Spring Winds

Chapter 122: Mosquito Bites

Chapter 122: Mosquito Bites

[Warning: This chapter may contain some parts that aren't appropriate for people under the age of 18. So if you're under 18 you didn't see anything. (;; - v -)]

The rest of the days following that wonderfully blissful day flew by like a fleeting warm breeze on a cool spring night as the sweet perfume of flowers intoxicates your mind and body. A feeling that just gets you so giddy and relaxed that you don't know what to do with yourself.

And I don't know what to do with myself. (///3///)

When faced with the beauty and charm of Senior Sister, naturally, one would fall dumb and foolish to her looks.

And, of course, I'm no exception to this rule.

Hehe, if anything, I'm the victor in this situation!

How many have offered their wealth, status, and love to Senior Sister only to be turned down?

All walks of people tried their best to win over her love, and all have failed

Except for lil ol me, of course! Hehe! (^ v ^)

I could imagine them all! Rolling in their jealousy and grievances as I stole away one of if not the most refined beauty in all the land!

Looks! Status! Wealth! Talent! And beauty, who dares say that their first, if Senior Sister claims that she's second?


No one!

"Hahhh this is the best." Inhaling the sweet flowery scent of water, I snuggled deeper into bed as I cuddled my 'pillow.'

If only I can experience this bliss every second of my life ah (*^ ^*)

This must be my reward for my years of misfortune! Maybe Senior Sister is my lucky duck of prosperity? Or perhaps, this was the combined efforts of nine generations of luck?

Whatever the case is, Senior Sister is mine, and no one else can have her! They'll have to pry my cold hands off her before they can even think of taking Senior Sister from me, hahaha!

"Hehe, maybe in their dreams they can imagine Senior Sister sparing them a glance."

The cloudy softness of Senior Sister's skin combined with the warm coolness of her body just made me want to fall deeper into sleep and never wake up.

Hmm, yes, this must be the fruit of victory I'm savoring

It's super tiring competing against all of Senior Sister's potential suitors ah.

"Haha what are you laughing about?" A tired and sensual voice asked as long fingers ran themselves through my hair.

Ahhh, Senior Sister's scalp massages are the best! (/// v ///)

I could feel myself fall back to sleep again ah

"Hmmm, just thinking about how lucky I am." The special treatment of courageous heroes or golden emperors: fine food to eat and the laps of beauties to sleep on.

Who could ask for more?

"Hah... " I heard Senior Sister let out a small laugh as she continued to comb her hands through my hair. "Really now?"

I could practically see Senior Sister raising her brow at me.

"Hmm, yes, yes... " I nodded as I snuggled in a bit deeper. "I must be the luckiest person ever to have Senior Sister as my lover."

"You" I felt a slight pinch on my shoulder as Senior Sister's skin heated up a bit. "When have you become such a sweet talker?"


"Hmm, why? Is my Lian Hua embarrassed?" Lifting my head up from my 'pillow,' I glanced at Senior Sister's face. "Do you not like it when I compliment you, Lian Hua?"


Sure enough, it was an attractive red berry color that made me just want to bite into this juicy fruit.

Hmm, I wonder what it will taste like?

"Ahh! What are you doing?!" Senior Sister hissed as she tried to shove my head away from her face as the color on her cheeks deepened as the small hickey on the side of her jaw started to take form.

Hehe. ( V )

"What? I just wanna give you my loveeee!" I tried to go for a kiss, only to be met with a palm to the face rather than the plushness of Senior Sister's face. "You didn't have any issues with it before~."

"Y-you! You!" Senior Sister sputtered, temporarily stopping her movements; this allowed me to swoop in for another kiss.

Hehe, this is fun!

Nuzzling my nose along the side of her face, I savored the feeling of Senior Sister going still before curling into me slightly. Her body perfectly fitting into mine as I peppered kisses up her face before slowly descending down her smooth and pale neck. Tiny marks appeared like plum blossoms on snow as Senior Sister's neck grew flush.

"H-hah, wait, A-Ran ah!

Don't, um-!" Senior Sister could barely form words as she sucked her lips between her teeth; her eyes grew dewy like a fawn's as my hands started to explore the smooth expanse of her leg, from the tip of her toes to her thin ankles, up the bend of her knees, and finally to the pale softness of her thighs.

Hmm, I don't think I'll grow bored of this feeling, nor will I tire of the small and sweet sounds that Senior keeps letting out~.

"You're so cute when you get like this, Lian Hua~.

Hmm, my Lian Hua~ hehe."

"S-stop, don't say such things, ah-

Um, hah" A breathy sigh escaped Senior Sister's lips as I started to caress the smooth inner areas of Senior Sister's thighs.

"Hmm, are you sure that you want me to stop, Lian Hua?

You seem to like this quite a bit, I must say~.

Hmm, who knew that my beautiful senior sister could get like this~." I pulled back to enjoy the view as Senior Sister's hair fanned around her head like a halo and her black watery eyes grew teary from my teasing.

Ahh, I don't know why, but teasing beauties is so fun~!

Oh no, am I becoming a bully?

"Y-you! You!" Senior Sister sputtered as her face grew a deeper shade of red. "A-ahh! Behave yourself! She huffed as she weakly tried to pull away.

There's still Sir Ziya, um, hah outside!"

"Hmm~." Smiling down at Senior Sister's flushed cheeks, I brushed the stray strands of hair from her face. "Oh, is that so?

