Spring Winds

Chapter 111: Summer Hunt (2)

Chapter 111: Summer Hunt (2)

"Brother Yuan, how much longer do you think until we've caught our next catch?"

Long Yuan glanced at the disciple who asked the question. 'We've just caught two level-seven Gem Serpents, and you're already pestering this master for more?

What a bunch of f*cking leeches.'

Plastering on a pleasant smile and hiding his curled fist under his sleeves, Long Yuan answered, "We should be heading close to the level-eight Grim Wolf.

Based on these tracks that we've found, it shouldn't have gone far.

Perhaps, if we're lucky, the wolf would have pups."

"Ooh! That's our Brother Yuan!"

"Big Bro, you're such an expert on finding these beasts and treasures!"

"Yeah! Have you ventured in the treasure realm before?"

"Haha, what are you saying?" Long Yuan laughed as he mentally rolled his eyes. 'How the f*ck would have this master ventured here if this place only opens every few hundred years or so!'


Stay your anger." The cold robotic voice reminded him as the other group members started to pile on their own questions.

'I'm trying, Zhuang Zhi, but why do these dead weights have to tag along with this master?!

This wasn't in the original plot!'

If anything, the original Long Yuan was practically barred from other groups as they kicked him down to suck up to Bai Chen.

Instead, every single fly and mosquito seemed to want to suck him dry of any goods and treasures!

And the worst part is, it's only the men who seem interested in what he has! Not a single cute girl has come his way!

'This has to be some f*cking joke, Zhuang Zhi!

Women should literally be throwing themselves on me just from seeing my stuff, not a bunch of these b*stards!'

"Hmm, honey attracts more than vinegar; however, never does it specify exactly what it attracts." The pearl answered its annoyed host. "Rest assured, Host. You'll still get your promised women in due time."

'Hah, I better.

If I have to be surrounded by all of these d*cks, I might just go insane.'

'Patience, Host. Patience.'


Brother Yuan, I think I see something ahead!" One of the cannon fodders shouted out in excitement as they pointed to something between the bushes.

Carefully and eagerly creeping over, Long Yuan peeped through the leaves to see what lay on the other side.

In the wilderness clearing, the Grim Wolf seemed gravely injured as it seemed to have fought something quite ferocious as it struggled to get up from its spot.

Due to its large body, Long Yuan couldn't see what its' opponent was; however, based on the fact that it could injure the beast to this degree, it couldn't be a simple monster.

Luckily, whatever the wolf was fighting seemed to lose interest in it, as the wolf managed to walk away from the battle with its life.

"Brother Yuan." One of the disciples nudged his arm. "Should we go after it?"

"Em." Long Yuan nodded as he eyeballed the retreating Grim Wolf. "But let's be careful. We don't know if the beast that it was fighting is still around."

"Brother Yuan, why don't you go first? After all, you discovered the Grim Wolf first, and it is the strongest one here."

The other group was quick to agree to the disciple's seemingly offhand suggestion.

'Oh ho.' Long Yuan hid his smirk at the disciple's remark. 'So one of the cannon fodder's wants to get dumped, huh?

Hehe, this master will show you.'

"Alright. I'll go ahead.

Everyone, wait here." Standing up from his hiding spot, Long Yuan started to go after the injured wolf.

'Zhuang Zhi, what's the status of the Beast Taming Talisman?'

"Only a few more seconds until it's complete, Host."

Soon, a small sheet of paper started to appear on his hand. A sinister smile formed on his lip as Long Yuan thought to himself, 'Good things do indeed happen to those who wait.

Not only do I get to get a powerful mount, but I can finally get some use out of these small fries.

After all, after fighting such a powerful enemy, surely my poor mount must be hungry.'


However, unbeknownst to Long Yuan, someone has taken notice of his dirty deed with interest.


This young man seems interesting." Peering into an enchanted mirror, a white fox cocked its head at it. "To think I would find something so fascinating after so long, hmm

This must be my lucky day~!" The fox's nine tails flicked happily behind it as it watched Long Yuan use the starved Grim Wolf to slaughter his former group members mercilessly. "Hehe, it seems like this young man might be one!"

How long has it been since she met someone so delightful?

Handsome and dashing, yet a streak of madness and cruelty seemed to gleam in the man's eyes.

She didn't know why, but she felt a sudden urge to meet this alluring young man and take him for her own. Even if he had other women, it wouldn't matter.

From looking at him alone, she knew that it would be beneficial for her to cling to him regardless. She might even be able to break free of her demonic status and finally ascend as a true immortal.


Don't go anywhere, young man~." The demon cooed as she stroked Long Yuan's image, her long nail scratching down the mirror's face. "This big sister will be coming for you soon.

But~." The fox demon looked off into the distance with a smile. "Dinner must come before dessert, fufu."

In a flurry of white, the fox demon soon disappeared with a cruel cackle. "Ahh~, today is just too fun!"


"Sister Qu, have a drink." A-Tong offered the worried girl a cup of hot tea. "Perhaps this will help ease your mind."

"How can I be at ease, A-Tong?" Fei Fu Qu took hold of the small cup with both hands. "If I can't go in and protect Xiao Ran?"

Taking a sip, the jasmine tea did little to ease her worries. "What if something were to happen to her?

It's not like I could enter in and save her from any danger that may come."

What if someone was harboring ill intent against her Xiao Ran?

"Hmm, this servant understands that Sister Qu worries about Sister Ran; however, you'll only wear yourself thin.

In addition, you've only recently recovered from your old injuries, and any more aggravation might trigger some lingering side effects."

"Sigh, you're right, A-Tong.

But, it's just so hard not to."

