Spring Winds

Chapter 86: Rings

Chapter 86: Rings

"Oiyah!" Covering her mouth, Zhu Na Ran was shocked by the sudden bold gesture of Yao Mei. 'And to think that girl was dense to love.

Aiyah, now who's the one being the most passionate? (/)

They grow up so fast.' (^///^)

Although before she was unfazed by their acts of love, that was because it was all on stage. It was a play.

However, now it was a little awkward, for her, as she was now literally a few feet apart from them, feeling like an unknown third wheel.

'Ah, even so, the dog food is still sweet,' she thought as she looked away, coughing embarrassment as her cheeks pricked in heat. 'Ahh, you two~.

Just pretend that this auntie isn't even here, ah~.'()

After their kiss of reunion, Wan Li managed to pull herself away to catch her breath. "A-ah Mei, what, what are you doing here?"

"What do you mean? Haven't you been waiting for me?" Yao Mei nodded over to the forgotten wooden lunch box.

"Y-yes, but I was prepared to wait a long, long time.

However, I didn't expect that I didn't need to wait that long at all," Wan Li muttered as her eyes watered. Turning her head away, she tried to brush away her tears. "It was only a few months"

"Em," Yao Mei hummed in agreement as she grabbed Wan Li's face to make her face her. "I couldn't just keep you waiting."

"No!" Wan Li shoved Yao Mei away as more tears poured out.

'Ohhh, drama' Suddenly, Zhu Na Ran was feeling peckish. 'Tsk, they didn't even bring this auntie any snacks this round? ( )

Aiyah, what a pity.'

"Sniff," Wan Li tried to wipe away her tears while avoiding Yao Mei's outstretched hand. "I-If you really loved me, then you would keep on living.

N-not, just die on the battlefield in such a vain manner!"


'Aiyah, indeed, Yao Mei. Aiyah, indeed,' Zhu Na Ran nodded in agreement as she munched on a meat bun.

She wasn't sure how she got it in her hand. However, she wasn't complaining.

'This world sure does have many mysteries.

Best not think too hard on it for this auntie's sake.' While she ate, Yao Mei was trying to console the crying Wan Li, to no avail.

"Don't cry, don't cry."

"How could I not cry!? I never wanted you to die in such a horrible place! Especially since" Wan Li stopped talking as she let Yao Mei pull her into her embrace. Leaning her head on Yao Mei's shoulder, the tears gradually dried up as she took in a few shaky breaths. "Why did you do it, Ah Mei?

Why did you let yourself get killed?"

"I think I ask you the same question, Ah Li."


Zhu Na Ran looked between the two of them, as neither of them continued to speak. However, her main attention was on Wan Li, as she, in her opinion, was the one who owed her lover an explanation.

'Girl, you can't just expect Yao Mei to live on without you.

This girl was practically in suicide watch! oAo

She didn't join the army in hopes of a stable life! She joined so that she could die as a martyr instead of having to face the karmic guilt of killing herself!' (;A;`)

Of course, Yao Mei never thought of such a thing.

However, Zhu Na Ran wondered why Yao Mei was so go-lucky, even in battle. Always, making reckless and thoughtless moves at times.

However, only when the hits and attacks became fatal, did Yao Mei start fighting for her life.

One would question their true intentions with such a reckless character, but perhaps this was just her reading into this too much.

'Aiyah, this girl is too confusing.' Zhu Na Ran shook her head as she leaned back in her chair. She wasn't sure how it came to be, but once again, she wasn't going to question it.

'Though, it feels a bit awkward to be in such proximity to such a touching moment.' (.)

After all, it's different watching something from a stage, then less than five feet away.

It just felt like she was watching something a little too private.

"... I thought that if I were gone, you'd be able to live"

"Huh? What are you talking about, Ah Li?"

"You've probably already heard from Su Jian, that my father found out about us"

"Em," Yao Mei frowned as her brows scrunched up in confusion. "I have."

"Well, my father gave me a choice," Wan Li looked up to see what Yao Mei's expression was. "He said that if I married Su Jian, he would forgive me for the whole affair and let you off."

"And if you didn't?"

"He said he'd cut off your hands that dared lay hands on me b-before" Wan Li's face turned pale and sickly as she recounted her father's threat. "Slaughtering your right in front of me

I-I I couldn't but-"

"Enough," Yao Mei pulled her closer to her, resting her head atop Wan Li's. "You don't need to think about it anymore.

But, you should've at least married Su Jian. At least then, you'd be able to live a good and comfortable life."

"If I married him, then I wouldn't even be able to see you again, even in the afterlife!

I would be bound to him forever!"

"Ah Li"

"N-no," Wan Li shook her head at Yao Mei. "At least, with me dead, my father would have no reason to punish you, sniff.

He may be a horrible man and an even worse father, but he isn't an unreasonable man who acts out of spite.


