Spring Winds

Chapter 112: Summer Hunt (3)

Chapter 112: Summer Hunt (3)

"Caw!" A large bird screeched as it swooped down and tried to snag me with its sharp talons.

Ooh, maybe that chicken could be worth something!

Drawing my sword, I waited for the bird to swing down close enough so that I could make a move on it.

"Caaw!!!" Seeing my blade, it only seemed to grow infuriated as its sharp claws appeared to have a particularly extra deadly gleam to them.

Yikes. (;; - v-)

Best try to avoid those, haha.

Readying myself, I swiftly slashed at the ferocious bird. "Hiya!"

Using the technique that Master taught me, I put my weight into the swing as it came down onto the bird. The sword made a clean swishing sound as it cut through the air and soon the bird's thin neck.


The bird released a shrill cry as blood started to gush from its wound. Chaotically flying by me, it soon crashed into a few trees. The bird let out a faint crooning sound before its neck limply fell to the side, dead.

"Hah?" Seeing the pathetic display, I couldn't help but feel a bit disappointed. (-_- ;)

Whelp. That was a little anticlimactic. I was expecting more of a fight from these beasts.

Perhaps because it's still too early into the hunt, none of the higher-level beasts have come out to play.

Eh, whatever. I'll take an easy win anytime. (*^ 3 ^*)

"Hmm, pretty good, pretty good." Crouching down, I took a peek at what would be my dinner for the night. Lifting the bird's bright red wing, I noticed that it was only a level-three Crimson Pheasant. Not necessarily typical, and yet not necessarily rare either.

Aiyah looks like I won't be cashing in too many points from this kill. Hmm, but a point is a point.

Stashing the giant bird into my interspatial bag, I ventured deeper into the wilderness. Perhaps, if I keep going deeper, then I'll finally find something good!

"Ah, how many points do I have now?" Pulling out the enchanted jade tablet that we were provided, I read my pathetic score.

<Fifty-nine points.>

Three level-two lizards, one level-two dart frog, and now a level-three pheasant.

Ahh, it looks like the chicken was only able to bring my score up twelve points. And it doesn't help that I have yet to find any treasures or herbs of any value.

"For a place named for its bounty of treasures, it sure is pretty dry on anything shiny or sparkly." I haven't seen a single gleam or glitter of treasure since I've entered this place! (i v i)

Aiyah, maybe it's just my bad luck or something to have teleported here, devoid of any treasure. ( i - i )

"Hmm, I wonder how Senior Sister is doing." I wonder if she's also experiencing this lack of treasures and high-level beasts.

Hah, what am I saying?

Knowing her, I'm sure that she would've already found something good that would've granted her a ton of points!

And if that's the case, then it looks like I'll need to find some heavenly treasures soon, or else I'll have to owe Senior Sister a favor. ( T^T )

After all, who knows what she might make me do!

She might even lock me up into closed-door cultivation for a year!

I could already feel the icy chill of those cold caves

No, no, no!

Think positive, Naran!

Maybe just dig a little deeper, and we can find something that's so valuable that it would completely crush Senior Sister's score!

Not to mention, I still need to find a suitable gift to appease Senior Sister for whatever past transgression I have committed.

Maybe it will even soften her heart enough so that I wouldn't need to suffer too much in whatever she plans for me. ( - v - )

"Alrighty!" Feeling invigorated again, I could feel the excitement from my hopeful prospects fill me up once more! "Let's do this!" (^ o ^)/


Okay! Maybe I have gone a bit over my head!

"Wah!" Dodging the large water ball, I narrowly missed getting splattered by the watery substance.

"Roar!" Growling, the serpentine beast narrowed its eyes at me as it barred its sharp yellow fangs.

Yikes! I definitely don't wanna get near that thing!

Snarling, poofs of steam came out of its nostrils as it darted between the trees and headed straight for me!

Ahh! No good, no good!

"H-hah! Um, good water dragon thingy!

Stay back!" Sh*t, why didn't I think that a large pile of treasure wouldn't have a guardian!?

Two hours ago


How is it that there isn't a single speck of treasure anywhere?!" (T A T)

I've been searching for hours, no days! And not a single thing has come up! Heck, I haven't even seen any low-level monsters around anywhere!

It's like this place has been completely abandoned after being picked clean!

"Hahhhh." Plopping down on the ground, I started to draw circles into the ground.

Maybe I'm trying to rush things too much? It's only been a few hours since I started adventuring this realm, so perhaps I'm just not looking in the right spots.

Herm, but I'm usually pretty good at finding these things. (i A i)

Perhaps, I should just take a break.

Pulling out my water gourd, I tried to take a sip of water, only to find it empty!

Eh? I was sure that I filled it before I entered the realm

Herm, maybe I drank it all?

Shaking the gourd, I tried to see if there was even a single drop of water left.

Oh. Nevermind.

It's on the ground now. (. _. )

Staring down at the tiny wet spot, I wanted to kick myself for doing something so stupid!

Aiyah, you've done it now, Naran. Now You're going to die out here with no water, no treasure, and with no special favors from Senior Sister! _(:, _| Z)_

Hah, I guess I better find a stream or river or else risk dying of thirst.

