Spring Winds

Chapter 123: Discarded in Autumn

Chapter 123: Discarded in Autumn

Standing within his own little interplane, Long Yuan leisurely scrolled through the chapters of "Heaven's Storm."

Since so much has already changed since his arrival, Long Yuan didn't want to risk losing out on any more treasure or beauties. After all, these things were meant to be his, so how could he easily let these good things slip through his finger?

However, unlike instances where he would scroll through the plotline for fun or for researching the latest and most extraordinary treasures, Long Yuan was on an active hunt for a plot point that he was sure wasn't included in the original.

Recently, Long Yuan's system had granted him a new revelation.

The Mystic Treasure Realm was without an owner.

"How is this possible, Zhuang Zhi?

This fact was never mentioned in the book that one could possess the Mystic Treasure Realm for themselves?"

Such an occurrence hasn't appeared in any historical records in thousands of years!

However, if this event had really occurred within the novel, how could he have glazed over such an important fact!?

To be able to possibly an entire realm would grant one with endless resources and treasures!

Any sect or school would be slaughtering each other for such a thing, but little to no people knew wouldn't that mean that he could easily walk away with such a treasure with no one after him?

'Hahaha! It looks like my sh*tty luck is finally turning around!' If he could obtain this realm for himself, wouldn't that make him any different than a god amongst men?

Perhaps this is another realm correction!

This surely is a reward for his hard work and compensation for all the good things he has lost!

With the number of resources in his possession, he could probably branch off a lot sooner than the original Long Yuan!

Imagine! Him! A sect leader of his own sect with countless little brothers and beauties by his side!

"Ah haha, it looks like this master might not have to deal with these countless f*cking sect rules or bow down to old geezers any longer!"

"Ehm, yes, previously, this was the case. However, since there have been considerable changes made to the original plotline, naturally, the natural order of things will try to make up for it.

Work hard, Host."

Soon after, on the light blue screen, a new mission popped open.

[Obtain the Three Realm Keys to unlock item: {The Mystic Treasure Realm}

Current Realm Keys: 0/3]

"Haha, good, good!" The more good stuff for him, the better! Haha, after all, it was hard work being the hero of the world.

'Hmm, so I need to get three keys, huh? Quite fitting.' Three beauties, three keys, what else could this place possibly grant him?

Whatever it was, Long Yuan was confident that it would be some super OP world-breaking item that would gain the envy and awe of anyone who witnessed it.

"Heh, this master better get to work."

After all, the Mystic Treasure Realm wasn't going to obtain a master all by itself.

Returning to the present realm, Long Yuan felt some weight on his chest padded with a rather plush feeling. Smiling without opening his eyes, Long Yuan patted the head that lay on top of him, letting the soft sensation slowly lull him out of his dream state.

"You seem rather pleased with yourself." Long Yuan chuckled.

The fox demon cocked her head at him with a smile as she propped herself up. "Hmm~, this concubine supposes so~.

This little woman wonders what was so joyous of a dream that Darling would smile and laugh in his slumber, hmm~?"

Long Yuan coughed, awkward that being in his inner-plane would result in sleep talking. 'This could be rather dangerous.

What if I had leaked something important during these short moments of weakness?'

At that point, Long Yuan decided that he wouldn't enter this inner plane unless he knew that he was truly alone. After all, he couldn't risk letting his treasures slip through his fingers at these instances of carelessness.

"Aha, naturally, Meng Li knows me best. Of course, this master was thinking of being with you."

The demon woman looked at him with an eyebrow raised, amused at his answer. Although it looked as if she didn't believe him, she didn't press any further on the topic much to his relief.

Looking at Meng Li, he noticed that the handprint on her face was gradually starting to fade away thanks to her supernatural abilities and some healing creams. However, even so, the redness of the wound was still somewhat visible if one stared hard enough.

"Who was it again that did this to you, Meng Li?" Long Yuan asked the voluptuous woman beside him.

The fox languidly tilted her head up to look up at the young man as a smile played at her lips.

"Why? Does Darling intend to seek justice for this concubine~?" The fox demon asked coyly, nuzzled her cheek against his arm as her many tails flickered behind her.

"Of course." Long Yuan smiled as he leaned down to match her gaze. "What kind of man would let the one who hurt his concubine walk freely? Hmm?"

'Plus, whoever it is, is just another cannon fodder. This master is already being pretty merciful for letting them live peacefully up until now.' Long Yuan thought as he stroked the fox's tails in thought, to which the demon shuddered in pleasure.


Darling treats Meng Li the best~!" The fox cheered like an innocent maiden as she affectionately nuzzled her face into his arm.


Unbeknownst to Long Yuan, his continuous pampering of the concubine was what was slowly destroying his wife.

This resentment wasn't just limited to just one woman, but multiple older wives started to become disillusioned.

"Hmph! Big sister, did you hear?