"Aiyah," shielding her eyes from more dog food, Zhu Na Ran let the couple have their moment. 'This is getting too out of hand here. (*)

The way the two of them are acting now is bound to lead some pa pa pa soon.' And although she wasn't one to discourage such a thing, again, the difference was the distance between them!

She didn't want to see spring[1] in action just a few feet away!

How awkward would that be!? ( )

Luckily for her, the pair didn't go beyond a passionate kiss.

"You silly, silly girl," Yao Mei sighed as she brushed away Wan Li's tears from her face. "I would be a hundred times willing to die if it meant that you would be safe and sound."

"I don't want that though, Ah Mei.

I would rather that the two of us be together forever, regardless of the circumstances."

"Hmm, well, I suppose that will come true.

After all, this is our second life together, isn't it?"

"Ehmm," Wan Li cracked a teary eyes smile. "One more, and it's set in stone."

"Heh, then let's work hard," Yao Mei smiled as she kissed Wan Li's forehead. "You go first, I don't want you to be sad when I leave."

"Silly," Wan Li shook her head. "Together, remember?"

"Em. Together."


"Ehmm," rolling around, Zhu Na Ran's eyebrows scrunched together in dissatisfaction as she slowly regained her consciousness. "Achooo!"

'Ughh, allergies.'

Peeking her eyes open, the bright moonlight shown directly into her sleepy eyes, much to her annoyance.

"Ahh, five more minutes," she mumbled as she rolled to her side, blocking out the moonlight. At least the lily flowers gave a decent amount of coverage.


Lily flowers?'

Rubbing her eyes, she checked to see if her eyes were deceiving her as perhaps this could be another illusion.

However, looking around, she couldn't help but feel like she was still within her dreamscape as the once barren land bloomed with white lily flowers around the statue of the two love birds.

"Hmm, how fitting"

"Herm" A quiet sigh beside her tore her attention from the stone sculpture.

"Senior Sister," leaning over the older girl, Zhu Na Ran almost didn't have the heart to disturb her senior's slumber. 'Ahh, Senior Sister looks so cute when she's asleep!'

Resting amongst the blooming lily flowers, Ye Lian Hua resembled a flower fairy, and had an almost ethereal glow.

Looking over her senior sister, she couldn't help but feel like the cow herder peering at the fair spinning maid[2].

Unknowingly, she ended up staring a little too long as her senior sister's dark and enchanting gaze met hers.

And for the briefest of moments, it was as if the world came to a standstill, in the moment of flowers.

"How long do you plan to stare at me?"

"Eh hehe." Snapping out of her trace, Zhu Na Ran scratched her head as she backed away, sheepishly. "Sorry, Senior Sister."

'Ah, that was weird,' she thought as she coughed awkwardly, trying to ease the tension as her ears burned just a tiny bit.

"Um, we should get out of here."

"Ah, yeah," she nodded in agreement. "Best not to hold up the others, right?"

"Eh. Yes."

Awkwardly, the two of them got up from the floor, avoiding each other's glaze as they brushed the grass and loose petals away from their clothes.

Summoning her sword, her senior sister helped her onto the blade before the two of them slowly rose to the stop.

Arms wrapped her senior sister's waist, Zhu Na Ran felt drowsy once more. 'Ah, perhaps I inhaled too much of that sickly plum blossom perfume, bleh.

There must be some sort of medicine within it that makes me feel so sleepy.'

Resting her head on Ye Lian Hua's shoulder, she greedily took in the fresh cold air as they came closer to freedom. 'Ah, this is truly the best!'

Tilting her head to the side, she looked down at the place from which they came.

'Eh? Do my eyes deceive me?'

Squinting her eyes, she was sure that saw Yao Mei and Wan Li standing in the field of lilies where the statue once was, waving at them farewell.

However, with another blink, they were gone; leaving an empty field of white flowers behind.

'Oh well, maybe this is just the after-effects of that accursed plum blossom scent.' Snuggling into her senior sister's shoulder, she couldn't help but let the drowsiness take over.

'It's not like Senior Sister would let me fall off anyway, so what's a little nap?'


The pair was quick to reunite with the other disciples. They appeared a little worse for wear, but otherwise, unharmed.

In fact, some of the disciples were rather curious as to what had happened to them and the serpent that attacked them.

Zhu Na Ran enthusiastically gave them the rundown of events. From when the snake almost ate her but then befriended her, to the completed tale of the two lovers; she had to take a few tea breaks as her throat grew parched from talking so long.

However, it didn't matter as she found some kindred spirits in some of the disciples.

"Yao Mei is too painfully dense! If only she had picked up the signs sooner!"

'Yes, yes! I agree!' ( A) YES!!

"Aiyah, at least the pair got to be together at the end."

'Yes, I suppose Heaven's did have some sense in reuniting the pair.' ()

As they chatted away, the rest of their mission proved itself to be rather quick and simple; with the demonic seal, luckily still in place.

