Spring Winds

Chapter 121: Jealous Girl

Chapter 121: Jealous Girl

'This is going to be an issue.' Ziya thought as he could only silently endure the dog food[1] he was forced to eat daily.

Ever since Zhu Na Ran and Ye Lian Hua became a couple, Ziya's tongue has longed for flavors other than the sickeningly sweet taste of the environment.

"Open your mouth, A-Ran." Ye Lian Hua said softly as she picked up a roasted fish skewer, blowing on it gently. "Be careful; it's still a bit hot."

"Ahhh~." Zhu Na Ran opened her mouth wide before biting into the fish skewer that her paramour offered her.

"Is it good?" Ye Lian Hua asked as she watched Zhu Na Ran gleefully chew her food in utter bliss.

"Ehm, ehm!" Zhu Na Ran nodded enthusiastically as her cheeks puffed up from food. "It's delicious as always, Senior Sister!"

"Eh, then eat slowly." Ye Lian Hua blushed at Zhu Na Ran's words. "No need to eat so quickly. There's still plenty of food left."

"Okay, okay!"


Why is everything so unbelievably sweet!' Ziya lamented on the inside as he took a bite of his fish.

Despite adding additional seasoning to make it spicier, it seems the only thing he could taste was the uncharacteristic sweetness of the otherwise spicy fish.

'I wonder much longer until I can finally taste other flavors than sweetness!'

As Ziya cried within, the happy couple before him didn't seem to notice his "pain." Instead, they were too distracted by one another, as the two girls seemed to be joined at the hip. Neither strayed too far from one another as Zhu Na Ran clung to her senior's arm.

Nevertheless, Ziya somehow managed to finish his food quickly despite the revolting taste of his food.

Watching the pair of love birds, he couldn't help but lament for his partner in crime, Fei Fu Qu. 'Heh, if Miss Fei could see this now, no doubt I'll never hear the end of it.'

While researching all involved parties, Ziya has gotten wind of Fei Fu Qu's fascination for Zhu Na Ran and the extent that she would go for the young girl.

'Ah, all of this effort, only for it to go to waste.

Miss Fei should've let this go as soon as Zhu Na Ran left her all those years ago.' Nevertheless, this factor about Fei Fu Qu proved helpful for him as it granted him an influential partner with a similar motive as himself.

Despite his best efforts; however, Ziya wasn't able to bring up the topic of Zhu Na Ran's mother nor manage to convince her to come with him.

Even worse, the clock was ticking as the window to the Mystic Treasure Realm was opening soon and would only be open for a few hours.

And from the looks of it, it doesn't seem that he'll be able to convince Zhu Na Ran to leave with him. 'And now that she's with Ye Lian Hua, it looks like I've already missed my opportunity.'

After days of receiving dirty looks and grumbles, it finally came to a halt when Ye Lian Hua and Zhu Na Ran returned arm in arm to their camp.

It would've been very convenient to use Ye Lian Hua to help encourage Zhu Na Ran to come with him; however, if she knew his true motives, he knew that it wouldn't go as smoothly as he planned.

'It looks like I'll need to inform Miss Fei of this new development.' Taking a sip of water, Ziya stood up and loudly announced that he was going for a walk.

However, it seems that the couple didn't care or notice, as they didn't even bother to look his way. Both are too engulfed in their little world.

'Hah, I could've just left quietly and received the same result.' Ziya thought as his eyes twitched at the pair. 'Never mind, I can't waste time on something so petty.'



On the other side of the mirror, Ziya could hear the shrill sound of items violently being shoved to the ground.

"Say it again Say it again for me, Sir Ziya!" Fei Fu Qu cried through anguished sobs. Ziya could barely look at the distressed woman as she threw things around her tent in a fit of rage and despair.

"... Miss Zhu has become Ye Lian Hua's partner." Ziya slowly repeated his words to the fragile woman.

"H-hah, haha hah!

Ye Lian Hua, Ye Lian Hua! It's always that woman!" Fei Fu Qu started to laugh as she grabbed onto her hair and fell to her knees. "Why, why?!

What does that f*cking b*tch that I don't have, Xiao Ran?!

Was I not good to you?! Was I not sincere to you all those years ago?!

Hahaha! How much have I endured?!

Haha, how much have I sacrificed only for my beloved to be stolen away so quickly, ahaha?!"

Ziya could only watch in silence as the young woman laughed and cried at her misfortune. "Hahaha! Even worse is, you don't even remember who I am!

You don't even remember our time together, and you just regard me as a stranger, ahahah!

Hahaha, why?! Why?! Why did it turn out like this?!

I did everything I could think of, so why?!"

After a few more hysterical laughs, it seemed as if Fei Fu Qu had come back to some of her senses. "Hahaha so, Sir Ziya what should we do now?"

"Well, we'll have no choice but to resort to the second plan...and frankly the riskier one."

Ziya heard a string of curses come from the other side before it slowly subsided as Fei Fu Qu took a few deep breaths. "Alright.

It seems we really have no choice. The third day is coming to an end soon, and there won't be enough time.

Plus, if that b*tch is around Xiao Ran, it will be impossible to be alone with her. Not when that conniving sl*t has an iron grip around her."

