SpiderGwen: I have a system?!

Chapter 26: Chapter 26

Chapter 26: Chapter 26

Huge thanks to NoDajModa, SolarGecko, Agamak, Elijah, and Matty for buying my Patreon! It really means a lot to me! anyways, onto the story!

[3rd Pov] [Location - Watchtower]

Walking into the meeting room, Gwen was met with the entire Justice League. Even the magic users, and ones that were mostly off world, like the Green Lanterns.

'Well...shit' Gwen thought, realizing that this was seemingly a lot more serious than she was initially expecting. The fact that there was so many people here, meant that the League was taking it seriously. How they even got together so quickly, Gwen decided not to even bother questioning.

"So...I'm gonna assume I'm in trouble?" Gwen said awkwardly, as she stood while her father walked to sit in his seat.

"You are not in any trouble, Gwen" Black Canary softly said, trying to calm Gwen's worries. Gwen looked to her with a raised eyebrow.

"Really? Then why is half the League all but glaring at me?" Gwen asked, noticing some specific people were looking at her with frowns on their faces.

"What you did was not only incredibly irresponsible, but it was dangerous, and has deprived the world of Doctor Fate, a hero that is necessary to combat the Lords of Chaos" Superman said, giving her a serious look.

"Uh, but I didn't debrive the world of him?" Gwen said, confused. "Wait, do you think I destroyed the helmet or something?" Gwen continued, realizing that they thought she did something a lot worse than she actually did.

"Didn't you? The Helmet is nowhere to be seen, Kent Nelson is now dead, and Klarion has escaped. If that's not suspicious, I don't know what is" Captain Atom said with a scoff.

"Kent Nelson died because I could not stop Klarion's magical attacks. Klarion escaped because he was fleeing me, not because I let him get away" Gwen said with a scowl slowly forming on her face.

"Then where is the Helmet, Gwen? That is what the League is so worried about" Diana said, trying to mediate the growing tense atmosphere.

"You didn't tell them?" Gwen said, looking to her father, who shook his head.

"I found out too late to tell them of it. Had I known, this meeting would have been a lot easier, and without the pointless arguing" Brucec said with a sigh, knowing that Gwen hadn't done anything wrong, it was just the more skeptical League members that were causing the problem.

"Didn't tell us what?" Green Arrow asked, interested in what the two were talking about. Gwen looked to him, before sighing as she reached down and pulled her necklace free from underneath her shirt.

Several eyes widened at the sight, noticing the Helmet of Fate attached to a chain around her neck, in the form of a necklace.

"Is that?" Hal Jordan muttered in shock.

In response, Gwen just grinned before forming a golden ankh behind her. The League's eyes widened further, with Zatara reacting more than others, as he got to his feet in shock.

"You...have you?" Zatara asked, struggling to get his words out.

Gwen smirked, as the Helmet glowed upon her chest. Her voice soon rumbled out, with Nabu repeating her words. "You are looking at the newest Doctor Fate. I do hope you won't continue to doubt me, Captain Atom" Gwen said, before the glow on her chest ceased.

"But how? I thought you'd be possessed? And the Helmet is...you know, a helmet, that's just a necklace with a small helmet ornament on it" Captain Marvel/Shazam said, not understanding how that was possible. He may be the youngest person in the room, but he was still knowledgeable on this stuff.

"I made a deal with Nabu. In return for letting me keep control of my body, and the ability to use his powers, he got something even better out of it" Gwen said, keeping the fact that she got Kent's memories a secret, as well as other stuff.

"And what is that?"

"Me. I guess I'm the best possible host for him, or something like that" Gwen said with a shrug, while Zatara slowly went over what she had said.

"Does this mean you can still do the duties bestowed as Doctor Fate?" Zatara asked, looking to the younger woman who was now Doctor Fate, and one of the most powerful magic users on the planet.

"Yep. I have everything a previous Doctor Fate would have, even more actually" Gwen said. "More?" Zatara asked.

"I can bring out more power from the Helmet, because of me being the perfect possible host, so, I'm probably magically superior to all Doctor Fate's of the past" Gwen said simply, deciding not to hide this fact from them. It's not like any of them would speak of this, except with eachother.

