SpiderGwen: I have a system?!

Chapter 4: Chapter 4

Chapter 4: Chapter 4

[3rd Pov] [Location - Gotham]

After dealing with Ivy, Gwen ended up following Batman to his batmobile, where he basically dropped her on Gordon, much to her annoyance.

Currently, she is in the Gotham police station, with Gordon sitting in his office chair in front of her "Alright kid, I've contacted some friends of mine, and they got me the necessary paperwork for you to legally exist. You just need to fill these out" Gordon says, handing her a small pile of papers.

Looking the papers over, Gwen hummed, they were basic for the most part, with the basic questions being her age, name, gender, birthdate, birthplace, and some other stuff. Filling the paper out, Gwen stopped on the birthdate and birthplace section. She was born on January 1st in her previous life, but she wasn't sure if that was the case in this life as well.

[The user's birthdate is the same]

Gwen blinked at the notification, before filling that area out, as January 1st, 1993. After that, it was the birthplace that was the problem, noticing her hesitation, Gordon glanced at the paper before speaking "Just place it as Gotham kid, I'll deal with the rest" Hearing this, Gwen gave the man a grateful nod, and filled the final parts of the form out.

"So...who's the guy that had the power to do something like this?" Gwen asked, already having a feeling she knew the answer. Gordon didn't say anything and just gave her a mysterious smile.

"Now that you have this filled out, you'll need to wait for another couple of hours so that I and my friend can finish the hard parts. After that you'll either be put into the foster system, or adopted" Gordon said, not revealing that his "friend" was already getting ready to adopt the girl as his own. Why? Gordon didn't know, but trusted his friends judgement in stuff like this.

Hearing this, Gwen nodded "Well that's good I guess, and uh, what do I do in the meantime?" Gordon chuckled at this, and pulling out a book before handing it to her.

"History of the Founding of Gotham" Gwen read out loud, before looking at Gordon with a deadpan. Gordon sweatdropped at the look "It shouldn't take too long, now, I gotta go and finish up these papers!" Gordon said, practically sprinting out of the room "Hey, wait! You can't just...and he's gone" Gwen sighed out.

"Well...I guess reading it is" Gwen groaned out. She was half tempted to use the 3 SL tickets she had but decided to save them until she was in a safer location, preferably one that wasn't out in the open.

[A few hours later]

A couple of hours had passed, and Gwen was...bored, so so bored. She had finished the book within an hour, and had already taken a mini nap, but now? Now she was just sitting, staring at the ceiling with a bored expression. 'Who knew it took so long to make up an entire background for someone that didn't previously exist' Gwen thought with a sigh, before she heard the sound of people approaching.

Turning she found Gordon standing there, alongside another tall man, with short black hair, and was weearing a suit.

'Wait...he isn't going to do what I think he's going to do...is he?' Gwen thought, as a stray thought entered her mind, as she stared at the one and only, Bruce Wayne, who was also a certain Bat in secret.

"Gwen, this is Bruce Wayne. He's a friend of the man who helped with your documents, and he's here to..." Gordon stopped as Bruce held his hand up and spoke "I'm here to adopt you" The man said rather bluntly.

Gwen looked between the two with a sigh "I probably should say yes, shouldn't I?" Gordon nodded. "Well...uh, I guess I'm okay with that. But! I won't call you dad...not yet at least" Bruce nodded in acceptance at this, letting a small smile grace his normally apathetic features.

"So uh...how exactly do I do this?" Gwen asked, not really knowing what to do right now. This was totally after the left field, and it didn't help that Bruce was incredibly blunt about it. "I've already taken care of all of the paperwork. All you need to do is sign this" Bruce said, pulling out a paper and handing it to Gwen.

Looking at the paper, Gwen looked over ever word of it, before sighing and signing it. "Well...what now?"

Bruce allowed a smile to make it's way onto his face at this "I bring you to your new home"

[A little later]

Sitting in Bruce's luxury car, next to the man, Gwen sat in awkward silence for what was about to be ten minutes. After signing the paper, the two had left the police department a little later, but not before Gwen gave Gordon a thankful hug.