Well, I suppose we'll just have to keep quiet, don't you think, Lian Hua~?"

"Zhu Na Ran!" Senior Sister hissed before it suddenly turned into a breathy sigh. "Y-you, you! If Sir Ziya, h-hears, ah!

Hah, hah... uhhh!"

Hmm, I suppose it's not good to continue if a lady doesn't want affection, right?

"Okay." I smiled. Removing my hands from her body completely, I moved to grab my clothes that were strewn around the tent from last night's "training."

"If my Lian Hua is so concerned about Ziya, then I suppose I have no choice but to obey Senior Sister's words."

"W-what? Wait!" Senior Sister suddenly reached out and grabbed my hand, preventing me from leaving. "D-don't don't go." My lover sheepishly mumbled out as she pleaded between heaved breaths. "I-I don't want you to leave or stop."

"Oh?" I raised a brow, enjoying the rare and pleasing view. "But Senior Sister was quite adamant about having this junior stop and leave?

How could I be so shameless as to disregard Senior Sister's fervent request?"


Suddenly, I felt my balance shift and our roles reversed as I found myself lying on the ground while Senior Sister straddled me on top.


I didn't think that Senior Sister would do such a thing. (/// v ///)

"What's this?

Senior Sister taking the initiative? I didn't think I would have the chance to experience this rare and unthinkable moment."

"S-shut up" Senior Sister muttered out as her face became as bright as a lantern. "You don't really leave me with much choice."

Leaning back, I was curious what Senior Sister had in mind to change our positions like this.

Long black silky hair spilled like ink over Senior Sister's pale smooth body like painted rivers. Pink dust brushed themselves over Senior Sister's neck and shoulders as her hands timidly rested themselves on my stomach. My lover's breaths grew haggard as she nervously started to move her hands upwards as the cracks of the morning light illuminated her salacious intentions.

Ho-ho! Wow! (///0///)

What an image to behold so early in the day! Dang, is it my birthday, New Year's perhaps? Why am I getting spoiled with such delicious treats? (/// 3///)

"Oh? Really?

How so?"

Senior Sister narrowed her eyes as her reddened cheeks deepened color. Bringing her head down, her face hovered above mine. "You Just you wait

I'll punish you for this, ah-" Grabbing hold of Senior Sister's behind, I squeezed it and felt its elasticity.

Hmm, not bad.

The sensation wasn't the same as my 'pillows,' but they had a nice firm texture to them.

"Oh? Really?" I asked as I continued to massage Senior Sister's behind. "How kind of you to warn this auntie.

Although, I think you should've acted sooner if you wanted to be efficient and effective, don't you think, Lian Hua?"

"H-ah, uhm" Senior Sister could barely formulate proper words as she collapsed onto my chest, her soft sighs tickling me as her nails dug into my arms. "Y-you, you!

Ugh, hah, hah!

Ah-!" Cutting off Senior Sister's words, I swooped up and gave her pink lips a taste.

The plump softness let out a sweet and addictive taste that was just as potent as the first time I tasted them. It was a little bitter at first, but as the flavor reached the back of my throat, it became pretty refreshing!

Hehe, this is great!

Reaching up, I grabbed the back of her head to deepen our kiss. Feeling Senior Sister's body start to tremble before tensing up, I couldn't help but smile.

Ahh, what a great way to start the day!


Senior Sister said that I have to sleep outside now! (; ;)


Things were going so well ah! (i v i)

Just earlier today, we were so lovey-dovey, but now it was as if an iceberg had come between us!

"Senior Sister, please." Using my signature look, I hoped it would be enough to sway her decision, but all that I was met with was the cold brush of winter!



"No!" Senior Sister hissed between her teeth as her face grew red in rage and embarrassment. "If I sleep in the same tent with you again, then the same occurrence will happen again!

How many times did I have to tell you?! No visible marks!

What is this? What are you? A feral beast?" Senior Sister tugged at her collar, revealing the small speckled spots where I have sprinkled my love and affection.

Ahh that. ( o 3o)

"Hehe, I'm sorry, Senior Sister, I can't help it!" Something within me just wants to give her skin a little taste ah! (; v ;)

"It's just my way of showing my love for you!" And to ward off any bastards who might have leary thoughts of taking my woman!

But mainly, the first reason.

"Are you worried about Ziya? Didn't he already point it out during lunch?"

"Yes!" Senior Sistered hissed through her teeth as her blush increased. "It was so embarrassing!"

"But didn't you say that it was only a mosquito bite?

And by the way, that's so hurt ah. Calling your lover a blood-sucking bug." ( ; 3;)

Wrapping my arms around Senior Sister's waist, I hugged her back. "Also, so what if Ziya sees?

He doesn't care!" If anything, he seemed relatively supportive, and he even congratulated us! So what was the big deal?

"Yes, but what if someone else other than Sir Ziya sees them, hm? I can't say that a large mosquito came over and attacked me over the night." Senior Sister huffed as she pinched my hand.

"Ow, that hurt, Senior Sister!" I pouted! "I think it's going to leave a mark!"

"Good, at least then you know how I feel." Senior Sister remarked as she soothed the area she pinched. "Hah, just be more discreet next time okay?"

"Oh? So does that mean I can continue with my love bites?"

"Just be gentle, alright?"

"Hehe, if that is what my Lian Hua wants, how could I not obey?"

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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