Spring Winds

Chapter 102: Bedtime Story

Chapter 102: Bedtime Story

The spring night was warm. The silent roar of grass and wind was a sweet serenade after a long play.

"Father, tell me that story again." Snuggled up in furs beside the hearth, I patiently waited for Father to start the story of the night. Father's stories are always a good way to end the day and start a new adventure for tomorrow.

"Oh? Which one?" Father asked. "There have been many stories that I've told you before, Naran.

Haha, I can't know which one that you're talking about."

"Em, the one about the raven and the phoenix, remember? The one about how the two birds fell in love and then they had a magical egg together!

How could Father not remember? That story is my favorite story!"

"Haha, oh really?

Then what happened to your last favorite story, The Legend of the Green Snake?

Hmm? Did it already lose its spot as your favorite story?"

"No, I still like the snake story; however, the raven and phoenix one has something special about it." I can't seem to put my finger on it, but I just like it a lot!

"Haha, alright." Father laughed. "Now how did that story go again?"

"Father!" How could he forget how the story goes?!

"Haha, alright, alright." Father chuckled as he patted my head. "I'm just playing with you, Naran. Calm down."

"Hmph!" Puffing out my cheeks, I couldn't believe Father would play me like this.

"Don't pout; I'll tell you the story, alright?" Father smiled as he pinched my cheek, much to my chagrin and annoyance.

"Ehmmm, stopppp." Batting away Father's nimble hands, I tried to protect my poor face from more pinches.

"No more pinches, just tell me the story

Please?" Pouting, I tried my best to convince Father to tell me the story.

"Fine, fine." Cracking, Father finally conceded. "Whatever my little daughter wants." Clearing his throat, Father took a sip of wine as he started to go into his story mode.

So exciting!

"Long ago in a faraway land, there lived a flock of birds, phoenixes to be precise. These heavenly birds liked to frolic in the wind and eat the sweet immortal fruits that grew in the Queen Mother of the West's garden.[1]"

Closing my eyes, I tried to imagine the colorful birds dancing in the sky as they munched on juicy and plump fruits.

I wonder what they tasted like

"The flock of mystical birds lived in relative peace for generations. However, they were most notable for guiding legendary heroes and gods to victory with their unique flame.

Do you know what it's called?"

"Ehm. Ulaan dl[2]."

"That's right. Or as the people of the central valley would've called it, the Zhu Yang flame." Holding out his palm, Father seemed to be concentrating on something in the center of it, his brows scrunched together in focus, and sweat starting to appear on his brow.

Suddenly, like magic, a tiny spark appeared in the center of his palm!


How did you do that, Father?!" Like a weak ember trembling in the roaring winds, the little flame struggled to survive; however, the flame never flattered.

Father quickly closed his palm, and the little flame promptly vanished.

"Eh?" Where did it go? And why does Father look so pale? "Father, are you alright? Are you cold?"

Lifting my blankets, I offered Father a spot beside me under the thick furs.

"Haha, thank you, Naran. But I'm already warm enough by the fire." Father said before taking another drink of wine. "Now, where was I?"

Seeing that Father didn't want to continue on the topic of his health, I didn't push. After all, if Father were hurt or injured, he would tell me.

"You were talking about the magical flame!"

"Oh, right! Like I was saying," Father continued, returning to his storytelling mode. "This magical flame had the means to bring great glory to anyone who wielded it, whether that be in its raw form or the form of a weapon.

But, with such a powerful weapon, naturally, others would start to lust for this elusive flame. Soon, outsiders began to approach the small flock with gifts of grandeur and ill intentions.

Although the flock elders were wary of the newcomers, the young birds were primarily taken in by the exciting artifact brought in by guests.

Using the youthful curiosity of the young phoenixes, the deceitful guests lured them away from the safety of their nests and snatched them away to gain the Zhu Yang flame for themselves." Father's face contorted into that of a scary monster with claws stretched out and ready to gobble me up!