Getting sick of the awkward silence, Gwen decided to be blunt "So...why adopt me? You barely know me besides the whole Asylum thing" Immediately after saying these words, Bruce tensed before calming himself "How'd you figure it out? No one has done it so quickly"

"You have the same height and hair color, and your voice is practically the same. Your physique is the same as well. Not to mention, why would a billionaire randomly come and adopt some nobody that didn't exist until now?" Gwen explained, causing Bruce to nod along.

"I underestimated you...I adopted you due to my instincts" Bruce said truthfully. Causing Gwen to deadpan at the man for what felt like the thousandth time "Instincts?"

"I trust my instincts in regard to people, and my instincts told me that it would be a mistake to not help you. To not help you take advantage of that potential of yours. Plus...I've always wanted a daughter" Bruce finished with a small smile.

"You...you just smiled again!" Gwen said, shocked. Bruce's smile disappeared at that, causing her to giggle slightly "Sorry, Bruce...and thank you, really" She said, causing the man to turn to her for a moment before nodding.

"My friends at the League would be troublesome if I didn't help you in some way" Gwen smiled at this one.

"So...does this mean I've got a little brother too? I saw a newspaper clipping of you and your student, Robin, right?" Gwen asked, keeping her act of not knowing, up.

Bruce nodded "You'll meet him when we get home. He doesn't know about you, so don't be surprised" "And why didn't you tell him"

"I wanted to surprise him, he may not say it, but I'm certain he's always wanted a sibling" Bruce said, causing Gwen to grin. She didn't have siblings in her past life...or really a family for that matter, so having a little brother, and father, was something she was going to have to get used to...but she wasn't opposed to it.

Slowly Bruce pulled the luxury car into a large mansion.

Gwen's jaw dropped at the sheer size of the manor, causing Bruce to look at her with silent amusement "I am a billionaire you know" He said, as he opened the car door and stepped out. Shaking off her awe, she slowly got out of the car and shut the door.

Walking next to Bruce, she walked into the mansion, before being greeted by an older man in a butler-esc outfit. 'So that's Alfred' Gwen thought, inwardly smiling. He was one of her favorite characters in all of Comics.

"Master Bruce...and this must be Miss Gwen?" Alfred asked, looking at Gwen with a warm smile on his aged face. Bruce nodded before turning to Gwen "Gwen, this is Alfred, our butler" Gwen hearing this smiled back at the kind man "It's nice you meet you, Alfred, I'm Gwen Stacy...or is it Wayne now?"

"That is up to you" Bruce responded, causing Gwen to nod "Gwen Wayne. Sounds a bit weird, but I like it" Gwen said with a warm smile. Bruce nodded with a pleased smile on his face,

causing Alfred to glance at Bruce and then Gwen.

"Is Dick awake?" Bruce asked, causing Alfred to nod, but before he could reply, a voice cut them off "Where were you? And who's she?" A voice said, causing all three to turn and see a short, black-haired boy standing there, with glasses on his face.

"Out, dealing with some escaped convicts. This is Gwen...your new sister" Bruce said, causing Dick to blink in surprise "Wait, she knows? And what do you mean she's my new sister?" "She figured it out the second she saw me. And I adopted her" Bruce said, being upfront. Dick blinked and looked at Gwen, who had a wide grin on her face. Before the boy could say a word, she bum-rushed the boy, and rubbed his head "It's nice to meet you, little brother" Gwen

said with a happy smile.

"Hey! Not the hair!" Dick said, dodging out of her grasp. Alfred watched the interaction in amusement, while Bruce had a thoughtful expression on his face.

"Why adopt her?" Dick asked, giving Gwen a quizzical look. Gwen just smiled amused at his


"She helped me with the escaped convicts. As for why I adopted her, I simply followed my instincts" Bruce said.

"Why were you at the prison?" Dick asked, turning to Gwen. Gwen hearing this, shrugged "To be honest? I've got no clue. All I know, is from what some guards told me. That I appeared inside the walls of the prison, and the warden said I was trying to break in, and was a metahuman. Thus, I was locked up. Oh, speaking of, can you maybe help the two guards out?"

