignoring his cries of confusion, she looked to the cat near him, his familiar that keeps him anchored to this reality. Several ankh like magical blasts flew from her hands towards the cat, causing Klarion to

quickly teleport to the cat, grabbing it into his hands before yelling out "We're outta here!" before quickly teleporting away. 'It seems he got away...for now' Nabu said in her head.

'We'll get him next time, promise. Say, Nabu...what's your rule on killing?' Gwen inwardly

asked, realizing that could be a problem.

'Need not fear child, even the Lords of Order kill when it is needed. I will not stop you from

slaying Chaotic monsters, such as the Joker, or others similar' Nabu said, calming Gwen's


'Oh good, because I cannot let a monster like him live, not for much longer at least' Gwen


'We Lords of Order know that killing is a must in specific situations, such as with Lords of

Chaos, or those like the Joker. I have killed many times before with other hosts, and will kill

many times more, with you as my host' Nabu replied. 'Glad that you think similar to me' Gwen thought, before blinking. She could feel Abra Kadabra hurting her friends, feeling this, she used a small...spell? Which would strip him of

all his clothes and items, in the form of what looked like a golden ankh, again. 'You are connected to the Tower of Fate now, child. Whatever happens inside, you shall

know of it. Just as all the artifacts inside, are now yours as well. As is your right, as the new Doctor Fate' Nabu said, informing Gwen of her new house, and items. Looking down to Kent's deceased body, Gwen softly sighed, before grabbing his pocket watch and laying it in his hand. She would make sure to bury him with his wife, once this was all over

and done with, for now, she made sure to preserve his body with some magic, before speaking

to Nabu, moving onto something less sad.

'So, what sort of tasks will I have to do, now that I am Doctor Fate?' Gwen asked, as she began

to make her way back to the team.

'Simple ones, really. Defeating magical foes, demons, Lords of Chaos, should they appear, and other foes similar. This does not happen often however, so you need not worry. You will

simply need to do this every once in a while, while making sure to protect the tower' Nabu

stated, causing Gwen to nod.

'Seems easy enough' Gwen thought with a smile, as she opened a portal with her new memories. The magic she now had, had drastically improved her power. She knew now, that it was only a matter of time before the system underwent an evolution, it would have to.

'I shall leave you to it child. Should you need my aid, or advice, simply ask, as I am always

here' Nabu said, before going silent.

Gwen sighed at her new...friend, but decided that it was worth it. She doubted he was a pervert

or anything, so she wouldn't have to worry about anything like that, at least. Portaling back to the group, she smiled as she noticed te unconscious abra kadabra. "Gwen! You're okay!" M'gann said happily, barrelling into Gwen's embrace, hugging her.

"Oh? Were you worried?~" Gwen said with a teasing smirk, causing M'gann to blush, moving back in embarrassment. Artemis noticed this, and let out a small huff, which Gwen just gave

her a small smirk at.

"What happened?" Kaldur asked. "...Kent is dead" Gwen said softly.

The teams eyes widened in horror "What about Klarion?!"

"He got away, but, he didn't get the helmet" Gwen said with a small smile, reaching down

and revealing the necklace.

"Is that..." Kaldur's eyes widened at the sight of it.

"You're looking at the newest Doctor Fate, all new, and all different" Gwen said with a grin,

as she formed a golden ankh in front of her. "But, I thought Fate possesses it's host?" Artemis asked in confusion. "Normally that's the case, but I'm a bit...different" Gwen said, glancing at M'gann. M'gann blinked in confusion, before slapping her forehead in realization "Hello Megan! It's

because you're immune to mind control, isn't it!" The group hearing this, looked at Gwen in realization. "Not entirely, but that was a big part of it, yes. I just had a bit of a chat with the Lord of Order,

and showed him some things that changed his mind. As far as I know, I'll be his last host"

Gwen added, a small smile on her face.

"But what about Doctor Fate? When you...you know" Wally slid a thumb across his neck, causing Artemis to slap the back of his head while exclaiming "Shut up you idiot!" "I'm immortal, I thought you guys knew that already?" Gwen said with a blink, as she showed this off by cutting off her own hand with a magical construct made in the form of a sword. The groups eyes widened in horror, only to blink in confusion as she didn't even bleed, as the

hand quickly regenerated in what was quite literally a second, while the old one simply turned

to ash, before disappearing.