"Ehm." A-Tong smiled as she set down the tea tray. Taking hold of Fei Fu Qu's hand, the young girl tried to comfort her. "This one knows; however, perhaps have some faith in Sister Ran.

Even though she can be a bit foolish, she managed to make it this far, didn't she?"

"I suppose you're right." Fei Fu Qu sighed. She supposed it was about time that she placed a little faith in her Xiao Ran being able to face the world independently without her around.

However, she still couldn't shake the feeling that something horrible would happen when she least expected it.

After all, it has happened before

"Sigh, I'm sorry, A-Tong." Fei Fu Qu smiled apologetically at her young maid. "But just for this one's sake, could you bring over the mirror?

I just want to make a quick check." Clapping her hands together, Fei Fu Qu smiled sheepishly at A-Tong.

"Sigh." A-Tong smiled helplessly. "Alright, please wait here, Sister Qu." The young girl made a quick bow before swiftly leaving the room.

"Hah" It's been less than a day since the Mystic Treasure Realm has opened up. And even less so since her beloved has entered that dangerous realm.

'If only I were in a better condition, I could've gone with her.'

Even though she has recovered substantially over the past few months, she has yet to return to her peak condition. However, being separated from her Xiao Ran was even more excruciating.

Especially after what she saw in that horrible nightmare

"T-this, this can't be happening!

This is impossible!"

Digging her nails into the body of the bamboo, Fei Fu Qu looked on with a raging fury as Zhu Na Ran ran into her most loathsome enemy's arms.

'Why, why, why!?

Why is that b*tch here?!' Gnawing her lip into a pulp, Fei Fu Qu silently watched the interaction from the cold shadows.

"Senior Sister! I missed you!" Zhu Na Ran exclaimed as he jumped into Ye Lian Hua's arms, nearly tackling the girl to the ground.

"Ah! Be careful!" Grabbing onto the railing, she tried to prevent both of them from falling to the ground.

The pair continued with their cheerful interactions, unknowing of Fei Fu Qu's envious glaze glaring down the happy couple.

As if the night couldn't get any worse, the two started to sit close to one another, feet playfully kicking the water as the two shared whispered giggles between one another.

There was nothing more Fei Fu Qu wanted to do than to run over to them and rip the two from each other and to shout, "Xiao Ran is mine!"

However, she knew that it would only drive Zhu Na Ran away from her if she executed such a tactic.

Therefore, all she could do was to watch on in horror as the dreadful night continued.

But, nothing could've prepared her for what she was about to witness next.

"You know, Senior Sister. I heard a rumor about etiquette here in these central plains." Zhu Na Ran stated as she kicked her feet in the water.

"Oh? Hah, and what might that be?" Ye Lian Hua questioned.

"I heard that women here cherish their feet like their lives.

Except for her husband, no one else can see them."

"Oh? And what happens when someone does see her feet, hmm?"

"Em, they have to marry her."

"Hahaha! Where in the world did you hear such a thing?"

"Is it true, though?"

"Hahaha, w-well" A bad feeling grew in Fei Fu Qu's heart as she saw her worst enemy's face grow flush.

'No no, no'

However, no matter how much she wanted everything to stop, she couldn't tear her eyes away from the horrific scene as her beloved Xiao Ran leaned in to kiss her most vile rival!

'This, this can't be!

This can't be true. T-there's no way that my Xiao Ran would think of that venomous woman in such a way!'

Gritting her teeth, Fei Fu Qu resisted the urge to kneel over in pain and fury as her heart panged in her chest at the flowery sight.

'T-this has to be wrong

That b*tch must be influencing Xiao Ran's thoughts somehow or manipulating her!'

However, despite Fei Fu Qu's efforts to convince herself so, the evidence before her was irrefutable.

Zhu Na Ran was in love with Ye Lian Hua.



"Sister Qu! Your hand!"

Fei Fu Qu snapped out of her trance as A-Tong dropped everything and rushed over to her. Looking down, only then did she realize that she broke the dainty teacup as hot tea and blood spilled down her hand.

"It's fine, A-Tong. I'm not hurt." Fei Fu Qu cracked a smile in an attempt to reassure the young maid. However, A-Tong ignored her as she pried open Fei Fu Qu's clenched hand to retrieve the broken porcelain pieces.

"It's only a few cuts and a small burn."

"B-but, what if these cuts leave a scar!? They're so deep and these burns, your whole hand is so red!"

"It's fine. They're only flesh wounds, and they'll heal in due time." No matter what she said to the poor girl, it seems like A-Tong wouldn't relent.

"Miss Tong?" An unfamiliar voice called out from outside the tent door. "Is everything alright?"

Fei Fu Qu shot her maid a glance, raising a brow in question. "Who is that?"

"Oh, this servant forgot." A-Tong bowed in embarrassment. "There was a young man who was looking for you.

I-I hope you don't mind that I brought him here."

Shaking her head, Fei Fu Qu smiled at the nervous girl. "It's alright. You did the right thing." Looking to the door, she called out, "You may enter."

A young man dressed in clean and simple white robes stepped into the tent. "Please excuse my manners.

I have yet to become accustomed to the mannerisms of the central valley."

The mysterious man in white was handsome and tall with foreign features that she had not seen before, yet for some reason, he gave off a faint impression that resembled Zhu Na Ran. "I'm honored that after so long, I can finally meet the allusive Second Young Miss Fei."

"You are?" Fei Fu Qu scanned the man up and down, trying to recall if she has ever met this odd person before.

"Oh, how rude of me." The young man laughed to himself. "You may call me Ziya, and I believe Second Young Miss Fei, we would be excellent business partners."

"Oh? And why is that?"

"Why, because we're both after the same goal." The young man smiled.

"We both want Zhu Na Ran."

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