Spring Winds

Chapter 120: Hairpin Engagment

Chapter 120: Hairpin Engagment

"W-what?" I felt my face flush red and my heart palpitate at Senior Sister's words. It felt as if my face were being kissed by a bunch of bees fire bees as it erupted in heat.

Was Senior Sister really asking what I thought she was saying?! No, surely not! Senior Sister won't say such things at least to me, right?

No, no, no! I am sure she's talking about having an excellent sisterly relationship that Yue Li Lei and Ming Xin Ya have!

Sisters that hang out together hold each other's hands, sleep in the same bed, pa pa-

No! Stop thinking about that, Naran! (/// - ///)

However, looking at Senior Sister again, the lovely pink flush brushed over from the tips of Senior Sister's ears all the way down to her smooth neck.

Do my eyes deceive me? Is this really my senior sister? How did my scary and cold senior sister become this love-struck maiden?

"Ahem, well I-I mean, I wouldn't be against it "Wait, why is Senior Sister asking me this question? It wasn't like I was the one who she liked.

Wait a second! Maybe this is all a trick that Senior Sister has planned out! No, no, no; she wouldn't do something so cruel

Or, or! Maybe this is a practice thing for Senior Sister, so when she confesses her love to that special someone, she would be prepared?

Hmm, yeah! That sounds more likely! There's no way that Senior Sister would actually want to be with me, right?

"D-do, do you mean that?" Senior Sister suddenly turned around, revealing her flushed expression.

It was so strange I've seen Senior Sister flushed and embarrassed so many times, yet for some reason, I felt as if I were seeing it for the first time. Simply put, Senior Sister looked breathtaking as her dark pool eyes were downcast and her hands fiddled nervously.

"Yes. I do." I nodded as my face turned as red as a hawthorn[1]. I'll just play along with Senior Sister for a bit. And when the day she does confess to that person, at least then I can live vicariously through Senior Sister's beloved. "Why are you asking me all these questions, Senior Sister?"

"..." Senior Sister didn't say anything as her face continued to redden. "I'm saying." Senior Sister's eyes flickered away, nervous. "That I like you, Zhu Na Ran."

"W-what, you like me like a sister-"

"No!" Coming closer to me, a strange and desperate look appeared on Senior Sister's beautiful features. "Not like a sister, not at all."

"W-what?" I don't understand what Senior Sister means wait. Does that mean? (@o 0 o@)

Standing right in front of me, Senior Sister looked me straight in the eyes as my face started to prick in the heat.

"I-If you don't like me like a sister, then what do you like me as?" I barely stuttered out. Why do I feel so nervous?

Senior Sister didn't answer me immediately, as she nervously brought her hand up to my cheek. The cool sensation did nothing to calm the fire that was kindling within. "I like you as a woman, Zhu Na Ran."


My eyes nearly popped out of their sockets, and I swear I could faint at any second!

Oh, my gods, Senior Sister likes me! Me!

As a woman too! A-ahh, what do I do?!

This must be a dream, right? Some fantasy that I made up within the recesses of my mind?! Did I eat something weird that makes me hallucinate and see and hear things that aren't there?

"I must be dreaming pinch me!"

Senior Sister smiled helplessly before lightly pinching the side of my face.

"Ow, ow!" I hissed slightly at the pain, but it soon replaced the soothing touch of Senior Sister as she rubbed the red area. "Yep, this isn't a dream.

Oh, gods, I think I'm going to faint - no, die of happiness right here!

Ahh, catch me, Senior Sister!" Feeling my legs give out, I quickly felt Senior Sister's arm wrap itself around my waist.

"So I assume that you feel the same way?" Senior Sister asked nervously as she held me up. "You also like me a-as, as a woman?"

"Hmmm." Leaning into Senior Sister, I savored the softness of her company. Hehe, Senior Sister feels so good to lean on ah. "What do you think, Senior Sister~?"

An annoyed look crossed Senior Sister's face as she lightly pinched my waist! "Ow, ow! Sniff, you're such a bully, Senior Sister!

Yes! I feel the same way, okay?" I pouted coyly. "You've become a thief and stolen this maiden's heart, alright?

So are you willing to take responsibility for your wicked actions, hmm, Lian Hua?"

As I expected, Senior Sister's face flushed like a blooming flower as I teased her nickname. Senior Sister tells me not to call her that; however, how could I not do so?

Senior Sister looks so cute when she's embarrassed!

"N-naturally, I will take responsibility." Senior Sister stuttered out. "I would be a fool not to and let you slip away."

"Hehe, you mean it?" I asked, tilting my head, adding to my charm ehe. (* ^ v ^ *)

"O-of course I do!" Senior Sister mumbled. "I like you a lot, after all."

"Hmm, then take good care of me ah. I'm someone that's not very easy to be with." Snuggling into Senior Sister's arms, I savored the warm feeling in my chest.

"Silly." Senior Sister poked my forehead gently. "Don't you think I know that?"

"Hmm, so even if I were a worm, Senior Sister would like me?"

"Yes." Senior Sister nodded with a small smile. "Even if you were a worm, I would love you regardless.

Simply because it is you."


"Your hair has so many leaves in it." Senior Sister said as she picked out another twig from my messy hair. Savoring the feeling of Senior Sister running her fingers through my hair, I couldn't help but close my eyes in bliss!

Hah, it feels so good!

Sitting on a rock beside a small stream, I listened to the babble of the brook as Senior Sister combed through my hair. Hmm, could this be considered our first date?

"How did you manage all of this?" Senior Sister asked as she started to work out all of the knots.