"Ehm." Ziya nodded in agreement. Although he's tried to find ways to talk to Xiao Ran alone, he'd received dark glares, or Zhu Na Ran was too busy giving lovey-dovey eyes to her senior. "It will be a bit more difficult considering we will be losing our element of surprise."

"Hmph, no need to worry about that now." Fei Fu Qu harrumphed as she wiped her reddened eyes. "Luckily for us, the Summer Hunt isn't over yet.

We still have the treasure tally and the closing ceremony. Ye Lian Hua can't stay with Xiao Ran forever."

"Hmm, true.

Alright, I'll think of something for us to do. In the meantime, make the proper preparations regardless of the situation's outcome."

"Alright. But remember, Sir Ziya" Fei Fu Qu suddenly smiled into the mirror with a dead look in her eyes "be sure to keep your end of the promise. Or else."

"Of course, Miss Fei." Ziya smiled. "We're partners in crime, after all.

If you fail, then I fail."

"Em. Remember your words, Sir Ziya."


"Ye Lian Hua, don't blame me for being ruthless." Fei Fu Qu muttered to herself as she stabbed the tiny rag doll with her sewing needles. "You've brought this upon yourself.

You should've stayed away from my Xiao Ran.

You should've just picked anyone else except for my Xiao Ran!"




The doll could only stare back blankly as Fei Fu Qu ruthlessly stabbed at its heart with killing intent livid in her eyes. The needles deeply embed themselves in its plush flesh until they hit the meaty area of Fei Fu Qu's palm.

However, even as her hand started to leak red, Fei Fu Qu didn't seem to care as she continued to stab at the doll. "You should've just died, you f*cking b*tch!

Why don't you just die?!

Die, just die!"

"Sister Qu, what are you doing!" A-Tong quickly rushed over to Fei Fu Qu and struggled to calm her down while also prying the sharp needle out of Fei Fu Qu's hands. "Sister Qu, please!

You're scary, A-Tong!"

Hearing A-Tong cry out, Fei Fu Qu came to her senses briefly before looking over at the terrified girl. "O-oh, A-Tong"

Placing the needle and the doll down, Fei Fu Qu felt ashamed that the young girl had to see her like this, consumed by rage and envy. "You should've notified me of your return rather than walk in like that."

"I-I, t-this servant tried, but." A-Tong struggled to formulate the appropriate words to say as she surveyed the state of the room in horror and confusion.

Smashed porcelain littered the floor, and food laid spilled all over the table, its contents seeping out the broken bowls and flipped plates.

"I don't understand what's happening, Sister Qu. What's going on?!"

"It's alright, A-Tong." Fei Fu Qu smiled as she gently cupped the poor girl's face. "I just got a bit mad, that's all.

I let my anger get the best of me this time."

"B-but, this is the first time it has gone to this extent," A-Tong said as she looked at the destruction. Although her lady had the occasional fits here and there, it slowly seemed to become more destructive as time passed.

The image of a dignified young lady who was slow to anger has now morphed into something that A-Tong didn't recognize. Even though A-Tong knew that she would never leave Fei Fu Qu's side, she hated to see Fei Fu Qu become like this.

A woman who was slowly fading further and further away from her true self. "Did something happen while this one was gone, Sister Qu?"

"Ehm." Fei Fu Qu nodded softly. "It seems like that b*tch has gotten to Xiao Ran first.

She stole Xiao Ran away from me. She stole Xiao Ran away from us."

"W-what?" A-Tong couldn't believe what she was hearing. "What do you mean, Sister Qu?

That can't be! After all that you've been through- Why?!" Fei Fu Qu has disregarded her health, family, and future for Zhu Na Ran's love, yet it never seemed to be enough!

What else did Heaven want from her?

Her pride?

Her sanity?

Her life?


They could have it all as long as Zhu Na Ran was in her arms!

Even if she had to disregard her noble origins and become a demon, she would do it in a heartbeat if it means that Zhu Na Ran would belong to her and her alone!

"Haha, it's exactly as it sounds, A-Tong. The heavens are so greedy not to grant my only wish!

How much longer until Heaven recognizes my efforts? How much longer until Xiao Ran sees that I'M the one she should be with!

NOT Ye Lian Hua! NOT Little fox! NO ONE but me!

I'm the one who took her in, who raised and trained her! So why do others get to reap the benefits of my hard work, and I'm left with NOTHING?!

Hahaha, I'm not even left with any crumbs to taste. Isn't that so funny, A-Tong?!"

"Sister Qu." A-Tong couldn't bear to see Fei Fu Qu so frantic and furious. "Sister Qu, you'll get your way; you just need to wait-"

"Wait?" Fei Fu Qu laughed hollowly as she started to laugh again, mockingly. "Hahh I've waited for so long, A-Tong.

I've waited for so many days and nights wait?

How could I wait any longer? What has waiting brought me?

I waited for the right opportunity to confess to Xiao Ran and what happened? She was taken away behind my back.

I waited for the opportunity to reunite with Xiao Ran finally, and what happened?! The stolen venomous woman stole her away!

I'm tired of waiting, A-Tong! Now now is the time for action, and anyone who gets in my way will pay!"

'Hah Xiao Ran, your second sister is a hideously jealous girl.

If I can't have you, no one else in the world can!'

[1] dog food - excessive PDA. Haha, poor Ziya. First, he was the center of ZNR's ire, and now he's a forced consumer of all of YLH and ZNR's PDA.

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