Spring Winds

Chapter 103: Simple Gift

Chapter 103: Simple Gift

"Sigh finally finished." Smoothing out the soft green silk, I admired my work as I set down my embroidery needles.

Sitting in a small wooden box, a green silk ribbon laid there quietly in the dimming daylight.

It was a simple gift, just a simple green hair ribbon with a small silver lotus embroidery on each end.

My embroidery wasn't precisely good; there were a few areas in which the silk thread was too thin or too tight to the point where I had to redo certain areas all over again. Thus causing some areas of the ribbon to have a few holes here and there.

At least, from a distance, it looked nice enough.

"Sigh." Brushing over the small holes, I tried to smooth out the area to no avail. I'm starting to regret not honing my embroidery skills outside of just simple mending.

Perhaps then I would've been able to produce a better gift for Junior Sister.

Maybe I should make another one?

Hmm, no, that would be too unreasonable.

The material was already pretty good, silk made from a level seven Thundering Silk Worm and thread from a level six Crimson Fang Spider. Getting fresh materials to create a new ribbon would be too costly and time-consuming.

Ah, I can only hope that Junior Sister doesn't pay too close attention to my poor craftsmanship.

Although I'm sure she wouldn't care about such things, I wanted to give her at least something as worthy and caring as the sword she had given me a few months prior.

Something that she'd be willing to keep by her side at all times.

"Goodness since when have I acted like a love-stricken juvenile?" It's too ridiculous for a noblewoman to act in such a manner.

Closing the box, I tried not to think too hard about it. After all, it was just a simple gift, nothing more.

Just something to show my appreciation and care to show m-mylove

Ahh, too ridiculous

Holding my face, I could feel myself burning up all over again as my cheeks and neck prickled in heat.

This is bad.

How could the mere thought of her make me so weak? And the worse part is perhaps the fact that Zhu Na Ran doesn't have a clue

No good, no good

Getting up from my seat, I tried to take in the spring air to clear my mind. The scent of leaves and the afternoon air brought me some comfort, however, only for a moment.

"Hmm, I'm sure the air was just like this when we first met."

A breezy spring day and haywire kite.

"Since when did my feelings for her change?" From that of a mere stranger to that of a senior sister, and now that of an admirer.

Sigh, fate works in strange ways

As much as I wanted Zhu Na Ran to realize the truth of my heart, a part of me wished for me to stay in the comforting and painful darkness.

Even if I had to suffer in silence and watch her fall for someone else, at least, it would spare me the sight of seeing her abhor in knowing the truth.

But, I'm not sure how much longer I would be willing to keep these thoughts and feelings bottled up and within me.

Master had done me a favor of sorts by taking Zhu Na Ran out for additional training to boost her cultivation.

However, the separation only seemed to make the pain worse. Every part of my being seemed to yearn for her in ways that I dare not voice out.

"Hah, get a grip on yourself, Ye Lian Hua"

Suddenly, like a Heaven-sent distraction, the barrier around Yu Lan Peak showed signs of disturbance.

Hmm, could someone be trying to break into Yu Lan Peak while Master is away?

Grabbing my sword, I rushed over to the entrance to see who dared try to weasel their way in without invitation.

Yu Lan Peak wasn't a vegetable market where everyone could come and go as they pleased.

Opening the gate to the illusionary magnolia field, I stepped through to see the disturbance.

A cry for help could be heard from a distance, followed by a weak struggle.

Hmm, it looks like someone got stuck in one of the traps I had set up. When Zhu Na Ran tried to escape from her studies and escape through the flower field, I placed a few nets that could slow her down.

Who knew that they would finally be put to use?


Is anyone out there?" Someone called out, followed by a few more grunts of struggle.

"Speak. Who dares come to Yu Lan Peak uninvited?" Rounding the corner, I brushed away the blooming branches of magnolias to see the disturbance.

To my surprise, entangled in the trap was a young girl.

Dressed in sect robes, it was difficult to discern which peak she had come from; however, her face was vaguely familiar. Arriving a bit closer, the meek voice of a familiar girl entered my ears.

"H-haha, greetings, Martial Aunt Jing Hua"

"Miss Bai Yin?"


"I'm so sorry for the rude welcome, Miss Bai Yin." Setting down the tea tray, I poured the poor girl a cup of tea. "We don't get many visitors here with the barrier and all.

And in addition to the fact that my master isn't available at the moment." Handing the cup to the young girl, she received it with both hands.

"O-oh, no, it's okay; I should've known before barging in. I just didn't expect to get caught in a net, haha

It just seems so unusual to have such a nice magnolia field."

My face pricked in embarrassment at Bai Yin's words. "Apologizes, those were for precautionary measures. To keep outsiders from getting too far in." And to keep insiders from getting too far out.

"Ahh, I see." Bai Yin smiled as she took a sip of tea. "I suppose I should've expected as much."

"So, what brings Miss Bai Yin to our humble peak? It's been some time since our last encounter."

"Ah, right, the Lantern Festival!"

While searching for my junior sister, I had happened to run into Miss Bai Yin, who appeared to be late for a meeting of sorts. Fortunately for me, she was the last one who interacted in Zhu Na Ran and could point me in her direction.