Reinforcing the seal with a few extra enchantments, they were finally freed from this long and tiresome journey.

Perhaps the real trial was the journey all along.

"Aiyah, finally we can go back home! Just in time for the New Year too!" (*)=3

She could already imagine it now, a grand feast of fish, dumplings, roasted duck!

'Ehhh, I suppose I still need to gather Master's ingredients though.

Aiyah, the work never ends.' _(:_)_

"Hey Martial Aunt Jing Ran," one disciple asked. "Where did you and Martial Aunt Jing Hua get those rings?

Where are they a part of the treasure?"

'Eh? ( )?

Ring? What ring? Senior Sister?' ()

Looking down, she found that on her left thumb was a slim jade green ring. And one of high quality too as the vibrant translucent jade glowed brightly with life.

"Eh? Where did this come from? ()

A-and how did it get on my finger?!" She didn't recall anything slipping onto her thumb, nor does she recognize this ring from anywhere! Tugging on the ring, it didn't budge. "What?

Just come off!" (A)

Gritting her teeth, Zhu Na Ran tried her hardest to remove her ring until her thumb felt like it was going to fall off. Alas, despite her efforts, all she received was a sore thumb and a strange ring that appeared unharmed from her harsh tugs.

"Aiyah," she sighed as she rubbed her pained thumb. "What kind of treasure is this?" (#)

'Hmm, he mentioned something about Senior Sister and I have matching rings. I wonder if that's true!'

Rushing over to her senior sister's side, Zhu Na Ran grabbed hold of Ye Lian Hua's left hand.

"J-junior Sister?!" Ye Lian Hua's face glowed brightly at the sudden gesture. However, Zhu Na Ran didn't have within her to care at the moment. She had to figure what the hell were these thumb rings, and why she and her senior wore a matching pair!

"Not now, Senior Sister, I'm testing something out!"

Gently lifting up her senior's left hand, Zhu Na Ran inspected the jade thumb ring that sat on Ye Lian Hua's slim finger.

"Hmm" Lifting up her own hand, she scrutinized both rings. "Strange, very strange. _

Excuse me, Senior Sister."

"Eh? What are you doing?"

Tugging on the ring, Zhu Na Ran tried to remove the jade ring from her senior sister's thumb, but to no avail. "Interesting These are a stubborn set of rings," she muttered as she observed how when in close contact, there seemed to be a magnetic force that pulled her hand closer to her senior sister's.

'Very bizarre.' ( )

"What is going on, Junior Sister?"

"W-wah? Senior Sister didn't you find it strange that these rings magically appeared?" Not to mention, the fact that they couldn't remove them?! !?(_;?


Seeing as her senior sister looked to be at a loss for words, and albeit tired, she let the situation go. "I'll admit that they're fine rings, however, there must be some sort of magic in them!

Afterall, jade rings don't come out of thin air!" ()

"E-eh, well if it worries you so much, we can talk to Master about when we get back."

"Hmm," Zhu Na Ran tilted her head at her senior sister's oddly flushed face, despite her best efforts to hide such. 'Weird, very weird

Ah!' ()

Letting go of Ye Lian Hua's hand, Zhu Na Ran realized why her senior sister was so flustered! She was still holding her hand after all this time!

"Hehe, sorry Senior Sister." Dropping her senior sister's hand, Zhu Na Ran savoured the fleeting moments of Ye Lian Hua's cuteness. 'Ahhh, how refreshing!' ( )

"O-oh, it's fine," grabbing back her hand, Ye Lian Hua cleared her throat as her face returned to its calm and steady appearance. "Ahem, we should probably keep up with the others."

"Alrighty!" Zhu Na Ran was about to grab hold of her senior sister's arm, however, decided against it. After all, her senior sister didn't need to carry the extra weight again. Especially after just having to fly them back to safety out of those caverns.

'Senior Sister doesn't need to carry the extra weight.

Although, is it me, or does Senior Sister look a little disappointed?'

[1] spring - spring is sometimes used as a metaphor for intercourse. Note: my title has nothing to do with this euphemism. :/

[2] cowherd and the fair spinning maid - also known as 'The Cowherd and the Weaver,' its a Chinese folk tale. The tale of the cowherd and the weaver girl is a love story between Zhin the weaver girl, symbolizing the star Vega) and Niulang (the cowherd, symbolizing the star Altair). Their love was not allowed, thus they were banished to opposite sides of the heavenly river (symbolizing the Milky Way). Once a year, on the 7th day of the 7th lunar month, a flock of magpies would form a bridge to reunite the lovers for one day. There are many variations of the story, but the one thing that I was trying to make a reference to, was the fact that the cowherd was kind of spying on the spinning maid before stealing her clothes and then making her marry him. Not the most romantic thing, but the point is, ZNR felt like she was almost looking at something that she wasn't supposed to. :p

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