"I mean, there's a reason why I never get injured on missions, you know?" Gwen said as if it wasn't a big deal. She didn't really see a point in hiding this part, as it was going to be revealing sooner or later anyways, as it wasn't something she could just hide. "You...you are unbelievable, you know that?" Artemis said with a sigh of defeat, the rest of

the team following suit.

"I find that to be a compliment, thank you very much" Gwen said with a smile. "Um, not to be a debby downer or anything, but what are you gonna do with Mr. Nelson's

body?" Wally asked softly.

Hearing the question, Gwen sighed "I'm going to bury him where he belongs, with his wife"

Gwen said, one of the pieces of information Kent had given her in his final gift, was where he

wished to be buried, and she was going to fulfill that wish of his. The team nodded in acceptance, none of them finding any reason to complain.

"The more pressing matter is...how are you going to explain this to the League?" Kaldur

asked, trying not to grin in amusement as Gwen blinked before groaning.

"Ah shit! I didn't think of that!" Gwen exclaimed, facepalming.

"Can't I just lie and say I got a cool new necklace or something?" """""No""".........

Pouting, Gwen grumbled out a "Fine" before forming a portal to the outside of the tower, the

rest of the team following her through it.

"How did it feel?" Artemis asked, as they began to make their way to the zeta-tube, while

Gwen had her symbiote form back into some comfortable street clothing, with the Helmet of

Fate/Necklace of Fate, still around her neck comfortably. "You mean the helmet?" Gwen asked, which Artemis nodded at "Surprisingly comfortable.

And...powerful too, still feels that way. It's like it was meant to be here, with me"

"Maybe it's fate?" Wally said with a grin, causing the entire team, even M'gann, to groan. "That was...awful" Gwen said with a deadpan.

"Not as awful as having to explain this to the League" Wally said with a grin, as the team

slowly began to teleport through the zeta tube, with Gwen going last. Reappearing back inside Mount Justice, Gwen let out a sigh, knowing this was about to be a

pain in the ass.

"How is it telling the League about this is going to be more dangerous than the actual

mission itself?" Gwen asked.

"Speak for yourself, I felt like I was gonna die with Abra Kadabra shocking us all like that"

Artemis said with a huff.

"Telling the League what is going to be more dangerous?" Gwen hearing this voice, slowly

turned to find her father standing there, staring very noticeably at the necklace around her


"Uh...I can explain?" Gwen said with a sweatdrop.

"You will, to the League. The rest of you, go home. You Gwen, are coming with me" Bruce

said, while Gwen just sighed. The team looked at her with sorry faces, knowing this was not

going to be fun for her.

"If I don't come back, just know, I think Wally's hair is ugly" Gwen said with a sigh. The team snickered at what she said, with Wally huffing. Gwen soon followed after Bruce, an audible groan of annoyance escaping her, as she followed him to the tower, through the zeta tube.

Gwen had one last thought, before she entered the meeting room, where she was probably

going to be yelled at.

'This...is going to be...dreadful'

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That's the end of this chapter!

And yeah...a LOT happened in this chapter! It was to make up for the lack of updates recently,

hence it's length. Idk if the Unique Gamers fic will have a chapter this long, but that one

should have a longer chapter too.

I ended up getting Covid, which...sucks. Mix that with school, and you have a double whammy



Next chapter will be shorter...obviously, and will mostly be her meeting with the League. I decided on her becoming the new Doctor Fate, mainly because it's never done...like ever.

And I thought it would be cool! Plus, now she has a buddy she can talk to, if she needs advice! Gwen just changed a huge part of the story with what she's done, and soon, a lot more is going

to change. So don't expect things to progress as they normally do! A special event is also coming up soon, probably within a few chapters. This event will be

VERY important to the the progression of Gwen. A lesser important event is coming up soon

too, which some of y'all have probably been waiting for.

Anyways, have a good day, see you tomorrow/Later!

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