What a helpful girl.

"Hah, well, I was hoping to see Jing Ran today." Bai Yin's face started to flush as her hands swindled in her lap.

"Oh?" My chest clenched tightly as my eyes narrowed at the squirming girl. Curling my hands into tight balls under my sleeve, I tried to reign in the jealous beast that started to shake its cage.

She refers to Zhu Na Ran with a nickname. Although it is still somewhat on the formal side, most would've addressed Junior Sister as Martial Aunt Jing Ran.

It seems that Zhu Na Ran is quite lenient when it comes to these formalities.

"Jing Ran? I didn't realize that you and my junior sister were that close."

"Oh, aha," Bai Yin laughed nervously. "Martial Aunt Jing Ran, and I are just friends. She insisted that I call her something less formal.

I-I suppose I've gotten used to calling her that"

"It's fine, Miss Bai Yin. This auntie is just surprised, that's all.

If my junior sister insists that you refer to her in that manner, then, by all means, do so.

Just don't forget prosperity when needed."

"E-ehm, I'll keep that in mind." Bai Yin bowed her head as her face reddened.

First Fei Fu Qu, then Shao Xiu Lan, and now Miss Bai Yin. My junior sister's charm sure knows no bounds.

Feeling my nails dig into my palm, I tried to take deep breaths to calm myself down. After all, a lady must never let her jealousy muddle her mind.

Plus, there's no guarantee that Bai Yin likes Zhu Na Ran in that manner, right?

At most, they are perhaps friends, if not close acquaintances.

And it's not like Zhu Na Ran had shown any interest in anyone, and if she were, she'd be too dense to even realize it on her own.

However, it isn't impossible for Zhu Na Ran to be snatched up by someone during her naivety. If someone like Bai Yin or Shao Xiu Lan were to confess to her, I'm sure she would've accepted them wholeheartedly.

They have good chemistry, have similar interests, and they'd look good together.

Plus, considering her carefree nature, I'm sure that Zhu Na Ran would prefer someone who's more lenient and easygoing than herself.

And as much as I'd hate to consider the possibility, Fei Fu Qu seems to be a good match with Zhu Na Ran; however, that's a possibility I'd rather not think about.

I can't rule out the possibility that there is a young man she fancies

If indeed there was someone who she held in her heart without knowing it

Then I hope that she doesn't come to realize them-

What am I saying!

Zhu Na Ran is allowed to like whoever she likes, and I have no say in it.

The best I can do is support her choices, even if some of them can be rather questionable.

"Sigh, how silly" Every day I seem to grow more muddle-minded.

"Um, Martial Aunt Jing Hua, is there something wrong?" Bai Yin suddenly spoke up.

"O-oh, nothing, I've just lost my focus for a bit. My apologies, please continue with what you were saying." I stammered as my face burned hot with embarrassment. Ah, how rude of me

"A-ah, alright. As I was saying, I wished to tell Jing Ran of the good news."

"Good news?"

"Um, I'm not sure if Martial Aunts have heard or not, b-but I'm getting married." Bai Yin lifted her left hand to show a jade engagement band around her finger.

Suddenly, all of the animosity and jealousy I held evaporated, only to be replaced by utter embarrassment. To think that I've thought ill of this poor girl.

Ahh, I should self-reflect on this later so that it doesn't happen again.

"Congratulations on your engagement, truly." I smiled in an attempt to lighten the mood between us. "So, who's the lucky man?"

"Um, Bai Chen."

"Oh, congratulations." This is a surprise.

It wasn't common that adopted siblings to harbor feelings for the other; however, it seems that these two were a rare exception. And for parents to allow such a pairing is even rarer.

Perhaps this is the sect master's way of legitimizing his adopted son as his heir apparent.

"Thank you, Martial Aunt Jing Hua; I appreciate your kind words."

The conversation strayed from topic to topic, from their wedding dates and her wedding dress's progress.

"You seem to have a lot of things to do before the wedding."

"Ehmm, yes, but most of the work is already being done for me. So, there isn't much for me to do." Bai Yin smiled as she took a sip of tea. "Eh?

What happened to your fingers, Martial Aunt Jing Hua?

Is that from training?" Bai Yin nodded at my bandaged fingers. Unfortunately, due to my poor skills and inexperience in embroidery, I have managed to prick my fingertips on more than one occurrence.

"Ah, no. I'm working on a gift." I took out the box that contained Zhu Na Ran's gift. "However, as you can see, my experience with embroidery is rather elementary."

"Hmm" Bai Yin hummed as her silver eyes scrutinized my work. "But I think Martial Auntie did quite well.

However, if you would like, I can teach you some tricks that would make this look a bit more polished."

"O-oh, of course. I-I would appreciate that."

"Heh, it's no problem. I would be honored to help you finish your gift for Jing Ran."

"A-ah, i-it's not for my junior sister" I tried to defend myself and explain myself; however,

Bai Yin didn't answer as she just smiled softly.

"Hm, whatever Martial Auntie says." Bai Yin hummed with a weird knowing smile on her face.

Ahhh, how embarrassing

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