Picking myself off the ground, I brushed off the mysterious pink dirt from my clothes.

Geez, hopefully, this doesn't leave a stain ( - ~ - )

Meandering through the woods, I was surprised to see how similar the Mystic Treasure Realm was to our many realms.

Well, if you exclude the fact that there was a lavender sky instead of an azure one. Or the fact that the water shimmered with varying hues of violet and that the trees had a bluish tint to their bark; one wouldn't be able to tell the difference.

"Water, oh water. Where could you be, ah?" The leaves and grass under my feet crunched softly underfoot as I wandered through the strange and mystical place. The weird-looking orange butterflies fluttered by as the long-tailed birds squealed overhead.

"Hmm, if one could keep this place in one's pocket, then this is already a treasure of its own."

I remember somewhere in one of the many books that Senior Sister forced me to read: some could create their own pocket realms within bags, pouches, and even books.

However, maintaining such a thing was expensive and required a lot of skill. Otherwise, the pocket realm would collapse in on itself.

Therefore, any pocket realms that managed to survive and within the test of time were precious treasures that only a few affluent families and sects could possess.

Herm, unfortunately, I don't think even Yun Cai Peak or the other Great Peaks have a pocket realm in their possession either.

Ah, such a shame. ( - 3-)

Soon enough, I could hear the soft babbling of water in the distance. Following the sound, I was greeted with the view of a small stream leaking out from a cracked stone. The light purple water dripped lazily from the fracture and into a small pool before running down into a larger river.

Coming closer to the water's edge, I could see that the water was clean enough. Plus, if it was coming out from this rock, it must be from some freshwater pocket.

Although, whether or not the water was safe or not to consume was another thing. Before we entered the realm, we were advised to bring a copious amount of supplies and not to eat or drink too much from the realm's resources for fear of unknown side effects.

Eh, heh, I would've followed such a thing if I had known about it sooner!

It wasn't until the last minute did I realize that everyone had to prepare three weeks' worth of supplies!

And since Senior Sister has been ignoring me for the past few days prior, ahem, well, I wasn't very attentive to whatever else needed to be done. (;; - v -)

After all, Senior Sister was the one in charge of the itinerary, hehe

Well, desperate times call for desperate measures!

It's better to face some unknown side effects rather than slowly die from starvation and dehydration.

Touching the water with a twig, I was glad that it didn't appear that the water was acidic or anything, as the twig didn't disintegrate upon contact.

Tapping the water's surface with my fingertip, I let out a sigh of relief that my hand didn't turn into a bloody mess of flesh.

Okay, it looks like this water isn't harmful exteriorly.

Now, for an interior test

Scooping a handful of water, I looked down at the lavender water.

It's now or never!

Guzzling down the purple water, I was surprised to find that I didn't feel any pain! In fact, I feel rather refreshed and re-energized!

"Eh?" The scratches and cuts that I've gathered from the trip started to fade away as water dribbled down my hand.

Hah? Is this some sort of magic water!

In that case

I should just bottle a bunch of these up and sell them for a profit! (*O v O*)b

Hehe, magic water from a mystical treasure realm that only opens up every hundred years or so will undoubtedly sell for a high price! (*^ v ^*)

Ahh, if only I packed more bottles; otherwise, I wouldn't need to continue searching if I already found the jackpot!

As I started to stock up on the miracle water, I noticed something strange in the water.


Leaning closer to the water's surface, I tried to make out what it was. The object seemed to be golden and shiny as it glittered under the water.

Ooh! Treasure!

And treasure that seems so close too!

Reaching into the water, I tried to snag whatever was there. However, it seems like it was deeper than I expected, as my hand only grabbed more water!


"Tch, get over here!-


Suddenly a strong force grabbed onto my arm and yanked me right into the water! What the f*ck!

I tried to tug away from the invisible force; however, it seemed to grab ahold of the rest of my limbs as I found myself sinking further and further away from the surface!

No good!

Kicking my legs and pulling at my arms, I tried to break free but to no avail! If anything, the mysterious force seemed to grow more aggressive as I dragged down even faster!

What the f*ck even is this thing!?

I couldn't even make out what was going around me as the sheer force of my descent forced my eyes shut.

Ah! Someone!

Help me!

In my struggle, the mirror that Master had given me flew out from my breast pocket.

Ah! Yes! Senior Sister!

Why didn't I think of that sooner!

Fighting against my mysterious restraints, I fumbled to grab hold of the small mirror as it spun in the water.

Argh! Just just a little closer!

Got it!

Tapping the mirror's face, I tried to get it to activate. Come on, come on!


Why isn't it working! (o_o ;)!!!

Even after I pumped some qi into the mirror and tried to envision Senior Sister, the stupid mirror wouldn't activate!

Aiyah! What is going on?!

Could it be that these waters are blocking any enchantments from going through!


I felt my stomach lurch as my restraints started to shake me like a rag doll!

Ughh! I think I'm going to be sick! (> ~ <)

Someone! Help! (QAQ)

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