Gwen asked, turning to Bruce.

"They were really nice and deserve a better boss than Sharp. They did their best to keep me safe while there, even if I didn't really need it" Hearing this, Bruce nodded "I'll make sure Sharp is reported. As for those two, we'll see"

Gwen smiled at this. Dick on the other hand, was still processing what she said "So you're a


"Not really sure to be honest. But! I can do this" Gwen said, before webbing to the roof and hanging off of it with one hand. "Cool right? I'm kinda like a spider. Webs, wallcrawling, and all that" Gwen said, before dropping back down.

"That is...pretty cool actually" Dick said, nodding. "So can you like, control spiders or?"

"Not as far as I know" Gwen replied. Seeing the two talking with one another, Bruce couldn't help but smile, knowing that his instincts didn't fail him, yet again.

"Are you going to join me and Bruce? Since you know he's Batman and all" Dick asked,

causing Gwen to glance at Bruce "Only if he's okay with it. I'd like to help people, if possible. With great power, comes great responsibility, after all" Gwen said. She wasn't an entirely good person, but she didn't really want to just leave innocent people getting harmed. There were limits though, as she really didn't think she'd mind killing, especially not someone like Joker or Vandal Savage.

Dick hearing this, turned to Bruce, causing the man to speak "We'll see. She still needs to properly hone her skills in order to join us" Dick sighed at this but nodded in the end. "Oh? Is my new little brother sad his super awesome big sis can't join him yet?" Gwen said

teasingly, causing Dick to huff "What? No! I just think we'd get more done if you joined us too, that's all!" Dick said, denying what she said. Gwen just grinned and rubbed his head

again. Causing Dick to sigh in defeat.

"So...what's for dinner?" Hearing this, Alfred smiled.

[Hours later]

Flopping onto her new bed, Gwen smiled as she leaned back into the pillow 'Who knew Bruce

was actually a big softie in this universe? Alfred's just as I expected. And Dick is pretty cute

with his denial of me being his big sis' Gwen thought, remembering his reaction to her teasing while they were all eating together.

Bruce wasn't able to eat with them, due to league matters sprouting up, but she still enjoyed

the meal with Dick, nonetheless.

'Now...let's use those tickets' Gwen thought.

'System, use all three SL tickets'

[3 SL Tickets Consumed]




[Characters Chosen!]

Matthew Murdock | Daredevil - Marvel Earth-616

Includes his impressive senses, such as his sonar senses, and radar sense. His lie detection

capabilities, and telepathic immunity/resistance, as well as all his other natural powers and


Slade Wilson | Deathstroke - DC Prime Earth

Includes his superhuman physical capabilities, his enhanced brain capacity, toxic immunity, and all of his other natural powers and abilities.

Cassandra Cain | Orphan - DC Prime Earth

Includes her reading body language and weakness perception capabilities. As well as all other natural powers and abilities.

Gwen sat up in shock 'Holy...fuck'

Gain access to an

additional chapter early, as well as other bonuses (like exclusive stories) on my patreon for

three dollars a month!


(Or just look up Crazedmadman on Patreon and you should find me)

That's the end of this chapter. This chapter was a bit difficult to write, but fun nonetheless.

And yes, I did actually get those three from the random wheel that I spin. I got literally some

of the best possible choices on the wheel. Cassandra alone is pretty op. If y'all don't know her and the others, just look them up and go onto either the Comicvine wiki or the DC/Marvel wiki. That's what I use for them.

The next chapter will be her assimilating the three characters, and probably a time skip. As I

kinda want to get to canon, so the Mc can get her waifus! And yes, I said Waifu's as in multiple. I'm planning to make this a small harem fanfic, with roughly 3-6 girls (probably at least). Artemis is a given, and I'm thinking about doing M'Gann as well, but we'll see. Anyways, hope you enjoyed the chapter! Point out any mistakes! See you tomorrow!

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