"I see...I suppose that makes sense, with the nature of the Helmet" Zatara muttered with a nod of acceptance.

"So, is that everything?" Gwen asked.

The League looked to eachother in silence, as a thought entered all their heads at practically the same time. Bruce gave Superman a nod, as they all came to the same conclusion.

"How would you like to become a member of the League, officially?" Superman asked, causing Gwen to blink in surprise.

"You're offering me a spot in the League? Aren't I pretty young?" Gwen asked in confusion.

"You are young, but are powerful, and intelligent. You have saved more than anyone else on your team, and are practically a guardian angel in Gotham, when Batman is not there. The public is very supportive of you because of this. It only makes sense to invite you to join the League" Superman said simply.

"We'd also assign you to look over the team. Allowing you to still work with them as normal, while having more privileges as a member of the League" Bruce said, wanting his daughter to join the League with him.

"You'd get more important missions, if that means anything to you" Green Arrow added in, having a feeling that would sweeten the deal for Gwen.

"Will I have to report every little thing I do? There may be missions I do in the future, that aren't from the League, and are more...personal" Gwen asked, as she began to contemplate the idea of joining the League, much more seriously.

"That's fine, plenty of us go on solo missions without telling the others. As long as it isn't too big of an event, then it should be fine" Flash said with a shrug, as they all had done solo missions all the time, almost entirely without telling others until afterwards, or unless it gets too big.

"I'll also let you visit Themyscira with me sometime" Diana added, a smirk on her face, knowing that that had just sealed the deal.

"... You guys sound like salesmen, you know that?" Gwen said with a chuckle, before continuing "But...yes, I'll join the League. BUT I don't want it to be announced to the public,

not yet, if that's okay"

Looking to eachother, Superman shrugged at Bruce "That'll be fine"

"Welcome to the League, Ghost Spider, or is it Doctor Fate?"

[Hidden Quest Complete]

Join the Justice League

Reward - 2 SL Tickets

"Hmm, I'll stick with Ghost Spider for now. If I find a better name then I'll tell you" Gwen said

with a smile, as several League members to their feet, and walked to her. She slowly shook the hands of each member of the League, smiles on all their faces except Captain Atoms, who just

left the room.

"He's a bit of a...dick isn't he?" Gwen asked.

""""Language"""" Bruce, Superman, Diana, and Diane all said at the same time. Gwen rolled her eyes at this, but smiled nonetheless.

"So...what now?" Gwen asked.

"For now, you go back to the Mount, while we change around some things with the Watchtower, Zeta Tubes, and some other stuff" Flash said with a smile, knowing it would take a little while to update things.

"Alright then, see y'all later!" Gwen said, as she began to walk out of the room, with her dad

following her.

"Did you actually want me on the team?" Gwen asked, as they walked through the halls of the


"I did" Bruce replied.

"Why? Aren't I too young?" Gwen asked, turning to her father while they walked.

"Originally I thought so, but as of recent, you have proved yourself over and over" Bruce said,

as they made it to the Zeta-tube.

"I-I am proud of you, Gwen" Bruce said, a small smile forming on her face.

Gwen blinked at this, before smiling widely, walking forward, and capturing her old man in a

hug, who awkwardly returned it.

"Thanks dad" Gwen softly said, as she pulled back from the hug. "And why don't we do something this weekend, you, Dick, and I? A family outing or something"

Bruce listened to this, before thinking for a few moments "I...suppose we could" Bruce said,

his lips twitching as he struggled not to smile again.

"Good! I'll make sure to tell Dick, see you later, Dad!" Gwen said with a smile, as she walked

to the Zeta-tube, but not before giving her dad a peck on the cheek. Bruce gave her one last small smile and wave, before she disappeared in the zeta-tube.

Back at the Mount, Gwen walked out of the Zeta-tube, blinking in surprise as she noticed

M'gann waiting for her.

"The rest of the team left?" Gwen asked, walking to M'gann with a small smile. "Mmhmm, Superboy's asleep already too" M'gann replied, a worried look on her face. "Did

you get in trouble?"

"At first yeah, but it was just a misunderstanding on their end, so it's all good now. What, were you worried for me?~" Gwen said with a teasing smirk.

"Duh! It's hard not to be!" M'gann said, blushing ever so slightly.