"Hmm, I mainly just twisted it into a big knot! Unfortunately, that technique wasn't very efficient as it only created more knots, haha!

Not only that, it would even come loose after movement.

So I eventually gave up altogether." I shrugged.

"Sigh." A small sigh escaped Senior Sister's lips as I could practically see her shake her head. "No wonder why there are so many loops and knots in your hair.

This might take some time to untangle since I don't have the proper equipment."

"It's fine~! Just tying it up with some string will be fine! Plus, I'm sure Ziya will be waiting for us to return by now!"

"Hmm." Senior Sister hummed as she combed my hair. "Don't worry, I'll he won't mind, so what's the rush?

Just sit still and let me work."

"Okay, boss!" Standing up straight, I tried to help Senior Sister speed up the process.

Midway through the process, Senior Sister took out a small wooden box and asked me to hold it for her. I was curious to see what was inside; however, whenever I tried to sneak a peek, she would smack the back of my hand with the comb.

Sniff, is this how you treat your new lover, Senior Sister? QAQ

Have I been tricked by Senior Sister's beauty?

"Hah, can't you be a little more patient?

You'll see what it is in a moment."

"Herm, but I wanna open it now." The box was just too mysterious! It had a simple appearance of just an old wooden box, but I was confident that something good was hidden away inside. After all, Senior Sister wouldn't carry around something so shabby looking if it wasn't some hidden treasure.

Combing back my hair, I felt Senior Sister firmly hold my hair in one hand and reach for the box with the other. "No peeking, Zhu Na Ran. I mean it."

"Hmph! Fine" Opening the box, I made sure to squeeze my eyes shut so that I couldn't see a single thing. Whatever it was, it sounded very smooth as its material slickly cut through the air with a satisfying 'whoosh' sound.

After some more whooshing sounds, I felt Senior Sister let go of my hair. "Here, what do you think?"

Opening my eyes, I looked into the small hand mirror that Senior Sister held before me. "W-wahh!

It's so pretty!" Sitting atop my head was a new hair ribbon! It felt like it was crafted from the finest of silk and dyed in a soft green color of the highest quality. However, my favorite part of it was the small silver embroidery at the ends of the ribbon. "Did you make this, Senior Sister?

It looks so good!"

"Y-you think so?" I could see Senior Sister blushing behind me.

"Ehm! It looks beautiful!" Standing up, I pulled Senior Sister into a hug. "Thank you for your gift, Senior Sister!" Turning my head, I planted a small kiss on Senior Sister's cheek. "I love it."

"I-I'm g-glad." Senior Sister sputtered as her face grew a deeper shade of pink.

Releasing Senior Sister, I leaned back a bit so that I may appreciate Senior Sister's cute expression in full. Hehe, this never gets old!

Oh, wait! I just remembered!

"Hold on, Senior Sister! I totally forgot. I have something for you too!" Hmm, where did I put it? Fumbling through my breast pocket, I was sure that I placed it here somewhere

"Ah hah! Here it is!" Pulling out the gift I made, I presented it to Senior Sister with both hands. "Here, Senior Sister, I made this for you!"

"Y-you made this for me?" Senior Sister carefully picked up my gift before examining it up close. "This is some remarkable craftsmanship, Zhu Na Ran.

This is beautiful, thank you."

"Ehm! Well, it's just something small and not worth too much value." During my trip around the Mystic Treasure Realm, I couldn't find a suitable gift that would match up to Senior Sister. So I figured that some gifts can't be found. Instead, they must be created. Since Senior Sister didn't care for treasure or gold, I had to think a little bit outside the box.

Using a small piece of green mutton jade, I carved out a small and simple lotus hairpin. Although it couldn't compare to Senior Sister's beauty, nor the other accessories that she had, it was the best item that I could find.

A gift from the heart! How heartwarming ah! (*o v o*)

"Here, let me put it in for you!"


Taking the delicate hairpin, I carefully slid it into Senior Sister's glossy black hair. The green lotus rose from her dark waves of hair, creating a wonderful sight for the beholder. In other words, me hehe!

"So, does this count as a hairpin engagement[2], Senior Sister?"

"E-engagement?!" Senior Sister's face burst into a full-blown blush once more. Ahh, I wonder how many times I would be able to do this! "I-I suppose but don't expect me to give back this hairpin.

It is rude to ask for a gift's return."

I smiled as Senior Sister tried to keep the hairpin in place as if I were going to take it from her. "No need to worry, Senior Sister.

The feeling is mutual. Plus." Wrapping my arms around Senior Sister's waist, I pulled her close. "What's mine is yours and vice versa, yes?

So I don't need to worry about getting the hairpin back at all."

"I-indeed." Senior Sister nodded. "Well, thank you, Zhu Na Ran." Senior Sister suddenly stood on the tips of her toes and planted a kiss on my cheek, the same spot I placed hers. "For the wonderful gift."

"E-eh "A warm, fuzzy feeling started to bud from the spot that Senior Sister kissed. it's not a problem."

Ahh, I guess it's my turn to be the bashful maiden.

[1] hawthorn - a plant with red berries that has a very sweet and sour taste to it. The plant has very medicinal values; however, I prefer the berries in candy form hehe.

[2] hairpin engagement - When engaged to be married, women would take a hairpin from their hair and give it to their fiance. After the wedding, the husband would return the hairpin to his newly-wed bride by placing it back into her hair. In addition, hairpins would be used as a token of love, especially when a couple would be separated. When lovers were forced to break apart, they would break a hairpin in half, each having one half of the hairpin until they were reunited.

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