Spring Winds

Chapter 110: Summer Hunt (1)

Chapter 110: Summer Hunt (1)

"Welcome everyone to the long-anticipated Summer Hunt!" Cheers followed as the announcer rallied up the crowd for the Mystic Treasure Realm's opening.

Hmm, quite a lively event ah. (*^ ^*)

Looking around the bustling campground, it was quite a colorful sight. Like wildflowers in spring, disciples in various sect colors awaited the gate to open and for the hunt to commence.

If we weren't divided into our various groups, it would've been difficult to tell how many associations and sects have decided to join the hunt.

Not to mention the various reclusive clans that made surprise appearances. Ahh, this event has truly spread wide and far.

The host went on to say some more pleasantries and other things that I couldn't be bothered to pay attention to.

Ehh, something about how a day here is equivalent to a week inside the realm and that the hunt will last for a total of three days.

Hmm, I think he mentioned something about an abundance of spiritual beasts or something like that...?

Oh, right!

And how we'll be teleported to random sections for the treasure realm, and that it will be our responsibility to get to the exit before the domain closes.

Whelp, I better pay some mind to the countdown; otherwise, who knows when the realm will open up again! ( ; A ; )

"Are you nervous about getting into the treasure realm?" A large hand suddenly appeared on my shoulder. "You seem to be a bit distracted."

"Eh? Why would I be?

This is what you've prepared me for, isn't it, Master?" Half-heartedly glaring at Master, he laughed with a cheeky smile.

"Haha, so you see that your blood, sweat, and tears were for not then?"

"Tch, I wouldn't say that, Master." ( - _ - )

"Ho ho, cheer up, my dear disciple!" Master patted my back gleefully. "It was for your own benefit, you'll see!

Soon, you'll be grateful to this master for preparing you for this day."

As much as I hate to admit it, Master is right to some degree.

Not that I'd tell him that.

At least, not right now.

I am grateful for the attentive training that he gave me; however, that doesn't excuse all of the ridiculous tasks that he made me do in between said training!

Ah, the wound is still fresh, and the resentment of mine still lingers.

"Anyways, where's that senior sister of yours. You two are usually never more than an arms width away from each other."


"I wish I knew.

I haven't seen Senior Sister since a few nights ago. I think she might be ignoring me, but I don't know for sure."

After all, she could just be really busy with preparations for the hunt.

"Hmm, I see." Master nodded as he stroked his beard in thought.

"You still got the gift I gave you?"


"Oh, you mean this thing?" Pulling out the silver mirror Master had given Senior Sister and me, it gleamed in the afternoon light.

It wasn't particularly ornate, but it was elegant in its design with its dainty flower impressions along the edge and the inlaid jade flower carved into the back.

"Still not sure why you gave Senior Sister and me a mirror."

"It's not just any mirror," Master said as he took hold of the mirror from my hands. "This is a communication mirror.

This tool will allow you and your senior sister to communicate with each other when you enter the treasure realm.

Ehh? So that's what it's for?

"But wait, how do I use this?" Without knowing how to use it, this thing was no different than an average hand mirror.

"Just inject a bit of spiritual qi into it" Master leaned in and tapped the mirror's reflective surface "And think of the one you wish to see." Soon enough, Senior Sister's face appeared on the mirror's face.

"Oh!" I didn't know that it could do that! ( 0 o 0 )

Looking into the mirror, I was surprised to see how high-quality Senior Sister's image was. It was almost as if she were there on the other side.

"Master, Junior Sister." Senior Sister greeted me with a cold expression. Sending chills down my spine. "Why have you activated your mirror? Is something wrong?"

"U-um, well" I tried to get some words out, but they seemed stuck in my throat!

Ahh, there are so many things I want to say right now! (Q A Q)

Why was Senior Sister ignoring me, if I had done something terrible, or if there was anything I could do to fix our situation?

"We're just testing out the mirror to see if it worked," Master answered for me. "Sorry if we've interrupted your work."

"Ehm." Senior Sister nodded. "In that case, this disciple will be the one to leave the conversation first.


"A-actually, Senior Sister, I-"

In a flash, Senior Sister's image was gone.


Sniff, Senior Sister is so cold to this junior ah. ( i A i )

"Hmm, what's up with that?" Master asked as he raised his brow. "I haven't seen her act so cold to you in some time."

"I don't know." Slumping, I felt the energy within me evaporate in an instant. "Senior Sister has been like that for the past few days."

"Hm, strange," Master muttered. "Well, I'm sure the two of you will work it out." Master patted my back, reassuringly.

"You always do."


Hah, I knew it.

Senior Sister is avoiding me. (T _ T)

If that mirror incident was already proof, then small encounters that followed were reinforcing that message.

Whenever I tried to approach Senior Sister, she would just walk the other way.

Or when I tried to pull her aside to talk, she would just say that she was too busy at the moment and would speak to me later.


Later might as well mean never! (T A T)

It's so clear that she never wants to see me again! Never!

And the worst part is that I don't even know why she's doing this!