"Thanks for worrying, love, but I'm fine, promise" Gwen replied with a small smile, as she

pecked M'gann on the cheek.

"I'm gonna head to bed, good night, M'gann" Gwen continued, as she walked past M'gann, swaying her hips slightly as she walked. Gwen felt M'gann's gaze on her butt, causing her grin

to grow.

"G-good night" M'gann softly muttered, a blush on her cheeks as she looked away from

Gwen's alluring behind.

Getting back to her room, Gwen dropped to her bed with a sigh, as she finally was back.

'That...was a long day'

'System, let me see my status'


| Status |


Name - Gwendolyn "Gwen" Stacy Wayne

Species - Enhanced Mutant (Symbiote Bonded)

Gender Female

Age - 17

SL Characters - Ghost Spider, Silk, Daredevil, Deathstroke, Orphan, Toxin, Moon Knight, Captain America, Spiderman (616), Spiderman (1610), Richard Dragon, Nightwing, Green Arrow, Catwoman, Baki, Prometheus, Wolverine, Scarlet Spider (616), Spiderwoman (1610),


Avatar/Host (Not SL gained) - Doctor Fate/Nabu

Completed Quests - 14

Ongoing Quests - 1 (Kill 5 villains, repeatable 3 times)

SL Tickets - 5

Current Universe - Young Justice (Slight AU)

Multiverse Travel - Available



'System, use 3 SL tickets' Gwen inwardly thought, deciding to use them sooner rather than later, while keeping 2 for later.

Victor Creed | Sabretooth - Marvel Earth 616

Victor Creed, aka Sabretooth, a mutant from Marvel, and a skilled martial artist, tracker, manipulator, marksman, and several others. He has a regenerative factor comparable to Wolverine himself, and is a rival to the man. Includes his knowledge in various areas, claws

that are on each of his fingers and toes (which is covered in adamantium), superhuman

senses, and everything else that is helpful.

Kaine Parker | Scarlet Spider Earth 616

Kaine Parker, aka Scarlet Spider, a clone of Peter Parker from Marvel, a skilled martial

artist, and intelligent as Pater Parker himself. Includes all his powers, including the ones granted by being the Avatar/Receptacle of "The Other", which comes with venomous stringers that can grow from forearms. Also includes his impressive physical strength, and all other helpful/important powers and knowledge. Peter Parker | Spiderman Earth 8351

Peter Parker, aka Spiderman, aka Assassin Spiderman. A version of Peter Parker who has

trained vigorously, becoming a literal assassin with impressive powers and skills. His most notable ability is his immensely skilled usage in his spider sense, that has been honed to the point where he just "knows things" allowing him to know whats going to happen before his opponent can even think about it. Thanks to this, it is next to impossible to actually defeat him, as he has a sort of precognition. Also includes his honed physical powers, masterful knowledge in combat, and all other helpful powers and knowledge.

'... Well, that's....good' Gwen thought stupidly, as her luck came through for her this time. All

three of her characters were amazing this time, each of them having new powers for her, and immensely helpful ones, ESPECIALLY the spider sense of Assassin spiderman, that would be even better because of her already far stronger than normal spidersense. 'System, can I assimilate this while sleeping?' Gwen inwardly asked, not really wanting to

deal with the pain.

[Yes. Assimilation time will also be faster due to this, finishing by the time you wake up.

Normally this would take longer due to the nature of the second character, but this is offset

by that. Would you like to assimilate while sleeping?] [Y/N]

Gwen let out a yawn, as she had the symbiote change into some more comfortable sleep wear,

as she slowly began to close her eyes, while thinking.


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That's the end of the chapter.

My lucks a bit insane in terms of wheel spins lol, I actually got those three forms the spins.

Which means I might need to add some more variety soon. Next chapter will have more happening, and probably a short time skip.

I decided on her joining the League, as it sorta makes sense with the amount of power she has,

the accomplishments she has, the fact that she is literally Doctor Fate now, and all the other


Speaking of, any ideas for hero names? A combination of Ghost Spider and Doctor Fate would be cool, emphasis on "Fate" and "Spider", Ghost being in the name would be neat too.

She'll be doing some family bonding soon, as well as another date sooner or later. Anyways, have a good day! See you tomorrow!

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