"Ahh! How scary!" Burying my head under the covers, I didn't want to see the scary face anymore. However, I still wanted to know what happened next.

Barely peeking my eyes over the covers, I waited for Father to continue.

"Ehmm, yes." Father nodded. "Very scary, indeed.

In doing these vicious acts, a great war sparked between the phoenixes and their new poachers.

However, even with the heavenly flame they possessed, they could only do so much. After all, what can a group of old birds and hatchlings do against a pack of ravenous wolves and vipers?

Soon, their numbers dwindled, and the Zhu Yang flame was quickly lost to the world. Well, at least, that's what the world had thought"

Ooh, this is getting to my favorite part! Pulling my blanket up to my chin, I waited in anticipation for Father to get to the next part.

"In the bloodshed, one hatchling managed to escape the slaughter and seek shelter far in enemy territory.

Disguised as one of their own, the hatchling managed to become adopted into a flock of cranes. Hiding their bright, colorful feathers, they opted for the cranes' cool and calm white and black colors.

Soon, no one could tell that they were a phoenix in disguise."

What a genius plan! That phoenix is so intelligent!

"The phoenix lived in relative happiness in its new home and eventually forgot its painful origins.

It even started to look for a mate once it became of age. Eventually, the lonely phoenix found its mate in the form of a witty raven.

Beauty, intelligent, and loyal, the phoenix became utterly enamored with the raven.

However, the raven wasn't an easy bird to win over. After all, she was doing quite well on her own and didn't need others' assistance.

Especially not the help of an 'obnoxious peacock.'" Father laughed; however, it wasn't the usual jovial laughter I was used to. It sounded nostalgic and pained

"Even so, the foolish phoenix was determined to stay by the raven's side. She was an interesting bird who blended in yet equally set herself apart.

Quite a strange raven."

Ehmm, strange indeed. I wonder how that even works

Oh well! Maybe I'll understand when I'm older.

"Soon, the phoenix's efforts paid off. No longer did the raven tsk at the phoenix's presence and started even to anticipate their arrival."

Aww! Smiling, I couldn't help but take notice of Father's happy expression.

Everyone likes good endings! I especially like the ending in this story!

"The pair eventually fell in love and got married. In doing so, they created a special egg to symbolize the eternal love between the couple.

The end."

"Wow! What a create ending, but what else happened? What happened to the egg? Did the egg hatch, or did the phoenix and raven go on any adventures?"

There has to be more to the story, right?

"Now, now, settle down.

I'll save that for next time.

However, you, young lady, need to go to sleep." Patting my head, Father to coax me to sleep. "We have a lot of stuff to do tomorrow."

"Hermm I wanna know more about the magic egg" Couldn't Father just spare me the pain and just tell me now? I was dying to know!

"Haha, oh no, young lady. You need your beauty sleep.

I will tell you the rest of the story over breakfast, alright? "

"Hmph, fine" Pouting, I hoped that Father would take pity over little ol me. However, he just smiled and patted my head again.

"Haha, that's my girl." Leaning down, Father placed a kiss on my forehead. "Sweet dreams, Naran."

"Ehmm, good night, Father."

[1] Queen Mother of the West - a goddess in Chinese religion and mythology who is also worshipped in neighboring Asian countries and attested from ancient times. The first historical information on her can be traced back to oracle bone inscriptions of the fifteenth century BC that record sacrifices to a "Western Mother." Even though these inscriptions illustrate that she predates organized Taoism, she is most often associated with Taoism. From her name alone, some of her most important characteristics are revealed: she is royal, female, and is related to the west. The growing popularity of the Queen Mother of the West, as well as the beliefs that she was the dispenser of prosperity, longevity, and eternal bliss, took place during the second century BC when the northern and western parts of China were able to be better known because of the opening of the Silk Road.

[2] Ulaan dl - meaning 'red flame' in Mongolian.

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