Our husband has already taken in three more concubines! It has been barely a few weeks since our latest younger sister has joined, and now our husband wants to add more!

How could our household possibly house in more?" One of the older concubines gnawed her handkerchief in resentment. Despite her youthful, pure, and delicate looks, a large crease of scorn started to form between her painted brows, marrying her appearance.

Although she knew that she wouldn't be the first woman nor the last in Long Yuan's court, she couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy. "It's been so long since our husband has visited any of us, and with more women, wouldn't that mean that his visits would be less frequent?"

"Ah, Big Fifth Sister, why are you so worried? It's only natural that a spectacular man like our husband would want a few younger sisters around.

How could someone like him be without plentiful heirs to expand the bloodline?" A mature-looking woman chimed in as she languidly fanned herself with a delicate circular fan.

"Heh, easy for Little Eighth Sister to say.

You're already pregnant with our Lord's child, so what worry would you need about your position?" Lady Fifth harrumphed as she glared at Lady Hei Yao's stomach that was barely starting to swell.

"Hmm, perhaps if you tried a bit harder, the Lord wouldn't have grown so bored of you so quickly ah~?" A haughty-looking noblewoman laughed behind her long sleeve.

"Big Fifth Sister has been in our Lord's court a lot longer than this little sister, and yet the Lord still is at least strolling through this little one's garden~."

"You-!" Lady Fifth pointed at the noblewoman, furious."Big Third Sister, how could you stand for such humiliation?!" Lady Fifth turned to Li Hua with indignation written all over her face.

Li Hua smiled wryly at this concubine-born cousin that dared to climb into her husband's bed. "Little Fifth Sister, please hold back your anger. Naturally, as one of our Lord's women, Little Sister would need to bear with it, right?"

Lady Fifth's face flushed with embarrassment, yet could find no rebuttal to Li Hua's words. "...Yes, this younger sister will remember Big Third Sister's words."

"Hmm, good." Li Hua nodded with mild satisfaction. "Alright, it's getting late, and this madame feels tired.

You're all excused." Waving her hand, all of the ladies paid their final respects before hurrying out of her courtyard.

"Sigh" Li Hua rubbed her head which throbbed after hearing all of those women clattering for so long.

"Third Madame, let this servant massage your legs for you." Li Hua's head servant girl quietly came up beside her. This was one of the original dowery maids that had followed her during her marriage.

"It can't be easy for Third Madame now that Young Master is due soon." The maid smiled at Li Hua's swollen stomach that was covered by a thin blanket.

"Hmm, it would be easier if the Lord were here. Then this madam wouldn't need to hear those shrill voices that keep flocking to this one's courtyard."

"Madame, don't be like that." Her maid frowned as she tried to massage out the knots in Li Hua's legs. "Since there isn't a First Madame yet, and Second Madame has gone into seclusion naturally, you're the only one whom these ladies would voice their complaints to."

Li Hua let out a cold laugh. "What a joke.

What could this madame do to sway the Lord's actions? The Lord wouldn't even visit me nor write even though this madam is with child.

Hah, those women are merely wasting their breath and youth on such a flippant man."

"Madame! How could you say that about your Lord?" The maid asked as she quickly looked around the room, worried that someone would overhear her mistress's words.

"Let them hear if they want.

It has nothing to do with this madam anyways." Li Hua casually waved her hand. "No need to massage this madame's legs any longer.

This madam wishes to be left alone."

Although it looked like the little maidservant wished to say more, she kept her mouth shut. "Yes."

Finally, at peace, Li Hua looked out at the beautiful garden outside her window. The carefully manicured land always seemed like a dreamland before; however, now it was evident that it was nothing more than just a gilded cage.

Rubbing her hands, Li Hua found that they didn't seem as soft as they were before. The effects of age and stress were starting to show as her hands grew dry and wrinkles started to appear.

Truly, it seems like the backcourt life of hers have shaved off a few of her years. Even so, Li Hua couldn't find it within her to care about this too much.

Li Hua wondered about how she even found herself trapped here in the first place.

How did she go from treasured daughter of Li Clan of the Shui Nation to the forgotten third wife?

For someone of her status, she would've naturally been the venerated first wife of any other prominent noble family, so how did she get here?

Hah, truly, this was too ridiculous

Wistfully sighed as she reminisced her youthful days as bitterness coated her tongue. Li Hua gazed out at the fallen flowers that lay scattered in her courtyard with a wry smile.

"If life was nothing but that first meeting in happiness,

Whence came to the sorrow like a discarded fan in Autumn?

How can you be compared to the affectionate and amorous emperor of Tang?

When he had only wanted and loved one woman Yang Yu Huan"[1]

[1] A famous poem was written by a Han Dynasty consort -- Consort Ban. Titled as 'Song of Resentment,' she compares herself to a fan used in Summer but discarded when Autumn arrives. Ahh too sad, much too sad (i _ i)

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