Have I done something wrong? And if so, why hasn't she said so?

"Aiyah I wish Senior Sister would just talk to me." Tiptoeing around Senior Sister and trying to squeeze an answer from her isn't working.

If anything, I only seem to make her more irritated. (lll _ _)

After that whole bed incident, Senior Sister's threat of getting a different tent wasn't an empty one as the next day; she moved out!

Leaving me alone in this massive tent by myself!

Even though it's kind of cool to have a massive bed to myself, the novelty of it wore off quickly as I found myself expecting her to be beside me every morning.

Sigh the bed feels so cold with just me in it.

No scratch that, every day feels cold without Senior Sister, and we're in the middle of summer!

Wahh, why must this happen! ( i A i )/

"Jing Ran, are you feeling okay?" Bai Yin nudged my arm, concern written all over her face.

"Martial Aunt Jing Ran, have you been getting enough sleep?" Bai Chen chimed into the conversation. "Martial Auntie looks to be a bit pale."

"Ehmm." Bai Yin nodded in agreement. "You look like a panda with your dark circles.

You and Martial Aunt Jing Hua both." The couple nodded in agreement as they continued to look at me with concern.

"Ah? Really?" Rubbing my eyes, they felt a bit sore and tender. "I haven't seen Senior Sister in a while (TT ^ TT)

I don't think she wants to see me at all right now." ( ; _ ;)


Did Martial Aunties get into a fight?" Bai Chen asked.

"Uhh you could say that?

I'm not sure myself as to what went wrong." Maybe I'm just too much for her to handle at the moment? Perhaps I'm coming off too strong?

Ehh, but how can that be?

It's not like I'm trying to do anything terrible to her! I like her a lot so um, I want to get close to her.

Or at least closer to her than I was before.

Plus, it's not like I'm acting any different than I was before I left.


Perhaps I'm going about this wrong

"If you don't mind me asking, Jing Ran, but what do you think could've happened that made Martial Aunt Jing Hua upset in the first place?" Bai Yin asked.

"Herm, let me think" ( - ~ -)

Senior Sister seemed to be upset by our housing arrangements as she said that she requested two beds, not one.

So I guess that was already a start.

However, I didn't think the bed was too bad. It was comfy and spacious. Plus, it wasn't like we haven't slept in such proximity before. We've done so plenty of times, so I didn't see the issue.

But, Senior Sister seemed adamant about her decision to have this problem fixed. Aiyah, maybe Senior Sister was upset that the disciple made this error in her otherwise flawless planning?

Hmm, what else happened?

Oh right!

After Senior Sister couldn't get the issue fixed in time, she set up this ridiculous pillow wall! Am I that terrible to be with, that Senior Sister doesn't even want to be in the same bed as me?

I mean, I suppose I tend to roll around a bit, but it wasn't like I was a bed hog or anything. (Q A Q)

After trying to get Senior Sister to relax a bit, I realized that Senior Sister was still wearing her clothes in bed!

Senior Sister never does that at least from my experience. Every time we went to sleep, Senior Sister was always diligent in wearing her underclothes to not dirty the bed from her outer layers.

I figured that Senior Sister must've been so frustrated at how things turned out that she forgot to remove her outer layer.

Therefore, I tried to help her out.

But that didn't seem to be the right move, as Senior Sister scolded me right after. (; _ _)

As for whatever happened afterward...eh, it's a bit blurry.

However, I do recall something in my heart feeling weird and having Senior Sister check it out

And then afterward, not being able to speak for some reason hmm, weird.

But that was a dream because there's no way I would've done something so reckless after already gaining Senior Sister's ire!

So, that's probably not something that I need to worry too much about. ( o 3o)


"Hah, maybe I got on Senior Sister's nerves after dinner. She seemed pretty frustrated after some bedding arrangements got messed up.

Herm, perhaps I should've read the room more. Hopefully, Senior Sister isn't too mad at me ...."

"Haha, that's alright." Bai Yin giggled with a smile. "When has she ever held a grudge against you for a long time, Jing Ran?

I'm sure that after some time, and you give her the space she needs, she'll come around again."

"Thanks, Bai Yin. B-but, what if she doesn't?" I don't want Senior Sister to ignore me forever. Afterall I do want to be with her.

"Well, if Martial Auntie doesn't want to talk to you, why do you make something nice for her? I'll even help you create something nice for her if you'd like.

Perhaps by showing your sincerity in an apology gift, it will make her happy, and she'll forgive you." Bai Yin suggested.

An apology gift? (o_o )?

Heavens, why didn't I think of that sooner!

"Bai Yin, you're a genius!" An apology gift is a perfect thing to get Senior Sister to talk to me again!

Plus, what better place to find something nice than in the Mystic Treasure Realm?

I'm sure that there's plenty of nice things a noble lady like Senior Sister would like and appreciate! A lovely necklace, maybe a hairpin?

Ehh, I'll work it out when I see something nice.

Alright! I've decided! (@^ v ^@)

Mission: Get Senior Sister to Like Me Again is in action! (^ o ^)/

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